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Thursday 2nd April 1874

Place – the same Present – the same

Ngawhakangutu (attach to Kukutauaki)

Claim called – tracing produced

Tamehana Te Rauparaha said – there is no dispute about this piece. It is mine.

Matene Te Whiwhi said – this land belongs to Tamehana and me and Hoani Te Okoro and Rakapa Topiora.

Objectors challenged – none appeared

Ordered that a memeorial of ownership be issued in favor of

Matene Te Whiwhi, Tamehana Te Rauparaha, Hoani Te Okoro and Rakapa Topiora

For all that block of land between the Ngakaroro Block and the Kukutauaki and Ngarara Block and between the sea and the mountain.

View Subdivision pp 399.


Claim called – tracing produced

Hoani Taipua said – I apply for an order for this land in favor of Ngati Pare.

Moroati Kiharoa said – what Hoani Taipua states is correct.

Objectors challenged – none appeared

Ordered that for all that block of land known as Wahaotemarangai and extending thence between Ngakaroro block and the Wairarapa Block to the mountain – a Memorial of ownership in favor of the Ngati Pare be issued in the names of

James Thomson – surveyor – said – my claim for the survey is not paid in full.

Mr. Booth said – I will undertake to satisfy Mr. Thomson’s claim.


Claim read – tracing produced

Rawiri Wanui – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am a Ngati Maiotaki – sub tribe of Ngati raukawa.

I claim the strip to the south within this block and wish the court to order it in my favor.

Objectors challenged and many appeared

Rawiri Wanui said – I admit with me – Rawiri Rota, Te Kepa Kerkeri, Natana Piwhito, Ngapu Witi, Eruera Te Hiapo, Ihakara Tukumaru.

Rawiri Rota will conduct our case in the strip I have spoken of.

Arama said – I wish the whole block as shown on the tracing to be heard at once and not in strips.

Rawiri consented to this arrangement.

Hema Te Ao said – there is no dispute to the strip which bears my name – that is Pukehou No. 5.

James Ransfield said – a portion of my land is within Hema’s boundary.

Other objectors challenged – none appeared

Hema said – he would arrange with J. Ransfield Pukehou No. 5 (portion of Puketoi)

Ordered that a Memorial of ownership be made in favor of Hema Te Ao

The rest of this page 365 was unreadable


These people said they have a claim over the other 3 strips

Peene Te Arania, Nuna Tauru, Hohipuha, Hekora, Minara, Narete Te Tewe, Rikihana, Atana Tui, Amohia, Wiata, Paremena, Hau o Taranaki, Te Reinga, Haruru, Pitini and Hapi Te Rangitewhata.

Court adjourned until Tuesday April 7th 1874.


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