Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 24 October 1881.
- Description
Monday 24th October 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
Dr Buller applied to the court for an order of freehold tenure in favour of James Gear of Wellington in respect of the above named block and put in a deed of conveyance dated 13th October 1881 from Wirihema te Rei to the above named James Gear of all his undivided interest in Ngakaroro No. 5 before subdivision of the said block.
Order made subject payment to land duty (see page 294).
228 (59) Pukehou No.4 (Subd claim) W.D 367 4774/06
Mr Booth appeared on behalf of the crown.
Dr Buller appeared on behalf of Eri Tahitangata.
Mr Booth – sworn
I am a government P.O. Agent.
I make an application on behalf of the crown for the interest of Eru Tahitangata in the portion of the Pukehou Block marked on Plan as A and containing 926 – 0 – 1 a mutual consent by all parties interested in the whole block that Eru Tahitangata alone should have the portion above named (portion marked A)
I therefore apply for a certificated be issued in favour of Eru Tahitangata. It is also the wish of all the owners to have the rest of the block subdivided and an arrangement has been come to for the subdivision.
Objectors challenged
Enoka stated that he objected and that they had not agreed as to the subdivision.
Pape – the only objection I have is – if Eru gives up all his claim to the other part of the block, expecting the a240 – r1- p0 for himself and family .
Eru objected.
Pape, enoka and Tamati and others wished that the whole of the block should be settled at the same time as that asked for by Mr Booth to be awarded to Eru Tahitangata because Eru might want to claim a part of our lands in this block – owing to the continual disputes Dr Buller applied to have the ------ block called on – (see page 242)
Ngakaroro No. 2F Railway Reserve
Dr Buller applied for a certificated of title to be issued in favour of namely Tamihana te Hoia, Tiaki Hawea, Hoani Taipua, Hapi te Rangitewhata, Karepa te Kapukai, Matiu Hemara, Kireona Whamaro, Hutana Ngarangiorehua, Maka Pukehi and Eruera te Whioi in equal shares as tenants in common – No Restrictions
Objectors challenged – none appeared
Fees charged
Order - £1.0.0 Cert - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
Ngakaroro No. 3E – Railway Reserve
Dr Buller applied for a certificated of title to be issued in favour of namely Maaka Pukehe and Natanaihira Te Umu Tapa in equal shares as tenants in common – No restrictions
Objectors challenged – none appeared
Fees charged
Order - £1.0.0 Cert - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
Ngakaroro No. 3C
Dr Buller applied for an order in favour of Tamihana Te Hoia, Hiramate Hoia, Kirehoma Paratawa, Maikara Matiu, Ramari Matiu, Poni Hakaria, Areta Mihaka, Teoti te Poopo, Paora Tamihana, Hirama Tamihana, Etera Rewa Tamihana, Makarini Te Poopo, Tiaki Hawea, Manahi te Humu, Mere Hawea, Meter ate Karaha, Hoani Taipua, Piteera te Puna, Paranihia Hawea, Oriwia Tame Hawea, Ahenata Hapi, Nepia Pomare, Hiriwanu Manahi, Ruta te Maanga, Mere Tiaki Hawea, Mirika Tiaki Hawea, Unaiki Tiaki Hawea, Apiata Tiaki Hawea, Hemi Kupa Tiaki Hawea, Ramari Hiramu, Hira Tuhangahanga, Riria Hakaraia, Anihaera Hapi, epiha Karepa, Pirimona Hapi, Epiha Tame Hawea, Matiu te Hamara, Heta te hemara, Karepa Kapukai, Morohita Rupuha, Pia Wairau, Hikamate Hapi, Kapo te Tou, Wiremu te Puna, Pirimona Puhikaru, Karanama Kapukai, Hapi te Rangitewhata, Apera te Hemara, Mihaka Karepa, Winara te Puke, Keiha Katarina, Makuini Hapi, Iwi Akuhata, Te Noota Areta, hakaraia Hoani, Pene te Heihei, Hokepera Matiu, Riripeti Ngawhare, Hutana Ngarangiorehua, Kireona whamaro, Mihipeka Tatana, Hohaia te Pahau, Kereama Pita, Whioi Kerehama, Hemi Tatana, Matere Tatana, Hunia Matenga, Wiremu Matenga, Arihia Hutana, Rakapa Whamaro, Katerina Kireona, Kireona Tuhera, Te Amo Pita, Mihipeka Matenga, Rangiwhata Matenga, Hemi Hohaia, Tauteka Kireona, Hiko Hutana, Rawiri Tatana, Hakiaha Rangitekiri, Hera Hutana and Pouawha Hirini, in equal shares as tenants in common the title to be subject to the usual restrictions reserving nevertheless to the owners of Ngakaroro No. 3A and B and their assigns the right to construct and keep open a water course twelve feet in width for the purpose of draining the above named blocks.
Fees charged
Order - £1.0.0 Certificate - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
Dr Buller applied for an order in favour of Heni Te Rei, Rueha Ngawati, Wirihana Rangihaeata, Erenara Tungia, Ekenehi Pipi Rei, Ruiha Rei, Matene Rei, Waari rei, Mere Wirihana, Ehetere Matene and Rehu Rei for Ngakaroro No. 3F in unequal shares as tenants in common the title to be subject to the usual restrictions reserving nevertheless to the owners of Ngakaroro No. 3A and B and their assigns the right to construct and keep open a water course twelve feet in width for the purpose of draining the above named blocks – containing 16 acres – more or less.
Pukehou No. 4 – continued from 239
Xed by Dr Buller
Eru Tahitangata – sworn
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngai Kapu hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the block under investigation I wish a certificate be issued in favour of myself and family for the part called No. 4B (list of names handed in by Dr Buller) and I agree on behalf of myself and others to vacate the rest of the block so far as those are concerned on the list – handed in – Except as to Ramare Pataua – No objections.
I also apply for an order in my own name for the part sold to the government namely – No. 2A – No objections.
Fees charged
Order £1.0.0 Cert - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
Pukehou No. 4B
Ordered that the names of Eru Tahitangata, Akapita Tahitangata, Te Naika Tahitangata, Tarei Tahitangata Aneta Tahitangata, Pare Tahitangata, Haikema Te Matohoturoa, Hoani Tahitangata, Hanatia Pataua, Ramari Pataua be entered in the register as owners according to native custom for the above named block.
Ngoungou or Pukehou No. 4C – a872 – r0 – p0
Tiemi Ranapiri
I live at Otaki. I belong to Ngati Tukorehe hapu of Raukawa.
In my opinion there will be no dispute about this piece we have all agreed as to the subdivision.
List of names handed in and read out by the court.
Objectors challenged – none appeared.
Ordered that the names of Riria Tiemi, Rerenara te Tewe, Hiroi Piahana, Mohi Heremia, Netahio Tauehe, Haimona ranapiri, Teraiti Te Tewe, Rawiri Heremia, Karauria Heremia, Matarena Tauehe, Kerekeha Paehua, Ruhia Rewi, Hotene Ngawi, Mikaere te Papa, Henare te Papa, Tamihana Hotene, Haimona Hiwhenua, Mitarina Ranapiri, Punohi Ranapiri, Noti ranapiri, Winia Paehua, Hopia enoka, Emere Perenara and Meropa Te Kotu be entered in the register as owners according to Native Custom for the above named block.
Fees charged
Order £1.0.0 Cert - £1.0.0 Total - £2.0.0
59 Pukehou No. 4
Crown case for the subdivision of the above named block
Mr Booth – case called
This case having been disposed of under the application of Karanama Te Whakaheke and others in which Mr Booth applied for an order in favour of Eru Tahitangata in order to facilitate the negotiations for a subdivision of the above named block the case was therefore dismissed.
Court adjourned till 10 am tomorrow.
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