Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 13 December 1879.
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"Kia ora" we have a new transcriber. Her name is Lynne Tahiwi.
Saturday Dec, 13th 1879
Court opened at 10am
Present Judge Heaphy
W. Grey – Clerk, Blair, S.L.Wilcox
Pomare Kingi left on Dec 12th for his home in consequence of illness of is wife.
Mr McDonald applied to have Sect No 2 containing 400acres under 5 of Oct of 1873, awarded direct to Mr Bull who has purchased from the owners.
Aorangi No1 - Subdivision
Section No2 400acres
Tapa Te Whata
I am a chief of Ngati Kauwhata
We have sold some land to James Bull in this Block containing 400 acres Section No2. I received something it cleared off another debt. I do not remember the amount of the debt. I believe it was £1000. I was quite satisfied with the sale. We drew a deed giving our consent to the sale. Mr McDonald has the deed, it is a document of some sort.
All my family and people were satisfied and no one objected to the sale. I now ask the court to give Mr Bull a title to this land and issue an order in his favour. None of my hapu objected to this. They all wish it done.
Hoeta Kahuhui – sworn
I am a chief of Ngati Turoa of Ngati Kauwhata . I know of the sale of 400acres to Bull. It is section No2. Our hapu consented to the sale and were perfectly satisfied. The consideration was a long standing debt. McDonald knows all about it. We ask for an order to be made in favour of James Bull for this land.
Karehana Tauranga – sworn
I belong to Ngati Turoa I consented to the sale of 400acres to James Bull Section No2. I desire that an order be made in favour of Bull, my family and hapu agree with it.
Alexander McDonald – sworn
I am the authorised agent in land matters of Ngati Kauwhata and Ngati Turoa and have been for many years. I sold the land (section2) to James Bull for the payment of debts incurred by the tribe about £1,125 was the amount of the debt. No document passed between myself and Bull- I correct my statement- I believe some memorandum was made and if so, Bull will have.
I can put in the receipt for the debt from Bull. The document never went before the Trust Commissioner or Commissioner. I thought the consideration high almost £3per acre. I do not think the tribe have been improvident I they have plenty of land and are considered right.
They have about 1700acres of valuable land amongst 67 members.
Mr McDonald applied to have the section ordered in favour of Tapa Te Whata and Hoeta Kahu hui as tenants in common so that they can execute a legal transfer to Bull.
Objections Challenged - None appeared
Order to in favour of Tapa Te Whata and Hoeta Kahu hui for section No2 containing 400acres.
Fees - £2.0.0
Aorangi No. 1
Sections No1. 9
On Plan W.D.357
Area in all 984.20
Mr McDonald applied for a sub divisional order to be made in favour of Tapa Te Whata, Hoeta Kahu hui, Karehana Tauranga, Takana Kawa, Kereama Paoe, Hepi Te Wheoro, being the chief head of families in Ngati Kauwhata hapu.
Mr McDonald then asked that 2orders be made as follows.
Sections No 5-9 and 6 to be awarded to Karehama Tauranga, Hoeta Kahu hui and Hepi Te whero.
Sections 1-2-3-4-7-8 to be awarded to Tapa Te Whata, Takana Te Kawa
The whole hapu hve agreed that these sections shall be given to the persons above names being head of families in the hapu of Ngati Kauwhata.
Objections challenged - None.
Order to be made in favour Karehana Tauranga, Hoeta Kahu hui and Hepi Te Whero for sections 5, 9 and 6 containing a324 – r2 – p16.
Fees £2.0.0
Order to be made in favour of Tapa Te Whata, Takana Te Kawa, Kereama Paoe, and Hoeta Kahuhui for sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 containing a659 – r2 – p24.
Fees £2 .0.0
Court adjourned until 2pm.
Court resumes
Hoani Tapua appeared and asked the court to hear his statement relative to a portion of the land which had been awarded to Enereta Rangiotu and others and which Enereta had agreed he should have.
Enereta Rangiotu said that Kooro Te One had said something about some land that should be given to Hoani but did not state in what portion of this Block- after Koro’s death, Hoani applied to me and I consented to give you 60acres, but I wish the matter left to another amongst ourselves as what is to be done.
Not entertained by court.
Aorangi No1 – subdivision
Claim of Tapita and Anapeka
Court decided that the two girls should have a 67th share in value of the whole block. That such a share shall be taken in land outside the Kopiro line that it shall not be subject to the modification already existing in respect of other claims and that the value should not be reduced to acreage without further evidence.
This is done by Consent of both counsels.
In consequence of serious illness of Tapita Matina that further consideration of the Aorangi No1 subdivisions will be postponed for the present.
Court adjourned to Otaki on Wednesday
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