Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 5 December 1879.
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Friday 5th December 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Himatangi – continued
Roiri Rangiheuea – sworn
It was not spoken abount at our meeting as to whether a smaller hapu should have the same amount of land as a larger. The larger hapu should have a larger amount of land than the smaller so that each member should have an equal amount.
Pitihira Te Kuru – sworn
The runanga sat to determine the area for each member. Roiri wished the land to be given equally that each subdivision for each hapu should be equal. I represent the smaller hapu. Roiri wished each hapu to have the same number of acres. I gave my consent to what Roiri stated as to the subdivision of the block.
Renata Ropiha – sworn
I think that each member of the hapu’s should be equal as to the share in the land that they all should share alike.
We wish the wahi tapu to be granted to the three representative men.
In the application of Pitihira, court decided no more names could be received and that the share of each person in the lists as given in shall be equal and that Roiri Rangiheuea, Pitihira Te Kuru and Renata Ropiha be trustees for wahi tapu of 3 acres at Ahimae.
That with respect to the piece of land shown on the plan as being cut off from the frontage to the railway. The court will see justice done to the hapu’s and as the court is not satisfied as to the southern boundary.
The final decision will not be given until the court has the old plan which is attached to papers in Wellington and from which the Act ---- this claims has been investigated was framed.
Adjourned for the present.
Court adjourned until 10 am on Saturday to see if plan, as telegraphed for, arrives by coach.
Lists of names as given in by Roiri Rangiheuea, Pitihira Te Kuru and Renata Ropiha.
List No. 1 – Ngati Teau hapu
Pitihira Te Kuru, Hehiri Te Waha, One Taupiri, Maki Tuhaha, Kiriona Te Pori, Hakopa Wahine, Raimapaha Kipa, Kararaina Wi, Ruhi Turi, Hoani Kirihari
List No. 2 – Ngati Turanga hapu
Hariata Hawea Kareanui, Rihi Roera, Roiri Rangiheuea, Katarina Teretiu, Roera Rangiheuea, Eharaira Roiri, Rore Rangiheuea, Paora Taharuku, Pinehaha Mahauariki, Retimana Kama, Kipa Te Whitu, Rira Nikora, Heta Ngatuhi, Aneta Kama, Ripeka Winara, Mere Hori, Ripeka Eparaima, Mihipeka Tahanuku, Ema Ihakara, Nikora Te Utahi, Katarina Te Puke, Pitihira Te Puna, Ereni Roore, Otene Wirihana, Horima, Pitihira Roiri, Kararaina Hohepa
List No. 3 – another section of Ngati Turanga
Hera Tuhangahanga, Wereta Kahoriki, Maka Rikehi, Makiri Hipirini, Unaiki Wi Parata, Kerehi Te Whare, Makauta Parepumai, Hara Papaka, Ranginui Te Anganga, Hipora, Rahira Matenga, Mere Tiaki, Metapere Ropata, Hemi Kupa, Natanahira Umutapu, Keita, Arata Hira, Eruera Whioi
List No. 4 – Ngati Rakau hapu
Renata Ropiha, Ratima Te Rangi, Nirai Taraotea, Iraia, Kamoroa Taraotea, Maharata Renata, Amiria Nepe, Horiana Roiri, Paia Tarewa, Rutu Henara, Hemara Hauauru, Taniora Kipa, Riwai Te Hiko, Arita Noti, Ihaka Ngamura, Kihirini Taraotea
List No. 5 – another section of Ngati Rakau
Wi Ngawhenua, Reweti Hiko, Rurihira Te Kuru, Hare Nepe, Oriwia Te Monau, Riripeti Naera, Komahi Hehi, Ema Heta, Hotereni Tangomana, Arita Haimona, Mere Hotereni, Hoana Whangai, Paiura Manaha, Turuhira Urupa, Renata Hekenui
For Hariata Hawea Kareanui read in list No. 2 Mere Tini Hawea Kareranui.
For Ema Ngatuhi, read Wiri Wata Turangi.
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