Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 15 October 1881.
- Description
Saturday 15th October 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
219 Muhunoa No. 1 – W. D. 364
Claim of Hemi Kuti (h.c) for subdivision – plan produced 4762, 4763, 4764
Dr Buller appeared on behalf of the applicant and applied for the western portion containing 80 acres to be awarded to Hemi Kuti alone.
Objectors challenged – none appeared.
Muhunoa No. 1A
Ordred that Hemi Kuti be entered in the register as owner according to native custom for Muhunoa No. 1A and another order be issued to the other owner such orders to ante vest to date of original order 14th April 1874 for the above named block.
Fees charged
Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0 - paid
Muhunoa No. 1
Ordered that the names of Hema Te Ao, Hoani Taipua, Ropata Te Ao, Katarina Te Puke, Mere Hakaraia, Hipora Oruera, Te Whioi, Makareta Taherangi, Aparaima Te Mahauariki, Anaiwarihi Ropata Te Ao be entered in the register as owners according to native custom such title to ante vest as from the 14th April 1874 for the above named block.
Fees charged
Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
230 Pukehou No. 5G – W.D 429
Claim of Tame Ranapiri (subdivided case) 3107
Plan produced
Case called and adjourned for discussion
205 Muaupoko
Claim of Karaitiana Te Tupe (subdivided case)
Case called and adjourned till Wednesday on Wi Parata’s request on account of other owners being absent. Mr Miller who appeared on behalf of Karaitiana Te Tupe concurred
Granted – see page 207
18 Whakapawaewae
Claim of J. H. Wallace h.c and others – skech plan produced
Manahi Te Humu – sworn
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Huia hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the piece before the court. It belongs to me. I took possession of it when I came from Maungatautari. I lived and cultivatied on it. Tamihana Te Rauparaha was the only one who disturbed me on it. Wallace also claims with me in this piece also Tamihana Te Hoia, Tiaki Hawea, Hirawanuu, Mere Hawea, Hirama Te Popo.
Objectors challenged.
J. H. Wallace appeared and objected to the names mentioned.
The court granted an adjournment for discussion amongst the different claimants outside the court.
215 Paremata Section 11 – W. D. 220
Claim of Hapeta Te Rangikatukua
Case called – plan produced – a28
Adjourned temporally
18 Whakapawaewae (continued from 180)
Tiaki Hawea, Hirawanui, Mere Hawea, Hirama Te Pope and Tamihana wished their names so given out.
The owners are J. H. Wallace and Pipi Kutia, Ria Piripi, Heni Te Rei and Raioiri Puaha.
Objectors called
Maaka Pukehi appeared and – sworn
I live at Otaki. I represent the whole of the Ngati Turanga hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the piece on plan. It is mine and others. It was cut up by our parents when they seized it they had eel weirs all over it.
At the time that the pa was occupied, there was no opposition to their erecting their weirs. No people of any other tribe caught eels on this land.
Te Rauparaha had eel weirs on the south of the Otaki and Wellington road.
The swamp has been drained by me.
None of the Ngati Huia have any claim to this piece. I do not know what right Te Rauparaha had to his eel weirs. I only saw him working there.
Wallace was not present when I surveyed this land. I did not give him any notice of my doing so.
Aperahama Te Ruru, Parakaia Te Poepa and Maanga – these are the old men – the principal people who caught eels on it.
I object to J. H. Wallace, Manahi Te Humu, Pipi Rutia, Ria Piripi, Heni Te Rei and Rawiri Puaha. The only claim I admit of Te Rauparaha is the site of the eel weir refered to.
By J. H. Wallace
My eel weir at the Totara is on the piece before the court. I did not catch eels on the north side of the wire fence (viz on the northern side of the boundaries of this piece).
I had cultivations along the S. western boundary which was not swamp at that time.
You have no claim on this piece. The part where you may have a claim is where Te Rauparaha had his eel weirs.
The court adjourned till Monday.
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