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Friday 14th October 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

220 Ngakaroro No. 2F – (Subdivision case continued)

Dr Buller handed in a list of the names and also a copy of agreement entered into between himself on behalf of the Ngati Huia and Mr MacDonald on behalf of the Ngati Kauwhata hapu which document is signed by them. After the names were read by the court to them objectors challenged – none appeared. The court then states that it would consider before giving judgment.

Handed into court by Dr Buller – Signed E. W. Puckey – Judge N. L. C – 14/10/81


True copy of the agreement handed in. It is agreed that 16 persons known as Ngati Kauwhata are entitled to 359 acres in respect of Ngakaroro No. 2F. This quantity they agree to take in No. 3 and vacate No. 2F.

It is agreed to argue the point whether the said Ngati Kauwhata are or are not originally entitled to any share of No. 3 and if so to how much? If court decides in their favour, the granted allotted will be added to the above 359 acres and the whole immediately located in No. 3.

If the court decides against them (the said Ngati Kauwhata then the above 359 acres alone will be immediately located in the said No. 3.

Signed - A. McDonald and W. T. Buller 14/10/81

192 Town Section of Otaki

Claim of Rei Parawhanaki to succeed Wetini Te Rei

Case called – Dismissed

137 Ohau No. 3

Claim of Miora Huarau and others to succeed Hoani Huarau

Case called – dismissed – not in order – Dismissed

138 Ohau No. 3

Claim of Nikora Huarau and others to succeed Pene Huarau

Case called – dismissed – not in order – Dismissed

233 Ngakaroro No. 5 – (subdivision case)

Claim of Matene Te Whiwhi

Dr Buller appeared on behalf of Matene Te Whiwhi. Application for a partition of Ngakaroro No. 5 that he represented also the other certificated owners he stated that the owners had come to a voluntary arrangement out of court for a partition of the estate containing 1000 acres, No. 5A containing 400 acres to be bested in James Gear as a purchaser thereof by an order of freehold tenure, conveyance handed in dated 31 July 1880 between Matene Te Whiwhi of one part and James gear of the other part in respect of all the vendors undivided share in the said block for the sum of £200.

The order to be made subject to N. Land Duty

Objectors challenged – none appeared.

Ordered that subject to the payment of native duty, an order of freehold tenure to issue in the name of James Gear of Wellington

Fees charged

Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0 - paid

Dr Buller also applied on behalf of Heni Te Rei for Ngakaroro No. 5B containing 200 acres that an order be issued in her name with title ante vested to date of former order viz 14 April 1874.

Objectors challenged – none appeared.


Fees charged

Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0 - paid

Dr Buller also applied on behalf of Wirihana Te Rei for Ngakaroro No. 5C contining 200 acres that an order be issued in his name with title ante vested to date of former order viz 14 April 1874.

Objectors challenged – none appeared


Fees charged

Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0 - paid

Dr Buller also applied on behalf of the grandchildren of Matene Te Whiwhi, Rawiri Wirihana, Henare Wirihana and Te Wari Te Rei for Ngakaroro No. 5 containing 200 acres that an order be issued in their names the title ante vested to date of former order viz 14 April 1874.

Objectors challenged – none appeared


Fees charged

Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0 - paid

227 Ngakaroro No. 3 – (subdivided)

Claim of Hapi Te Rangitewhata and others – plan produced

Dr Buller appeared on behalf of the Ngati Huia and

Mr MacDonald appeared on behalf of the Ngati Kauwhata

As the previous order was vague as to what the Ngakaroro No. 3 block was and as to who constituted the Ngati Huia – the order of the court having been made in favour of the Ngati Huia.

The court was asked to define the block and to say who the Ngati Huia were.

The court defined the block as asked for but reserves its reply as to the other point raised till tomorrow (continued page 200).


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 19 October 1881 201 - 207.pdf


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