Otaki Maori Landcourt Minutebook - 13 April 1874
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Monday 13th April 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Waihoanga No. 1
The court said that Ngati Huia had established no claim and the judgments in favor of Rawiri Te Whanui and Ngati Ngarangi each to supply the names for the order.
Waihoanga No. 3
Court ordered that Pene Arama’s claim in this land should be admitted with Ngati Maiotaki hapu names to the furnished.
Waihoanga No. 4
Hapi Te Horohau – sworn
I live at Otaki.
I am Ngati Tuara. I have an order in my favor for the block between Waihoanga No. 3 and the Otaki River.
Objectors challenged
Rakapa said – there is no objection to giving Hapi an order for land. We have agreed about the names now and there is no dispute.
Courts ordered that an order be made in favor of Hapi Horohau and his co claimants – Ngati Tuara – when a list of the names has been furnished by him.
The court gave judgment in favor of Hapi Te Horohau and the Ngati Tuara and with them will rest the admission of any of the other side into the order or otherwise.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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