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Thursday 8th September 1881

Place – the same Present – Edward Walter Puckey Esq Judge

Hoani Meihana – Assessor

Te Roto – continued


This is a claim brought by Ropata Ranapiri to obtain a certificate of title to a piece of land called Te Roto bought by him from Roiri Rangiheuea and others.

The function of the court are clearly laid claim in the Native Land Acts and have merely to do with the assertainment of Native titles to land under their customs and usages and have nothing whatever to do with respect to conferring titles on persons who have bought from others previous to the title having been investigated by the court.

The court finds that the following persons are the owners of the land according to native custom viz Te Roera Rangiheuea, Katarina Rangiheuea, Ripeka Rangiheuea, Ema Tukumaru and Mere Te Reinga also Pineaha Mahauariki, Hakopa Te Mahauariki, Hiria Taipua, Eparaima Te Mahauariki, Hakaraia Te Reinga, Inia Te Reinga, Te Whairiri Nikora (m) 14 years and Papi Nikora (m) 12 years.

Ordered that the names of Pineaha Te Mahauariki, Hakopa Te Mahauariki, Hiria Taipua, Eparanira Te Mahauariki, Hakaraia Te Reinga, Inia Te Reinga, Te Whairiri Nikora (m) 14 and Papi Nikora (m) 12 years and Mere Te Reinga be entered on the register as owners of Te Roto No. 1 - To be inalienable. See page 353. Pineaha to be trustee.

Fees charged Hearing - £1.0.0 Witness - £0.7.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.7.0 – paid.

Mr McLean said business arrangements made prior to the sitting of this court required his attendance at Feilding and asked for the adjournment of the following cases

Waerenga, Karuotewhenua, Pukekaraka, Katihiku No. 9, Pukekaraka, Tokitoki, Makuratawhiti, Haruotae.

James Ransfield said he could not afford to have Waerenga father adjourned – application granted respecting other cases.

32 Waeranga – 413 W.D.

Mr McLean said – I appear for Nepia Taratoa and objector.

Mr Ward said – Hemi Ranapiri the claimant.

James Ranapiri to object as a counter claimant.

By Mr Ward

Hemi Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu and Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.

I claim this land for my wife. I have no claim to it. I was married in the R. C form as well as the Anglican. She claims through her parents. They took it when they came here. They worked. Hori Ngawhare was the parent. Harama was Riria’s father. Merania was her mother. Riria is my wife.

Objectors – Nepia Taratoa by Mr McLean, Tame Ranapiri, Erenora Maraku and Humia Te Hana

Mr McLean asked to have this case adjourned until Saturday morning shortly after arrival of coach – granted.

7 Pukekaraka – W.D 401

Mr McLean said – I appear for c. claimant Mrs Whitehouse.

Te Raiti Tonihi – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I claim this land. I see the map. I don’t understand plans – boundaries described. This plan does not describe all my claim. I did not order this survey. I claim this land from Te Uhi – my ancestor. He took it when he came here. He lived on it and worked on it. Te Uhi was my grandfather.

Tonihi, Te Raiti Tonihi witness


Hemi Ranapiri said – I object to a portion of the land described in the plan – pointed out.

Enoka Te Wano – I object.

Charlotte whitehouse and family by Mr McLean.

To be taken after Waerenga

62 Kaingaraki – continued – 331

Hema Te Ao and Hoani Taipua – Assessors

Eruera Te Whioi said – I withdraw my application to have my name in title.

Roiri Rangiheuea said – I have arranged with Eruera and ask for a certificate in favour of Ropata Ranapiri.

Mr Carkeek claimed £4.4.0 for survey costs – admitted.

Ordered that the name of Ropata Ranapiri be entered in the register as owner.

Fees – Hearing £1.0.0 Witnesses £0.4.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.4.0

Hoani Meihana – Assessor

Sections 50, 51, 52 – Otaki – continued

Maaka Pukehi – I claim section 52.

Xed by R Ranapiri

Humia Te Kana – sworn

I live at Whanganui. I am of Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.

I know section 52 on plan. I have a claim on it through my father Horomona Toremi. It was cut out for him when the town was cut up. He lived on it then. He fenced it, put a house on it and lived there until his death. The house is still there. The fence is standing. I have the house and section now.

I deny the claim of Maaka Pukehi to this section. I never heard that Maaka claimed this section during Horomona’s life or disputed his occupation. The people of live on their respective sections.

Xed by Maaka Pukehi

I don’t know who allotted the land. I know that Horomona married Amiria of Ngati Toa. It was then that Horomona first occupied this section 52. This was Horomona’s second wife. I know Horomona leased this section to a European. His name and the name of his grandson Horomona are to the deed.

Re xed by R. Ranapiri

Horomona occupied this section for 20 years.

Tame Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.

I know section 52 of Otaki town. I have no claim to it. I have known it since 1859. Horomona has occupied all the time since then. I don’t know how he came into possession of it. Parakaia lived on section 57. Horomona had a fence and a house on 52. I have seen Humia living there with her father.

Xed by Maaka Pukehii

I never heard who put Horomona on section 52.

Mohi Heremia – sworn

I lived at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know section 52 of Otaki. It belonged to my ancestors Hone Te Tihi – the brother of Heremia Te Tihi my father to Rawiri Te Tihi who was my uncle to Hohepa Te Tihi who was another uncle.

Before the cutting up of the township, this land belonged to them. They allowed it to be cut up for the town and went to live at Pukekaraka. Horomona is the only person I saw living on section 52. He died there 4 months ago.

Xed by M. Pukehi

I never saw anyone but Horomona living on this land.

Counter claimants case closed.

Hema Te ao – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Raukawa.

I know section 52 of Otaki. This is the first time I have seen the sections numbered. I was present at the layering out of the township. Pukehii and Parakaia lived there first – Horomona’s coming since his marriage to Amiria before that he lived at Ohau. That was his place. Pukehii and Parakaia occupied the land before the township.

Xed by R. Ranapiri

I don’t know how long since Horomona’s marriage to Amiria – the register will show, these sections belong to Maaka.

I don’t know who allotted these sections to Pukehii. Pukehii has been dead for some time. I forget where he died.

After amiria’s death, one of Wi Parata’s children came to live with Horomona. That was the reason there was no disturbance of Horomona.

Hoani Taipua – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Raukawa.

I know section 52 of Otaki. It belongs to your father Pukehii. Before the laying out of the town, it was his. Horomona came there to live quite recently. The fence was up before he came to it. The fence was your father’s fence.

Ngati Raukawa gave to the bishop the power of allotting the sections in the township. I believe lot 52 was handed over to Horomona’s wife as a place for Ngati Toa to stay when they came to town. I only heard this.

I also heard Horomona say that he wished his grandson Horomona should have this section after his own death.

Xed by R. Ranapiri

Horomona has lived there for about 12 years – I think.

Ordered that the names of

Maaka Pukehii, Hera Tuhangahanga, Metapare Ropata, Te Maahia Te Kakakura, Hare Wirike Te Kakakura and Natanahira Te Umutapu

Be entered in the register as owners

Fees charged – Hearing £1.0.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Witnesses £0.8.0

8 Waerenga – 413-9

The same as 32 on the list.


42 Waerenga No. 2 – W.D. 438-5064

Claim read – plan produced

Hapeta Te Rangikatukua – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kikopiri of Ngati Raukawa.

I see the plan. I know the land it describes. I claim it from my parents who lived and worked on it. Kiriona Rangikatukua was my father. He caught this land. He died on it. No one disturbed his possession. I have occupied since his death without molestation.

No objectors.

Hapeta said – I want a certificate of the title of myself, Kipa Pataua, Tepehara Rarua, Rutere Hapeta, Hopaia Maaka.

M. Carkeek asked for cost of survey £4.4.0

Admitted by Hapeta.

Hapeta said I will arrange my names.

Ordered that the names of

Hapeta Te rangikatukua, Kipa Pataua, Te Pehara Rarua, Rutne Hapeta, Hohaia Maaka, Naera Pumia and Hanatia Pataua

Be entered in the register as owners.

No restrictions.

Fees charged – Hearing £1.0.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0

132 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4C

Hakaraia Te whena and another to succeed Horomona Te whena

Karehana Te Whena – sworn

I live at Patea now. I did live at Waikawa. I am of Ngati Wehiwehi of Ngati Raukawa.

I knew Horomona Te Whena. He was my elder brother. He is dead. He was buried at waikawa. He was an owner of this land. He did not sell his share. He made no will. He left a statement of his intention and desire relative to his property.

He wished Apaira Karehana Te whena to succeed to it.

No objectors.

Ordered that Apaira Karehana Te Whena should succeed.

Fees - £1.0.0 – paid

111 Waikawa No. 4C

Hakaraia Te Whena to succeed Watene Te Whena. Interest sold.


5 Harurunui – W.D. 414

Claim read

Tiemi Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu and Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.

I and Metera claim the land described on the map. We purchased a small piece of it. I have occupied and worked on the land. No one interfered with me.

Te Metera Te Karaha – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land before the court. I heard Tiemi Ranapiri’s evidence. It is correct. We alone are the owners of this land.

No objectors.

M. Carkeek said – I have a claim for survey for £4.4.0.

Tiemi Ransfield admitted the claim.

Te Metera and Tiemi asked to have the title in the name of Riria Ranapiri alone.

Ordered that the name of Riria Ranapiri be entered in the register as the owner.

Fees charged – Hearing £1.0.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.0.0 – paid

72 Makuratawhiti W.D. 585

Claim read

By Hema Te Ao

Ngaraihi Te Urihe – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kiri of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land. It belongs to my father – to Kotaia. He got it when the land was divided by Ngati Raukawa. He lived on it for a long time and cultivated it.

I want the certificate in the names of myself and Pia and Hira.

No objectors.

M. Carkeek claimed survey charge £4.4.0.

Charge admitted.

Ordered that the names of

Ngaraihi Te Urihe, Pia Te Urihe and Hira Maeke

Be entered in the register as owners.

Fees charged – Hearing £1.0.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.0.0 – paid

8 Waerenga No. 6 W.D 419

Perenara Te Tewe – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described on the plan. It belongs to my father Kerekori Te Tewe. He got it when Ngati Raukawa divided this land. My father lived on and cleared and cultivated the land. I am the only person who should get this land. I don’t admit any other claimant.

I ask for a certificate to myself and Paora. I gave this land to Manahi Paora.

Objectors – Pine Te Konga

Pine Te Konga – sworn

I live at Ohau. I am of Ngati Tukorehe of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described on the plan. I claim this land from my father. He is alive. He is at Ohau. He is not my true father. His name is Penia. He is my mother’s brother – now a very old man. Penia caught this land. He has the mana of this and the adjoining land.

We were Hauhau’s when the adjoining land went through the court. Penia lived on it so did I. There are no children of Penia’s – there are nephews. I have seen Kerekori Te Tewe. He never worked on this piece nor lived on it nor occupied it. I don’t know any other person than Penia and myself as the owners of this land.

Xed by Perenara Te Tewe

I know this piece. It belongs to Penia. He is the sole owner of it.

I never heard that you gave this piece to Manahi Paora. You never came and disturbed Manahi Paora.

You and I were Hauhaus but you also sold land then I left the hauhaus about 3 years ago. I came here in August last to attend this court.

Adjourned till 2 pm tomorrow.

37 Mangapouri – 4958

Claim read

Tamati Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described on the plan. It is mine. I claim the W part from enoka and the N part from Te Hemara. I have been in possession for 19 years. Te Hemara is dead.

Enoka Te Wano – sworn

I have heard Tamati’s statement. It is correct.

I gave him the piece from the road to the line. Hemara gave him the E – the other part.

I claim from my father. My father caught it. His name was Te Wano. My father and I cultivated on it and no one disputed our title.

I wish the certificate of this piece in the name of Tamati Ranapiri.

No objectors.

Ordered that the name of Tamati Ranapiri be entered in the register as owner.

Fees charged – Hearing £1.0.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.0.0

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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