Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 14 December 1878.
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Turangarahui – continued
I have been here 30 years.
The opening was cultivated then.
I saw this place cultivated for 3 years. After which the south side of Te Rahui Stn was worked. Manahi, I did not see on the clearing – his statement, I could not criticise. Manahi has been a permanent settler on this land. He occupied the south side of Te Rahui. Ringawhati is outside the line. I do not agree with what Manahi stated as to part of Te Ringawhati being included in this block. Tamihana and Manahi may call this block Waihoanga but I call it Turangariahui.
We knew of Rangaheuwea’s piece when we included it in our survey. He did not belong to Ngati Huia. We did not consult Rangaheuwea’s relations about surveying his piece but Kararina was made aware of our intention of surveying and selling the block. It was their fault if they did not attend.
The northern boundary had been fixed previous to this survey. It was fixed in 1847. Manahi was thinking of the survey being new when I meant the boundary. Mine is the correct version that the present northern boundary is an old one and I objected to Ngati Turanga claimed south of Waihoanga. I made no objection to Ringawhata. I knew that Whatanui and Ngatakiri claim outside the northern boundary.
By Rawiri
Rauparaha’s father was a Ngati Toa. I have lands on which judgements have been given which have not been surveyed --- Ngakororo. The lower part has been surveyed but not the upper. All the Ngati Huia concerned in Ngakaroro live at Katihiku and Porotawhao.
Hohaia Te Pahau – sworn
I belong to Ngati Huia. I live chiefly at Porotawhao and Otaki. I have heard Hapi’s statement it is correct. I am son of Pahau who had cultivations on the Block. All that the former witnesses have spoken of former times – I came in 1836 before Kuititanga. I agree with what Tamihana’s and Hapi’s statements and Manahi’s statement in the main I concur in the evidence given by the other witnesses. I went on to this particular land in 1841. I saw Ngati Turanga living outside the Block. I did not see Rangihiwea’s party on this land but saw his cultivations at Mairi. I consider this land belonged to Ngati Huia. Hoani Taipua is entitled to a piece outside the Block on the Otaki side.
Xed by Hema Te Ao
I worked towards the Mairi. If Manahi likes to take in Hoani Taipua, in he can but I think he is outside. I have known the land for 41 years. Hanara’s cultivations are outside.
My impression is that the Block now before the court encroaches on some of the Waiohanga Blocks.
Case closed on both sides.
Court adjourned at 6 pm.
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