Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 15 January 1880.
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Thursday 15th January 1880
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Pene Arama – sworn
The edge of the swamp belonged to Pare. Huia had nothing to do with it. There is an island west of this land in the swamp that Ngati Pare cultivated. We cultivated there up to 2 years ago. We also had eel weirs by the side of the island. Raranga claimed through Kaeo who was thrust off for adultery with Matenga’s wife.
Pene – re examined by Tamihana Te Hoia
We left 2 years ago. Our peach trees are still there.
Mukakai was a younger relation of my father’s and worked on the island. He left and returned it to us – the proper owners. Our working on the island gave us, Ngati Pare, a title not only to the swamp but to the bush.
There was no rahui or raupo. Perhaps only 10 flax, bushes were there. Raupo is valuable but does not come into this plan largely.
Karanama Kapukai – sworn
Poka and Makukai first lived on the island. The island alone was Makukai’s. The eel weirs were mine.
Hoani Taipua is Makukai’s grandson. Pene is not as near of kin.
I claim the island and swamp. I consider Kipa’s boundary to be along the edge of the bush. I have a right to two chains of the swamp.
Ngati Huia alone caught eels. Ngati Pare did not come into the swamp for eels. Their work ended with the Taurara’s in the bush. Pare never worked in the swamp until Kipa surveyed the land. I was here when Pene Arama’s claim was heard.
By Hoani Taipua
A part of the swamp was included in the award to Pene who is a Kahoro not a Pare. His mother was a Paretewhau. Ngati Pare got their land through ancestry and their survey the edge of the bush was near a straight line. The path ran along it near the swamp.
Ngati Huia owned the swamp from former years and still owns it. Ngati Pare and others own the bush.
By Kipa
We lived down Manaka in winter on the path all along.
Kipa (statement)
In 1855, Hakaraia Te Puingira brought me on to this land in 1874. I got this land surveyed. Hakaraia pointed out to me his cultivations. We included the swamp on account of the island in Pene Arama’s land.
The island is where # on plan. Oriwia Takuha and Takuha represent Ngarangi were driven off in or before 1850.
Interin decision
That from the river to the edge of the bush in sketch N (a.b) -
The land should be cut out of Ngakaroro No. 3. Kipa Te Whatanui having established a claim from the river to that point by having reserved it for Tawhara’s in ancient and recent times and by having cultivations (court saw no reason for the swamp at the south end of the plan of 54 acres being cut out of Ngakaroro No. 3)
Claim adjourned for lists.
Waopukatea – Subdivision
Hapi Te Rangitewhata claimant
Hapi Te Rangitewhata said he was not prepared with plans or evidence to go on with this case.
Court expressed its opinion on negligence of the natives in this and some similar cases.
Waopukatea No. 1 – Subdivision
Hapi claimant
Hapi and Ahenata Hape stated that they were not prepared with plans or evidence.
Waiwiri – Subdivision
Karaipe Te Puke
Karaipe Te Puke – I have no plan of the subdivision of this land. The existing plan is not sufficient. I ask that the claim be adjourned to future sitting.
Court adjourned.
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