Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 7 January 1880.
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Wednesday 7th January 1880
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Taumanaka – continued
Tamati Ranapiri – sworn
The portion near Potahi Creek was the property of my ancestors - the Ngati Korehu - hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
When Ngati Raukawa largely occupied, my father’s occupied this land. Other hapu’s occupied. Wallace’s ancestors lived some short distance from where mine lived. They lived at Te Hanga te Kaka. My ancestors lived near the swamp, a little to the east of Wairere between that and the river.
By Hema Te Ao
I want the portion I claim for myself, brothers and sisters.
Hoani Taipua – sworn
I shall speak about the pa’s.
I claim on behalf of all Ngati Raukawa. I claim the church. All the people are interested in this.
Ngati Huia occupied Pakakutu, Ngati Pakohatu, Ngati Turanga, Ngati Maiotaki, Ngati Kikopiri – the portion nearest to Pakakutu were occupied by Turanga.
Ngati Maiotaki have a title to land at Taumanaka. It is on the map of Rangiuru. Wairere belonged to Ngati Pare, Ngati Maihi, Ngati Whakatere hapu’s. They had rights near the church.
Xed by Hema
I do not wish the graveyard to be given to anyone person. I did not see Horohau’s people working at Taumanaka.
Te Puke – sworn
Ngati Kikopiri and Ngati Turanga and Tuhorangi hapu’s occupied from Rangiuru up to Taumanaka when Ngati Raukawa first occupied the land. At the time of Kuititanga, Ngati Raukawa came on to Rangiuru. Kopiri, Tuhoranga Ngatuora hapu’s lived at Horohau.
Akau and Horohau came on the land prior to Hema Te Ao’s ancestors. Mangapouri was given to them by Akau and Horohau.
Xed by Hema Te Ao
We did not go to live at Ohau.
Neri Puratahi – sworn
Hopenui and Rauparaha were the first who came on to this land. Akau who came also, was mother of Horohau. She came with Rauparaha. She was his wife.
Ngati Whakatere were the people who came next. They were a hapu of Ngati Raukawa. They fought for this land as also did Rauparaha.
Rangihurinui was killed by my people. We also took Kawana Hunia’s mother. I came on this land immediately after Rauparaha. The land was marked before the main body came.
Court adjourned until 2 pm.
Court resumed.
Xed by Hema Te Ao
Rauparaha and his wives were the first to come also Ngati Toa. Others also came with Rauparaha.
Afterwards, Ngati Whakatere came. I don’t know of Te Puke’s coming here. I cannot say when Horohau came. I know a portion near Taumanaka belonged to Ngati Kikopiri and Ngatuara it from Horohau inland that was the lore. Taumanaka was not included in Horohau’s cultivations. Pipi Kutia lived at Rangiuru and had cultivations there. The cultivations were made in previous years at Taumanaka when her brothers and sisters were alive.
Hema Te Ao’s case.
Renau Wharepukerau – sworn
I am a Ngati Kauwhata. I live at Awahuri and live.
I know the land now before the court. I knew about this land after Haowhenua.
Te Ao’s father lived on the land after Haowhenua. His name was Nikora Te Ao. At Taumanaka, there were clearings made by him and his people. They were cultivating at the time of Kuititanga. After this, the big pa was occupied at Rangiuru.
Ngati Kauwhata have no title to the bulk of the land but all the hapu’s have a title to the pa’s and burial grounds.
We had no cultivations at Horohau. It was all sand. All Ngati Raukawa went on the beach for pipi’s.
By Assessor
Horohau had no cultivations or houses at Taumanaka. I am not aware of the Totara tree being a boundary mark.
By Piwiki
I know the Totara tree. It is not a post put in by your fathers as a boundary mark.
Hoani Taipua – sworn
I know Taumanaka. It belonged to Nikora and Te Puke and their hapu’s.
The pa’s of Puke’s people were along the boundary of the part reserved. My hapu, Ngati Pare, worked at Taumanaka. The flax reserves there, belonged to the fathers of Hema Te Ao. They had houses but none by the side of Waitohu Stream.
I know of no one who dwelt there. I always knew that Puke owned the land right up to the river. Had any one gone to work without permission at the flax, Puke would have turned them off.
Xed by Piwiki
I was born at Rangiuru.
Called by Ranapiri – Manahi Te Umu – sworn
I know Taumanaka and the portion which adjoins Waitohu. This portion belongs to Ngati Kapu. Hone Te Tihi is one of the chiefs. Their occupation commenced on the first coming of Ngati Raukawa.
The children of Hone are living there now. Rawiri and Mohi are their names. They have lived under their own title on the land.
Xed by Hema
I am not aware of their houses are there at present.
By Piwiki
The post at Horohau is a boundary of Horohau and Ngati Kikopiri.
Ngahora – sworn
I know Taumanuka and I know the portion lying close to the Waitohu.
It belongs to Hone Te Tihi. It was occupied by them long prior to Kuititanga and cultivated there. They did not work as far as the mouth of the river. It was further inland. Hone lived on the south of the stream.
Xed by Hema Te Ao
I was a constant resident there and therefore my evidence is better than Manahi’s.
I never saw any cultivations of Hinarau’s near the mouth of the river. They are this side. I only saw flax dressing at Taumanaka. Everyone was engaged in it.
By the court
J. H. Wallace – recalled
Rauparaha had a pa on the 45 acre piece (Rangiuru).
Manahi Te Umu
I know this block of 45 acres. It was Ngati Huia’s. Rauparaha had a pa there. The land ought to be granted to the Ngati Huia hapu.
Court adjourned until next day to allow lists of names to be supplied for the three blocks viz – Taumanaka, Rangiuru and Taumanaka – 137 acres.
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