Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 19 September 1881 51 - 57pdf.pdf
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Monday 19th September 1881
Place – the same Present – the same
Pukekaraka – continued
Mr McLean said his case was closed.
Perenara Te Tewe or claimants case
Enoka Te Wanu – sworn
I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I know the land before the court. I know the part where the church now stands. It is inside this land. It was a pa in olden time. My parents and down to myself lived on it. I don’t know by what right they occupied it. I saw Matena hokopaura living on it. I don’t know what age I was when he died. He lived there from my first memory of things, until he died. One of his children was born there. After the people ceased to live there, they wished to put a church on it.
I heard the people gave this piece over for the church. I never heard any one objecting to it being handed over for a church and burial ground.
In my opinion the proper owners of this piece are the dead ---- church. The only person occupying it now is the priest. His house is there. He may have given permission to others to occupy the house.
Xed by Tame Ranapiri
I don’t remember the time when this piece was cut up. It was quite recently I heard that when it was cut up. It was for Te Uhi. Another part beside this was given to the mission.
Prior to the erection of the church, Te Kareti was one of those places. Waitohu was another. I also heard that Harakeke was given to the mission but they did not live on it. I believe Te Raiti belongs to Heremia Te Tihi and others. He was a monitor there.
I also heard that Harakeke and Waitohu belonged to the same people.
The mission abandoned the occupation of these other pieces and others now possess them. They don’t belong to the mission. There were other gifts beside – afterwards to the same church. Te Kareti was given a second time so was this Pukikaraka No. 5 so was another piece outside this block. I am unable to swear that Kareti is now in possession of the R. C. mission.
I never heard that anyone objected to the second gift. I don’t know why the tribe gave this piece to the mission, only their “Te Kainganui”.
This church is in the same position as the flour mill.
I know Matena Hokopauru, wife Oriwia. This is the same Oriwia as is now married to Perenara. Matena died first. I think Perenara has an interest in this land because I saw him working there. There are people who work on land. They have no claim to.
I have only recently learned that Perenara’s sister married Tonihi. I was not at the large meeting about this piece. I heard of it. I heard it had been given by the last committee to Te raiti. That giving included land to the E. of the block before the court.
Poiroroku Ani Kanara and others were declaredto be owners with Raiti.
Xed by McLean
I don’t know when the first gifts of this land were made.
I don’t know when it went back to the tribe.
It was the other pieces went back to the tribe. This piece was given but once. Prior to the erection of the church, a pa was here – (pointed out).
An addition was made to the gift by a piece on the S. E boundary line where there has never been a fence.
The ministers fence is fenced from the rest.
The land outside on the S. E is Te Raiti’s. I heard the Gilletts claimed it also. It is called Te Ngae. I have seen the panui with their application to succeed to Te Ngae.
Merely working on land does not necessarily give the workman a claim to the land worked.
I saw Morere. I don’t know when he died. He lived at the pa. The house was not his where his whare outside the block on the bank of the creek was broken up, he came inside the pa. Where he lived beside the creek was really a part of Pukekaraka. I heard he was a serf. I heard his “whakapapa”. It is one I don’t know. I was born here.
The dead are all buried within the boundaries of this block. I have no personal claim on it.
I think the site of Morere’s house gave Morere a claim to the land it stood upon but it has been awarded by the court to Te Raiti.
I heard the whole belonged to Te Uhi. This I heard within the last few years. I don’t know of any others. Those invited to reside on it by Te Uhi would have a claim to it. There were several “wharepuni’s on this land.
By the court.
Of the pieces given to the mission, Harakeke is the only piece which has passed the court.
It was awarded to Tamati Seymour and others. Te Raiti was the person who first offered the gift of this piece to the mission. I heard that the priest had given Te Raiti a part to settle her objection. I believe he gave her a pound to celebrate the withdrawal of her objection.
I heard Te Morere had a piece at Te Ngae. I saw him working there with Te Hemara and others. He was on one side and Hemara and others on the other. I was a very small boy then. When he died, I was not 20 years old.
Hakaria and others told me that Te Ngae was Morere’s claim, that he had cut it up and cleared it. Te Ngae is separate from Pukekaraka. Te Ngae is the land adjoining Pukekaraka or Aorangi.
Claimants case closed.
Perenara Te Tewe – 3 did address the court.
Tame Ranapiri – 1 did address the court.
Mr Maclean – 2 did also.
Mr Carkeek said – I have a claim for survey costs amounting to £4.4.0 – allowed.
Court decided –
That Te Raiti Tonihi is the owner of the land and it would recommend that the land be vested in trustees for the benefit of the R. C mission and that it be made absolutely inalienable for any other purpose.
Ordered that the name of
Te Raiti Tonihi
Be entered in the register as the owner and that the land be inalienable except the catholic mission.
Fees charged
Hearing £1.0.0 Swearing witness £0.8.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.8.0
10 Waerenga
Mr Tronson said this land has been granted.
12 Karuotewhenua No. 1 - 2851
Claim read.
Mr Maclean said – I appear for Haruanu.
Mr Tronson said – this land has been granted. It falls within Ngakaroro No. 7 and Ngakaroro No. 2A.
16 Kata a te Hakuai
No survey – adjourned to a future court.
31 Kataatekuai
No plan – adjourned to a future court.
35 Waerenga
Mr Tronson – this land has already been with under the title of Makuratawhiti.
44 Karuotewhenua
Read – the same as that already dealt with of the same name.
57 Kaingaraki
Mr Tronson said – this land has been already granted.
64 Totaranui
Already disposed of by the court.
66 Karuotewhenua
Included in Ngakaroro No. 3.
67 Taonui ahuaturanga
This case had been cancelled from list by chief judge advertising it to be heard at Waipawa.
68 Maramakopae
No plan – adjourned to a future court.
69 Parematangi
No plan – adjourned to a future court.
Te Waka
The same as another claim for the same name – farther down in the panui.
14 Pukekaraka
Claim read – already disposed of.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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