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Wednesday 31st August 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

Henare Te Herekau said he would make a list of the cases the hearing of which he would apply to be adjourned to Foxton – the land and the people being there.

Mangahanene No. 3 – Succession

Claim called – No appearance – Applicant said to be at Bay of Islands.


Section 85 – Otaki

Claim called – No appearance – Applicant in Auckland.


Turangarahui No. 2

Claim called

Roiri Rangiheuea – sworn

I live at Manawatu. I belong to Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Rangiheuea. He was my father. He is dead. I cannot give the date of his death. I saw his death and burial. He had a share in Turangarahui No. 2. He made no will or other disposition of this land. There are several of his children alive beside me – viz

Ripeka Winera, Katerina Te Puke, Te Roera, Roira (myself)

We are all adults. We want to succeed in equal shares.

Objectors challenged – none appeared

Ordered that Roira Rangiheuea, Ripeda Winera, Katerina Te Puke and Roera Rangiheuea to succeed to rangiheua in equal shares as tenants in common.

Fees - £1.0.0

Totaranui Section No. 11

Hemi Kuti – claim called to succed Harate Wi Neera.

Hemi Kuti – sworn

I belong to Ngati Raukawa and live at Otaki.

I knew Harate Wi Neera. She was a sister of mine. She is dead. She left several children –

Wi Neera – Riria is the eldest – about 13 years, Hohepa is next – about 11 years, Sarah is next - about 9 years, William is next – about 5 years

Those are all. She made no will or other disposition of this land.

No objectors.

Ordered that Riria Wi Neera, Hohepa Wi Neera, Sarah wi Neera and William wi Neera ought to succeed in equal proportions and that Wiremu Neera and Hemi Kuti aboriginal natives of Otaki be appointed trustees.

Fees - £1.0.0

Whakarangirangi No. 1 – Section 10


Kapiti No. 3

Claim called

Hemi Kuti – on former oath

Harati Kuti in order and Harata Neera in claim are one and the same person.

Same evidence mutates mutander as Totaranui

Ordered that Riria Wi Neera (13), Hohepa Wi Neera (11), Sarah Wi Neera (9), William Wi Neera (5) ought to succeed that Wiremu Neera and Hemi Kuti of Otaki be appointed trustees.

Fees - £1.0.0


Claim called – deceased owner Rewi

Te Hira Maeke sworn

Court found that riwai Te Ahu’s name was not in grant.


Tutangatakino No. 7

Hakaraia Te Ukena called – withdrawn


Pukehou No. 4

Netahio Tauehe called

Aterea Tauehe – sworn

Matarena Tauehe was one of the registered owners in this land. I am Netahio – father – I am of Ngati Raukawa.

Matarena was my wife. She is dead. She was Netahio’s mother. She made no sale on other disposition of this land. Netahio is her sole surviving child.

I ask that he be ordered to succeed to his mother. Netahio is about 17 years of age.

No objectors.

Ordered that Netahio Tauehe should succeed to interest of Matarena Tauehi and that Aterea Tauehe and Thomas Ransfield of Otaki h.c be appointed trustees.

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid

Pukehou No. 4

Hemi Ransfield to succeed Noti Ranapiri

Hemi Ransfield – sworn

I am of Ngati Kapu, Ngati Tukorehe – of Ngati Raukawa.

I live at Otaki, sometimes also at Waikato.

Noti is dead. She died at Oroua. I saw her death and burial. Noti was my own child – about 6 years at her death. I want to succeed to her interest.

No objections.

Ordered that Hemi Ranapiri ought to succeed to the interest of Noti Ranapiri

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid

Personal Estate

J. H. Hawkins – Solicitor – said I appear for Roka Hekairo.

Roka Hakairo – sworn

My husband’s name is Poihipi. I was married legally by Govett. Poihipi – my husband is dead. He died at Waikanae. I saw his death and burial. My children by him and are all dead.

My husband left no will. He was possessed of money. It was in the bank – (Savings Bank – Passbook produced). I want an order of the court to enable me to recover this money from the bank. Interest will have assured in the amount £72.5.0

No objectors.

Ordered that roka Hekairo ought to succeed and that order recommending be issued.

Fees - £1.0.0


Ngawiki Matene to succeed Mohi Tarapuhi.

Claim called

Ngawiki Matene – sworn

My name is Tauteka. I am of Ngati Raukawa. I live at Otaki.

I knew Mohi Tarapuhi. He is dead. I don’t remember the year of his death. He died at Rangitikei.

The name Paekete is the same as Opaekete in the application. He left no children. I don’t apply to succeed myself but for Te Hitau and Te Aohau and Piu. I am neice of Mohi Tarapuhi. Those I have named as the proper persons to succeed him are children of other nieces of Mohi. I don’t desire to succeed. Piu is Watene’s child.

No objectors.

Ordered that Hitau Te Ranginui, Atohau Nikitine, Piupiu Te Watene ought to succeed to Mohi Tarapuhi.

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid

Kahukura No. 1

Hirawanu Manahi to succeed Katarina Kita.

Hirawanu Manahi – sworn

I live at Katihiku. I belong to Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Katarina Kita. She was my sister – only sister. I am her only brother. Katarina left 2 children named Keiha Katerina (8) and Henare Katarina (6 years). I desire to have the children appointed to succeed to Katarina. I should be the trustees with Tieki Hawea of Katihiku h.c.

No objectors.

Ordered that Keiha Katarina (8) and Henare Katarina (6) ought to succeed and that Hirawanu Manahi and Tieki Hawea h.c of Katihiku be appointed trustees.

Fees - £1.0.0


Irihapeti’s claim



Irihapeti’s claim



Irihapeti’s claim


Ohau No. 7

Nepia Taratoa and others to succeed Atereta Taratoa.

Winiata Pataka – sworn

I am one of the co claimants. I live at Horowhenua. I belong to Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Atereta Taratoa. She was my aunt. She is dead. She died in 1879. I saw her buried. She was an owner of Ohau No. 7. She left no children. I want the names of Nepia Taratoa and Erenora Maraki named as her successors with me. We are all adults.

No objectors.

Ordered that Winiata Potaka, Nepia Taratoa and Erenora Maraki and Akuhata Hemi should succeed Atareta Taratoa.

Fees - £1.0.0

Rauawa Ohau or (Ohau No. 3)

Winiata Potaka – on former oath said this is the same land as is known to the court by the name of Ohau No. 3.

Atareta Taratoa was one of the registered owners of this block.

The same evidence mutates mutandi’s as in last case.

Ordered that Winiata Potaka, Nepia Taratoa, Erenora Maraki and Akuhata Hemi (13 years) ought to succeed Atareta Taratoa.

Fees - £1.0.0


Winiata Pataka to succeed Atareta Taratoa.

The same evidence mutates mutandi’s.

Ordered that Winiata Potaka, Nepia Taratoa, Erenora Maraki and Akuhata Hemi should succeed.

Fees - £1.0.0

Ohau No. 7

Hema Te Ao to succeed Makareta Tahirangi.

Hema Te Ao – sworn

Makareta’s name not in list of owners.


Muhunoa No. 7

Hema Te Ao to succeed Tereturu Te Hau.

Hema Te Ao – sworn

Adjourned till tomorrow

Section 368 Camaroon

Claim called – applicant dead


Section 367 Camaroon

Claim called – applicant dead


Section 1857 Camaroon

Claim called – applicant dead


2 Sections 362 Camaroon

Pera Ruhana to succeed Hemara Raukawa.

C. L. McLean – Solicitor said I appear for Pera Ruhana and apply for adjournment of hearing to Marton.

Application granted.


Mohi Heremia to succeed Hohepa Te Tihi.

Mohi Heremia

I am unable to state the nature of the title to this land.



Mr McLean – Solicitor applied for adjournment of this claim to Palmerston.



Mr McLean applied for adjournment of this claim to Palmerston.


Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2C

Ramari Arapere to succeed Aropere Tu Kuwhare.

Ramari Arapere – sworn

I live at Manawatu. I belong to Ngati Whakatere of Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Arepare Tukuwhare. He was my husband. He is dead. He died in 1878. I saw his death at Manawatu. He had children viz –Erenii Rangiheuea – Ereni’s name is already in the title.

I don’t wish her to succeed. Ropoama Arapere is another. He is adult. Tewiata arapere.

I want these two last to be appointed succession to their father.

No objectors.

Ordered that Ropoama Arapere and Tewiata Arapere should succeed Arapere Tukuwhare.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2D

Henere Herekau to succeed Ria Herekau.

Henere Herekau – sworn

I live at Manawatu.

I am a minister of the church of England.

I knew Ria Herekau. She was my wife by legal marriage. She is dead. I saw her death and burial. She left no will or other disposition of this land before her death. I want to know if I may not succeed with Hoani Taipua.

Court informed Henare that it was governed by Maori custom and would make an order in his favour.

No objectors.

Ordered that Hoani Taipua should succeed Ria Herekau.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu No. 2E

Henare Herekau to succeed Nopera Herekau.

Henare Herekau - on former oath

Nopera was my child. He died in 1878, November of that year. He was not married. He was 30 years old then. He left no issue. He has a sister alive. Nopera’s claim to this land was through me as well as his mother.

I wish Nopera’s sister Kerenapu to succeed. Kerenapu is married.

Objectors challenged – none

Ordered that Kerenapu Hiratuaiti should succeed Nopera Herekau.

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid

Te Whakahokiatapango No. 1

Henare Roera to succeed Wiremu Paiaka.

Henare roera – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Wiremu Paiaka. He was my father’s brother. He is dead. He died at Muhunoa in 1871. I saw his death. He made no disposition of this land by will or -----. He left no children. I am his nearest of kin. My father and I are his nearest relatives.

I want an order to succeed in my own name only.

Roera Hukiki said I consent to Henare being declared successor to W. Paiaka.

Ordered that Henare Roera should succeed Wiremu Paiaka.

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid.

Personal Estate

Mr McLean said I appear for Maikara Wiremu Parata and Mere Wiremu Parata.

Mr Hawkin said since the morning, it has been discovered that there are other personal effects of Poihipi Hekairo and we as counsel would be glad to have the opinion of the court in this matter.

Mr McLean said I will call Maikara wiremu Parata.

Maikara wiremu Parata – sworn

Merania Taramana is my name since my marriage – click on view to see family tree

Mr McLean said there are two horses, 2 ploughs, 9 cows.

Mr Hawkin said – if the court ruled that the persons Mere and Merenia are entitled to succeed and will give a further opinion in the morning. On behalf of his client Roka Hikairo he would consent to an arrangement with the two younger women.

Court said it would give its opinion in the morning.


Irihapeta Hihana’s claim to succeed Hare Wirikake – no appearance.


Muhunoa No. 3

Kipa Hoera’s claim to succeed Hore Te Kataroa.

Henare roera – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.

Hori Roera and Hori Kaharoa are two names for one person – by the former. He appeared in the order of court. Hori Roera is dead. I saw his death and burial about 2 years ago. He had an interest in Muhunoa No. 3. He had no children. I wish Kipa Roera

Roera Hukiki

Henare Roera, Kuiriua Roera, Tahu Roera, Hori Roera, Kerahi Roera, Kipa

We are all alive except Hori.

Court suggested that as Kipa Roera was the only one whose name does not appear in order that his be shown should agree to allow him to succeed to Hori’s interest.

Court adjourned until 10 tomorrow.


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 19 October 1881 201 - 207.pdf


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