Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 10 December 1879.
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Wednesday 10th December 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present = the same
Aorangi – continued
Dr Buller stated he had prepared a compromise with Mr McDonald.
By consent Kaiparuparu is now marked by judge on plan as also by consent on both sides that all Law points that have been raised in objection are mutually waived.
By consent Enereta’s share is to be considered to be between the railroad and Kohiro line. Tapita and Hema’s claim is outside of the Kopiro line and that they shall receive a proportionate share of the whole block.
Court adjourned until 2 pm to allow council to consult.
Court resumed at 2 pm.
Dr Buller stated that his clients Tapita and Hema claimed 1 67th of the whole block.
Enereta’s claim – Aorangi No. 1
Hoani Meihana Te Rangiotu – sworn
I live at Oroua Bridge. I belong to Rangitane tribe.
The claimant is my wife. She is appointed successor to Reupena and Kooro Te One in Aorangi No. 1. I know certain portions of this block which contains 7000 acres.
Reupena was father of Kooro Te One and my wife. Reupena and Kooro had land in this block and I can point out portions of the same. They had a large share which I can define. It is Section 2 and Part of 3 as shown on the plan although they had claims over all parts they afterwards agreed to concentrate their claims and theirs are now within the lines as shown on plan No. W.D. 356.
There is a timber mill on it. There was no line out when Kooro was living but there was a mark about 2 chains from mouth of Otoko Stream about 1 or two chains to the westward. Kooro cut a line to prevent a Mr Bull coming on to Lot No. 4 to fell trees.
Kooro was the principal man to receive the rents. He received the moneys up to the time of his decease and my wife has received the rents as his successor. I can give the boundaries of the land outside the lease belonging to Kooro Te One.
A surveyor was driven off by Enereta. If the line shown on the plan is that surveyors line, it is not correct. 5260 links. The line from Otoko to Taonui is a straight line thence it goes along the Taonui in a downward direction in a southerly direction and ---- near a line at Kaiparuparu thence goes west to Kopiro at the point of the bush thence following the Oroua River to Arakiore thence along the river to a place opposite to Orawea to Koau within the block thence to Kohanga thence to Paekau thence to Otoko Stream and thence to starting point.
This land belonged to Reupena Te One and his son Kooro Te One. The names of Harata and children were named by me on this land.
Harata and children – Marana, Erana Tuporo, Tino Tangata, Hori Te Mataku
One of Harata’s children is in the certificate perhaps it is Rawinia. I wish this land to be adjudged to Enereta Rangiotu and her hapu.
By Mr A. McDonald – Witness to be called again.
Objectors challenged
Mr McDonald appeared on behalf of 64 natives and objected to Enereta’s claim.
Alexander McDonald – sworn
I live at Awahuri.
This land was occupied by three hapu’s and they held it in common in 1870. These hapu’s met at Awahuri to determine whether they should still live there in common or should they separate themselves and divide the block.
After much discussion, they agreed to subdivide the land and separate the hapu’s. A boundary was laid down at Hingarea to run through east to a place called Korootemanu to Kopuaroa thence to Kotuku on the boundary of government land thence north to Ruapuha thence south by the river to commencing point at Hungarea from Hungarea to Korootemanu.
The part lying between Hungarea and Ruapuha was to be divided into two equal parts.
Ngati Tauera was to take the part next to Hungarea; Ngati Kauwhata was to take that next to Ruapuha. This was intended that this should be a final arrangement and the Native Land Court was to investigate their claims. When this was done in 1873, an order was made in favour of a certain hapu’s and in 1878, a rehearing was granted and the original order was confirmed.
Court adjourned at 4.30 pm.
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