14 April 1874
- Description
Tuesday 14th April 1874
Place – the same Present – the same
Hare Wirikake put in a list of names for whom he applied for an order of the court – list read.
Kepa Whatanui and others object because their names are not included.
Ordered to stand over.
Waihoanga No. 4
Hape Te Horohau handed in a list of names for whom he asked for an order of this block – list read
Hapi Te Horohau, Te Kipihana Whuia, Keripa Piripi, Piwiki Hape, Pene Te Hui Rae, Wi Warena Parakai, Akara Ngahue, Samuel Cook h.c, Frank Cook h.c, George Cook h.c, Te Akau, James Wallace h.c, Porokoru, Hemi Te Rei, Peneti Te Rangiwahitu, Meretini Kuka, Pirihira Tumata, Rahera Natanahira, Haimona Te Keho, Huriana Te Horohau, Ihaia Motunau, Meretini Hape, Araina Karaka, Ihakara Tukumaru, Arona Te Hana, Moroati Kiharoa, Tamihana Te Rauparaha, Mere Arangi, Tiaia Peneti, Poria, Rakera Kipihana, Herani Hape, Te Hei Akara, Pineaha Kiharoa, Pipi Kutia
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership for Waihoanga be made and issued in favor of the above named parties.
Waopukatea No. 1
Metera Te Karaha handed in a list of names in whose favor he asked for an order of the court of the title to this block – list read
Metera Te Karaha, Poni Wahio Pita, Hemara Te Tewe, Akuhata Karanama, Ahenata Hapi, Maikara Matiu, Karepa Karanama, Pirinona Puhikaru, Parekawau Pihiwahine, Wireti Te Ruinui
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership for Waopukatea No. 1 be made and issued in favor of the above named parties.
Court adjourned for an hour.
At 2 pm the court resumed.
Ngakaroro No. 5
Matene Te Wiwhi handed in a list of names in whose favor he asked that the title to this block should be on – list read
Hemi Te Rei, Rawiri Wirihana, Henare Wirihana, Wirihana Te Rei, Te Wari Te Rei, Matene Te whiwhi
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued in the foegoing names for the Ngakaroro No. 5 Block.
Waihoanga No. 1A
Rawiri Wanui handed in a list of names in whose favor he asked for an order of the title to this land – list read
Rawiri Rota Tahiwi, Rawiri Wanui, Keepa Kerikeri, Harawira Whareira, Raika Takarore, Hohepa Te Hana, Hohipuha Takarore, Ngapu, Natana Pipito, Eruera Te Hiapo, Rianora Te Tahiwi, Heneti Te Tahiwi, Maraea Rawiri Tahiwi, Harata Takarore, Pirihira Te Hana, Ruruhira Te Hira, Mere Ruihi Pahika
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued in the foregoing names for the Waihoanga No. 1A Block.
Waihoanga No. 1B – 460 acres
Pitini handed in a list of names in whose favor he asked for an order for the title to this block – list read
Pitini Turoa, Te Ringatahekeheke, Te Karehana, Oriwia Karehana, Ramari Tukuwhare
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued for Waihoanga No. 1B in favor of the above named parties.
Waihoanga No. 1C – 1362 acres
Rawiri Wanui handed in a list of names in whose favor he asked for an order for the title to this block – list read
Rawiri Wanui, Rawiri Rota, Pitini Turoa, Te Reingatahekeheke
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued in favor of the above named parties.
Waihoanga No. 2A – 880 acres
Natana Pipito handed in a list of names in favor of whom he asked the court to issue an order for the title to this land – list read
Natana Pipito, Ngapu Paneiti, Eruera Te Hiapo, Te Peka Pipito, Te Rata Te Poutemoa, Te Kingi Ngapu, Hera Te Rapa, Hariata Hamuera, Areta Pipito, Parekarewa Te Waha, Hira Maeku, Apera Wi Te Patato, Rawiri Wanui - 4 other names could not be transcribed
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership in favor of the above parties be made and issued.
Waihoanga No. 2B – 1366 acres
For this land, Natana Pipito asked the court to make an order in favor of
Natanapito and Watene Tuwaewae
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership in favor of the above named parties be made and issued.
Wahaotemarangai No. 1
Moroati Kiharoa asked for an orderof the court in favor of
Moroati Kiharoa, Hoani Taipua, Kipa Whatanui, Karaitiana Te Tupe, Matenga Moroati
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued to the above parties for this block.
Hapi Te Horohau asked for an order of the court in favor of
Hapi Te Horohau, Kipihana Whuia, Pene Te Huirae, Wi Warena Parakaia, Piwiki Hapi, Peneti Te Rangiwahitu, Karipa Piripi, Piripi Pohu, Akara Ngahue, Porokoru, Haimona Te Keho, Tame Kuka h.c, Hemi Kuka h.c, Meritine Kuka, Te Akau, Pirihira Natanahira, Heni Te Rei, Hera Wi Warena, ria Piripi, Tiaia Peneti, Meretini Hape, Rakera Kipihana, Heraani Hape, Tehei Akara, Maraea Piwiki Hape, Mere Te Aranga,( Hokepera Tahui, Arapere Hape – added by Hape)
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued in the names of the above parties for this land.
Muhunoa No. 1
Hema Te Ao asked for a Memorial of ownership for this land in the names of
Hema Te Ao, Ropata Te Ao, Hoani Taipua, Hemi Kuti h.c, Katarina Te Puke, Mere Hakaraia, Hipora Eruera Te Whiori, Makareta Taherangi, Eparaima Te Mahauariki, Anawarihi Ropata Te Ao, Reweti Ropata, Hema Ropata, Te Hauotaranaki, Hakaraia Te Reinga, Inia Te Reinga, Hoani Tawhiri, Eruera Te Whioi, Pene Arama, Hori Te Waru, Pou, Mahima, Te Ao Pineaha, Nikora Huarau, Munu
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made and issued in the names of the above paries for this land.
Muhunoa No. 5
5 acres at Aruhetakaka for Katene Te Waiho and Patoropa Te Ngae – plan to be furnished by Hema Te Ao.
Ngakaroro No. 4
Tamihana Te Rauparaha asked for an order for this land in favor of
Tamihana Te Rauparaha and James Howard Wallace h.c
Ordered that a Memorial of ownership in favor of the above named parties be made and issued for this block.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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