Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 8 January 1879.
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Wednesday January 8th 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Aorangi No. 1
Takana Te Kawa claimed to succeed to Wiremu Hohimi.
Takana Te Kawa – sworn
I live at Oroua and belong to Ngati Kauwhata.
I knew Wiremu Hohimi who is dead. I saw him die. He died in 1877. He left no will. He left no children. I claim to succeed deceased was son of my sister whose name was Ateneta. Tatiata is the name of another cousin.
I claim for myself. Tatiata is the same relation to deceased as I am.
Objectors challenged – none.
Order made in favour of Takana Te Kawa and Tatiata Te Kawa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Aorangi No. 1
Takana Te Kawa claims to succeed Metirea.
Takana Te Kawa – Metiria was my mother. She died in 1873. I claim to succeed.
Objectors challenged.
Tatiata – sworn
I am own sister to Takana.
Order made in favour of Takana Te Kawa and Tatiata Te Kawa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Aorangi No. 1
Takana Te Kawa claims to succeed Ateneta.
Takana Te Kawa – sworn
I knew Ateneta. She is dead. She died in 1876. I saw her dead. Ateneta was mother to Hohimi.
Order made in favour of Takana Te Kawa and Tatiata Te Kawa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Aorangi No. 1
Hohiata Kahuhui claims to succeed Pirihira Kahuhui.
Hoeta Kahuhui – sworn
I knew Pirihira. She died in 1877. She was my daughter and Wiremu Karamoa was my son.
Objectors challenged – none.
Order made in favour of Hoheta Kahuhui.
Fees - £1.0.0
Aorangi No. 1
Hoheta Kahuhui claims to succeed Wiremu Karamoa.
Order made in favour of Hoeta Kahuhui.
Fees - £1.0.0
Aorangi No. 1 - Subdivision
Tapa Te Wata and others.
Mr. A McDonald appeared on behalf of Tapa Te Whata and others (5) for subdivision.
Dr. Buller appeared on behalf of representatives of Maraea Wetini also on behalf of Eruereta Rangiotu representative of Kooro Te One and objected to the subdivision as his clients were no parties to it.
The court is of opinion that it is clear that to carry out any subdivision under the 68th section of act 1873, new memorials must be issued for the divided portions.
This can only be done after former Memorial has been cancelled but a Memorial like a crown grant confers an absolute estate on certain parties and it cannot be cancelled by this court except with the consent of all parties holding under it. In this case – several of the owners object to cancel the original memorial. This court therefore has no jurisdiction and the claim must be dismissed.
Aorangi No. 2 – (Middle) – Subdivision
Hamuera Te Raekekiritea and others.
Opposed by Mr. Booth. Some of the owners having sold to government as therefore these parties are not in a position to consent to the surrender of the original memeorial.
Kairanga No. 11
Same as one on next page – Dismissed
Kairanga No. 2 (Adjourned claim) – 100 acres
Horanona Paro – sworn
I live at Hokowhitu.
I belong to Rangitane.
I know this land. This piece was separated from the large block. I went to mark it off over which I had a dispute with Peete. When the large block passed the court, this 100 acres was excepted for me by consent of all. I have since arranged with Peete. I will give in the names of those claiming with me. I claim through ancestry.
Matiri Whariki, Miriama Te Rangi, Rapana Matai, Inia Te Rangi, Kararaina Whariki, Meihana Te Rangi.
These are the names I wish in the order.
Objectors challenged
Matiri Whariki – sworn
I want my husbands name inserted. He has no claim of his own.
Peete Te Aweawe – sworn
Matiri’s husband Hutana, is a new husband, her former husband is dead.
Hetu Paro appeared and wished his name inserted - agreed to.
Order to be made in favour of Horomona Paro, Matiri Whariki, Miriama Te Rangi, Rapana Matai, Inia Te Rangi, Kararaina Whariki, Meihana Te Rangi and Heta Paro..
Fees - £2.0.0
Section No. 97 Foxton – a0 – r1 – p24
Ihakara claimant.
Ihakara Takumaru – sworn
I belong to Patukohuru hapu.
I know this land. It adjoins the Foxton Cemetery. This is the plan, the land belongs to me. It is a portion of the land reserved for me. I want an order for myself and Kereopa Tukumaru – my brother Te Ruanui Tukumaru, Te Aputa Ihakara (10 years) and Ema Tukumaru.
Objectors challenged
Order made in favour of Ihakara Tukumaru, Ema Tukumaru, Kereopa Tukumaru, Te Ruanui Tukumaru, Te Aputa Ihakara (10 years).
Ihakara Tukumaru and Ema to be appointed trustees for Aputa Ihakara (10 years).
Fees - £2.0.0
The court adjourned sine die.
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