Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 26 January 1880.
- Description
Monday 26th January 1880
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Case resumed
Hapi Rangitewhata stated his side were not prepared with evidence about subdivision of centre of block. The principal dividing lines not having been surveyed on ground although shown on the plan.
Judgement was asked to be given in the 3 small portions called Kahukura, Wawa and Waimakairi as plan submitted R showed these sufficiently for an interim judgement to be given.
That upon an approved plan being submitted to the Native Land Court of the piece of land in the Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D block called Kahukura as the same appears in the sketch hereunder. A memorial will issue in favour of
Tamihana Te Hoia, Henare Korouaputa, Hirama Te Hoia, Areta Popo, Popo Te Hoia, Te Oti Kerei Te Hoia
No restrictions.
Fees - £2.0.0
Click on view to see plan
That upon an approved plan being submitted to the Native Land Court of a piece of land in the Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D called Wawa containing 275 acres more or less as the same appears in the plan marked R submitted by Hapi Rangitewhata as shown in the sketch hereunder a memorial will issue in favour of
Kiriona Whamaro, Hutana Rangi-o-Rehua
Fees - £2.0.0
That upon an approved plan being submitted to the Native Land Court of the piece of land in Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D called Te Waimakairi containing 516 acres, 1 road and 20 perches as drawn on the plan marked R and submitted by Hapi Rangitewhata as is shown on the sketch hereunder a memorial will issue in favour of
Hakaraia Te Wera, Te Wireti Te Ruinui and Hutan Tangi-o-Rehua
Fees - £2.0.0
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