Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 2 September 1881.
- Description
Friday 2nd September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
Ohau No. 3
Nikora Huarau and others to succeed Huriana Huarau
Nikora Huarau – sworn
I belong to Ngati Tukorehe. I live at Ohau.
I knew Huriana Huarau. She is dead. She died at Ohau. She was buried at Ohau. I wish to succeed with the children of Hoani Huarau. We are
Myself, Te Ruia Huarau (f), Hani Huarau (f), Tohetaua Huarau (m) 12 years, Ratuhi (f) 8 years
I wish Te Ruia and Hema Te Ao to be appointed trustees for the children.
No objectors.
Ordered that Nikora Huarau, Te Rina Huarau, Hoani Huarau, Tohetaua Huarau, Ratuhi Huarau ought to succeed and Te Rina and Hema.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Ohau No. 3
Piue Te Konga to succeed Tarihira Te Konga
Piue Te Konga – sworn
I live at Ohau. I belong to Ngati Tukorehu.
I knew Tarihira. She is dead. She died at Manawatu 1876. She was my cousin. I saw her death. She was an owner of Ohau No. 3.
I want myself and my brother Paranapa Whakauohi to succeed. Tarihira had no children.
No objectors.
Ordered that Pine Te Konga and Paranapa Whakanohi ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Te Ngae
C. Whitehouse to succeed Murari
Mr McLean – Solicitor for Mrs Whitehouse explained that the application should have been a claim for land instead of a succession.
Mrs Whitehouse said that this claim was proposed by by Mr Willcock – clerk to the court and if any ------ ---- to him ------- directed to send in a new claim.
Karaitiana Te Tupe to succeed Tamati Mukaka
Karaitiana Te Tupe – sworn
Mr McLean conducting
I knew Tamati Mukaka. He is dead. I saw him die about 1878 at Waikanae. I don’t know about any will. I have not heard of any will. He left one child – female named Poarore about 12 years.
I wish the court to declare her the successor. Tamati never sold all his land. This part has not been sold.
Objectors – none
Ordered that Poarore (f) 12 ought to swucceed and that Wi Parata h.c and Eruini Te Tupe of Waikanae be trustees.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Ohau No. 1
Kerehoma Kairangi to succeed P. Potaua - deceased not an owner
Ohau No. 2
Ohau No. 3
Kerehoma Kairangi to succeed P. Potaua
Kerehoma Kairangi – sworn
I live at Porirua. I belong to Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Toa.
I knew Hana Potaua. He is dead. About 9 years ago. He was buried at Ohau. He had children viz - Te Hiwi Piahana. There is no other child. I am a cousin to Te Hiwi. Te Hiwi wishes us to succeed to Piahana Potaua.
Te Hiwi Piahana – sworn
Piahana was my father. Kerehoma is my cousin. I wish Kerehoma to succeed with me to Piahana’s interest.
No objectors.
Ordered that Te Hiwi Piahana and Kerehoma Kairangi ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Ohau No.
Roha Koronirea to succeed Marua Koromiria
Roha Koromiria – sworn
I live at Ohau. I belong to Ngati tukorehu.
I knew Marua. She was my sister. She is dead. I did not see her burial. I heard of her death. She had no children. We were by the same father and mother. I have one sister named Hera Ani Mohi alive. We are the sole remnants of our family. Hera Ani is already an owner of this land.
Koromiria Whakawhiti – sworn
Roha is my child. Hera Ani is my daughter. She wished me to see Roha’s name put in as successor to Marua.
No objectors.
Ordered that roha Koroniria ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Ngakaroro No. 2F
H. Taipua to succeed Mukakai disposed of.
Ngakaroro No. 3
Hekita Iwi Makitouore to succeed Iwi Makitouore
Will made.
Mangahanene No. 2
Metera Te Karaha to succeed Tepi Tuta
Metera Te Karaha – sworn
I belong to Otaki of Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Matutaera Te Karaha. He was my nephew and son of Topi. Matutaera had no children or other nearer relatives than I am.
I wish to succeed to Matutaera.
No objectors.
Ordered that Metera Te Karaha ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Waihoanga No. 2A
Hira Maeke to succeed Ruruhia Maeke
Hira Maeke – sworn
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Awa.
I knew Ruruhira. She was my wife. She is dead and buried at Waikanae. She left children named Te Aka Arangi (f) 14 years.
Te Aka Arangi was her only child. Ruruhira was one of the owners of this land. I wish te Aka to succeed and Ropata Te Ao and I to be appointed trustees.
No objectors.
Orered that Te Aka Arangi (f) 14 should succeed and that Ropata Te Ao and Hira Maeke be appointed trustees.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Waihoanga No. 3D
Hohupuha Kareanui to succeed Maraea Te Wharerakau.
Hohipuha Kareanui – sworn
I live at Manawatu. I belong to Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Maraea. She was my cousin. She is dead. She died at Hauraki and was buried there. I did not see her death. I only heard of her death. Maraea Purewa was her other name. she was an owner of this land. She did not sell or make a will respecting it. I wish to succeed her. I have sold it since her death.
Ngarati Te Tewe, Riripeti Ngamura and Winara Pariau objected.
Ngarati Te Tewe – sworn
I knew Maraea. I did not see her death. I am a relative of hers.
Te Aopiki – Te Maka
Matangi, Te Ahoaho, Wharerakau
Te Makanga
Paratahuru, Ngarata Te Tewe
Riripeti Nganui – sworn
I am related to Maraea through
Rangipapanui – Kate
Matangi, Te Kingi Kohetu, Maharata, Riripeti
Hohipuha Kareanui
Te Hira Katihiku
Te Ngapu, Te Hira Katihiku,
Witness – I knew Kate. He was after Te Ngapu.
Ordered that Hohipuha Kareanui, Ngarati Te Tewe, Riripeti Ngamura and Winara Paria ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Hei whenua kei Otaki.
Te Rangimuna to succeed Pereti Te Rangimahitu.
No appearance.
Hemia Te Hana to succeed Horomona Torenui
Humia Te Hana – sworn
Copy of grant.
I live at Whanganui. I belong to Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Horomona. He was my father. I saw his burial. He was one of the owners of this land. He made no sale or other disposition of this land. I am his only child. I want to succeed.
No objectors.
Ordered that Hunia Te Hana ought to succeed.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Humia also applied to be appointed trustee for Patihona (m) 8 years.
Court found that ---- had been appointed for the minor.
Hakuai - Section 19
Hemi Arama to succeed Pene Arama
James Ransfield appeared with authority on behalf of Hemi Arama
James Ransfield – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Pene Arama. He is dead. He died last summer. He was one of the owners of Hakuai Section 19. He has children – Aropata Arama (m) 10, Pirinoa (f) 6, Mita Arama (m) 4
No objectors.
Ordered that Aropata Arama (m) 10, Pirinoa Arama (f) 6, Mita Arama (m) 4 should succeed and that Mikaera Te Papa of Waikato and Hoani Taipua of Otaki be trustees.
Fees - £1.0.0 – paid
Hemi Kuti to succeed Harate Wi Neera – crown grant produced dated June 27
Hemi Kuti – sworn
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Harate Wi Neera. She is the same person as Harate Kuti in C Grants. She was my sister and was the person named in the grant. She died and was buried at Otaki about 3 years since. She did not dispose of the interest in any way.
I wish to have her interest given to Riria. Hohepa, Sarah and Wiremu her children and that Raiha and I be trustees.
No objectors.
Ordered that Riria Wi Neera (f) 13, Hohepa wi Neera (m) 11, Sarah Wi Neera (f) 9, William Wi Neera (m) 5 ought to succeed and that Raiha Kuti and Hemi Kuti be trustees. Inalienable.
Fees - £1.0.0
Pukehou No. 5
Hemi Kuti to succeed Te Hau o Taranaki
Hemi Kuti – on former oath
I knew Te Hau o Taranaki. He is dead. He died last January and was buried here in Otaki. He was an owner of this land. He sold it to me. Conveyance produced.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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