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Friday 9th September 1881

Place – the same Present – Edward Walter Puckey Esquire Judge

Hoani Meihana – Assessor

Te Roto No. 2

Te Roiri Rangiheuea asked to have the order of court amended so that his name only should be in the order for certificate.

Katarina Rangiheuea, Ripeka Rangiheuea and Ema Tukumaru consented.

Mere Te Reinga said – I do not consent.

Court said – they must all agree.

Mere Te Reinga said – if I can be put into Roto No. 7, I will not object.

Pineaha Mahauariki said – I speak for the owners in Roto No. 7. We will admit Mere Te Reinga in our side.

Ordered that the name of

Te Roiri Rangiheuea

should be entered in the register as the owner of Te Roto No. 2 and that the name of

Mere Te Reinga

Be entered in the register as one of the owners of Te Roto No. 7.

Pukekaraka No. 4A – W.D 400

Claim read

Tiemi Ranapiri – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Kapu of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described on this plan. It belongs to my wife Riria, Hopia Enoka, Hana Witaua, Unaiki Rititine, Ruhia Haremene, Te Rei Paehua, Hamiora Heuheuma, Te Arai Te Rei, Henare Te Papa and others. They got this land from their parents.

Hori Ngawhare and Waretini and Matuaharama – They have all the equal rights. Hori Ngawhare and Waretini took this piece on their arrival here from Waikato. They lived and worked on this land.

Objectors – Karanama Te Whakaheke

Karanama Te Whakaheke – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Raukawa, Ngati Kapu hapu.

I know this land. It is my permanent residence. My claim is from Hori Ngawhare. He gave it to me when Tainui flag was put up. He gave it to the tribe then – (1858). The whole tribe lived on it accordingly. They went away quite recently. Our dead in number about 200 are buried there.

To be taken after Waerenga (8) of yesterday – continuous 358.

22 Totaranui No. 4 – 5040

Manahi Paora – sworn – Ropata Ranapiri agent

I live at Waikawa. I am of Ngati Wehiwehi of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described by this plan. I have a claim to it. Retimana gave it – my father. Paora Pohotiraha was my father. Haere Wharara gave it to Retimana. Haere Wharara got it when we came here from Waikato. It was dense bush then. There are some here who were present when this land was given to M. Paora. Paora cleared the forest and planted it. No one ever disputed Paora’s occupation. Paora lived and died there. I live there now. I never heard any one claim this piece beside myself.

Objectors –

Hira Te Rapa said – I object, Hamuera Te Whatuiti said – I object – we are one

Hira Te Rapa – sworn

I live at Matakaraka, Foxton. I am of Ngati Raukawa.

I know the land described by this plan. It is mine.

It belonged to my parents to Haerewharara and his younger brothers – Ngarepo and Te Mirataua. They took possession of it and cut it up when we came here. I cannot trace my genealogy. Te Retimana Te Rapa was my father. Haerewharara gave it to my father Retimana. I am the eldest son of Retimana. We are a large family. Retimana is alive. He is at Oroua. Retimana lived on this land and worked it and so did I. I can’t say how many years I worked on it. It was in my boyhood.

I know of the gift Retimana to Paora. Paora asked my father for some of this land to cultivate. A number of people lived there then. All the land was cut up and allotted at this time. This was why Paora asked for land from Retimana.

Xed by R. Ranapiri

I claim through my ancestors Haerewharara Ngarepo Mirataua. Haerewharara was my father’s father. The time descendants of Haerewharara are still living. Huriana is one – there are grandchildren. Haerewharara’s share has been sold. Huriana sold it. It was outside this piece.

After the bush was cleared, the land was given to my father by Haerewharara. Part of it was cleared by Paora. Retimana gave it to Paora. Part has been cultivated and part is bush.

The boundaries of this piece are the boundaries of the land given to my father. I was born before this land was given to my father. My father gave it to Paora to cultivate.

I wish to oppose that gift now. I want it returned to me. I don’t know when my father gave it to Paora. Paora’s chold is now in court. Manahi is his name. He lives at Waikawa. Manahi has worked and built a house on this piece. I have seen it. The house is now broken down.

It is many years since I went to Foxton. When I left school about 1863, Manahi Paora asked for the hearing of this claim. I applied for the hearing also. I made a survey of it. A plan was made. This is not my plan. Thompson surveyed it for me. My survey showed a larger area than this – viz 25 acres. It crossed the creek.

Hamuera Te Whatuiti – sworn

I live at Manawatu. I am of Ngati Kahora of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this land. It belongs to my parents to Haerewharara Whatuiti Ngarepo Mirataua, Turingonge and Metapere. They got it when the land was cut up. They cut it up. They cultivated on the S. W. part of this piece. No one disputed. Te Kapua and her son Retimana were placed on the land by those named by Wharara and other. The land now belongs to Retimana. He is alive.

Xed by R. Ranapiri

I know this land. I have a claim on it. I claim through my parents. They cultivated on it. I never worked on it. I said that my parents gave this land to Te Kapua. My parents gave it to Retimana and he is the proper owner now.

I have heard that Retimana gave it to Paora. I saw Paora’s cultivations on it. This was prior to the gift – (looking at compilation map). There are all new boundaries. I don’t know which of these pieces was given to Paora. Paora was not disturbed in his occupation of this land because his house was at Waikawa. I never saw Paora’s whare on this piece. I don’t know where Paora died.

My parents never cultivated here after the land was given to Paora.

Hema Te Ao – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this land. I believe this is Retimana’s land. Retimana is father of Hira Te Rapa.

I have a piece near to this. Retimana lived and worked on this piece when I was a child. He lived there for many years. It was given to Paora and Retimana ceased to work it. It was not an absolute gift but simply a place for him to grow food upon and be near the church.

Paora came here in 1862 or 3 from Waikawa. Paora worked there about 4 years and then died.

Xed by R. Ranapiri

Paora worked on a small portion of this land. A small portion was cleared when he came to work on it. I cannot say that these are boundaries of the land on which Paora is allowed to cultivate.

I did not hear Hamuera’s evidence. I was outside.

Paora died here – (Otaki). I was in Wellington. I found him here in Otaki.

Retimana or his ascendants never returned to this land after their gift to Paora. There are no cultivations on it since Paora’s death. I recommend that Retimana Te Rapa be sent for.

Court coincided – case adjourned.

34 Pukekaraka No. 4A – continued see fol 400

Karanama Whakaheke – said we have been on the land. We have arranged our difficulty. The small piece shown on the plan has been marked on the ground and should be retained for the people.

Mr Carkeek said – I can prepare the plan in accordance with the arrangement and have it ready for the court on Monday.

Iiemi Ranapiri said the names of the owners for certificate are

Makapere Ranapiri (f) 3 years, Ramari Enoka (f) 6 years, Hana Witana, Unaiki Retitemi, Ruhia Heremene, Re Rei Paehua, Hamiona Huwhenua, Te Arai Te Rei, Henare Te Papa and Te Haehae

Tiemi Ranapiri for Makapere and Enoka Te Wano for Ramari.

M. Carkeek asked for survey costs £4.4.0 – admitted

Pukekaraka No. 4A – continued

Ordered that the names of

Makapere Ranapiri (f) 3 years, Ramari Enoka (f) 6 years, Hana Witaua, Unaiki Rititini, Ruhia Heremene, Te Rei Paehua, Haimiona Hiwhenua, Te aria Te rei, Henare Te Papa and Te Haehae

Be entered in the register as owners and a certificate of their title be issued.

Fees charged

Hearing £1.0.0 Swearing Witnesses £0.6.0 Certificate £1.0.0 Total £2.6.0

8 Waerenga No. 6 – from page 352

Te Penia Tahipare – sworn of Mateawa

Opponent 2nd day £1.0.0 paid by Pine Te Konga

I know this land. I know where Manahi Paora’s house stood.

That land is mine. Te Rauparaha gave it to Nepia – Nepia gave it to me. I have always lived on this land. I have given to you now – today – you are my relative.

I know Kerikore Te Tewe. He has no claim to this piece but on the side of Harurunui.

Xed by Perenara Te Tewe

(no answers)

Tangitawhia – sworn

I live at Ohau. I am of Mateawa of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this land. I understand the map. This piece belongs to Peina. I have known it for many years. He has lived on it and worked it ever since my childhood before my herd grew. I don’t know how old I am (about 54 or 55). Penia cleared the bush. I lived there and saw the trees cut down.

I know Kerikore Te Tewe. He did not live on this land. He cut down no trees on this land nor cultivated it.

Xed Perenara Te Tewe

I know this land well. This is the only piece left for Penia. You sold the rest. You sold a part of Penia’s land. I knew a piece Te Penia gave for a cow.

I heard of another piece – not this, which he sold to Te Winia. The piece he gave winia belonged to me. I heard of Paora living on Penia’s land. I never heard of Kerikore or his children being on this piece. They worked on their own piece.

Karehana Tauranga – sworn

I live at Oroua. I am of Ngati Kauwhata.

I knew this land many years ago. My father worked on it. Penia worked on it.

I heard that Paora lived on it. I never saw him there.

Counter claimants case closed

Claimants case

Manahi Paora – sworn

I live at waikawa. I am of Ngati Wehiwehi.

I know this piece. It belongs to your parents and to you. You gave me this piece. I have cultivated on, I have houses and fences on it. No one came to dispute my occupation since I have been there.

The piece Penia gave to me is now occupied by Hape Te Horohau. I have been to that piece. I was present when the survey of the adjoining land – you excluded this for me. The rest you sold.

Xed by Pine Te Konga

I did not call Penia for a piece of land. Waerenga No. 2 is the piece Hapi told me he had sold for a cow.

Peni Te Hapupu – sworn

I live at Otaki. I am of Ngati Tuhei of Ngati Raukawa.

I know this piece. It belongs to Kerikori and Pukerahaki. They are brothers. I don’t know Penia on this land. Penia’s land is outside this.

I know you gave this piece to Paora. I have seen Paora’s house on it.

Xed by Pine Te Konga

I never knew that Penia was chief of all that part of Waerenga. I was present when Pukeraraki died at Otake.

Parties addressed court.

Claimant Perenara Te Tewe paid £2.0.0

Judgement to be given tomorrow.

Court adjourned until 10 am tomorrow.


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