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Court opened at 10 am.

Present – the same

The under mentioned applications were called on and dismissed

No 67 Man Kuk 4E Section 2 Partition Dis 13/12/99

101 Otaki Section 95 Hoani Taipua Duplicate

103 Otaki Section 97 Hoani Taipua Duplicate

104 Otaki Section 100 Hoani Taipua Duplicate

No 115 Ngarara West 27 Hamapiria Waiho Not an owner

132 Taumanuka No. 3 Amiria te Hiakai

180 Waiohanga Karehana te Whena Or made 3/4/0

187 Ohau 3A Ngahorihori Natana Not an owner

192 Himatangi No. 5 Hoana Whangai Or made 5/9/83

196 Te Heureu Block 2 Tauteori Patua Or made 27/4/00

197 “ “ 3 “ “ “ “ “

203 Taonui Ahuaturanga 6D No.2 Hamuera te Raikokiritia

206 Ngakaroro 3G Hohaia te Pahau Not an owner

209 Horowhenua No. 4 Ngatuere Tawhirimatea “

216 Tuahiwi No. 2 Hare Wirikake Or made 11/12/78

244 Ngarara West A No. 25 Ngaroimata Kerei Parata Or made 1/5/00

246 “ “ “ 46 “ “ “ “ “

247 “ “ “ 14 “ “ “ “ “

254 Kukutauaki No. 1 “ “ “ “ “

258 Horowhenua No. 7 Ani Tihore Not an owner

265 Te Hakuai No. 2 Te Moroati Kiharoa

269 Rotorua Hohaia Pahau Not an owner

270 Patatere “ “ “ “

295 Man Kuk 7B No. 2D Ema Wirihana Duplicate

353 Pukehou 4E Restrictions No restrictions

355 “ 4F “ “ “ “

358 “ 4B No. 1 “ “ Or made 3/5/00

363 Roto No. 1E applicant not an owner

419 Ohariu 91 Motakou Not an owner

421 NZ COS TENTHS PAKUAHI Or made 17/6/89

431 Eketahuna No. 1 Block 10 Mangaone Restrictions unattested

89 Aorangi 3D No. 1 Partition Dis 26/3/98

98 Man Kuk 4C Sec 5A No. 1 Hingaia te Raika Duplicates

118 “ “ “ “ “ “ “

193 “ “ “ “ “ “ “

464 Waiorongomai No. 9 Anawarihi Ropata Or made

503 Man Kuk 4D Sec 2 Lease 98/314 Dealt with

520 Aorangi No. 1 Sec 3B Sub 1 M ‘Gage’ 1900/218 Dup of 508

533 Taita Hutt Sec 58 Sub 3 Rahiri Pane Not an owner

542 Ngawhakaraua Te Karehana te Whena Not an owner

543 “ “ Watene te Punga Or made 6/9/93

564 Waitarere No. 5 Pia Hakaraia “ 17/12/94

576 Moutere Manihera te Rau Not an owner

577 “ “ Erena Wanui “ “

630 Waiorongomai No. 9 Nuna te Taurei Or made 30/7/94

636 Poutu Atareti Kuruhou Or made 17/8/93

637 Ohinepuhiawe “ “ “ “

638 “ “ Katarina Hori “ 28/9/00

640 “ “ Heni Reweti “ “

642 “ “ Te Iwi mate N. Rangiao “ “

646 “ “ Kereopa Paraone “ 29/9/00

647 “ “ Katene rongorongo “ “

649 Matahiwi Atareti Kuruhou “ 17/8/93

657 Ohinepuhiawe Kuruhou Patoropu “ 29/9/00

692 Waiorongomai No. 9 Rawiri Wanui “ 26/5/85

693 “ “ “ “ “ “

697 Turanga Ngatirahiri No. 12 Erena Wanui Not an owner

698 “ “ “ No. 13 “ “ “ “

699 “ “ “ No. 14 “ “ “ “

700 Man Kuk No. 3 Sec 1A Katarina te Hana Dup of 691

No 237 PUKEHOU 4B Section 3

Application to succeed to RAMARI PATAUA

Rewi Hatete applicant. Deceased’s interest (a2 – r3 – p6)

Died October 1898 had issue viz







1/7 each – 1/7th Akuhata dead leaving issue viz

MAIKARA (F), TE TAHI (M) 18 yrs, TE RARIMU (M) 16 yrs

At the request of Rewi te Hatete, WHAWHAI PATAUA was added to the order, on the understanding that if the other members of the family disapproved that Whawhai was to share his interest.

REWI TE HATETE appointed trustee for minors

Ordered in favour of deceased’s children and grandchildren inclusive of Whawhai Pataua. Mr Harper to ascertain value of Whawhai’s interest in Waerenga and the value of the Pukehou land for purpose of determining the area to be allotted to Whawhai Pataua in Pukehou.

Order 5/


Application to remove restrictions

Haimona Ranapiri applicant appeared and exd as to other land owns interest as under

Pukehou 4C 20 acres, Ohau sub 26 sec 17, 100 acres

Transferred by Heni Pene Arama and Tame Rawiri.

Ordered that a report be made to H. E. the governor.

Hearing £1 Order 5/

TUWHAKATUPUA – Section 55/94

Transfer WERITA KAHORIKI as trustee for Hera Pineaha of interest in Tuwhakatupua to J. Gray

Transfer Werita Kaheriki as trustee for Hera Pineaha of interest in REWAREWA to H. Akers

Hera Pineaha has other land viz shares in Himatangi Nos. 1 and 2 at Pahaoa Wairarapa

Court adjourned till the 18th instant



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