Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 4 November 1879.
- Description
Tuesday 4th November 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Wairenga – Nepia Taratoa
No survey – Dismissed
Kutuhakuai – a4 – r1 – p13 – Petuha Korona and others
To stand over until 2 pm
Pahianui – James Wallace and others
No plan – Dismissed
New claim
Katihiku No. 3 – Ramari Hopiona and others
No plan – Dismissed
Kurukowhatu No. 2 – Metera Karaha
To stand over
Katihiku No. 10 – Hirawanu Manahi
No survey – Dismissed
Puapuatapotu – Hanita Aweawe and others
No survey – Dismissed
Kaingaraki No. 4 and 5 – a23 – r3 – p0 – W.D.261
Arama Karaka – claimant
Claimant stated that Hema was to appear for him.
Arama Karaka – sworn
I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Kikopiri – hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land as shown on the plan. It is my land. It is all fenced in and there are houses on it. I do not know the exact ground of title but it has been in our occupation over 40 years without molestation.
Pprior to my birth, it was occupied by my father and up to the present date and I now ask for an order in my favour.
Objectors challenged.
Hapita Rangikatukua applied to have his name inserted.
Claimant objected.
Ngawiki wished her name and Heni – Kipa’s inserted.
Court adjourned to allow parties to arrange.
Court resumed at 2 pm.
Kaingaraki – continued
Arama Karaka appeared and stated that they had not come to an arrangement and objected to Hapita. With respect to Ngawiki, they had not come to an arrangement and he applied to have the case gone on with.
Hema Te Ao then said he wished to call as witnesses - Moroati Kiharoa, Ururoa Ripia for the claimant Arama Karaka.
Ripia appeared and stated Ngawiki herein but Hapita had no right. Arama Karaka is a grandchild of mine.
Hapita Te Rangikatukua wished to call Hoani Taipua.
Hoani Taipua – sworn
I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Raukawa – hapu of Ngati Pare.
I have seen his uncle living and cultivating on this land. A portion belongs to Ururoa. He occupied a portion years ago but since a portion has been occupied and cultivated by Wereta.
I am not aware of anyone else but Ururoa and Wereta’s father cultivating. My opinion is the greater portion belongs to Ururoa and can point out the fence between the portion of Ururoa and that of Hapita. I cannot explain the title that Hapita has to this land.
I saw Wereta Hapeta’s uncle, working on this land. I cannot say whether Ururoa has the title to all the land.
Hapita and Arama concluded the survey. Hapita is not entitled to more than about 3 acres.
Ururoa appeared and stated that Hapita was entitled to three acres.
Order made in favour of Ururoa Ripia, Ngawiki Matene Te Whiwhi, Heni Kipa
Fees - £2.0.0
And an order in favour of Hapita Rangikatukua for 3 acres
Fees - £2.0.0
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