Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 26 November 1879.
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Wednesday 26th November
Palmerston North
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Wairarapa – Reserve – Manahi Paewai and others
One of the claimants appeared and stated that the claim had been heard at Napier.
Tuwhakatupua No. 2 – Hutana Kaihinu and others
Awahuri and other pieces – Hoeta Kahuhui and others – Subdivision
Mr. Alex McDonald appeared for the claimants.
Dr. Buller appeared for successor of Koore Te One and objected to the subdivision as there was a mortgage for £2000.
Mr. McDonald replied.
The court was of opinion that as large interests were involved and under the circumstances of no grant being produced, it being in possession of mortgage, the claim must be dismissed.
Mr. Booth applied for an adjournment until tomorrow to allow of the people arriving.
Pukehou No. 5A
Enereta Te Rangiotu Te Kooro Te One
Dr. Buller appeared for claimant.
Enereta Te Rangiotu – sworn
I am wife of Hoani Meihana and live at Oroua Bridge.
I knew Kooro Te One. He is dead. I saw him carried to his grave. I am his sister. He had no other brothers or sisters. He died intestate. I wish to succeed him. He had no children.
Objectors challenged – No objectors.
By the court
He had two wives but no children by either.
Renau Wharepukaru – sworn
I am one of the grantees in this block.
I knew Kooro well. He left no will. Enereta is the only relation he left behind. She is nearest of kin. He left no children.
Order to be made in favour of Enereta Rangiotu.
Fees - £1.0.0
Oroua – 310 acres
Enereta Rangiotu to succeed to Kooro Te One.
Enereta Rangiotu – sworn
I knew Kooro Te One. He was given an interest in a piece of land at Oroua. He has the same I have just given evidence about. I am nearest of kin.
Objectors challenged.
Order to be made in favour of Enereta Rangiotu to succeed Kooro Te One to whatever interest he might have had at the time of death.
Rangitikei Manawatu B
Enereta Rangiotu claims to succeed Noa Te Tata.
Enereta Rangiotu – sworn
I live at Oroua.
I am Hoani Meihana’s wife. I knew Noa Te Tata. He is dead. He died a long time ago. I was present at his death. He left no issue and no will. Noa was elder brother of Kooro Te One and was my uncle. All his brothers and sisters are dead. Kooro had a title to this land and I applied to succeed him.
Objectors challenged.
Tino Tangata – sworn
I knew Noa Te Tata intimately. Enereta is his nearest of kin living. He left no issue. He had neither brothers or sisters.
Order made in favour of Enereta Rangiotu
Rangitikei Manawatu B
Enereta claims to succeed Reupena Te One.
Enereta Te Rangiotu – sworn
I am wife of Hoani Meihana and live at Oroua Bridge. I knew Reupena Te One. I was present at his death. He was buried at Awahuri. He had an interest in this land. He died intestate. I am his only surviving child. Kooro who is dead and myself were his only children.
Objectors challenged
Tino Tangata – sworn
I have heard Enereta’s evidence, it is all true.
Order made in favour of Enereta Rangiotu
Aorangi No. 1
Enereta Te Rangiotu claims to succeed Reupena Te One.
Enereta Te Rangiotu – sworn
I claim to succeed to Reupene Te One. He was my father. He is dead. I was present at his death and burial. I am his only surviving child. I know this land. He died on this land. His name is in the Memorial. I wish to be appointed in his stead.
Objectors challenged
Mr. Alex McDonald appeared and opposed on account of claimant having married away from the tribe and the land was a tribal title.
The court stated that it would take evidence tomorrow as to native custom.
An application for adjournment until tomorrow was made and court adjourned at 4 pm.
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