Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 22 December 1879.
- Description
Monday 22nd December
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Kurukohatu – Subdivision
The persons interested stated they had agreed to the subdivision of this block.
Handed in sketch of the subdivisions.
Click on view to see sketch
Kurukohatu Block
Order to be made in favour of Pirimona Puhikaru, Poniwahio Pita, Tiaki Hawea, Kerehoma Paratawa, Hirama Te Hoia, Tamihana Te Hoia for Kurukowhatu No. A.
Fees - £1.0.0
Order in favour of Hutana Ngarangiorehua, Hohaia Te Pahau, Pouawha Te Manea, Hirini Te Pahau, Whioi Kerehoma, Teamo Kaigh, Humia Ngarangireohua, Te Paraha Panawha, Tatana Te Whataupoko for Kurukohatu B.
Order made in favour of Metera Karaha, Hakaria Te Wera, Eru Te Haunga, Mihipeka Tatana, Kereama Kaiaho, Ramari Te Hirama Poniwahio Hakaria Te Wera, Tipene Te Karaha, Anihaera Hone, Kiriona Whamaro for Korukohatu C.
Fees - £1.0.0
Order made in favour of Manahi Te Humu, Hirawanu Manahi, Moihi Enoka, Henere Korouaputa, Nepia Te Rau, Te Oti Kerei Te Hoia, Wireti Te Ruinui, Mere Parewahawaha, Rakapa Whamaro, Irihapeti Tamihana Te Kumu, Hane Manahi, Kiriona Tuhera, Ani Kiriona, Ahenata Hapi, Piripi Kopi, Pia Rouawha for Kurukohatu D.
Fees - £1.0.0
For original order see Page 186.
Ohau No. 2 – continued – Succession
Koroniria Rangiwhakaripa – sworn
I knew deceased Kapareire. He was perfectly same prior to his decease. He spoke about his land. He said his share in Ohau No. 2 should go to Makere Ranapiri and to myself. He did not desire any to go to his daughter. He gave no reason for this. His daughter was at Ohau when he died which was at Ranapiri’s house. No one told her his death was near. He left a document transferring his interest to Makere and myself. I saw him sign it. He signed it with his own hand.
Hoani Tawhiri wrote the body. He was present, James Purere, myself and Makere, Hoani is in Napier, Purere is here.
Xed by Ranapiri
There were only the four present when the document was made.
By the court
When deceased was very ill, he was brought from Ohau to Otaki to Makere’s house. His daughter did not come nor did she come all the time he was ill.
Hemi Purere – sworn
I was present at the signing of the document made by Kapareire. I saw Tapere make the document which left Kapareire’s share of Ohau No. 2 to Makere and Koroniria. He signed the document of his own free will. The signature to the document is my signature as witness.
Order made in favour of Makere Ranapiri and Koroniria Rangiwhakaripa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Pukehou No. 4 – Subdivision
Adjourned to future court
Waerenga – a8 – r1 – p0 – W.D. 413
New claim
Teimi Ranapiri and Riria Ranapiri – claimants.
Claimant had to go to Cambridge – Dismissed
Ranginui – Adjourned claim
Pene Te Huirae and others
No appearance – adjourned until arrival from Wellington
Rangiuru – adjourned claim
Pipi Kutia and others – adjourned as above
Court adjourned until 3rd January 1880.
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