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Thursday 18th December 1879

Court opened at 10 am.

Present – the same

Waitohu – a7 – r1 – p0 – W.D. 284 – Teimi Ranapiri

Teimi Ranapiri – sworn

This land originally belonged to Perenara and Haramona. I purchased it. A small portion was Netahio’s and I purchased his share with another portion of land. Prior to boundaries being laid off, we had a full deliberation in runanga attended by all Ngati Kapu.

I belong to Ngati Kapu and other hapu’s. We all went and pegged off the boundaries. The land then came into my possession and now hod it. I carried on the survey lines as shown on the plan in accordance with agreement of runanga.

Pirinara and Haramona belonged to Ngati Kapu.

I paid them £6 for their share - paid Netahio in land adjoining. I want the order in favour of myself and wife.

Objectors challenged – no objectors.

Order made in favour of Teimi Ranapiri h.c and Riria Ranapiri

Fees - £1.0.0

Kurukowhatu No. 2 – Section 45 - a41 – r1 – p0 – W.D. 329 - Metera Karaha

Metera Karaha – sworn

This land has been in my occupation since 1841. There are several other persons with me. My title is continuous occupation since 1841. The persons who are owners in common with me are

Manahi Te Umu, Hiriwanu Manahi, Mere Parewahawaha, Hutana Ngarangorehua, Hohaia Te Pahau, Ahenata Hapi, Pirihira Metera, Pouawha Ngarepo, Hakaria Te Wera

I wish an order in favour of myself and those above named.

Court found this conflicted very slightly with Ngakaroro No. 3.

Objectors challenged.

Hoani Taipua, Tamihana Hoia, Kiriona, Tiaki Hawea – appeared.

Hoani Taipua withdrew.

Tamihana Te Hoia appeared on behalf of Tiaki Hawea and others.

Tamihana Te Hoia – sworn

The portion marked in pencil and from thence south belonged to my father. The portion to the north of another pencil line and showing a stockyard was also my fathers.

The part first mentioned by me was occupied by Hiria, Hori Kerei, Manahi Te Humu, Te Wereti Ruinui, Moihi Enoka. Before the year 1841, these persons lived and cultivated it. We leased it in 1873 to Mr Death – both pieces were let.

I receive the rent with others at the present time. The persons named by the claimant have only a title to the portion lying between the two pencil lines.

Hirawanu Manahi conducted the survey. I did not see it. Had he confined the survey to the piece between there would have been no objection. The portions I claim has been in possession of my fathers from time immemorial.

Wereti Ruinui – sworn

I know this land. The two portions mentioned by Tamihana belong to us.

I have cultivated the southern portion. The persons named by the claimant have no right to the whole of this land. They have only a title to the part between the two pencil lines. Pirihira has no title to the portions we claim. Ahenata has no cultivation on the southern portion.

By Metera

I was not aware of deaths lease. Manahi and Mere have a claim on the southern portion so has Hirewanu Manahi.

Tiaki Hawea – sworn

I know Metera’s house. It is shown on the plan. Tamihana, myself and Manahi lease the two ends of the block.

The persons named by Metera have no claim to those pieces.

Alienated receives no consideration for that lease. Manahi and others have a title to the southern portion also to the northern portion.

Counter claimants case closed.

Another claim by Hakaraia for Eru Te Haunga.

Hakaraia Te Wera – sworn

I claim a small portion for Eru who is away in Waikato. He cultivated on it for several years. Haunga would not loose his share by going away to Waikato. A number of us were not recognised by the lessors in leasing the land. Eru’s name was left out – he being away.

I wish Metera and Pirihira’s name cut out. They have no title.

Xed by Metera

I am not living on the land now. In the year 1841, I was on the land cultivating. It was the year Ihuopuku was fought.

Claimant admitted Hera Te Haunga to the land.

Court adjourned until 2 pm.

Court resumed at 2 pm.

Kurukowhatu No. 2 – continued

Te Rei Pariwhanaki – sworn

The purple line as shown on the plan is the correct boundary of this block. No more to say.

Kirihona Whamaro – sworn

I think Metera has left out of his list Hoani Kotuku and Te Mataa. They cultivated there at the same time as the others. They commenced at the same time. These two persons are dead. I am the successor. They were my mothers’ brothers. I have sisters (2)

Te Rapuai, Eruhapeti Tamihana Te Kume

If there are only ten names going in the order I wish my own name only if more than 10 then I wish all three to go in. We all worked together on the land.

Tatana Te Wahaupoko – sworn

The line as shown on pen and ink sketch A and B to south is Manahi’s land to the north of it is Tipene Huamatai’s. He cultivated on that portion. He cultivated at the same time as the others. He died in 1863. He left no issue.

My wife is nearest of kin. Mihipeka Tatana is her name. Metera and others own the land between the lines A, B, C, D. The portion E, F belongs to Manahi Te Umu and others.

Court adjourned at 4 pm.


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