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  • Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 7 October 1881.
  • Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 7 October 1881.

Friday 7th October 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

Titokitoki – W.D. 429

In the matter of the Titokitoki Block, the Court finds that Rikihana and others are owners of the large part of the block and that Harata Maika Takarore is the owner of the smaller part.

Mr Carkeek claimed survey fees £4.4.0 – granted.

Ordered that the name of Harata Maika Takarore be entered in the register as owner of Titokitoki A when a proper certified plan has been furnished

(Continued page 139)

Fees charged

Hearing - £1.0.0 Order - £1.0.0 Witness - £0.10.0

30 Pahianui – W.D. 572

Kipa Whatanui handed in a list of names viz –

Kipa Te Whatanui, Ngawiki Nepia Pomare, Heni Kipa, Turia Henare, Paranihia Kute, Mere Roti, Karaitiana Te Tupe, Newira Nekitini, Taparoto Nikitini, Waretini Tuanuku

For the portion containing a43 – r2 – p16 and

Kipa Te Whatanui, Wereta Te Huruhuru, Riria Te Aperahama, Katini Piringaru, Katene Rongorongo, Ngako Tuhatu, Ema Winiata and Turia Henare

For the portion containing 16 acres

Mr Carkeek applied for survey fees - £4.4.0 – granted.


Ordered that the names of

Kipa Te Whatanui, Ngawiki Nepia Pomare, Heni Kipa, Turia Henare, Paranihia Kuti, Mere Roti, Karaitiana Te Tupe, Newira Nikitini, Taparoto Nikitini and Waretini Tuanuku

Be entered in the register as owners for the portion containing a43 – r2 – p16 of the above named block.

Fees charged

Hearing - £1.0.0 Order - £1.0.0


Ordered that the names of

Kipa Whatanui, Wereta Te Huruhuru, Riria Te Aperahama, Katini Piringarau, Katene Rongorongo, Ngako Tuhatu, Ema Winiata and Turia Henare

Be entered in the register as owners for the portion containing a16 – r0 – p0 of the above named block.

29 Kaingaraki – W.D. 591

Plan produced – a12 – r2 – p17

Te Waka Pekeia – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Kapu hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this piece of land at Kaingaraki. The land belonged to Te Whatanui and afterward one part belonged to the Mateawa and Te Horoiti. It was given to them by Te Whatanui. They worked on it. They laid a boundary down at that time. A Puketea tree was one boundary and a hollow was the other boundary.

I have not been on the ground since survey of it was made.

Xed by Kipa

I know that the Pukatea was the boundary on the south side near the river Otaki. If the line ween straight from the hollow to the Puketea, it is the right one.

The Ranapiri’s are descendants from Te Honoiti.

I only know the boundaries not the people on the western side of the boundary.

Xed by Hapeta

The only people I saw living on these pieces was Wereta.

By the court

It is 4 years since I was on that land. There are a great many Pukatea there. There is no Hollow at the Pukatea.

Te Rangi Tawhia – sworn

I live at Ohau. I belong to Mateawa hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this piece at Kaingaraki. It belonged to Te Whatanui formerly. He gave part to Honoiti and other one side – Mateawa other side – boundary was given that is a dividing boundary was laid down when the pieces was given. I have seen the eastern boundary. The Hollow was the boundary where the peg is now.

Xed by Kipa

Formerly all the present riverbed was bush land -the boundaries of the Mateawa. I object to boundary laid down the proper Pukatea is within the block.

Xed by Hapeta

Wereta has an interest in this block. He and others had cultivations there. I saw Rarua and Ururoa cultivated on the north eastern part.

By the court

I worked on this land formerly. The Pukatea was not marked with Kokowai. On all our own minds the Pukatea tree was the boundary agreed on. It was I and others who fixed our boundary at the Pukatea and no one objected.

Ropata Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Pare hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece before the court. I was not present when this line was laid down by Wereta and my brother Tame.

Xed by Kipa

I do not know this boundary before. I saw Wereta cultivating the land and had houses at the fence.

I only object to a small portion of this block.

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Huia hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I don’t know the land before the court. I only know Wereta. He lived there permanently on it. No one else but Wereta lived there. He is the only one I know of.

Xed by Kipa

I do not know exactly where Wereta lived.

Xed by Hapeta Rangikatukua – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Kikopiri hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece under investigation.

I am only opposed to a small portion. I claim a portion. I claim through my father permanently living on the land. I can point out the boundaries if I go on to the land.

When the survey was made, I told them that my father had an interest.

Xed by Kipa

I have worked on this land. I have houses outside the western boundary but my cultivations are within the boundary. The western boundary went along my old fence.

I did not see Roera Hukiki living on this land with Wereta.

Xed by Ropata Ranapiri

I do not know the original boundaries.

Xed by court

I can point out boundaries on the plan. Commence at Hollow and go on to the part cleared by my father to a cabbage tree near the bush. The part between my boundary and Pape belongs to Kipa.

My father died about six years ago. It was in old days that Wereta lived on this land.

Kipa‘s Witnesses – Kpa Wereta Kimate, Henare Roera Hukiki, Te Roeri Rangiheuea.

Court adjourned till 2 pm.

Court returned 2 pm.

Kaingaraki – continued

Roera Hukiki – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Huia hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this piece of land. I know the eastern boundary. It is the dividing boundary for Ngawhanga and the Kanawa.

Honoiti had no claim on the piece before the court.

I know the western boundary which is the dividing boundary between Wereta and the Kanawa. I did not see Wereta on this piece working.

Xed by Pape Ranapiri

The eastern boundary is the original boundary. I only heard that your brother Tame surveyed the eastern boundary. It was not Honoiti nor Kanawa who laid down this boundary but the Kanawa --- Ngawhanga.

I daily see this land. I cannot say what the S. eastern boundary end was. I only know the part at the creek. I know the boundary having lived a great many years on it and cultivated also.

Xed by Hapeta

Wereta never cultivated on this piece. Te Kanawa and Wereta laid down the N. western boundary.

Xed by Kipa

Wereta’s house was not on this piece.

Wereta Kimate – sworn

I live at Rangitikei. I belong to Ngati Parewhawha hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the boundary on the eastern side. You and I laid down.

Xed by Kipa

The boundary without any certainty of it through being related to the Kanawa - It was right for you and I to lay down the line.

Xed by Pape

When we laid down the line, Ngahora told us the Pukatea was the boundary. We followed his directions.

Kipa’s closed.

Pape Ranapiri addressed the court.

Hapeta addressed the court.

Kipa Te Whatanui addressed the court.

Judgment to be delivered tomorrow

73 Makuratawhiti – W.D. 590

Plan produced – a15 – r0 – p30

By Mr Maclean

Penete Hapupu – sworn

I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Teke hapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the piece of land before the court. It belongs to myself and my father. I claim through my father. My father and sister Rangiwhaea cut it up. I am living on that land. No one disturbed my occupation and I now ask the court for a title to be awarded to myself and Te Rikihana.

Objectors challenged.

Te Puke appears for Riripeti Te Naira.

Tame appears for Ani Kanara and Tewiata Keepa Kerikeri.

Enoka appears for Hekiera Te Wharewhiti, Nuna Te Taurei, Enoka Te Arano, and Rutera Hapata.

Pape Ranapiri appears for Ihaka Ngamura.

Enoka applies to allow the claimants to go on to the ground to examine boundaries – Granted.

182 Tararua

Claim of Te Puke to succeed Pene Arama.

Case called – Dismissed


Claim of K. Te Puke to succeed Pene Arama – see page 172.


Claim of K. Te Puke to succeed Pene Arama.

Case called – Dismissed

185 Tuahiwi No. 2 – Section 21

Claim of K. Te Puke to succeed Pene Arama.

Hema Te Ao – sworn

I know Pene Arama. He had an interest in Tuahiwi No. 2 Section 21. I am not aware if he sold it. He made no will. He is dead.

I was at Cambridge when he died.

He has children, Arapata Arama (m) 10years, Kirinoa Arama (f) 6 years, and Mita Arama (m) 4 years.

I wish that a succession order be made in their favour.

Objectors challenged – no appearance of any.

I wish that Rano Hori and Hoani Taipua be appointed to act as trustees.

Ordered that the names of Arapata Arama (m) 10 years, Pirinoa Arama (f) 6 years and Mita Arama (m) 4 years should succeed to Pene Arama and that Rano Hori and Hoani Taipua to be trustees.

Court adjourned till 10 am tomorrow.


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