Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 5 January 1880.
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Monday 5th January 1880
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Waopukatea No. 1- Subdivision
Metera Te Karaha and others
Hapi Rangitawata could not give names of persons in the order of court. If he knew the names, he could arrange the subdivision.
Karanama Kapakai appeared and gave the names of the owners.
Names not correctly given, Karanama stated the names he had given were in No. 1, 2 and 3.
Claim adjourned until information could be obtained.
Tuahiwi No. 1
Kipa Whatanui – claimant
Claimant appeared and stated that the plan before the court was not of his land and if the court had no proper plan he was content to let it be dismissed so as to not delay the court.
Mr Carkeek stated the plan for this land had been sent in 2 years before.
Adjourned fro the present.
Pene Te Huirae and others
To stand over until Wallace’s claim of Rangiuru is heard.
Rangiuru – a45 – r0 – p0 – W.D. 233
Pipi Kutia and others – adjourned until next day
Tamati Ranapiri – claimant
No plan certified – Dismissed
Ngakaroro No. 3 – Subdivision
Hapi Rangitewhata
People nearly all absent at Porotawhao. Hapi said he had asked the people to come and they would not come.
Ngakaroro No. 4 – a913 – r0 – p0 – W.D. 326 – Subdivision
James H. Wallace
Hames Howard Wallace – sworn
The plan is correct and has been passed by the chief surveyor and this land shown on the plan is a part of Ngakaroro No. 3. I mean in Ngakaroro No. 2F.
The land as shown on the plan is the portion cut off for me. My house is in the corner as shown on the plan.
Ngati Huia gave their consent to these boundaries. They laid off their own boundaries and I laid off mine. They have a right on the north side of my piece. They cut the south line that my boundaries might be defined. They also cut the North and East lines.
South of this land is Ngawhakangutu and belongs to me. There is only one person who ever disturbed me viz – Hema Te Tewe. He only objected when they did not know their boundaries. The objection was settled.
I am not aware there is any contention about the North and East boundaries. They (Ngati Huia) fixed them. I wish my name alone to appear in the order.
Court adjourned until 2 pm.
Case resumed at 2.
Objectors challenged
Hapi Rangitewhata – sworn
The survey of Ngakaroro No. 2F was mine and a judgement was made in favour of T. Rauparaha alone. This was in 1874. This land shown in the map, I have a claim to.
J. H. Wallace stated that this land had been awarded to himself and Tamihana Rauparaha and was not in the award of Ngakaroro 2F but was awarded separately and he wanted only his boundaries defined by the court now the approved plan as required in the order had been supplied to the court.
The court found that an order had been made in 1874 of this land to Tamihana Rauparaha and J. H. Wallace and the order stated a certificate would issue when a duly certified plan was sent in. This was the correct survey and duly approved and therefore the court could only approve the plan and proceed to endorse the approval and send the plan to chief surveyor Auckland in order to carry out the order of court made by Judge Rogan.
The application for subdivision there was no occasion for, therefore the court would send the plan to Auckland for the certificate to issue.
Claim dismissed.
Court adjourned.
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