Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 19 November 1879.
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Wednesday 19th November 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Opiki – a82 – r0 – p0 – Nirai Taraaotea and others
Plan not certified.
Nirai wished Roire to conduct their case.
Nirai Taraaotea – sworn
Roire – sworn
I belong to Ngati Turanga hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
This plan is a perfectly correct one of the land claimed. There are three hapu’s interested in this land, Ngati Turanga, Ngati Rakau and Ngati Teau. They have the only title. No other hapu has ever disturbed our occupation.
When the land was surveyed, we decided to bring it before the court. It was surveyed in 1872 and now we ask for an order of court. No person can object to our having this land. It is a cultivation of ours. We were the first who cleared it and we are now living on it.
Objectors challenged.
Arita Whakaaha appeared – admitted.
Claimant stated that Tuwhakatupua did not conflict with this block containing 82 acres.
Adjourned until after dinner to allow them to send in correct list of names they wish in the order.
Watene Kaharunga – Claimant dead – Dismissed.
Ngakaroro No. 1A
Order of Court – 16 April 1874 – 4400 acres
Hapeta Paku claims to succeed Arita Parerapu.
Hapeta Pau – sworn
I belong to Ngati Tepari – hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I live at Taupo.
Arita is dead. She died here. I cannot say in what year she died. She was my aunt. There is a child of hers in court – Moroati Kiharoa is his name. She had a daughter who is dead. Kiharoa’s name is in the order of court along with that of deceased. Moroati has two children both boys. Matenga and Pute both also are in the order of court also Rihi Moroati – his wife.
Moroati Kiharoa – sworn
I am son of deceased who died some years ago about 1876.
I am the only child. I have given my interest to Hapeta and so wish his name to go in the Order. My wife is past child bearing. There was no will made by deceased.
No objectors
Order to be made in favour of Moroati Kiharoa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Opiki – continued
List handed in for Ngati Te Au.
Pitihira Te Kuru, Paratene Taupiri, Hakopa Wahine, Ruruhira Te Kuru
List handed by Renata Ropata for Ngati Rakau hapu.
Renata Ropata, Nirai Taraaotea, Tekehirini Taraaotea, Te Keepa Parekawa, Amiria Nepe, Ihaka Ngamura, Wi Hemara, Te Hotereni, Hoana, Renata Te Hepenui, Kamo Roa – One share.
Eruera Te Whioi, Kipa Te Whitu, Ruruhira Te Kuru, Anaharata Renata (Maharata), Pauira Te Manaha, Horiana Roiri
Omahi, Ripeka Roiri, Hema Heta – One share.
Order made in favour of above persons.
Fees - £2.0.0
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