Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 29 September 1881.
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Thursday 29th September 1881
Court opened at 10 am.
Judgment delivered
The court finds that Kipa Te Whatanui and his sisters are entitled to twenty five acres of land at the spot where his houses and cultivations are.
Kipa Whatanui applied to the court to have his name omitted from the order and admitted Karaitiana Te Tupe.
Ordered that a certificate of title issued in favour of
Mere Tamati Roti, Pirirhi Kuti, Taria Herau Roera and Karaitiana Te Tupe
For 25 acres of land situated at the place where Kipa Te Whatanui’s houses are known as Te Waka – section of 2 of Ngakaroro No. 2F Block.
Mr Carkeek made application for cost of survey £40.0.0 – granted.
Hearing - £1.0.0 – paid Certificate - £1.0.0 – paid by Dr B 22/10/81 C. Cl. - £1.0.0 – paid
60 Te Wahaotemarangai No. 1
Mr Booth – on behalf of the crown withdrew the claim – granted
188 Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4E
The claim of Henare Te Hatete to succeed to Mokoihi Te Hatete.
Henare Te Hatete – on oath
I belong to Ngati Raukawa and live at Waikawa.
I knew Mokoihi. He is dead. He died in 1879. I buried him myself. He is in the order of certificate for the above named Block. He made no valid disposal of his interest in this Block nor did he make a will.
I ask to be appointed to succeed to his interest. I have a sister Miriama Te Hatete.
Ordered that Henare Te Hatete and Miriama Te Hatete should succeed to the interest of Mokoihi Te Hatete.
Fees charged Test Order - £1.0.0
Court adjourned till 10 am tomorrow.
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