Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 14 September 1881.
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Wednesday 14th September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
Whakahokiatapango No. 4 – continued
Roera Hukiki – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Huia of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land before the court.
My land lies to the south of this. Karanama’s adjoins mine to the north. Karanama and I have cultivated our respective pieces for 3 years. We disputed about the boundaries at first. He put the fence up. I pulled it down.
After quarrelling, Hukiki said divide the land between you. I have not heard of the cutting up of this land. The southern line is an old boundary of Te Kanawa’s.
I never heard that Hone Te Tihi and others worked on the northern part of this land. During the three years, I worked on the adjoining land, I saw Karanama only working next to me. It is 8 years since I ceased to work.
Xed Karanama Whakaheke
It was you Hukiki and I laid down the southern boundary. In 1858 we began to work and lay down the boundary.
Counter claimants case closed.
Eru Tahitangata – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu.
I know this land. It belongs to Te Whakaheke alone.
I never saw Hone Te Tihi, Makarita, Heremia and others working on this piece. Te Kareti is where Heremia worked. Topaatekaahu is where Hone Te Tihi worked. Makarite never worked on this land. Only you and your father are the persons I saw working on this piece. I never heard that this piece was given to your father Te Whakaheke.
Xed by Mohi Heremia
I was not present at the cutting up of this land.
I say this land belongs to whakaheke because I have seen him working on it.
I did not know that Te Whakaheke had cut this piece up. I saw Karanama’s people working on this land before 1846. This piece was cut up long before that - before Haowhenua (1839). It was after the second migration from Waikato that this land was cut up.
I can’t say whether it was your tupuna or whakaheke’s that seized this land. I was here at the first migration. The land was not seized then though the land had all been taken by Te Rauparaha.
The original owners were allowed to live on it. On the second migration, Ngati Toa and others – Ngati Awa were ordered to clear out – I was here in Otaki when this land was cut up. I had been living here about 2 years when Te Rauparaha was caught.
Ruihi Piripi – sworn
I live at Pukekaraka. I am of Ngati Terangi of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land before the court. It is Karanama’s land.
I was born in 1849. I never saw Heremia, Makarita and others on this land. They may have been there before my time. Heremia was at Te Kareti when you were on this piece. I married your daughter in 1869 then I took possession of this land. Your younger brother leased this piece when we ceased to work it.
I never heard that Mohi disputed your younger brother‘s lease. Harper still has the lease.
Xed Mohi Heremia.
I don’t know how Karanama became owner of this piece. I only know I saw him there.
I never saw Hone Heremia and Makarita working here at the time of the erection of Tainui flag staff. I am certain of this.
I never heard of your dispute with Karanama after the death of your father.
I lived at Pukekaraka when “Tainui” was erected.
I never heard of your dispute with Karanama about the lease of this land to Ranapiri.
Re-exed by Karanama
Hohepina Parakipana – sworn
I live at Oroua. I am of Ngati Te Iringa of Ngati Raukawa.
I know this land. It belongs to Karanama and his father. I saw them working there two years. I never saw Hone, Makarite or Heremia on this land.
I have been living at Oroua for 11 years. Before that I lived on this land before the court – not exactly the piece before the court but the adjoining.
In 1854, we lived on this adjoining piece.
Xed by Mohi Heremia
I don’t remember the cutting up of this land.
I never saw you or your father on this land and I have seen Karanama and his people. Your parents may have been here working but I did not see them. That is why I say the land is Karanama’s.
Claimant’s case closed.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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