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Wednesday December 18th 1878

Court opened at 10 am.

Present – the same

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D – continued

An order must issue in favour of Nikorima Te Hainga, Mihipeka

Fees - £1.0.0

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D – continued

Metera Karaha – claimant

Objectors challenged – No opposition – No one was found to be nearer related than Metera.

An order made in favour of Metera Karaha

Fees - £1.0.0

Kukutauaki No. 4E

Rita Te Hiakai – Duplicate claim – Dismissed

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4D

Rititia Kipihana – Duplicate – Dismissed

Oroua Piriti – Amiria Te Riakai - 550 acres

Ropata Ranapiri appeared for claimant

Robert Ranapiri – sworn

I knew Erina Kooro. She died at Oroua Bridge about 2 or 3 years ago.

It is 550 acres and granted under the Rangitikei Manawatu Grants Act.

Erina Te Kooro and Koora Te One were husband and wife and were also cousins. Reupena Te One was Koora’s father. Nora is uncle to Kooro and elder brother to Reupena. Tino is nephew of Noa and Reupena’s.

I claim for her, Amiria and Manahi Paora, Winia Paora, Pirihira Paora, Paora Pohotiraha was Amiria’s and the other children, I have just mentioned, father by Rota. Erina had married Te Kooro before Rangitikei had been sold. Paora the father was among the sellers. Erina, his daughter, refused to become a party to the sale. None of the brothers and sisters interfered, one way or the other. I cannot say whether they ever received any of the purchase money.

Xed by Dr. Buller

These four lived on the land formerly Ngati Wehiwehi lived there. At the hearing at Naki and Wellington, all the non resident hapu’s were thrown out. Awards were made to Ngati Kauwhata, Ngati Paiwahawaha and Ngati Kaharo. Members of those hapu’s who resided on the land.

I do not know whether Erina was admitted. The records will show.

Manahi did not try to be admitted. He did not reside there.

Amiria was away north and when she came back, the lands had been sold. She is living there now with her relations. When she came back, she gave her share in the land to Erina. I heard this from Amiria. I cannot say if Winia or Pirihira ever tried to get a share.

Manahi Paora – sworn

I was not present when Hoani proposed to have this matter talked over outside. Had I heard it, I might have assented.

I know the land in question. I know Erina Te Kooro. She was my sister. Formerly this land was ours by ancestral but it changed its feature when it was sold. It was returned to us by Sir D. McLean on the application of Erina and Te Kooro because they retained it after the sale to the government.

I was not concerned in the sale of Rangitikei. My parents and ancestors formerly lived at Rangitikei.

Te Kooro belonged to Ngati Kauwhata. Erina also belonged to it. Te Kooro was cousin of Erina. I claim to succeed to Erina in this block with my sister to one fifth.

I took no part in the sale. I was living at Otaki at the time.

At the time of the coming of Ngati Raukawa, I was living at Rangitikei but since Kuititanga have settled at Waikawa with some of the hapu, part of which stayed behind at Rangitikei. Where they are living, they are all Ngati Kauwhata. Our forefathers are buried at Rangitikei.

I was not a claimant at the Rangitikei Manawatu case in 1869 nor did Winia but she received some of the money Kiharoa was her husband. He is dead. Don’t know if she signed the deed or whether it was a present.

I don’t know if Pirihira made a claim or received money. We lived principally at Waikawa and Otaki until we grew up.

Adjourned to Foxton.

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4E

Duplicate – Dismissed

Rangitikei – 500 acres

Same as Oroua Piriti – Dismissed

Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B

Ropata Ranapiri

I knew Waikara Te Whena. She is dead. I was present at her funeral. She died at Oroua. She left no will. Hakarai Te Whena is her son and I am her cousins son.

Hakaraia Te Whena – sworn

Maika was my mother. I wish Ropata Ranapiri to be included in the order with me.

Objectors challenged.

Rawiri Rangitekehua – sworn

My brother and I want to be included. The deceased was our sister.

Order to be made in favour of Hakaraia Te Whena

Fees - £1.0.0


Grant under Rangitikei Grants Act

Mihie Huarau – sworn

Pumipi Te Kaka was my brother. He died at Tauranga some 4 years ago. He left no will, had no children. Rahapa Te Kapa was my younger sister. We wish to succeed out brother.

No objectors.

Order made in favour of Mihi Huarau and Rahapa Te Kapa.

Fees - £1.0.0


One of Sir D. McLeans awards not yet settled – Dismissed

Kapiti – Kukutauaki No. 1 - Succession – Heni Te Rae

Matene Te whiwhi – sworn

The names of my grandchildren and children are Heni Te Rei

At this state, it was thought advisable to dismiss – the application was irregular – Dismissed.


Matene Te Whiwhi

Claim to succeed to Rakapa. (Our former oath)

I wish myself to be appointed sole successor in this case.

No objectors.

Order in favour ofMatene Te Whiwhi for Rikiriki

Fees - £1.0.0

Tutangatakino No. 1

Duplicate claim – Dismissed

Kurakohatu – Subdivision


Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D – Subdivision


Ngakaroro No. 1A – Subdivision

Mr. Booth statedthat there was no objection to the subdivision as the land had been sold and this piece cut out for claimant.

Hemi Kuti – sworn

I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Pare hapu.

I know the block of land. I am one of the registered owners of the large piece. Some of the others have sold to government. I have not. This map shows my share. The area is right by calculation for myself alone.

No objectors.

Afterwards, Metera Te Karaha appeared.

Metera Te Karaha – sworn

On explanation by Mr. Booth, Metera withdrew.

Claimant withdrew all claim to any other portion of the block.

Order in favour of Hemi Kuti for part of Ngakaroro No. 1A

Fees - £1.0.0

Ngakaroro No. 2F – Subdivision

Adjourned for completion of plan.

Ngakaroro No. 3 - Subdivision


Waopukatea No. 1 – Subdivision


Waiwiri – Subdivision


Court adjourned to Foxton


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