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Jan. 1 Sat. Fine. Odd jobs round house in morning. Afternoon we drove up Ohau taking Edith and Kate with us. Had bathe. Very enjoyable. Home 7 pm.
Jan. 2 Sun. Fine. Edith and Kate over to dinner and tea. Edith, Enid and I sorted out Jen’s things in my room, and handed them over to the children - mostly to Enid. In evening drove them all to Methodist Church. Covenant service following.
Jan. 4 Tues. Up at 4 am. Auntie and Enid did washing. The boys and yarded the black-faced Lams from Vickers to look at. He drafted out 80 fats at 25/6 - good stuff. Could not do any business with wethers or fat ewes. Wet. Went down in car and brought Knight up to look at wethers and fat ewes.
Jan. 5 Wed. Went down in car and brought Knight up to look at wethers and fat ewes. I asked 30/- but eventually accepted 28/6. I delivered them to his paddock in afternoon.
Jan. 6 Thurs Dipped 176 woolly lambs and 52 woolly black-fazed lambs. Willie Stewart came over from Foxton Beach where they are having a holiday. He took Jack back with him.
Jan. 7 Fri. Up 6 am. Mustered black-faced lambs, drafted off those marked by Vickers. George and I took them to the station and trucked them. Later dipped rejects, 63 in all.
Jan. 9 Sun. Very hot indeed. In afternoon motored down to Billy Wilson's. George and I came back to milk and returned to town. Intended to go to church but car jibbed so had to get Sawtell who fixed her up.
Jan. 10 Mon. Fine and hot. Worked in yards. Had two good swims in bathing hole.
Jan. 11 Tues. Went to Levin Sale, slack, only a few sheep offering. Left car at Sawtells for a few adjustments. Stayed to tea at Billy Wilson's.
Jan. 12 Wed. Honore here early cutting hay. After dinner the children and I went down by car to Horowhenua Show - only a fair crowd.
Jan. 13 Thurs We all went to the Show again. Good tropic, and altogether a great success. Saw lots of people I knew.
Jan. 14 Fri. Commenced to rake up hay soon after 7 am. Billy Wilson and Hughie turned up about 6.30 am. also Poad, Jim Grant and the two Port boys. Made good progress till about 2.30 pm. when wind sprang up from the east and made things unpleasant. Shed full up about 4 pm and still a few loads out - decided to leave the rest till tomorrow.
Jan. 15 Sat. Very heavy wind from the east - hay being blown about everywhere. Heavy rain in afternoon. Later cleared and turned cold.
Jan. 16 Sun. Alb and Vi Kellow and family motored down from Feilding to see us. Alb and I went to Levin after dinner and brought back Helen Beckett for afternoon tea. Kellows left about 6 pm. Children and I motored down to church taking Helen with us.
Jan. 17 Mon. Mr Rhodes of Dalgety's called up at 5 am. and took me and Billy Wilson to Manakau to look at some ewes offering there for 23/-. Healthy stuff but too old for breeding. Came home at great rate arriving at 7.30 am. My helpers helped get rest of hay in.
Jan. 19 Wed. Put in all day at Ports - haymaking. Received news that George had not obtained scholarship.
Jan. 20 Thurs Went to Wellington by evening train.
Jan. 21 Fri Did some business in Wellington. Edith and I left for Lyttleton by Wahine. Met Doris Beckett on boat. Splendid trip.
Jan. 22 Sat Arrived in Lyttleton at 7.30 am. Stayed an ChCh till midday, enjoyed rooms at St. Elmo. Arrived at Studholme. Shirley met us with Evelyn's car. Stayed at Millie and Evelyn Beckett's. Social evening at Renton where I met all the family.
Jan. 23 Sun. Shirley and I went to church with the family. Dinner at Ranton. Afternoon visited Mrs Fitch. Evening Evelyn drove us to Mrs Madlicott's.
Jan. 24 Mon. Shirley and I went to Waimate. Afternoon Evelyn drove me round country to Studholme and through Willowbridge. Good country.
Jan. 25 Tues. Evelyn and I went by car through Waimate Gorge to Waiho Downs to sale. Roly Denton arrived by train. Evening at Ranton. Roly staying with me at Millie's.
Jan. 26 Wed. Dull morning but beautiful by midday. Roly and I in town in morning. Ready dressed for ceremony 11.30 am. motored to church. Shirley arrived, slightly late. We were married by Canon Coates and Rev. J.A. Julius. Bride looked lovely and did her part well. Wedding breakfast at S.Schcol. Afternoon tea at Ranton. Big crowd of friends. Doris Beckett bridesmaid, Roly Denton best man. Edith Denton only one of my family present. Very successful event. Shirley and I caught express for ChCh arriving at St. Elmo 7.30 pm. Nice rooms for tea.
Jan. 27 Thurs Round about ChCh visiting Shirley's friends - Nella Appleby.
Jan. 28 Fri. Nana Appleby was in town with us. R.H.Denton and Armstrongs in the afternoon and evening.
Jan. 29 Sat. Fixed up trip to the glaziers with Tourist Dept. Visited Mrs Paton.
Jan.30 Sun. Cathedral in morning. Nella Appleby in afternoon and tea.
Jan. 31 Mon. Went to Roly's then to Buckleys. Pack up in evening.
Feb. 1 Tues. Caught train for W. Coast. Good trip over Otira. Rata in bloom. Motor from Otira to Hokitika. Splendid run. Arr. Hokitika 7.30 Stayed Red Lion. Fairly comfortable.
Feb. 18 Fri. Shirley and I returned from Wellington. Willie met us and brought us home by car. Auntie here to receive us but they left soon afterwards. Went to town for Shirley's box. Nine tin-kettlers up in the evening.
Feb. 19 Sat. Went to town in the afternoon. Shop day for school picnic. Very successful.
Feb. 20 Sun. Motored up to Tully's in afternoon.
Feb.21 Mon. Vickers came in morning and drafted out 60 at 23/-.
Feb. 22 Tues. Fine and very dry. Rode round stock in morning. Not much feed but stock looking well on whole. Shirley and I drove to town and I went to sale - very slack. Rain in evening.
Feb. 24 Thurs Went with Billy Wilson to Pahautanui to stock sale. Went by train and by antiquated coach. Big yarding of stock. Billy bought good healthy stuff are should prove satisfactory. Home by 7.45 train and to Denaby in Billy's car. Shirley spent the day alone.
Feb. 25 Fri. Showery in night. Picture benefit for school picnic. Big crowd. Rotten show.
Feb. 27 Sun. Went to Church of England in morning. Brought W.H.Beckett and his two boys home to dinner. Took a walk round in afternoon, and motored them down in evening.
March 1 Tues.
Took 42 reject black-faced lambs to sale, sold in three lots at 14/6 to Willie Stewart, Broadbent and another. Billy Wilson sold his Pahautanui lambs bought at 5/- for 6/9.
March 2 Wed. Raining fairly heavily. Shirley and I rode round to Adkins for the two Romney rams bought a week ago. Cleared up in afternoon we took Willie Stewart and Peter to swimming sports held by Levin school. Fair crowd of people - successful outing. Left car at Sawtell's on way down but it did not come home very well.
March 4 Fri. Shirley rode to town on Tommy to see Helen. Viv went with her.
March 5 Sat. Shirley had visitors. Mrs & Miss Kebble.
March 9 Wed. Shirley brought Mary and Helen up for the day. I had trouble with plow share. Ken Biss and Beryl Tully came up to tea and evening.
March 11 Fri. School picnic at Plimmerton. Shirley, Johnnie and I motored down to station taking Peter Stewart with us. Left Levin 8 am. arrived Plimmerton 10 am. Had a good time, bathed. Picnicked with Mrs Vickers, Mrs MacIntyre and co. Home at 8 pm. and found Willie Stewart had milked for us. Good old sport. We thanked him most heartily.
March 18 Fri. Mr & Mrs & Miss Tully drove up to see Shirley.
March 19 Sat. Shirley and I and Jack drove to the teach, taking Helen with us and joined up with Mrs Vickers and Mrs and Miss Hitchcock. Had an enjoyable day. Heavy rain as we approached home.
March 23 Wed. Wet. Went with Shirley and Mrs Vickers to wedding of Miss Dorothy Goldsmith and F.H.Hudson. Big crowd and successful turnout. Mrs Vickers came to tea and the boys came up afterwards.
March 25 Fri. Good Friday. Didn't do much. Vickers boys drove up in afternoon.
March 27 Sun. Feeling very stiff. We all went to Church of England. Seedy in afternoon.
March 28 Mon. Easter Monday. Did not get up all day. Shirley doctored me up. Johnny did the work and went to the Lake to see the boat races.
April 2 Sat. Finished dipping. Tally 75 cull ewes. 214 old ewes with black-faced rams. 317 young ewes. 68 wethers 176 lambs 17 rams, = 867.
April 3 Sun. Billy and Amy came to see us in afternoon. Church of England in evening.
April 5 Tues. Shirley and I motored to Levin - I went to sale – prices still very low. Adkin sold fat ewes and wethers 14/6 lambs 8/1. School committee in evening - last meeting of year.
April 6 Wed. Shirley and I went down to a furniture sale but did not buy anything. Prices were pretty good.
April 7 Thurs Helen and Mrs Beckett & Mrs Gower up in afternoon. Shirley drove them down in evening and stayed to the Golf meeting and brought Guy Beckett home with her.
April 9 Sat. Shirley drove to town taking Gerald with her. Met the New Plymouth express and brought Frank home. He is rather off colour and Dr. has ordered him a holiday.
April 12 Tues. Adkin and Clare drove over in evening to see Frank.
April 13 Wed. Carted wood in afternoon. Shirley assisted me.
April 15 Fri. Willie and Mrs S. over in evening.
April 16 Sat. Shirley and I went in car to see cricket match. Kimberley Rd. v. Gladstone Rd. K. winning by 15 runs. Match played in Adkins paddock, close to bridge. Afternoon tea in Reserve.
April 18 Mon. School committee election in evening. Fair crowd. Old committee re-elected, also Dr. Gow in Thomson's place. I was 8th on list. Roe, Grove, BouId, Vickers, Hobson, Proctor, Gow, Denton, Short.
April 21 Thurs Shirley took Frank to station en route for Wellington. Mrs Vickers and Mrs Stansell Snr. up in afternoon.
April 22 Fri. Went to town by Napier Mail. Alec, W.G.A. Picked up Laurie on way. Meeting of the family in the evening till midnight.
April 23 Sat. Went up with Edith to see round extension table at Collie's but could not buy as the last table was sold. Afternoon went up with the rest of male members of the family to 'hilltop' and viewed the property.
April 24 Sun. Laurie and I went to Methodist church. Unveiling of tablet by Maj-General Robin. Afternoon went to AlIenvale to see kids. Evening at Fern Hill.
April 25 Mon. Laurie and I returned home by Napier Mail.
April 26 Tues. Billy Wilson came up in the afternoon to have a chat re his farm. Seemed rather downhearted over the prospects. However, he cheered up afterwards, and stayed to tea and all night.
April 27 Wed. Shirley had visitors Mrs Cyril Bartholomew, Miss Brown, Mr & Mrs Rochel. R.A. Wright elected Mayor of Wellington by large majority over Hickey.
April 20 Sat. Shirley went to golf.
May 1 Sun We all drove down to Billy Wilson's to dinner. Billy and I walked to the cemetery.
May 3 Tues. Called to see Mr Blenkhorn, afterwards Shirley to see Auntie and Mrs Pyke.
May 4 Wed. Harrcwing most of the day. Hossack brought up seed from Hodder and Tolley, also a case from Waimate containing Shirley's presents.
May 5 Thurs In evening we all motored to Railway Station to meet George - home for holidays.
May 6 Fri. Enid home for holidays.
May 7 Sat. Shirley and Enid went to golf. Mrs Port and Percy over in evening.
May 8 Sun Wet, did not get up till late. The children cooked breakfast. Very cold and raw. Ken Biss amd Beryl came up to tea and stayed for evening.
May 10 Tues. In evening Shirley, Enid and George went with Mrs Vickers to see the "Diggers" and I went to Returned Soldiers smoke concert. Good crowd turned up as evening wore on. Jack stayed at Vickers all night.
May 12 Thurs Shirley and I went to the first dance of the Nikau Assemblies. Big crowd there and a fair turnout.
May 13 Fri. Rain in early morn. Enid cooked breakfast. In afternoon George and I walked round back hill to look at Read’s fence. Took some cocksfoot with us and sowed it on bare patches as we went along. Dr. and Mrs Gow and friends up to see Shirley in afternoon.
May 14 Sat. In afternoon we all went to town. Shirley and Enid to golf. George Jack and I went to see football - only juniors.
May 15 Sun. Intended to go to church but the Maxwell jibbed and we could not get it to start. We eventually drove down in the phaeton, too late for church, but we all went to Will Beckett’s for dinner and tea. Met Mr and Mrs Bertie Beckett.
May 17 Tues. Sawtell came up and fixed the car - nothing much wrong, mainly adjusting mixture. Spent some time oiling up car. Moved some shrubs. Shirley, children and I went to Levin. After sale went to see Blenkhorn re will and boundary survey.
May 18 Wed. Sowed grass seed on back hill in afternoon. Enid assisting me.
May 19 Thurs Enid drove down and brought back Mr & Mrs Bert Beckett, Helen and the boys for the day. Visitors stayed for evening and we had a hilarious time at charades.
May 20 Fri. In afternoon Shirley and I drove to Levin and brought Auntie Bowles back to tea and the evening.
May 21 Sat. We went to Levin in afternoon. Shirley visited and I went to see football. Levin 3 Shannon 3. George in bed - seedy.
May 22 Sun. All went to church C. of E.) Children went to Mrs Pykes to see Aunt.Shirley and I went to dinner with Helen. Brought Harold Beckett back.
May 23 Mon. Shirley took Harold and family to golf links for the day. Helen came back to tea and evening. Had visitors. Helen, Harold, Cliff, Viv, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Crawford, Percy Port and Tui Dyer.
May 24 Tues. Shirley took Harold and Helen home. I lay about all day, went to bed at teatime. Pain under left shoulder blade. Billy Wilson up in evening discussing farm.
May 25 Wed. Did not get up till dinner time. Shirl went to Vickers.
May 26 Thurs Shirl went to Major Brookfields. All went to Stewarts in evening.
May 28 Sat. Shirley went to Otaki to play golf travelling with Mrs MacKenzie in car. George, Enid and I went to Levin, Jack to Stewarts. Saw football Weraroa v. Foxton (Juniors)
May 30 Mon. George went back to College by Napier Mail.
May 31 Tues. Messrs. Middleton and Son and Coulter arrived about 8.30 per Ford and I went with them to survey the give and take fence between myself and Hodge. The measurement of so many angles took some time but managed to finish the job by 5 o'clock. They stayed to dinner and afterwards until nearly 11 pm. when they went back to Arcadia to sleep. Enid went back to Wanganui today.
June 2 Thurs Dosed and crutched 103 lambs. All healthy and lively. Pretty tired and bad back. Hot bath. PrendeviIle over to see us in evening.
June 4 Sat. Shirley went to golf.
June 7 Tues. Shirley and I put out hay. At sale market better for sheep. Visited school with Short. Went to Dick Harris' to tea. School Committee in evening.
June 8 Wed. Shirley took car to Otaki taking a load of ladies to play golf. I sewed up bales and branded them preparatory to sending them to Wellington to be shipped Home. Kimbell arranged space for 15 bales on sailing vessel.
June 11 Sat. Dinner early as Shirley had to go to golf, and I attended a meeting of the Farmers Union. Fair crowd. I was put on committee. After meeting heard Mr W. Polson speak on union matters. Afterwards I went to see football.
June 17 Fri. Windy morning after rough night. Went with Billy Wilson to look at his farm. Place and stock looking well.
June 20 Mon. Mrs & Miss Brown and Mrs Cyril Bartholomew up to see Shirley.
June 22 Wed. Jack's birthday - gave him a tomahawk. Shirley and I caught B.45 train to Palmerston Nth Show - big crowd there. Football Te Aute 23 Wanganui College 6. Returned by 6.45 pm. train. Sawtell met us with his tin Liz, our Maxwell being overhauled. Johnny stayed at Mrs Stewarts all night.
June 23 Thurs Drove phaeton with Shirley to Levin - meeting at school in connection with Prince of Wales birthday. Afternoon tea with Helen. Shirley went visiting. Home at dark.
June 29 Tues. Fine after a very hard frost. Brought car back from Sawtell.
June 30 Thurs In evening went to Nikau dance. Had puncture in Queen St. Went back to Willie Stewarts and left car there. Willie kindly offered to drive us to town. Clifford brought us home about 1 am. John stayed with Aunt Bowles.
July 1 Fri. Went over to Stewarts in phaeton and mended tyre. Shirley drove car home.
July 10 Sun. In afternoon drove down to see Mr & Mrs W.M. Beckett, stayed to tea and went to Church of England.
July 11 Mon. Drain from house became blocked - had some trouble it out but finally made a good job by scalding it out. Mary Denton arrived from Wanganui. Shirley met phaeton as front wheel of car was punctured.
July 12 Tues. After sale went with Hodge to see BIenkhorn re survey boundary, taking map with us. In evening all went to Male Choir concert in People's Theatre. Fair audience and fair concert. Choir items not too good.
July 13 Wed. Mary and Shirley walked to Adkins. Mary stayed all night.
July 14 Thurs Another puncture to mend. Shirley and Mary went to town and brought back Mrs Percy to Mrs Vickers house. Big crowd there, had an enjoyable evening. Johnny stay at Mrs Becketts for night.
July 15 Fri. Very heavy showers during day. Shirley took Mary to New Plymouth train - went to Wellington.
July 16 Sat All went to Levin. Jack and I went to football Levin beat Hui Mai 6-3. Springboks played drawn game with Taranaki.
July 17 Sun. Wet morning. Billy Wilson brought Mr Cutfield to see us in afternoon. Stayed to tea and evening.
July 19 Tues. Helped with washing. Later went to sale, Shirley visited Mrs Bryson and Mrs Tom Bevan.
July 21 Thus In evening Ken Biss and Beryl Tully came for tea and evening. I took Willie Stewart and L.G. Adkin to Lecture re lucerne.
July 22 Fri. Shirley and I to Wellington on Napier Mail. Stayed at Fern Hill.
July 23 Sat. W.H.D. George and I walked to Athletic Park to see Wellington v. Springboks (Sth. Africa). Tremendous crowd, estimated, 30,000. Good seat on bank. Big match commenced in howling southerly. Game ended 8-3 in favour S.A. In evening Shirley and I went to Opera House to see The Yeoman and the Guard - very good.
July 24 Sun. Shirley, George and I went to St. Peters church in morning. Afternoon "Allenby" Dentons came to Fern Hill. In evening Shirley and I returned home by Auckland Express.
July 25 Mon. Went over to Anderson's (my neighbour) first thing – my bull had got into their back paddock - took down wires and soon had him home again. Drove to Levin in dray taking dining room table to Joplin Stallard & Carmichael auction room for sale. Went to station and brought back Shirley's round oak extension table made by Collie of Wellington.
July 25 Tues. Harry George rang after the sale – had sold the two jersey heifers for me for 15/-/- to Mrs Pinney Queen St.
July 28 Thurs Shirley and I drove to Boyds Training Farm - clearing sale of cows etc. Shirley went to Levin. Drove back with Adkins and met Shirley.
July 29 Fri. Shirley and Helen went to dance recital by Misses Kimbell. I looked after house.
July 30 Sat. Percy Rouse arrived at dark and took away 4 hives of bees.
August 2 Tues. Shirley and I drove to town. Priced several matteresses at Local shops. Shirley called on Mrs Bryson. Meeting of Farmers Union in afternoon after sale. Heavy thunderstorm and rain.
August 5 Fri. Mrs Beckett and Winnie arrived from Waimate on their way to Rotorua where Noel has just undergone operation for finger. Shirley met Napier Mail train and brought them home.
August 6 Sat. Shirley took ladies to town.
August 7 Sun. Afternoon we drove to see Maxwell, then Becketts where we stayed to tea.
August 10 Wed. In evening I went with Willie and Adkins to indignation meeting re cancelling of race permit to local club - good crowd, decent meeting.
August 11 Thurs In evening we left Mother and Johnny in charge of the house and went out to Mrs Tully's taking Winnie, Helen and Mrs Vickers with us - surprise party for Mr and Mrs Tully's silver wedding anniversary.
August 12 Fri. Guy Tully and Miss Frances Thorpe for tea and evening.
August 13 Sat. Johnny and I moved all ewes without lambs from terrace to low hill. N.Z. won first test match against Springboks 13-5 in Dunedin.
August 14 Sun. Shirley and visitors went to church. I went round the sheep, then rode the bike down to Mary's where we spent day.
August 15 Mon. Round ewes before breakfast. Put in all day at Levin school - committee had working bee to clear way macrocarpa hedge in front of school. I took Tommy, and Jack Proctor had his horse so we dragged the trees to back of school, cut them up and burnt them.
August 17 Wed. Took the ladies for a walk up to the terrace to see lambs. Half holiday at school - football match in Palmerston Nth Springboks v. Manawatu/Horowhenua (combined) – Springboks 3-0.
August 18 Thurs Afternoon visit from Mrs and Miss Armstrong (Timaru) and Mr and Mrs Moorhouse of Foxton.
August 19 Fri. George home for 2nd term holidays - Shirley met him off New Plymouth train. In evening Shirley and I went to concert by Melody Four in aid of Levin Band - excellent items. 20 Sat. Went to Levin to football. Picked up ladies from Becketts.
August 22 Mon. Percy Port came over in evening - played bridge. Mother and I easily beat Winnie and Percy P.
August 23 Tues. Drove to Levin taking Mother and Winnie who stayed at Mary's to catch Auckland Express tonight. Afternoon tea at Mary's. Brought Rex and Maurice home with us.
August 24 Wed. George and Rex and Maurice home with us.
August 27 Sat. Springboks beat N.Z. 9-5 Second Test in Auckland.
August 28 Sun. Drove to Levin and brought back the Beckett family. Took visitors home and George and I went to church.
Sept. 1 Thurs In evening went to meeting (lecture) by Mr Mead on 'abortion and mammitis in cows' - interesting and instructive.
Sept. 2 Fri. George went round sheep. Shirley went to town to meet Enid home for holidays - looking first rate. Johnny stayed at Becketts.
Sept. 3 Sat. Billy Wilson, George and I went to Manakau to see final in football championship Levin v. Hui Mai 3-3 Poor game. I drove Maxwell as Billy's car was punctured.
Sept. 4 Sun. Billy Wilson and Amy and family drove up in stayed to tea.
Sept. 8 Thurs George's birthday.
Sept. 9 Fri. George assisted working on drain and burning rushes. Enid stayed weekend at W.H. Wilsons.
Sept. 10 Sat. Went to Levin in evening to see land valuer - reduction of 2/10/- per acre.
Sept. 11 Sun. Went to C. of E. and afterwards to dinner at Billy Wilson's.
Sept. 12 Mon. Shirley and Enid took George to Napier Mail back to school in Wellington.
Sept. 13 Tues. Enid and Shirley visiting Miss Hitchcock.
Sept. 15 Thurs Fixed up totara post in trapshed to hold separator. Johnny has sore neck with boil.
Sept. 16 Fri. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail. Spent evening at Fern Hill.
Sept. 17 Sat. Very wet indeed. Will, George and I went to Athletic Park to see final test between All Blacks and Springboks. Ground covered with water, so drawn game left teams equal in test matches. Back Levin 9.30 pm.
Sept. 18 Sun. In afternoon a visit from Mr. Mrs Matheson and Aunt Bowles. In evening Ken Biss and Beryl Tully paid us a visit.
Sept. 19 Mon. Fixed up separator - a "Vega" with a 60 gal capacity. Prendeville came over to show me how to work it. Separated in evening.
Sept. 20 Tues. Enid went back to school today. Sent first lot of cream to the factory this morning. Percy Port is taking it down for me. Last night Willie Stewart and I went to Levin for a meeting of householders when Mr Bakewell (Inspector) defended the rural course against opinion of local residents. Good meeting and resolution passed urging abolition of rural course and substituting matriculation course.
Sept. 21 Wed. In evening went with Willie to "Father and Son" banquet. Speeches by Dr. Gow and Col. Mitchell M.P. - crowded house.
Sept. 22 Fri. Found a sick lamb - tried to doctor it with salts, also bled its ear but it died after struggling about an hour. Willie and Mrs Stewart over in afternoon. We opened up the lamb and found its stomach full of white substance like suet. Sent contents of stomach to Gov't expert.
Sept.25 Sun. Shirley and I went to Mangahoe with Male Choir party. Heavy showers on trip over, camp in much advanced state since I was last there, Choir gave small concert to small audience. Enjoyable day, home by 6 pm. Shirley walked well.
Sept. 30 Fri. Johnny and I put heifer in small yard by the bail without any trouble at night. At night we went to Levin with Billy Wilson. He and I went to interview Park & Best re property at Pouratawhao. Not much hope of any concessions as they seemed right up against it.
Oct. 4 Tues. At sale Easton complained of large percentage of Romney Iambs in line bought from me about 2 months ago, so agreec to pay him 5 pound refund on the line in full satisfaction. Later Billy Wilson discussed with me the matter of forfeiture of land Park & Best. Billy decided to quit if possible.
Oct. 5 Wed. Helen up to lunch and afternoon.
Oct. 7 Fri. Adkin girls over in afternoon.
Oct. 8 Sat. Mrs and Miss Hitchcock and family, Miss Ross of Foxton up to spend the day. Shirley drove them home.
Oct. 11 Tues. Reinvested war certificates for the children. For 20/14/- bought certificates which will be worth 27 pounds in 5 years. Deposited certificates with Mr Hawke, Manager of Bank of Australasia. Shirley went to see Mrs Bartholomew. In evening we went with Mrs and Miss Stewart to hear Alexander Watson - very good.
Oct. 12 Wed.

Went to funeral of Mr Richard Prouse. Went down with Shirley who met Mother and Winnie by slow train from Linton.

Oct. 21 Fri. Very hot day with heavy thunder showers. Carted pungas and floored the sheep pen at woolshed.
Oct. 22 Sat. Afternoon I drove with Willie Stewart and W.G.A. to funeral of Mrs Tomblinson. Afternoon tea at Beckett's. Johnny stayed there till Mon.
Oct. 23 Sun. Afternoon the ladies walked over to Percy Port’s milking machine.
Oct. 26 Wed. Shirley and I walked over to Ron Hodge's, brought back 3 ewes with 4 lambs. Clifford came over and helped me dock 31 lambs, some of them pretty big.
Oct. 27 Thurs Beautiful day. We all went by car to the Hokio for the day, picked up Mrs Bartholomew and Betty. Had a very enjoyable day - caught a few whitebait, collected some pipis.
Oct. 29 Sat. Mrs Beckett and Winnie went to Levin with Shirley to stay at Stuckey St. Mrs B. badly bitten with mosquitoes.
Nov. 4 Fri.
Johnny went with Percy Port to Y.M.C.A. - brought Maurice BecKett home with him.
Nov. 5 Sat. Willie Stewart and family came over in evening for Guy Fawkes celebration.
Nov. 6 Sun. Drove to Levin in afternoon to Becketts and brought Mrs B. and Winnie home again.
Nov. 7 Mon. We all went to town in afternoon. I got woolpacks and Benzine etc. ready for shearing. Mr and Mrs W.G. Vickers up in evening - bridge.
Nov. 9 Wed. Willie Stewart, Les Adkin, Mr Lancaster started to climb ranges From Otaki.
Nov. 10 Thurs Mother and Winnie left for Wellington to stay at Fern Hill. Shirley and I went to Y.M.C.A. concert. Sang in male choir two items.
Nov. 12 Sat. Went to town in evening. Took Mrs MacIntyre with us to see War Trophies.
Nov. 14 - 19 Mon-Sat. Trouble with shearing machine, had to get parts from Auckland.
Nov. 21 Mon. Shirley commenced today to supervise examinations at Levin school away all day. Left everything ready for shearers.
Nov. 28 Mon. Shirley still supervising. I went down with Willie and W.G.A. to Levin to take part in reception for Lord Jellicoe. Good crowd of local residents and successful function. Lady Jellicoe opened Horticultural Show. Willie, the nippers and I had lunch with Billy Wilson intending to see aeroplane in afternoon but it failed to turn up, so home about 2 pm.
Nov. 29 Tues. Took Holstein cow recently purchased from Ransfield back to yards, as she is not up to guarantee. Handed her to Rhodes and Ransfield refunded me 8 pounds.
Nov. 30 Wed. Mort Ryder came to take delivery of 96 fats marked by Mr Vickers on Saturday.
Dec. 2 Fri. Fine and very hot. Willie Stewart came to help me dock late Iambs. Dipped all Romney lambs in afternoon.
Dec. 3 Sat. Went to town with Shirley. She called on Mrs Bryson.
Dec. 4 Sun. Billy Wilson came up to ask me to help him muster his sheep for shearing. We all went in car.
Dec. 6 Tues. Edith and Kate arrived from Wellington. Shirley and I drove down to meet them.
Dec. 9 Fri. Fine and very hot. Shirley and I went by train to Palmerston Nth, Helen with us. Met Enid in Palmerston Nth as she is returning from school. Did a good deal of shopping, an enjoyable day. Home at 4.40 pm.
Dec. 10 Sat. Jack away at Paikak. - C. of E. picnic.
Dec. 11 Sun. All motored to Kuku to see Tom and Mrs Fowles in afternoon.
Dec. 3 Tues. Enid and I drove to Levin in afternoon to do some business. Fixed up Accident Insurance 12/-.
Dec. 14 Wed. Edith having bad time with her bad leg.
Dec. 17 Sat. Shop day for Levin school. Went down to meet George home for holidays 10.45 train. Bought load of vegs. from the shop. Afternoon we all went to take Edith and Kate to Napier Mail for Wellington.
Dec. 21 Wed. George helping Percy Port with hay. In afternoon I took Shirley to Levin school break-up. Afterwards to afternoon tea with Mr and Mrs McIntyre who will be retiring next year. Took Mrs Vickers with us. Afterwards went to Becketts, then home.
Dec. 22 Thurs

Family presented me with a birthday cake.

Dec. 24 Sat. George and I went on harrowing. Finished about 2.30. We all went to town for Xmas Eve. Big crowd out.
Dec. 25 Sun. Xmas Day. Intended to go to church but Shirley not feeling very well, so stayed home all day. - cool - had fire.
Dec. 26 Mon. Very wet day. Played cards with boys in morning. George and Enid went to a party at Mrs Swainson's at Manakau.
Dec. 27 Tues. Enid staying with Mrs Vickers at the beach. George and Jack went out for the day. Very hot at midday. I was rolling paddock - saw dog among sheep. Got gun from house after some hunting came on black short haired dog, but he dodged away in fern so lost sight of him.
Dec. 28 Wed. Carpentering Enid's bedroom. Enid returned from beach.
Dec. 29 Thurs Ground too wet to roll so went to beach. Up early and got work done. George left about 6 am. to go to Mangahoe with Norman Vickers and young Gorringe - was home at 6 pm. We had a very enjoyable day at beach. Picnicked at Mrs Vickers whare.
Dec. 30 Fri. Walker up papering spare room and Enid's room.
Dec. 31 Sat. Wettest day of the season. Rain without a break for over 24 hours. Creeks in high flood.



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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
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Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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