Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 5 September 1881.
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Monday 5th September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
Topaatekaahu – continued
Aterea Tauehe recalled – sworn
I saw old Hipirini. He was one of the migrators here from Waikato.
I saw the middle strip belongs to Hipirini. He lived and cultivated there. When Ngati Raukawa came here, they gave to each man his own land for cultivation.
I never heard that Hipirini’s land extended beyond the boundary of this block. He lived there continually from his coming until the present time. I never heard of Hipirini being disturbed.
When I lived on this block, Perenara lived outside a place called Te Kareti. The north part was exchanged for Harakeke or (Mangapouri) by Riria and Matarena. The exchange was talked over in the house of Riria. Both Riria and Matarena agreed to exchange their shares in Tapaatekaahu for Mangapouri. A great many were present in the house. When this exchange was talked of, it was settled quietly. Not myself nor my wife ever thought trouble would arise respecting this exchange.
I know that Matarena’s interest in Mangapouri now Riria’s. Mangapouri has been investigated. I am certain of that. I was not present. Had I been present, I would not have objected. It was awarded to Riria. I still say that the part of this block owned by Riria now belongs to my son.
T. Ranapiri
Enoka Te Wano – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land before the court. I have no claim to it. In my opinion it belongs partly to Netahio and part to you. I can explain your claim.
Your claim is by purchase from Himiona. This is the south part. Netahio has two “take’s. One is by ancestry from the father of his mother. This is on the south part and that is by exchange. His mother Matarena exchanged with Riria. This is to the north part. The strip between the fence and the creek was exchanged recently. I know the piece given by Matarena for the north part of this land. It was part of Mangapouri. Matarena and Aterea both cultivated on the north part after the exchange.
I have heard that this land was leased to Harper. Matarena leased it to him.
You took possession of it after the lease expired. Matarena went to Patetero then. You lived on this land as trustee or guardian of Netahio. I never heard of Matarena and Aterea being disturbed during their occupation of the north part. The piece between the road fence and the creek belongs to Netahio Tauehe. This piece was an exchange with Riria for another portion at Waitohu – that is where Riria lives now.
There is a fence and a house on this land now. The house is not on the part I claim. Both house and fence are yours. I had nothing ---- your putting them there. I did not object to you at the time this is the first time I object. I saw oats giving the land. I made no objection then.
Xed by Tewiata
I know Pokipoki’s part of this land.
By court
When I saw the house and fence on this land, I heard it was a sale by eru Tahitangata. I made no remontance to Eru then nor since because eru was constantly taking all Pairahoke’s land and I relied on the court for justice.
I gave the part on the N side of this piece to tamati ranapiri. It is granted to Tamati. Te Wiata joined me in this gift. Eru Tahitangata made no objection to her gift to Tamati. Pariaroka’s child was alive when ropata put up the fence. He did not see the work going on. I did not see Pariaroke’s son ploughing this land neither did I hear of his doing so. Pairoroka went to live at Oroua and died there.
Kipi Pataua – sworn
I am of Ngati Kapu. I live at Otaki.
I know this land described on this plan. I have a claim on it from my father Pokepoke who worked on it. I worked on it with him. It was Pokepoke’s land. He worked on a strip in the middle from the road to the back fence. I was a child when we worked on that piece. Soon after our migration here, we ceased to cultivate here before the gospel came. We have not since returned to it because it was in the town. I did not see the fence put up. I did afterwards. I then thought it was a gift by these people to ropata. I said nothing at the time but I felt grieved and resolved to wait for the court.
Ropata has his house on this land. I don’t know how long the fence has been on the land. The house was there before Judge Young’s death, quite recently I found this land had been given to Ropata by Eru. I heard this first about 3 years ago. Eru sold it to Ropata. I said nothing to eru then. I kept my grief. I did not ask for some of the money.
Xed by ropata ransfield
I have a claim on this land. All the claims on this land are by occuptation. I never heard that the boundaries of this piecewere laid down by our parents. According to native tikanga the boundaries of this piece should go to the telegraph office across the road. The road divides the land. I was not present when the part on the other side of the road was investigated. I did not hear that it had passed the court.
I am now living at Pukehou – (Pukehou is about 2 miles away). I have only just heard that that part has passed the court. Eru is our father or guardian in business matters. I now object to his gift to you of this land.
I heard that Ramari had received four pounds as his share of this land. Eru had no claim on this land. Hoani Pakai Pokepoke and Te Rawaraki were all working on this land. Mine is the correct statement. Piripi is only a young man. I don’t know whether Tewiata has a claim over the whole Block.
Raumari Pataua – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Horu of Ngati Raukawa.
I don’t understand a plan. I know that this land is fenced and has a house on it. I know this land. The divisions of it, I don’t know. I have a claim on this land through my father’s work on it. His claim was from occupation. I was subdivided and he lived on it. It was my uncle who lived and worked on it not my father. I was with him on this land. We worked on it. I was only a child then. I don’t know how long we lived there. We had crossed to live and work there at the time of Te Kuititanga (1834). I never returned to this land afterward.
All the boundaries made by Ngati Raukawa on their arrival are still here. They have never been removed. Eru Tahitangata has no claim to this piece. He had no right to give it away. It is two years since I saw the fence on this land. I saw the house. I wish this land to be given to me and my brother Kipa, Piripi and Te Wiata should be left out.
Xed by Ropata Ransfield
I heard the statements of Piripi, Kipa and Te Wiata. The statements of Piripi is wrong. Part of this land is on the other side of the road that part on the south side of the road was give nto Hemi Ransfield by Eru Tahitangata. Eru gave that piece to Tiemi because he thought I was a fool. Eru told me when we were in the court that this piece was for me. Kipa’s statement relative to the pieces of Hoani Te Pokepoke is correct but as regards the interest of Rawaraki, Te Wiata claims land on the west of this land through his father Inia Te Horu I made an objection at the time of the sale by Eru to you. Eru consented to give me some money as part of the payment for this land. I received £2.10.0. I did not say then I would make no further claim for this land. I did not hold a pen to put a mark to my name consenting to the sale of this land or as a receipt for the money I received. When I saw the fence, I knew it was your fence and house. You put the fence up because Eru had sold land to you. I did not object either to the fence or to the house. I did not see your cultivation today. I have some to oppose you for the first time. You have been living there about 2 years.
Xed by Piripi Te Ra
I don’t know that Pairo and others piece is included in this land. I think he is outside on the west.
Te Wiata Te Horu – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Horu hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land before the court. I have a claim to it from my father Ramari and Kipa and Pokepoke. Pokepoke is my father. I don’t know how Pokepoke acquired his claim to this land.
Eru told me he had a claim to it. I and Piripi gave the pieces outside to the west to Tame. We sold it to Tame. Tame surveyed it. We pointed out the boundaries. We did not tell Tame that this piece was for our sister Ramari.
After the sale but previous to the court we said this piece was for Ramari. We told Ramari this. I wish my sister Ramari only to have this piece.
Xed by Rapata Ransfield
This piece crosses the road. ITiemi has the piece on the other side of the road now. Eru gave it to him. Eru had no claim to this piece (the S). His claim is through Hoani and Pairoroku. Hoani and Pairoroku are right on the southern part. I heard Ramari say that Pairoroku had no claim to this land.
My statement is the correct one. Ramari is wrong.
I laid the line on the west. I was in court at the hearing of the land to the west. I did not oppose you when you were building yjour house and fence or your survey of this land. I never said anything to you against your holding the land until today at 10 o’clock this morning.
Counter claimant’s case closed.
Claimant’s case.
By Rapata Ransfield
Eru Tahitangata – sworn
I am of Ngati Kapu, Ngati Raukawa also Ngati Wehiwehi.
I know the land described in the plan before the court. The land on the west belongs to Te Ra. Pairoroku had the strip on the west of this land. Te Rini – next Hoani Pokai (my father) next to Te Wahuroa. I gave the adjoining piece on the west to Te Ra and the adjoining piece (the E) to Piripi. This piece crosses the road. Tiemi wanted the piece across the road and I gave it to him. Those are round were then living. They said nothing to me. No one objected to this gift. When tat land was before the court. This piece I gave my daughter – Ropata gave me in return for my aroha to his wife – my daughter - £15.0.0. I returned him £1.0.0 for the fence. I also gave Ramari money and clothes because she was poor.
I also gave her money to pay for the cow stolen by her son otherwise she had been sent to jail.
Pokepoke was at Taupo when this land was taken so were the others. I mean Ramari and Kipa were at Taupo. Te Wiata was not born then.
Xed by Piripi
Pairoroku’s land was outside on the west and this piece also.
Xed by Te Wiata
I did not see Te Pokepoke on this piece. I am not aware that he had any claim on this piece. I didn’t till you said that you had an interest in this piece.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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