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Thursday 13th October 1881

Place – the same Present – the same

73 Makurataiohiti – W. D. 590

The court finds that Wiremu Te Manewha , Rikihana Te Tarure, Riripeti Ihaka Ngamura and Tewiata are the owners of this land and also the nearest of kins to Hapimana, Matiu and Whakahunga and the court will proceed to find out the nearest of kin.

Mr Carkeek applied for survey fees - £4.4.0 – Granted

The court finds that the nearest of kin to Matiu are Ani Kanara, Hekiera, Rutera, Nuna, Enoka, Hohipuha, Rikihana, Rawiri Rota, Heneti Rota and Ihaka Ngamura.

The nearest of kin to Hapimana are Ana Warihi and Pene Te Hapupu.

The nearest of kin to Te Whakaahunga is Pene Te Hapupu.

Ihaka and Riripeti – 1 share Rikihana Te Tarure – 1 share

Hapimana’s descendants – 1 share Matiu’s descendants – 1 share

Pene Te Hapupu – 1 share

Makuratawhiti No. 1

It was ordered that the names of

Rikihana Te Tarure, Enereta Rikihana, Wiremu Te Manewha, Raita Wiremu, Riripeti Ihaka, Ihaka Ngamura, Ani Kanara, Hekiera, Rutera, Nuna, Enoka, Hohipuha, Rawiri Rota, Heneti Rota, Ana Warihi and Pene Te Hapupu

Be entered in the register as owners on unequal shares according to native custom for the portion marked Makurataiohiti No. 1.

Fees charged

Hearing - £2.0.0 Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £4.0.0

Makuratawhiti No. 1A

Ordered that the names of

Tewiata Te Horu, Winara Te Puke, and Ketewhia Tewiata

Be entered in the register as owners according to native custom as owners according to native custom for the portion marked on the plan as Makuratawhiti No. 1A.

Fees charged

Hearing - £3.0.0 Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £5.0.0

225 Ngakaroro No. 2F – Subdivision

Claim of Hemara Te Tewe and others

Mr McDonald applied on behalf of the Ngati Kauwhata to conduct their case – Granted

Dr Buller appeared for re Ngati Huia

It was found that there would have to be a further consideration of this case between the natives themselves and Dr Buller applied for an adjournment till 10 am tomorrow – Granted.

Dr Buller said that it was proposed to lay a voluntary arrangement before the court to Enoka it to deal with the case. The fact was that sixteen persons of the Ngati Kauwhata tribe had been erroneously included by the court in the interlocutory order made by Judge Rogan, these persons having an interest whatsoever in the block, it was now proposed to amend the order by eliminating the names of these persons and further to amend the order by eliminating the names of such persons of the Ngati Huia tribe in certain instances where those names occurred twice over. This would bring down the names of the persons to 97 as the sixteen members of the Ngati Kauwhata referred to above had a right to be in the order for Ngakaroro No. 3. It was proposed to include these names with those of the Ngati Huia hapu in an amended order for that block.

Dr Buller then handed in to court the proposed plan of subdivision. He then read the amended list of names and on the court calling for objectors. Mr MacDonald suggested that before the court amended the orders it would be better to have a fixed area in the Ngakaroro No. 3 determined on by the parties interested and he would ask the court to allow him and Dr Buller a few hours more to enable them to come to a definite understanding with their clients.

The court then adjourned till 10 am on Friday.


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Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook  - 19 October 1881 201 - 207.pdf


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