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Jan. 1 Wed.

I took Nella & John Appleby to meet Napier Train when they went on to Dannevirke. I took Lois who has had a bad finger for some little while to Bill Donnelly's. I removed nail which was loose. Went to bowls in afternoon.

Jan. 2 Thurs.

Fine. Shirley, children & I started for trip to Waimate. Tea at Allenville. Good trip on boat Breakfast at Enids at ChCh. Roly, Dosh to see us at ChCh. Waimate 12.30. Stayed at Gran Becketts from 3rd - 1st Feb. Bad weather most of the time. Lois & Bill sick Had Dr. Wylie for Lois with swollen glands. Played bowls in evenings. Trips to country, Mr Creemer, Mr Rudden Klau, Stir & Jnr, also Mr Mackenzie. All very interesting. Shirley had very unfortunate accident on Tues. 28th Jan. when she fell down front steps at 'Ranton' and broken two bones near ankle of right leg. Dr Wylie set it Shirley laid up in front room at 'Ranton'. I left Waimate for home on Sat Feb 1st taking Lois and Anne, leaving Bill, Dick with Gran. Met Bert Whitcombe on station at Timaru. Roly and Anne Denton met us at ChCh and took us out to Sumner where we stayed till Tuesday afternoon. Enid spent three afternoons with us and she took us over the hospital and introduced me to nurses. Left ChCh on Tuesday night by "Wahine" and had good trip. Arrived Wgtn. 7 am. and went to Allenville for breakfast and lunch. Alice came home with us 4 pm. train. Mrs Smith kindly drove us home. Gladys had everything tidied up in good time. John away.

Feb. 8 Sat.
Afternoon Alice girls and I went to town. Took some lamb to Hugh Hossack and he gave us some potatoes and rhubarb. I went to bowls for a couple of hours. 25th anniversary of wedding of Alice and Percy so Percy and whole family arrived by 4 pm. train and put in weekend with us. Had a very hectic evening. Cliff & Tui, Val & Newell boys (2) came over.
Feb. 9 Sun.
Fine and hot. We all went for a drive up river in morning. Had a bathe in 'black hole'. Loafed in afternoon and took them down to meet the evening train.
Feb. 10 Mon. Evening went to choral "Bohemian Girl".
Feb. 12 Wed. Took Alice Denton to catch 4 pm. train to Wgtn. Evening went to bridge at Mrs C. (I. Wilsons).
Feb. 15 Sat. Wet in afternoon. Worked in garden in morning cleaning up rubbish. Took Gladys and two girls to town in afternoon. They went to pictures while I did shopping.
Feb. 18 Tues. Evening went to comedy musical by Fuller's Company "Archie" very funny, enjoyed it.
Feb. 19 Wed. Evening bridge at Mrs McAlleys.
Feb. 21 Fri.
I cut firewood and John carted it. Went to town late afternoon. Sent plums to Fern Hill. Had game of bowls.
Feb. 22 Sat . Fine. Worked around house - cleaning up. Afternoon I went to bowls and played in match against Otaki. Levin won 3 games out of 5, (108 to 94). Our rink Clements Snr, Denton, Casey & Hawke (skip) won by 29-14. Enjoyed game very much. Jacks in evening.
Feb. 23 Sun. Cliff & Tui over for plums. Took girls with me to Hitchcocks and afterwards to Jacks for tea. Shirley went to Dunedin today with Evelyn for treatment (electrical) by Noel.
Feb. 26 Wed. Bridge and dancing at Mrs McAlleys.
Feb. 28 Fri.
Afternoon I went to town on business. Afterwards went to bowls and to tea at Mrs Smaills and to pictures (only fair).
March. 1 Sat
Afternoon went to bowls. Match between Manawatu Centre (8 rinks) and Horowhenua (4 rinks Levin) 2 rinks each Shannon and Foxton. I played as emergency on long rink Cliff Denton and J. 0. Brown and Suban (skip) and we won game 25 - 10, Suban being in great form. Manawatu won 5 games out of 8 and by about 40 points. Very enjoyable game - bog crowd there.
March. 2 Sun. Drove to town in afternoon and took Mamie and the 4 girls out for a run to Waiopehu Reserve and then back to tea. Home 7.30. George had young one here in evening and I had to send him off about midnight.
March. 5 Wed. Harold McLeavey and I went to Palmerston Nth. to meeting of Executive. Arrangements to meet British Farmer Tourists who arrived about 5 pm. Had interesting talk with Mr Steele, a produce and fruit merchant from South End London. Home 7 pm.
March. 6 Thurs. Went to town to get something for Shirley's birthday which is tomorrow.
March. 7 Fri.
Shirley's birthday.
March.8 Sat.
John went away for the day - up to Shannon with Val Pedersen. I went to bowls in afternoon and had enjoyable game.
March. 9 Sun.
Beautiful day. At home in morning. Took Lois and Anne to see Auntie Kate at Clare Gardiners in afternoon.
March. 12 Wed. John went to territorials for shooting. Evening I acted as starter for races by Levin Swimming Club. Lots of outside competitors. Afterwards cards at Mrs Thomspons. (Furniture)
March. 13 Thurs. John and I commenced to repair paths and put on 'Colfix' - made fair progress from gate to house. Evening tea at Mrs Harold McLeaveys, Ray and Mrs Brown also there. Yarned all evening.
March. 14 Fri. Carried on with tar sealing and filled up holes in yard and did side of paths and afterwards put coat over whole of yard. Guy Evans turned up re hillside sledge. I ordered one at 8 pounds for putting out manure. Guy here most of afternoon. Evening I took Mrs C.G. Wilson and sister-in-law to Maxwells to bridge. Mrs Sievers and Mrs Keedwell also there and Mrs Brown. Won 'booby' prize. Box of decorated matches.
March. 15 Sat. Afternoon went to town. Two girls went to Mrs O'Connors to play with Marie and I did shopping. Went down to see Billy Jack and afterwards to tea at Mrs O'Connors.
March. 16 Sun. End of daylight saving.
March. 18 Tues. Letter from Shirley saying another two weeks treatment in Dunedin required. Foot mending well.
March. 22 Sat. Went to town in afternoon to golf links to receive Rose Bowl which Shirley won last season. Afterwards went to bowls and then to Mrs SmallIls, Lois and Anne with me.
March. 23 Sun. Fine. Went to Levin in afternoon. Took Mamie and Miss Ross and two neices and our two girls for a drive - Manakau, Buller Lake and Muhunoa East Tea at Mamies.
March. 24 Mon. Cutting down trees east side of house and took top off hedge by dog kennels.
March. 25 Tues. Fine, cleaning up round house. Had nasty accident whereby I cut my left hand very badly across palm with my pocket knife when cutting top off plum tree. Went to see Bill Donnelly who sent me to Dr. Hunter who put in four stitches. Pretty painful. Did not go to sale.
March. 29 Sat. Fine, worked round house in morning and put metal on path. Afternoon John went to football. I went to bowls. Lois and Anne went to party at Mrs Whitaker&
March. 30 Sun. Beautiful day. John went to Otaki Gorge - the girls and I went to Mrs Jacks to dinner and tea. Took Jack family for a run to Otaki Beach.
April. 1 Tues. Had to go to town for medicine for Anne in evening so went to pictures. (Poor)
April. 2 Wed. I went to funeral of F. 0. Smith who died on Monday. Finished up at Bowling Green. On reaching home found that Roly Denton was in Levin - he eventually came up bringing Mr Wilson, a friend and they stayed to tea and evening. Mr Wilson left 11 pm. Roly stayed all night. 3 Thurs. Fine. Roly and I walked round - moved old ewes. I drove him down to see Geange (late 27th NZMR) and who bought MO Broomfield's farm. Had a good look round then home to dinner and afterwards he caught the ferry boat to Lyttleton.
April. 4 Fri. Fine, up at 6 am. and went in taxi to wharf to meet Shirley and two boys who came up from ChCh by last night's ferry boat. Miss D. Hitchcock also there and hepped Shirley who is still rather lame. Took Shirley and boys to "Fern Hill" and we afterwards caught Auckland Express home. Shirley and boys travelled on special permits issued by Rail Dept in lieu of excursion ticket which could not be used on account of her broken leg.
April. 5 Sat. Spent whole day in Levin. Meeting of Manawatu Executive Farmer's Union and it lasted till 3 pm. Afterwards went down to Bowling Green for about an hour. Was again approached by delegates of F.U. to stand for President.
April. 12 Sat.
Went to Levin in afternoon to bowling green and played in friendly game with Otaki and we won 19 - 13. Gladys left today.
April. 15 Tues. I went to Levin sale. Rather slack Paid bills. Brought Mamie and Daisy Hitchcock and Miss Austin up to tea and evening.
April. 16 Wed. Went to Palmerston North to play bowls against Northern Club. Four Levin rinks went and all were successful in winning I travelled up with Mr & Mrs Routley also Clements Snr and Jnr. Our rink consisted Clements Snr, Denton, Cameron and Suhan (Skip) and we won by 8 points. Home at 6.30 pm. Afterwards Shirley and I spent evening at Mrs Donnellys
April. 17 Thurs. I went to Levin in afternoon to meet train from Wgtn. Trix staying with us for a week.
April. 18 Fri. Good Friday. Afternoon Shirley took family for a drive to Otaki Beach while I played bowls.
April. 19 Sat. Afternoon I took four children with me to bowling green and had an enjoyable afternoon. Evening Trix and John went to dance at Mackenzies and Shirley went to Maxwells.
April. 20 Sun. Easter Sunday. Beautiful day. Up early. Shirley John and I went to 7 am communion. Took Mrs Fulton with us. After breakfast we drove to Raumati (Paraparaumu) and visited Hitchcocks who are staying there for a week Sea smooth. Children had a bathe. Home at dark.
April. 21 Mon. Fine after rain at night Early lunch and went to sports meeting at Race-course run by A. & P. Assn. Good crowd there and successful day. Dance in evening. Shirley, Trix, John and I went. Brought Mrs Thompson home in evening to be domestic help.
April. 23 Wed. Mrs Thompson found situation not suited to her so decided to leave. took her back to Mrs Mitchells and then went to bowls. Levin Rink (Routley, Clements, Cameron, Suhan) successfully defended Feathers against Shannon 17 - 16. Shirley Trix and John spent evening at Pedersens.
April. 25 Fri. Anzac Day. Went to Anzac service in afternoon. Afterwards to bowling green for 1 and a half hours. Shirley and family and Mrs Vickers drove out to Norman's place for afternoon tea.
April. 26 Sat.
Afternoon John went to football and I to bowls. Last day of season.
April. 27 Sun. Took Trix to catch evening train to Wgtn.
May. 1 Thurs. Mrs John went to Feilding to Young Farmers' Show.
May. 3 Sat. Went to Palm. Nth. to Annual Meeting Prov. Exec. Re-elected Vice President O.P. Lynch re-elected President Went up with Harold McLeavey and his father and H.J. Richards. Back 2.30 pm. Went to football Wanderers 77 County 3.
May. 5 Mon. Choral in evening. J.A. Smiths afterwards.
May. 10 Sat. Afternoon Annual Meeting of the Levin Branch F. U. Attendance of 12 -15. Re-elected President and F.R. Wright Secretary. Interesting meeting. Threw out state lotteries and also unemployment relief. Afterwards went to football Otaki 9 Wanderers 6. Wanderers III 24 Foxton 8. John scored.
May. 11 Sun. Shirley, John and I took family to church in morning. Mother's Day. Afternoon we visited Billie and Mrs Jack.
May. 12 Mon. Evening I took our car and went to Feilding taking Bill, Jack, Foss, Ramsey and Jensen. Bill drove from Levin to Feilding in 1 hr. 20 mins. Good going. Visited Lodge Feilding the occasion being the raising of the Wattie Booth to his third degree. Alb. Kellow one of the officials. Wattie got through very well. Enjoyable evening. Left 11.35 Levin I am.
May. 13 Tues. Evening played bridge at St. Marys - played with Hodder. Good fun.
May. 21 Wed. Paid licence fee on car. Went to Wanganui with Harold and Molly McLeavey per car. Trouble at Foxton delayed us 2 hours. Later had puncture. Arrived Wanganui 2.45 pm. Went to football. British team v. Wanganui. Big crowd and good game. Visitors won 19 - 5 and should do better later on. Met Doc Heddetch with whom I am to stay. Harold drove us all down to Gonville Ave. where we all had afternoon tea. Afterwards Harold and Molly went back to Fosters where they are staying. Doc and family and I sat around fire and played bridge.
May. 22 Thurs. Attended Inter-provincial F.U. conference at Jockey Club Rooms. Full attendance of members. C.C. Jackson, President Doc's to tea. Evening "Smoke-Oh" Had to respond to toast of visitors on behalf of Manawatu. Very cold night.
May. 23 Fri.
Conference all day till 4 pm. Good address by President W.J. Poison. Remit on State Lotteries carried. I led opposition. Left for home 4.15 pm. Arrived Levin 6.15 pm. Puncture on the way. Shirley met me. Freda who was leaving us today decided to stay on.
May. 25 Sun. Went to Levin in afternoon as Shirley had to have her dentures adjusted. Brought Hodder back for tea with us and stayed all evening. 27 Tues. Shirley & I paid a visit to Mr & Mrs James McLeavey.
May. 28 Wed. John went to Palm. Nth to see football British team v. Manawhenua. Weather cleared at dinner time and the match ended British 34 Manawhenua S.
June. 3 Tues. Dull, but fine. Went to Wgtn. 8 am. train to see football match British v. Wgtn. Travelled with Harry Taylor and son up at ground at 12.15 and bank packed. Good seat behind Northern goal post Very hard game which Wgtn won 12 - 8. Very exciting. Home by "Feilds" 5.40 pm. till 10 pm. Very tedious.
June. 7 Sat.
Afternoon I went to Levin to see Bill Donnelly re varicose vein and he gave me some dope and advised me to give leg a spell. Evening "Golddiggers on Broadway." Very good.
June. 8 Sun. Afternoon Mr & Mrs Brewster called to see us and evening Harold and Molly McLeavey.
June. 9 Mon. I stayed in bed practically all day to give my leg a spell.
June. 11 Wed. Went to Palm. with Charlie Webb, also Prendeville, J. Bartholomew and Everton to attend Wgtn. Mounted Rifles Reunion, good crowd there.
June.13 Fri.
Paper-hangers here to do dining room and passage.
June. 18 Wed. Fine. John went to Palm. Nth show. I got up for a little while, moved sheep and then went back to bed. John returned from show looking bad so had to take him to chemist
June. 19 Thurs. Put in all day round house. Paper hanger finished at dinner time. Putting things back in place, John in bed till afternoon. Took him to see Dr Hunter in evening.
June.20 Fri. John still unable to work I moved stock, mended gate.
June. 21 Sat.
Afternoon I went to Bill Jacks and listened to the football British team V. N.Z. Very close do which British won on the "call of time" 6 - 3. Shirley in bed with bad cold.
June. 22 Sun. Shirley still in bed all day. Did not go out.
June. 24 Tues. John still unable to work Went to Doctors in afternoon. Meeting of Parent's Assn. in evening.
June. 25 Wed. R.S.A. smoke-oh in evening Good crowd. Gen. Young as guest Feild and Linldater and Blenkhorn also there. Successful turn out.
June. 27 Fri. I went on visit of inspection to the school with Parent's Assn. Very interesting to see children at work Afterwards we were invited to afternoon tea. Evening Shirley had bridge party and I went to see Jim Smith.
June. 29 Sun. Mrs Hitchcock, Mamie and Mr Ennis up in afternoon.
July 1 Tues. Enid arrived home from ChCh for three weeks holiday.
July 2 Wed. Enid & Norman went out to inspect Norman's farm.
July 4 Fri A & P ball in evening.
July 5 Sat Afternoon football Horowhenua V Maori team to play British team. Horowhenua won 30 - 22. Tilly kicked 6 goals.
July 7 Mon. Flagbridge golf in evening
July 8 Tues. Sent George 250 pounds to help commence dairying. Tea at Hitchcocks, and choral.
July 9 Wed. I went to Wgtn. to see W.H. Denton who has just returned from trip to England, also to see British team v Maoris. Excellent game. Britain won 19 - 13. Very exciting
July 10 Thurs Party in evening. Hodder & Miss Parlane, Mr & Mrs N.W. Thompson, Mr & Mrs Bennett, Mr & Mrs Sharp. Very enjoyable.
July 11 Fri.
Parent's Assn. "Bun Rush" in aid of central heating at school
July 13 JulySun. We all went out to Norman's farm at "Moutere". Mrs Vickers, Grace, and Francis Pyke also there. After lunch took a long walk round farm. Evening Hodder and Miss Parlane came up with us. Norman took them home.
July 15 Tues. John & I on fence most of day. I stopped at 3.30 pm. and after dressing I went with Billy Jack, Vincent, Hudson and Brewster to Paraparaumu in Brewster's car to opening of new Lodge Temple and installation at A.W. Petherick as Wor. Master. Big crowd there -about 200. Fine ceremony.
July 18 Fri. Wet day. Felt off-colour - back painful so stayed in bed. Evening Shirley drove car to Palm. Nth. A & P Ball taking Mr & Mrs Vickers, Norman & Enid, and John. I stayed in bed. They had an enjoyable time and arrived home at 4.15 am. without mishap.
July 20 Sun. Enid & Norman out driving in afternoon and stayed evening at Vickers.
July 21 Mon. Enid & Norman left by car for Wgtn. as Enid is returning to ChCh tonight
July 22 Tues. John took 117 forward wethers to Levin Saleyards and we sold them for 19/8. Was hoping for at least 2 pounds but thought it best to quit
July 23 Wed. I went to Annual Meeting Levin Dairy Co. and afterwards took Shirley to see Levin Hunt at Horribins. Beautiful day and quite good turn out Norman rode "Jacko" who did fairly well but knocked his knee on the rails. Cards at Maxwells for the ladies and George Browns for me.
July 24 Thurs. "Rio Rita" in evening.
July 26 Sat.
Afternoon we went to town to listen to football - third Test N.Z. beat Britain at Auckland 15 - 10. "Disraeli" in evening.
July 23 Mon. Snow fell on Arapaepae hills.
July 29 Tues. Evening Shirley and I went to Gran Hitchcocks to tea. Afterwards I went to choral.
July 30 Wed. George Thompson and man turned up about 3 pm. with new tank Had some trouble to take out old tank. I painted outside bottom of new tank. Annual meeting A. & P. Assn. in evening. I was re-elected to committee. Shirley stayed with Tui and I called for her.
July 31 Thurs. Geo. Thompson's man McLean came alone to fix tank. Put coat of black mixture which I got from Mr Smellie on bottom of tank outside & John also painted the inside with same stuff. Also painted outside with white paint McLean finished tank, fixed spouting on wash-house and hole in roof by 4 pm.
August 1 Fri.
Evening social to ladies by male members of Choral Society. Badly arranged but successful function on the whole.
August 2 Sat Shirley and I went to Palm. Nth. taking Harold & Molly McLeavey with us. Harold and I went to meeting of Manawatu Exec. F.U. Shirley visited friends. Lunch at P.D.C. Saw Mrs McAlley. Good run both ways. Enjoyable day.
August 6 Wed. Wet. Feeling seedy so stayed in bed all day.
August 7 Thurs. Walked round ewes in morning but felt very much off-colour so retired to bed in afternoon.
August 8 Fri Afternoon caught Napier Mail to Wgtn. to see Fourth Test match tomorrow. Met George & Mabel (Ferguson) who had been married yesterday. Took them to pictures (Majestic) Rotten show. Stayed the night Allenville.
August 9 Sat
10 am. Perc, Alice, Hyde & I went to Athletic Park to see 4th Test N.Z. v Britain. Tremendous crowd 40,000. Good game won by N.Z. 22 - 8. Came home 5.40 train. Shirley met me.
August 10 Sun. George & Mabel arrived from Wgtn. by motor bus to stay till tomorrow. Evening Cliff & Tui over.
August 11 Mon. George & Mabel left for Waikato by Auckland Express.
August 13 Wed. Afternoon John & I went to Ohau to hear lecture by Mr Connell on pasture & ensilage. Demonstration on Mr Anyon's farm. Evening meeting called to form Calf Club for children of local schools. Also Hunt Club Ball.
August 16 Sat. Afternoon meeting at Farmers' Union. Small attendance and not much business.
August 17 Sun. Ray Jones and family up in afternoon and Mr & Mrs Jim Smith in evening.
August19 Tues. Evening at Jim Smiths. Wireless on 4th Test match.
August 21 Thurs. Spent evening at Fultons. Cliff & Tui there also.
August 22 Fri Evening Shirley & I took George Wilson, Miss Turvey, Eric Vickers and Miss Greig to Otaki Bowling Club Ball. Shirley & I went with complementary tickets representing Levin Bowling Club. Good crowd, enjoyable evening
August 24 Sun. Another strenuous day among the sheep. Too tired to go out.
August 25 Mon. Had to have Dr. Hunter up to see Bill who was running a high temperature and complained of sore ear. Had to take him to hospital when Dr. Hunter opened up the ear and also removed adenoids. Bill went through it very well. Molly Denton arrived from Wgtn and we picked her up at Hitchcocks.
August 26 Tues. Shirley bought Bill back from hospital - looking fairly well. Miss Webb and Mamie up in afternoon.
August 28 Thurs. Bridge at W.M. Clarks.
August 29 Fri Bridge at Mrs Percys
August 30 Sat. Afternoon I went to Levin with Shirley.
Sept. 3 Sat. Afternoon went to the funeral of late Tom Brown. Big crowd. Masonic and Oddfellows Service. Evening installation of New Master. Bro. Ramsay. Big crowd of visitors including Bert Magee late of NZMR. He recognised me but I did not pick him at first. Bro. F.J. Foss presented me with my certificate.
Sept. 6 Sat.
I went to meeting of Manawatu Exec. F.U. Long meeting.
Sept. 7 Sun. Afternoon took family for a drive - left Shirley at Golf Links and took children round Koputaroa.
Sept. 10 Wed. Made stand at cowshed. Commenced to repair back wall of wood-shed.
Sept. 13 Sat. Evening Dramatic Society put on "Diane."
Sept. 14 Sun. Church of England in morning. Rehearsal at Jenkins in afternoon. Tuis in evening.
Sept. 15 Mon. I went to town to see to arrangements for meeting tonight. Helped Hossack cart seats from S.A. Barracks. Took Mr Wright and Mr Blenkhorne to station to meet Mr W.J. Polson who is addressing the Farmers' Union tonight We all went to Oxford tearooms for afternoon tea. Afterwards I took Mr Polson for a drive down to Horowhenua Lake and afterwards to Lake Papiatonga [Papaitonga]. Evening Mr Polson addressed about 150 people on "Politics of interest to Farmers." I was in the chair. W.D.F.U. provided supper afterwards.
Sept. 16 Tues. I went to town in afternoon to Levin Sale afterwards to help F.R. Wright take seats back to S.A. Barracks. H. Hossack carted.
Sept. 18 Thurs. Shirley beat Mrs Hosie for Junior Championship at golf.
Sept. 19 Fri.
George Wilson and Miss Turfrey up to tea and evening.
Sept. 20 Sat Went with Bill Kilsby, Gimblett and Mr Galpin to ear-mark calves, for children's calf rearing competition.
Sept. 21 Sun. Rehearsal in afternoon.
Sept. 22 Mon. Shirley and I took Maxwell and Fred Bartholomew to Feilding in order to attend the funeral of the late Ann Booth, Wattie Booth's wife who died on Saturday morning - meningitis. Very big funeral. Shirley and I lunched with Mr & Mrs Hassan. After funeral we drove out to Booth's homestead and stayed for about an hour. Left Fred Bartholomew there to stay with Wattle for a few days. Called to see the Kellows. Left Feilding 6.30. Had puncture on Sanson Rd and afterwards a blow out on Foxton Road about 6 miles out. Rang Eclipse Garage from Hon. Newmans. Ewing brought out new tyre and tube and fixed us up. Home 11 pm.
Sept. 23 Tues. Went to Levin. Took car to Eclipse Garage to have valves ground and generally tuned up.
Sept. 24 Wed. Fine. Took a load of passengers to Massey College for a visit Successful day - over 40 present. Grass plots very interesting showing superiority of Hawkes Bay rye over all others. On the way home drove with Adkin & Ron Law round Makerua Swamp.
Sept. 25 Thurs. Well in afternoon. Felt very seedy so did not get up. Shirley went to golf links and played off the final for the Junior Championship when she beat Mrs Sherwood by 8 up and 6 to play.
Sept. 26 Fri. Evening - men to Choral Society held social and dance, Only so -so.
Sept 27 Sat
Shirley took Bill to hospital to have his tonsils removed by Dr. Hunter. Went through well.
Sept. 28 Sun. Cold and dull. Shirley and I and children went to church. Called to see Bill on way home. Did not go out in afternoon.
Sept. 29 Mon. Shirley brought Bill back from hospital.
Oct. 1 Wed. Shirley not wel.l In bed all day.
Oct. 3 Fri
Concert by blind students in evening - big house.
Oct. 4 Sat.
Opening of bowling season. Big crowd from Foxton, Otaki and Palmerston Nth. Played against Foxton rink and the score was 17 -13 against us when we had to stop on account of rain. Shirley went with Mr & Mrs Seivers to Otaki to golf and won trophy.
Oct. 5 Sun. Rehearsal in afternoon. Mrs & Bill Jack and family up in afternoon.
Oct. 6 Mon. Evening Choral Society went to Foxton to play 'Maritana' in Town Hall. Good crowd and everything went well.
Oct. 7 Tues. Went to Levin Sale. Afterwards to see Mr Blenkhorn re bill of sale George's heifers.
Oct. 8 Wed. Showery, worked round house. Evening Choral Society put on "Maritana at Regent Theatre. Good house and successful turn-out. Social afterwards. Public well satisfied.
Oct. 11 Sat Afternoon I went to bowls. Shill went to Otaki Races with Mr & Mrs Seivers. Evening Shirley and I took Mrs S. to pictures "Last of Mrs Chaney."
Oct. 14 Tues. John took 4 heifers to Levin Sale and we sold them 2 for 9 pounds 12/6, one for 8 pounds 17/6, and the other for 7 pounds 1716. This was a big drop in the price of butter.
Oct. 16 Thurs. Afternoon Shirley and I went to train to meet Evelyn and Milly who stayed the night with us, on their way to Gisborne where Evelyn has been appointed Manger for Common Shelton & Co. Ltd. Spent evening yarning round fire.
Oct. 17 Fri. Evelyn and I took a walk up low hill so that he could see the view. They left by Napier Express. Evening I sang at Church of England Social. Big crowd there.
Oct. 21 Tues. Letter from George telling of bad back and visit to Rotorua to specialist.
Oct. 25 Sa. Weather cleared in afternoon and I went to bowls. Shirley went to Palm Nth with Mrs Seivers.
Oct. 26 Sun. I brought Mary Beckett, Helen and Gran Hitchcock and Mamie up here in afternoon.
Oct. 27 Mon. Labour Day. I went to Bowling Green but heavy rain came on so we could not start till afternoon. Had lunch at Gran Hitchcocks. Played with Monk and against Fletcher & Challies and after an even game they won by 20 - 17. Evening Shirley, John & I went to dance given by Mr & Mrs R.J. Foss in honour of wedding between their daughter Nancy & A. Taylor, son of F.H. Taylor who used to go to Webb's School with me. Had a most enjoyable evening.
Oct. 31 Fri Pictures in evening. "The Divine Lady." Very good.
Nov. 1 Sat. Went to meeting Manawatu Exec. F. U. at Levin - not much business. bowls in afternoon - good game.
Nov. 2 Sun.
At home all day. John Hodder up for dinner and tea. Freda had her day off and did not come back.
Nov. 3 Mon. Evening, Shirley & I paid visit to Mr & Mrs Geange.
Nov. 5 Wed. Rain commenced noon and continued all the rest of the day. We all went to Garden fete organised by Home & School Assn. in aid of heating school Rain spoiled the whole affair which was opened by Hon Minister of Education, Hon. H. Atmore to whom I was introduced by the Mayor. I ran a side-show without much success.
Nov. 7 Fri
Bridge at Mrs G. Browns.
Nov. 8 Sat
Miss Gwen Hill commenced today as a help for Shirley.
Nov. 9 Sun.
Mr & Mrs Geange came over to dinner.
Nov. 11 Tues. Evening John performed at Church of England Bazaar playette called “The Dear Departed." Very good.
Nov. 16 Sun. Jim Smith up to dinner and took us for drive in afternoon - Shannon, Moutoa, Foxton, Levin.
Nov. 18 Tues. Dave Morgan and George Wilson shearing Did most of hoggetts. Choral Society went to Otaki and put on 'Maritana' 20 pound house and good turn-out.
Nov. 21 Fri.
Percy Denton came up by 'Fields' train for weekend.
Nov. 22 Sat. Levin Races. Shirley went with Mrs Seivers and Mrs SmailL Pere & went to bowls, afterwards to tea with Mr & Mrs Smaill.
Nov. 23 Sun. Mr & Mrs Smaill up in afternoon. Mr Smaill & I went to service in Church of England for Freemasons. Percy called on Mr Ballingal. Jim Smith up for tea.
Dec. 2 Tues. Shirley went to town. Lunch with Jim Smith and went to sale - nothing doing - after to bowls for a little while. Choral in evening. Bad cold.
Dec. 3 Wed. Showery. Feeling seedy. Decided to go to bed after dinner in order to beat off influenza. Shirley went to bridge at Mrs N.M. Thompsons.
Dec. 4 Thurs. In bed all day. John delivered heifers to Mr Morecomb's farm in Tararua Rd.
Dec. 5 Fri. Fine. Up late. Went to Levin to see final judging in calf-rearing competition_ Good crowd there. Champion calf reared by Frank Kilsby's girl. Home about 4.30 pm. - done up so went to bed.
Dec. 6 Sat
Fine. Shirley & I took Harold & Molly McLeavey with us to Palm Nth to meeting of Manawatu Exec. F. U. Business to select organiser for area. Arrived Levin 4.30 pm. Went to bowling green and played singles match with Kerslake whom I beat by about 8 points.
Dec. 7 Sun
Fine. At home all day. Molly & Harold McLeavey up for tea and evening.
Dec. 9 Tues. Went to Levin. Played bowls against Mr Fletcher and was badly beaten. (Handicap event) John went to Levin and brought home new mower (Bamford) from Dale Malcolms
Dec. 10 Wed. Swimming sports in evening. Acted as starter and announcer.
Dec. 11 Thurs Evening Choral Society put on "St John's Eve" - poor audience but very fair performance.
Dec. 12 Fri. Evening played bowls singles with Mr Robertson and beat him 7 up. Bridge at Mrs George Browns.
Dec. 13 Sat Afternoon went to bowls. Shirley and Mrs Herrick in charge of tea.
Dec. 14 Sun Fine but cold. In the garden all day. Marge and Vivian (Adkin) over for afternoon tea.
Dec. 16 Tues. Fine, left by Napier Mail for timer& 6 attended Farmers' Rally as representatives of Manawatu Exec. Reached there 6 pm and stayed at Egmont Hotel. Pictures in evening.
Dec. 17 Wed Fine & warm. Attended monster Rally of farmers at Opera House which was packed to the doors. Mr W.J. Polson presided and spoke for over an hour. Afternoon 8 resolutions were passed by meeting. I had to second motion asking for stricter economy in Govt. Dept. Met several Returned chaps. George Tozer, Bill Ricketts, Jones and Harris O/C 24th NZMR. Evening had tea with Eddie Dixon and wife, walked around Hawera and afterwards played 500.
Dec. 18 Thurs. Returned home on New Plymouth Express. Had tea at Mamies and went to Masons Christmas Party in Town Hall. Helped run show - telegraph boy and general.
Dec. 19 Fri Evening I played Mr Fletcher for Junior Championship but he beat me
Dec. 20 Sat Afternoon bowls. Matt Suhan beat me in handicap event.
Dec. 21 Sun. Went to Church of England in morning. Mamie and Daisy Hitchcock and Miss Webb up in afternoon. Drove up river past Powles old place.
Dec. 23 Tues. Went to sale - poor entry poor prices. Went to bowls and beat Allan by 20 - 13 in B championship. Killed lamb for Christmas.
Dec. 24 Wed. Fine. Cleaned up round house. Shirley and I took children to town round 4 pm. and stayed till 7.30 pm. Mr & Mrs P.B. Smith and Roy up in evening and helped fill the stockings.
Dec. 25 Thurs. Fine. Christmas Day. After usual opening of parcels Shirley, John & I went to Communion. Afternoon we all went to Koputaroa to Mrs C G. Wilsons (Newman property) for afternoon. Took Maxwell & children. Jim Smith and family, George & Mrs Brown also there.
Dec. 26 Fri.
Fine but dull. We all went to Paraparaumu for the day. Visited Stewarts and afterwards the Smaills. Met Sweetman.
Dec. 27 Sat. Fine and very hot. Worked round house. Afternoon went to bowls. Evening Chas. Collins and wife, and Frank and Marion, all from Whangarei called in to stay the night with us on their way to Timaru. Had jolly evening - music and bridge.
Dec. 28 Sun. Fine and very hot. We all went up to 'Black Hole' for a swim. Very enjoyable. Collins left about 4.30 pm. for Waikanae where they are staying with Charlie's brother.
Dec. 29 Mon. Tui & Norrie Denton over in evening.
Dec. 31 Wed. Went to town in afternoon and again in evening to meet Doris Beckett who is staying with us for holiday.



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Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912