Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 21 September 1881.
- Description
Wednesday 21st September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
103 Taupo (Porirua)
Karepa Kapukai to succeed Okoro.
Copy of will found attached to papers.
4 Wakapua No. 1 – 275
Claim read
Ropata Ranapiri – sworn
I am of Otaki of Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.
The plan before the court describes land which is mine through my sister cousin Hunia who gave it to me along time ago. She claimed through Ngaroro – her uncle. Ngaroro cut it up. There is now no other owner.
No objectors.
Rapata Ranapiri said – I wish this land to be given to my children without restrictions and to be made trustees.
Ordered that the names of
Taniera Ranapiri (m) 14 years, Ihaka Ranapiri (m) 12 years, Te Huiri Ranapiri (m) 5 years, Rangiwhakairu Ranapiri (f) 1 year
Be entered in the register as owners and that Rapata Ranapiri be recommended as trustee.
Fees charged
Hearing - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
9 Wakapua No. 2 – 278
Claim read – plan
Perenara Te Tewe sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu.
I know the land described on the plan. It is mine through my father and uncle. They seized it. There are others beside myself – viz
Perenara Te Tewe, Ngarati Te Tewe, Te Karehana Tainanga, Meropa Tamati Tenia, Paramana Te Tewe, Paora Te Aniwa, Mohi Te Kotu, Tame Tima, Rangituia Perenara, Tonihi Tuaea
These are all adults.
No objectors
Ordered that the names of
Perenara Te Tewe, Ngarati Te Tewe, Meropa Tamati Tenia, Paranama Te Tewe, Paora Te Aniwa, Mohi Te Kotu, Teime Tenia, Rangituia Perenara and Tonihi Tuaea and Mokena Pahurahi
Be entered in the register as owners. Land to be inalienable.
Fees charged
Hearing - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
39 Takapu
Claim read
Tame Ranapiri said if we are allowed time to discuss the title outside we shall be able to arrange matters.
27 Puapuatapotu
Mr Booth as crown agent said – this land has been purchased by the crown and gazetted as waste land.
Mr Maclean said he would ask the court to allow the case to remain on the list for Palmerston.
Granted – see page 293
50 Takapu o Te Korohiko
Called – disposed of in Moutere.
78 Moutere
Claim read – disposed of already.
Haruatai – 520
Claim read – to stand over.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow
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