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Tuesday December 17th 1878

Court opened at 10 am.

Present – the same

Matitikura – continued

The court considered that after Mihipeka and Wi Rape had been on the land for some 30 years, whe was entitled and if she liked to admit Hemi Kuti she could.

Mihipeka admitted Hemi Kuti.

Order to be made in favour of

Mihipeka and James Cootes

Fees - £2.0.0


No survey – Dismissed


No survey – adjourned


James Wallace – adjourned


James Wallace and others – adjourned


Pipi Kutia and others – adjourned


James H. Wallace – adjourned


No survey – adjourned

Sections 101, 103, 105, 107

Subdivision – Dismissed

Ngawhakangutu No. 1



No order issued – Kapiti – Dismissed

In the original volume OTAKI MINUTE BOOK 4 the pages have been hand-numbered and there is no page numbered 16

Ngakaroro No. 4

No order issued – adjourned

Succession claims

Waitohu Pukehou

Hemi Kuti – sworn

I knew Ropata Hurumutu. He died in December 1875. I saw him dead. He left no family, no brother, his sister (Ruakino) is dead and her daughter Terei Maihi – she is grown up – she is a relation of mine.

Order in favour of Tere Maihi

Fees - £1.0.0

Kapiti - (Succession)

Tere Maihi

Order made in favour of Tere Maihi

Fees - £1.0.0

Ngawhakangutu No. 1 – Succession - Matene Te Whiwhi

Heni Matene

Daughter of Matene Te Whiwhi – Rakapa was Matene’s sister – she is dead – left no will, left no children. We were, my father and I, appointed as successor to Rakapa in Wellington at the last court.

Matene Te Whiwhi appeared and asked that Heni’s name and his own inserted in an order.

Order made in favour of Matene Te Whiwhi and Heni Te Rae.

Fees - £1.0.0

Tutangatakino No. 1 – Succession

Manahi Poara – sworn

I live at Otaki.

I belong to Ngati Wehiwehi. Paora Pohotiraha – deceased – was my father. He died in 1870. He left no will. I have sisters Winia, by the same father and mother, Amiria, Pirihira – are two others who are all living.

Order made in favour of Manahi Poara, Winia, Amiria and Pirihera.

Fees - £1.0.0

Waopukatea No. 1 – Mihaka Karepa

Mihaka Karepa – sworn

I live at Katihiku and belong to Ngati Huia.

Akuhata Kapukai died at Porotawhao on 27 November 1877. I represent his daughter Pango Akuhata. His only child about 10 years age. I wish to be appointed Trustee.

Objectors challenged.

Order made in favour of Pango Akuhata and that Mihaka Karepa be appointed Trustee on her behalf.

Fees - £1.0.0

Waopukatea No. 1 – Succession

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Huia.

Parekawau is dead. She died at Waotu North about 2 years ago. I did not see her dead. She is my niece. She died before being married. My brother had other children Rauparaha Aomoreti, Manahira Te Aho Menahira.

Name of deceased not in order – Dismissed.

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7B

Absent in Napier – adjourned

Mangahanini No. 1

Mihipeka Rikiriki - Dismissed

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4E

Ropata Ranapiri appeared for his relation Penenara.

Ropata Ranapiri

I know Penenara. He is my relation. Kunia is dead. He died on this block about 3 years ago. He left no children. He is the only one left. He had no brothers or sisters. Rota Te Hiakia is his nearest relative and his brother Maihi. I wish Perenara and Maihi to be his successors.

Rota Te Hiakai – sworn


Rangiwaerea – Tauwhare

Te Peka o te Ruru – Kima Ngataura

Maihi Te Uata = Rota Te Hiakai = Korouaputa

Objectors challenged.

Hera Te Puke appeared – sworn

I belong to Ngati Turanga.

I live at Waikawa.

The mana of the land came through my mother. The deceased was a very distant relation.

Order made in favour of Maihi Te Uata, Rota Te Hiakai, Korono Puta.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4E

Manahi Paora – sworn

I knew Erina Te Kooro. She is dead. She died at Manawatu 2 years ago. I was at her funeral. She left no will. I am her brother and have 3 sisters Amiria, Pirihira, Winia.

Objectors challenged – no objectors.

Order to be made in favour of Manahi Paora, Winia Paora, Amiria Paora and Pirihira Paora.

Pukenui – Succession

One of Sir D. McLean’s awards – to be called at Foxton

Kukutauaki No. 4D

Naera Te Angiangi – Dismissed

Ngakaroro No. 2F – Succession

Te Metera Karaha – sworn

I knew Mukukai. She died some time ago in Otaki. He left no will.


Papuha – Mukukai


Hoani Taipua – Metera Karaha

I wish Metera Karaha, Hoani Taipua and Pia Wairau to be appointed

Objectors challenged

Karepa Te Kapukai – sworn

Te Tou = Papuha

Te Karaha – Kapa Te Tou

Te Metera – Karepa Kapukai

Admitted by claimant – no other objectors

Order made in favour of Hoani Taipua, Metera Karaha and Pia Wairau.

Fees - £1.0.0

Kukutauaki No. 4D

Claimant absent – adjourned

Pukehou No. 5G

Oriwia Kingi – sworn

I knew Heremaia Ngato. He is dead. A letter came to me to say he died 17th September 1877. I knew of no will. He was my brother. He left us children. I am the only one alive.

Objectors challenged – none appeared

Order to be made in favour of Oriwia Kingi to succeed to Heremaia Ngato.

Fees - £1.0.0

Kukutauaki No. 4D – Turangahuru

Ropata Ranapiri – sworn

I knew Kapihana Kipi. I saw him when he was dead some years ago. He left no children or direct descendants. Tuhangahuru is his own brother – the only one alive. I want to have an order for Turangahuru.

Objectors challenged.

Rititia Riki – sworn

I am Kpihana Kipi’s widow and I object to Turangahuru. I wish to be admitted.

Order to be made in favour of Turangahuru and Rititia Riki.

Fees - £1.0.0

Kukutauaki No. 4D

Riperata – sworn

I live at Waikawa.

I belong to Ngati Toa.

I claim to succeed Makuini who is dead. He died on 1873. I saw her dead. She left no will. She was younger sister of my mother. She left no children, according to Maori custom, I am the proper person to succeed. Naera Angiangi is my own brother.

Objectors challenged – none.

Order made in favour of Riperata and Naera Angiangi

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4D

Duplicate claim of Perenara Titoki – Dismissed.

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4D

Hunia Ihaka Paha – sworn

I live at Waikawa and belong to Ngati Toa.

I knew Ihaka Ngapari. He died at Waikawa 3 or 4 years ago. I saw him dead. I am his granddaughter.

Ihaka Paha – sworn

I am son to Ihaka Ngapari. The only one. I wish my three children put in the order – Hunia Ihaka Paha, Mangai Mungu – infants – Rahu Rahu

Order to be made in favour of Hunia Ihaka Puha, Mungu (8 years), Rahu Rahu (6 years).

Afterwards the order was to be made in favour of the son of deceased – Ihaka Paha.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4D

Hakaraia Te Whena – wrong number Duplicate of 4B – Dismissed

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Karepa Kapukai – sworn

I live at Katihiku.

I belong to Ngati Huia.

I knew Hohuia Te Runui. He is dead. He died some years ago at Porotawhao. Left no will. I claim to succeed him. His father was Te Rui


Hohua Ruinui = Otepiha = Te Hoia = Wireti

I would like to call my father who can explain.

Tamihana – I can explain this matter. Te Hoia is the nearest relative. He is a half brother to Hohua Ruinui as per genealogy above – sworn

I am son of Te Hoia. Wireti is another half brother alive but at present living in Waikato. These are the only two alive.

No objectors.

Order made in favour of Te Hoia and Te Wireti – (Proper names – Teoti Kerei Te Hoia, Wireti Te Ruinui)

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D – Metera Te Karaha

(On former oath)

Name of deceased found not to be in certificate – Dismissed.

Mangahanene No. 2

Metera Te Karaha

Topi Te Kawhakanoa was my elder brother. He died at Waikato 3 years ago. He left a child whose name is Matutaera (a son) 4 years old. Erina Paraone is the mother of the child. She is at Poroutawhao. I wish to be appointed Trustee to the child.

Karepa Kapukai

I wish Iwi Te Tou to be appointed Trustee instead of Metera.

Order in favour of Matutaera (4 years old) Trustees – Metera Te Karaha, Erina Paraone

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Pia wairau – sworn

I live at Otaki.

I belong to Ngati Huia.

I knew Hapi Wairau. He died at Waotu 5 years ago. He left no will. I am the only sister alive. Apera Te Hemara is my husband. The deceased was my own brother.

Objectors challenged.

Karepa Kapokai – sworn

Pia Wairau is sister to deceased. We all are cousins.

Order to be made in favour of Pia Wairau

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Mihaka Karepa

It having been proved in previous case that Pango Akuhata was the heir, the court gave a similar order.

Order in favour of Pango Akuhata and Mihaka Karepa be appointed Trustee.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I knew Matiu Moewhaka the deceased. He died at Porotawhao in 1874 without a will, no children, no brothers or sisters. Deceased was a cousin of my mother’s.

Adjourned until next day

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I knew Parekauwa. She is dead. Te Paraha, Hamarete, Te Aho are brothers of deceased. I wish to be appointed Trustee for the two younger.

Objectors challenged – no opposition.

Order to be made in favour of Paraha, Hamarete (10 years), Te Aho (8 years) Metera Te Karaha and Paraha to be appointed Trustees for Hamarete and Te Aho.

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I knew Puiwahine. She was my younger sister. She died at ---------- 5 years ago. She left no will. She is mother of the children named above.

I want an order under the same arrangements.

Order to be made in favour of Paraha, Hamarete, Te Aho. Metera Te Karaha and Paraha to be Trustees.

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D - Mihipeka Tatana

Te Tatana – sworn

I live at Porotawhao. I am the husband of deceased. I knew Tamara Te Hapi. He died at Te Waotu in 1874. Left no will, one child she had but it is dead.

Hohaia Pahau – sworn

Marehina – Ngarepo


Teretiu – Arihi

Tamara – Mihipeka

Objectors challenged

Taiarupuha – sworn

Te Hainga

Nikorima – Tamara (m) – Teretiu

Tamara Hemara

Court adjourned 5.30 pm.


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 19 October 1881 201 - 207.pdf


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