Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 1 December 1900.
- Description
Otaki Saturday 1st December 1900
Court opened at 10am.
Present the same.
HAKUAI estimated area 6N acres
List of names
1. Ropata te Ao
2. Weritha Pineaha
3. Kipa Whatanui
4. Mere Rooti
5. Paranihia Kuiti
6. Puaia roera Henare
7. Hakaraia Hoani
8. Huirangi wiremu Eparaima
9. Mere Hori
10. Hera Pineaha
11. Wairiri Penata
12. Papi Renata
13. Aputa Tukumaru
14. Eparaima Mahauriki
15. Mohi te Tawhru
16. Arapeta mita Arama
17. Uma kaihau Taipua
18. Maria Taipua
19. Hara natana Piahana
20. Metara te Karaha
21. Matenga moroati Kiharoa
22. Hana Pineaha
23. Karaatiana te Tupe
24. Moroati Kipa
25. Mere Pineaha
26. Tohuroa hira Parata
27. Wiremu Rooti
28. Waiata te Tawharu
29. Nopera te Tawharu
ORDERED that an order be made in favour of the above mentioned per sons for the a foresaid parcel of land conaining by estimation a67 r0 p0 to b called Hakuwai 4 B the quantum of interest that each person is entitled to, to be determined on a future occasion on the land being brought before the court for partition or for the determination of individual interests. A sum of £6 incurred by Ropath te Ao and Inia Hoani for the survey and plan of the land now called Hauai 4 A to be either repaid in cash by the persons named in the fore-going list or else an equivalent allotted to the payers in land for the survey so expanded proportioned to the amount fairly chargeable against the land in question.
Order £1 16/ paid
Court adjourned till the 3rd December 1900.
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