Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 23 September 1881
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Friday 23rd September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
61 Titokitoki – 5067
By H. Taipua
Harata Takarore – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Maiotaki of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land described by this plan. I have been on it the other day.
My piece is inside Rikihana’s survey. That piece is mine. I myself succeed it. I am the wife of Maika Takarore. It was my husband and I seized it. I remember the time we went there. It was after Haowhenua. We seized the N. W part of this piece. We worked on this piece. I don’t know how many seasons we worked on it.
Xed by Mr Maclean
Petuha was not on this block before us.
We seized a goodly sized piece. We had our piece surveyed by a European. My husband is dead. I saw some of our pegs or marks on the land. I can show them on the land but I can’t on the plan.
Kerewhia Tewiata – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Maiotaki.
I know this land. My boundary line is within these boundaries (pointed out) before this church was built.
My parents worked on this part. I also have worked there while the church was building. I worked there while any remained there to cultivate. We ceased to work there before the king movement.
Te Ahoaho had the mana over this and the adjoining land. Titokitoki is the name by which a very large piece of land was known formerly. Te Ahoaho gave all this land to his several hapu’s and each individual went and cut out his own piece – selected for himself.
No one ever disturbed us on this piece. When we were living on this piece, Rikihana was at Waikato. He had not yet come from Waikato. I don’t know the year he came. When we worked there, Wiremu Te Manewha worked on the S. W. part. I know those who then worked on this piece.
Wiremu Te Manuewha was one. The Ngati Hapuiti also worked there then. I can’t remember the names of the individuals.
We gave Ramari Korako leave to work on our piece. Ramari went to see it with us yesterday.
No one saw the survey of this piece. Rikihana tried to survey this piece once before. I obstructed him and took away his chain. I did not see this survey. No one knew of it. Carkeek made this survey.
I then asked my husband Tewiata to get Carkeek to survey our piece out of it. Carkeek advised him to wait for this court. I think about 2 acres of our land have been taken by Rikihana. These of Rikihana’s are new boundaries. They are not the old ones.
Xed by Maclean
I don’t know the old boundaries. I don’t know if Petuha took any of this land.
I worked on all that piece shown by a pencil line inside the N. E. boundary. . The larger part of my piece is inside these boundaries. My part outside these lines is free from trees. I worked all my land inside and outside these lines. My parents laid off and seized my land. That peg – (pointed to) – is right. I saw no peg at the point the apex of the triangular piece inside these boundaries. There is no sand at the N. W. corner of this land. Alzdorf made the first survey of this piece. I took his chain from him then. Rikihana guided Alzdorf there.
I heard Carkeek had made this survey. He himself told my husband so. Rawiri was present at the first survey. Petuha was not there. Rawiri Rota was there. Rawiri went to look after his own piece.
Re-exed by H. Taipua
I can’t point out the sandhill on this plan. There is a sand hill near the piece.
Anawarihi Ropata – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Waihurihia of Ngati Raukawa.
I know this land. I have been on it during the last two days.
Hekeira and Winara objected to the N. E boundary. A part of Rikihana’s N. E boundary is right from the middle peg on that line to the next.
The N. W of it is wrong. Hekiera, Harata and M. Tokarore have each had a portion of their land taken with this survey. I saw Harata working on that piece. All the land in this vicinity was allotted at the same time. I was a child when I saw Harata working on this piece. I don’t know how many years Harata worked on this piece.
When sheep and cattle became plentiful, they ceased to work this land. No one worked here after them.
Wiremu Te Manuewha worked all along this block. We all worked on it the same year each on his own piece. Rikihana had not returned from Waikato then. He went from here with his father. They went back to Waikato together. This is six years since Rikihana put sheep on this land. These sheep are the property of the whole tribe. I and my husband have an interest in these sheep.
Xed by Maclean
I don’t claim any of this land myself. I know the boundaries of my own piece. I don’t know the old boundaries. I know some of them.
I know Petuha’s old boundaries but I can’t show them. I don’t know Petuha’s old boundaries. All this land was cut up in the same year.
Re-exed by H. taipua
Ihakara Kereopa and others were on Petuha’s piece when it was cut up.
Ramari’s land is outside on the N. E. Ketewhia’s mother gave it to Ramari and Ramari returned it to Ketewhia. A Rata tree stands at the edge of the bush on the N. W. boundary line.
Te Wiata Te Horu – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Te Horu of Ngati Raukawa.
I first saw this piece in my infancy.
Wiremu worked here then (pointed out). Part of this piece is a swamp. I worked on Wiremu’s piece. I lived with him then. He had wheat growing on it. Maika and his wife worked on a part also.
A gully running through parallel to the N. E boundary was the division or old boundary of the claims. Rikihana’s is quite a new boundary. Wiremu and Maika had each a ditch within these boundaries of Rikihana’s.
I saw the first survey of this land. My wife took the chain then Rikihana’s own wife called out to him that he was wrong. Rikihana flogged his wife when they got home.
I did not see Carkeek’s survey.
Xed by Maclean
I worked for Wiremu and lived with him. We worked it for several years. I don’t know how many years. I remember one of Wiremu’s drains on this land. Wiremu did not make that drain (pointed out).
A Rata tree stands on the N. side of the land. I was on the land yesterday. I saw a Rata there (pointed out). I can peg at the pegs of the triangle within the block. I put it there about 2 months ago. It does not mark an ancient boundary. It is a new boundary. The Rata is not an old boundary.
Re-exed by Hoani Taipua
Harata pointed out to me the boundary inside the N. E line. She said it is an old boundary. I knew by my own knowledge also that was an old boundary.
Xed by court
I don’t know how many years we worked there. I have no claim to Wiremu’s interest although I lived with him.
Te Kepa Kerikeri – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Maiotaki. I am one of the oldest people of Ngati Raukawa.
I was one of those engaged in subdividing this land. I did not go on the land yesterday. I know Harata’s and Maika’s piece. I cannot see the plan. There are two Rata trees.
Maika had a piece alongside the ditch. I never heard that boundary line dispute.
I can point out the boundaries on the land.
Xed by Maclean
My land adjoins this at the Kahikatea.
Hoani Taipua said my remaining witness Rawiri Wanui is too ill to attend the court. I wish the court to go to his house and take his evidence.
Court assented.
Hoani Taipua said Ramari Rangikorapa is ill also. She is one of my witnesses and was on the ground yesterday.
Court said it would call Ramari.
Hariata Hamuera asked if Rikihana would admit her.
Rikihana said I shall admit Hariata and Petuha as owners.
Hekiera Wharewhiti
I am a counter claimant but I will not pursue it because the attending expense is greater than my claim is worth.
Winara Parearua said – my claim I find is without these boundaries – I withdraw.
Claimants case.
Rikihana Te Tarure – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Koroki of Waikato.
I claim this land through Petuha’s mana. There is one part of it is under Petuha (pointed out). The other side I claim under Wiremu Manewha. I was on the land yesterday.
The Rata tree is just outside these boundaries but it gives direction to my N. E boundary line.
The evidence relative to that triangular piece is all false.
Alzdorf surveyed this piece for me in 1874. I then pointed out the boundaries. There were others also, Rawiri WaWanui and his son also Koroheke and many of Ngati Raukawa. It was then agreed that these boundaries were my correct lines. Every point was settled.
Ketewhia objected to a peg on the N. E. line. It was not pulled up. Ketewhia was afraid. I should take more land towards the N. E. Ketewhia did not take the chain from the surveyor. She only protested. The statement that I went home and beat my wife is false. My wife did not say that I was guiding the line wrong. Erereta daughter of Wiremu Te Manewha is my wife. Wiremu had two ditches: one from either boundary to the gully. Wiremu and I both worked on the triangular part disputed.
Ketewhia’s land is outside my line. Her boundary joins Ngati Kapu land. They did not cultivate within my lines.
We all ceased to cultivate this land in 1838.
Xed by Taipua
Click on view to see genealogy line
My grandfather married Karoro and Wiremu Manewha was the issue. My mother and he were half brother and sister.
I can’t trace Petuha’s connection. I only heard he was a papa. Petuha was not of Ngati Koroki or of Ngati Tuhei. Petuha is of Ngati Takihiku. I sent in my claim for this piece in 1880. It matters not whether his name is in the application or not. Had Petuha died, I should have known his successors what claim he had here. Petuha saw this survey. I mean the first one.
He conducted all around the boundaries. Ngati Raukawa saw the first survey also.
Ketewhia objected to one of my pegs. I put up a post at the N. W. angle and no one came to pull it out. This was the same day. None one came to disturb my peg from where I removed it to. Ketewhia’s brother was there as well as several other persons. Ketewhia did not take the surveyor’s chain. Alzdorf’s survey was completed in the same day. All Ngati Raukawa and Rawiri were present when that N. E. line was cut. I don’t know that Ketewhia took the chain from the surveyor. Tiemi Roti was not present. Rawiri Wanui and I agreed to straighten our boundary this W. at formerly ran into and out of these boundary lines. The N. E. line was altered because of Ketewhia’s objection. The alteration was of very little movement.
W. Manewha was not present when the first survey was made. It was I procured the survey in his absence. He was at Manawatu at the time of this survey.
First survey was by Alzdorf. It was wrong.
Carkeek made the second survey.
I first worked on this piece in 1833. Petuha and Wiremu owned it then. Kingi Te Ahoaho and Rangiwhaea owned all the land between this and Titokitoki.
Xed by court
My claim to this land is through Ngati Raukawa. My father was of Ngati Raukawa and Ngati Awa. This land was cut up before I was born. I was born here.
Harata is older than I am. Perhaps she was there before me. I can’t say. I worked on this piece from 1853. After 1840 I went to Waikato. I returned here in 1853. It was because the first survey was wrong (not approved) that a second was necessary and not on account of the dispute.
Harata’s claim is quite outside my lines. She has none on this piece. Ketewhia caught hold of the chain but she eventually consented to let the survey go on.
Harata Takarore – recalled and sworn
I told the court I was a Ngati Maiotaki. I cannot give my connection. My word this morning is nevertheless true. I came here from Tauranga. I am of Ngati Raukawa. I can’t trace my connection. My husband is of Ngati Kahungunu – grandchild of Niho Te Te. My husband was taken prisoner.
I think we have a claim on this land nevertheless. We caught it. Ngati Raukawa caught it. I also belong to the tribes of Tauranga and Rotorua.
Xed by Hoani Taipua
Kingi Te Ahoaho gave this land to us to cultivate. We were living with Ngati Maiotaki and Kingi.
Kingi Te Ahoaho took Maika prisoner.
Wiremu Te Manewha – sworn
I live at Oroua. I am of Ngati Hana, Ngati Koroki and Ngati Raukawa.
I know this land. I went yesterday to see it.
Te Ahoaho and his wife Rangiwhaea were the first to seize this piece.
Rikihana is the owner of it now. He holds it from me. It was mine. I went to Oroua and left it to Rikihana. It became mine by my working on it.
I saw the cutting up of this land. I took possession of this piece then. While I lived here, Petuha had the south east part of it. Harata has no claim on the land within these lines. Her claim is outside on the N. E. We occupied these respective places at the same time.
When I went to Manawatu, I left Rikihana to take charge of the place. His wife is my daughter.
Xed by Hoani Taipua
My old boundary of the S. W. took in more land than this. My N. E boundary is now the same as it was of old. I made all those old ditches.
Harata and Maika are Kingi Te Ahoaho’s children. I have seen other people working on Harata’s piece. Ramari was one.
Re-exed by Maclean
Harata is not of Ngati Raukawa – no she does not, she belongs to Ngati Iterangi. She was taken prisoner by her own relatives. Tewiata’s father is a younger relative of mine that is why he stayed with me.
Xed by court
Pene Te Hapupu – sworn
I am of Waikato and Ngati Raukawa. I live at Otaki.
I know the land before the court. It belongs to Te Rikihana. He worked on it. It belonged to his father.
Kingi Te Ahoaho was the first who caught this land together with all the adjoining land. Wiremu Manewha took this piece then. The S. E part of this piece belongs to another person. That N. E boundary is quite right.
Harata has no interest in this land.
Xed by Hoani Taipua
I know this land very well. Wiremu had his house outside these lines but he arranged this S. W boundary with Rawiri. Wiremu took this land from the hand of Te Ahoaho. Wiremu worked on this land before Otaki (fight). He ceased to live here when “Tainui” was erected.
I ------ 1857 and I have been here continuously ever since. I have no cultivation on this piece. I have worked there under Wiremu’s mana. Harata and Maika were serfs of Te Ahoaho. They have land elsewhere under Kingi. Rawiri ----- them on some pieces.
Court said it would hear Rawiri Wanui at his residence respecting this and also Te Awamate.
Dr Buller asked for adjournment of the following cases to Foxton for convenience of clients –
53 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2A, 4 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2B
5 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2C 6 Manawatu Kukutauaki No 2D
7 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 2E
Mr Booth as crown agent offered no objection – Granted.
58 Ngakaroro No. 7A – See page 212
On application to Dr Buller - to stand at bottom of list and provided there is no other application, it will stand adjourned to Foxton. Hoani Taipua consented.
Te Waka
Adjourned to 2 pm on Monday next - at application of Dr Buller.
Court adjourned until 10.30 am tomorrow.
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