Otaki Maori Land Court Minutebook - 30 October 1879.
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Thursday October 30th 1879
Court opened at 10 am.
Present – the same
Dr. Buller appeared and applied on behalf of clients to have certain succession claims adjourned to Palmerston and Foxton.
Viz; Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D – (Foxton) – Adjudication in Otaki
Pukehou No. 5A (Palmerston) Rangitikei Manawatu B (Palmerston)
Rangitikei Manawatu B (Palmerston Aorangi No. 1 (Palmerston
Oroua 310 acres (Palmerston) Tiakitahuna (Palmerston)
Pukehou No. 4A (Palmerston) Hokowhitu No. 2 (Palmerston)
Tiakitahuna (Palmerston) Ngawhakaraua (Palmerston)
Te Kairanga (Palmerston) Pukitotara Rahui (Palmerston)
Rangitikei Manawatu B (Palmerston) Moroa Ihuraua (Palmerston)
Ngakaroro Succession at Foxton also Rangihiwi.
Court granted the adjournment and would fix a date for the hearing.
Application was made by Dr. Buller for certain subdivision claims to be adjourned to Palmerston – viz; Awahuri, Manawatu B, Te Kawakawa, Te Rotonuiahau, Te Ruahine, Aorangi No. 1, Hokowhitu No. 3.
Application granted.
Adjourned claims
Dr. Buller asked that Tuwhakatupua No. 2 be adjourned to Palmerston – Granted.
Roiri Rangihenea applied to have the claim to Opiki heard at Foxton – Granted.
CDr. Buller asked for whakawehi to be adjourned to Foxton – Granted – also for Pikautahi and Ohinekakeau.
New Claim - Dr. Buller asked that Wairarapa near Palmerston be adjourned to Palmerston – Granted.
Subdivision Claim – Dr. Buller asked that Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 7D be heard at Foxton – Granted.
Succession Claims
Section No. 43 -Pineaha Mahauariki
Already adjudicated on – Dismissed
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4D - Hapimana Waititi.
Hapimana – sworn
I live at Waikawa and belong to Ngati Tamatakai – a hapu of Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Hapimana Waiteti. He was my own father. He is dead. He died about 3 years ago. I wish to succeed. He left other children. My brothers name is Iharaira Waiteti. My sisters name is Mere Tamatatae.
Objectors challenged – No objectors.
Order made in favour of Hapimana Waiteti, Iharaira Waiteti and Mere Tamatatai.
Fees - £1.0.0
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B
Rakauhemo Toka claims to succeed Kepa Toka
Dr. Buller appeared on behalf of Rakauhemo Toka instructed by Ropata Ranapiri who will ask to be appointed Trustee.
Ropata ranapiri – sworn
I live at Waikawa and Otaki.
I knew Kepa Toka who is dead. I saw him buried and paid some of funeral expenses.
I knew his children who are named Rakau Hemo Toka (about 13), hape Toka is a sister about 10 years old and Wiremu Toka who is about 6 years old.
He wrote a document about 4 days before he died which I produce. I was present when it was written and he wished me appointed trustee. He also made a document in my favour for Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B.
I agree that this land should be given to the children of deceased and am willing to act as trustee. Kepa was a distant relative of mine, a cousin of my mother. Te Kepa’s widow is still alive.
Objectors challenged
Order made in favour of Rakauhemo Toka, 13 years, Hape Toka (f) 10 years and Wiremu Toka (6 years).
Ropata Ranapiri and Hema Te Au to be appointed trustees.
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B
Hakaraia Te Whena – claim disposed of – Dismissed.
Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B
Ropata Ranapiri – Dismissed.
Hurutini – Succession
Rakauhemo and others to succeed Te Kepa Toka.
Dr. Buller stated that the evidence would be the same as in Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B
Order to be made to the same persons as in Manawatu Kukutauaki No. 4B and Ropata and Hema to be trustees.
Ngakaroro No. 5 – Succession
Heta Te Hemara claims to succeed Apikawa Te Hemara.
Application wrong intended for Ngakaroro No. 2. Fresh application to be sent in – Dismissed
Court adjourned until 2 pm.
Court resumed at 2 pm.
Mangahanene No. 1
Matene Te Whiwhi claims to succeed Rukapa Kahoki. Dr. Buller for Matene.
Matene Te Whiwhi – sworn
I am a chief of Ngati Toa and Ngati Raukawa and live at Otaki.
I knew Rakapa. She is dead. She died about 3 years ago. I saw her dead. She was my step sister by same mother. I am her nearest of kin. I wish myself, Heni Te Rei and Ngawiki should succeed. Rakapa had no children.
Ngawiki states that she did not wish to be included.
Order made in favour of Matene Te Whiwhi and Heni Te Rei Parewhanake.
Fees - £1.0.0
Kapit No. 4
Heni Te Rei claims to succeed Rakapa Kahoki.
Heni Te Rei stated that the evidence as to the death of Rakapa would be the same as in previous case and asked that Matene Te Whiwhi, herself, Rawiri Wirihana, Henare Wirihana and Ruiha Matene be appointed to succeed.
Objectors challenged – None appeared.
Order made in favour of Matene Te Whiwhi, Heni te Rei Parewhanaki, Ruihi Matene Te Whiwhi, Rawiri Wirihana (17 years) and Henare Wirihana (15 years).
Heni Te Rei to be appointed trustee for the two minors.
Mangapouri Lot 185 – Town of Hadfield Otaki
Netahio Tanehe claims to succeed Te Teira Ngapawa and Matarena Ngareti.
Tamati Ranapiri appeared for claimants.
Tamati Ranapiri – sworn
I live at Otaki and belong to Ngati Raukawa.
I knew Te Teira Ngapawa. He is dead. Netahiro applied to succeed to him. Deceased was uncle of claimant. Teira left no children. He had one sister, Mere Ngapawa – sister of Te Teira. I ask that Mere Ngapawa and Te Teira should succeed.
Objectors challenged.
Mere Ngapawa appeared and asked that she should be appointed successor to Te Teira but that in the following case where an application would be made to succeed. Matarena Ngareti – she wished the name of Netahiro Tanehe to be inserted as the successor.
Order made in favour of Mere Ngapawa.
Fees - £1.0.0
Mangapouri Lot 185 – Town of Hadfield Otaki
Tamati Ranapiri appeared in this case for Netahio Tanehe – the son of Matarena. Ngareti deceased. He is the only one living of her children. He is about 14 years old. He is nearest of kin.
Objectors challenged – None appeared.
Order made in favour of Netahio Tanehe (14 years). Tamati Ranapiri to recommended as trustee.
Fees - £1.0.0
Rangihiwinui – Succession
On the application of Dr. Buller on behalf of the claimant this case was adjourned to Foxton.
Muaupoko – Succession
Karaitiana Te Tupe applies to succeed Eruene Te Tupe.
Karaitiana Te Tupe – sworn
I live at Waikanae.
I am son of Eruini Te Tupe who died in 1874 but I was absent at Taranaki at the time. I saw his grave and I am his only surviving child. I wish to succeed to his interest in Muaupoko.
Objectors challenged – None.
Order made in favour of Karaitiana Te Tupe to succeed Eruini.
Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.
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