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1 Jan. Beautiful day spending holiday at beach in Prouse's cottage. Adkins family & W.R. Wilson family visited us. Had a bathe & enjoyable day. Dora stayed with us.
2, Jan.
Beach poor weather
7 Jan. Beach. Burns & I went rabbit shooting in pm. also Craig boys (2) I used Adkin's gun I got 6 rabbits Burns 4.
8 Jan. Better weather. Jen bad neuralgia. Fishing in morning.
9 Jan. Beautiful day. Bathing & fishing in morning. Afternoon rabbiting with Burns. I shot 9 Burns 6.
10 Jan.(Sun) Beautiful day. Line fihsing with Walter Clark in morning. No luck. Wilsons out. Bathing in afternoon.
11 Jan.
Splendid day. On beach most of the time bathing etc. Evening final flutter. Progressive euchre party consisting of Clarks (2) Craigs (3) Stuckeys (2) Burns (3) Dentons (2) Very good fun. Broke up at midnight
12.Jan.(Tues) Very fine. Packed up after dinner. Left beach for home about 4.30pm. Reached home 6.30pm. Pope's son "Sid" Burbinsons boy came back to Weraroa in cart.
20 Jan.(Wed) Fine. Went to Levin Sale. Miss Florrie Hitchings married her cousin. Fashionable turnout.
22 Jan. Very nice day we drove to Hokio taking Hughie with us. Had a very enjoyable day — not too hot. Children paddled & had a great time. I bathed in pool. Left at 5pm. Home at 6pm
24 Jan.(Sun) Fine. All drove to Levin in morning. Jen & Enid went to E. Church, I took George, W.H. Wilson & Hughie for a drive. Afternoon Will & Amy & Co. drove up
7 Feb. Very hot. Did not go out in the morning. Jen stayed in bed very tired. Afternoon drove to Ohau to see Walkleys who are soon leaving to go to Wairarapa. Home 7.45pm
9 Feb. Visit from Drapery agents — bought 4 suit lengths at £4-5-0
10 Feb.(Wed) Beautiful day. Horowhenua A & P Assn Show. Arrived at ground about noon — lunch — visited circus & monkey show, very fair. Dog bit me on leg. Big crowd. Very enjoyable day. Home 6.30
13 Feb.(Sat) Leslie Lancaster & France started on a journey across the Tararuas into Wairarapa weather most unsuitable
19 Feb.(Fri) Levin Sale. Adkin bought Simcox's fm ewes at 11/6 very fair sheep. Enid & George to Craigs for party. I bought 132 two tooth ewes at 12/— in A & W's yards very fair line. I came home with sheep and returned to Levin about 8pm.
21 Feb.(Sun) Les back from tour to Wairarapa
22 Feb. Felt very seedy did not do much work
24 Feb.
Very out of sorts. Stomach upset. Took dose of castor oil
25 Feb. Up late, but felt better
26 Feb. Fine, worked in stumping paddock cutting rushes etc. Gimblett came C bought 25 cull lambs at 4/6. I delivered them. In evening we drove to Walkleys Chau to Surprise Party. Very pleasant evening. Hugely enjoyed by juveniles in early hours of morning. We stayed there all night & drove home next morning
27 Feb. Beautiful day. Reached home at dinnertime. Walkley's little girl Connie came home with us. On our way home we took George to the barbers and had his hair cut for the first time. He stood it well and looks first rate.
3 March Afternoon took Jen to visit dentist. Evening Jen went with Stewarts to see musicians (Russian boys)
6 Mar (Sat) Afternoon went to Butts to. shoot for team of civilians against rifle corps. not much good 22 at 200 yds, 7 at 500 yds out of possible of 60. Levin in evening.
15 Mar.(Mon) Went to Levin about 5 o'clock to see "Kilties" band. Procession from Weraroa. Huge Scotchman over 7ft high. Listened to a little music & then came home about 8.30
17 March Took tweed to Frechling to make up. 19th went to Frechling to be fitted for new suit
26 March Took Jen & Family to Levin. Farewell to Miss Bowen who is transferred to Aramoho. Jen sang — rather nervous. Enjoyable evening. Home 11.45 Children good.
27 Mar.(Sat) Town in evening. Got new suit from Frechling
1 April Heavy rain in afternoon. Could not take Jen to Hudson's afternoon tea but we drove to Ohau in evening to Hockey Club social and had a real good time. Euchre & sit down supper & dancing till 2.30am. I drove home & got to bed at 4am. Jen and babies stayed at Walkleys
2 April
Jen spent day at Mrs Wm Clarks where she met Mrs Witt of Wellington
3 April
Wet — Jen very unwell so did not get up till late
4 Apl (Sun) Fine. Jen rather better. Did not go out. Afternoon Miss Berg came to bid us "goodbye" Mr & Mrs Wm Clark, Mrs Will & friend paid us a visit.
11 April
Very wet. Easter Sunday, Jan's birthday. Could not go out all day. Adkins intended to come over but could not
12 April Beautiful day — We & Adkins drove to Manawatu River at the Foxton Bridge & had a very enjoyable drive. Looked over some of the rich river flats which seem to be excellent quality but most of the paddocIss we saw were smothered with tall fescue which had simply taken possession. Saw some very good fat cattle. We arrived home about 6 o'clock & Adkins came to tea and evening
4 May J.R. McDonald's clearing sale in Dalgety's yards. I set off home with my 158 sheep just after 4.30pm. Les helping me over the railway line a most unfortunate accident occured as the sheep reached the line at the same time as the mail train went over the crossing. The result was most disastrous as I lost in all 38 ewes. Most of the carcasses were mutilated horriby. I arranged with T.A.B. Hudson to have the carcasses removed & skins taken off by W. Ryder & A. Newman. I then came on with remnants of mob. assisted by Mr Wilson (Manager for Hithcings) & Mr Adkin. I reached home about 7pm thoroughly disgusted
10 May Received a notice from Railway pointing out my liability re sheep getting on Railway & requesting me to prevent a rescurrence of offence.
24 May Fine. Clifford came over in morning so sent word by him to Dr Kennedy to come up & have a look at me. He arrived about 5 o'clock & after examination said that he would have to lance the abcess which had formed in crutch. Left it till morning when he will administer gas. Passed very bad night
25 May Doctor arrived about 10 o'clock & put me under gas & lanced the abcess very quickly - great relief. I performed considerably while under gas. Stayed in bed all day
29 May Commenced to put up arch for roses to climb over on front path
1 June Spent whole day on archway not altogether satisfactory but fair job
2 June We all drove to Levin in morning & got paint (white) for arch. Met May Harvey who is up to recite at Eng. Church concert. She is engaged to Mr Keedwell (chemist)
4 June Evening Mr & Mrs Walter Clark & Miss May Harvey came to tea & evening & Mr Keedwell arrived about 9.30. Had a very enjoyable evening. Euchre and music
10 June Enid alarmed us rather by putting small button in her ear. We extracted it by means of glue on end of a piece of cloth
12 June(Sat) Levin in afternoon Football Levin 14 pts. Hui Mai 26pts. good game
13 June Drove to Arcadia to dinner & stayed till 7 o'clock W.H. Wilson has just bought J. Cole's section of 50 ac. at £40
24 June - July 5 Holiday in Wellington 24th Capping at Victoria College. Miss Daniell staying at Fern Hill 25th "about town" Smoke Concert of College Rifles with N.H. Denton. Enjoyable evening 26th Kellows to dinner Athletic Park with "Alb" 27th Church. Walked to Northland with Laurie 28th Kellows to tea whole family. Alb took Jen to Town Hall complimentary to Alf Hill.
29th Went to Newtown Zoo in morning. Very interesting indeed & we much enjoyed visit. Down town in afternoon
30 Down town in morning. Afternoon Laurie & I mended fence between Denton's & Gibb's barbed wire. Jen went WMCA Bazaar. Evening Jen & I went to pictures - Napoleon - pretty tough
1st July Jen took children to see Mrs Collins. I went for a bike ride round Queens Drive. Evening, we took Edie to see "Miss Hook of Holland" Most enjoyable opera & we had a real good laugh
2nd Jen went to see Grace Ralph, I took bike ride to Karori and also visited Harveys
3rd Town in morning. Met H. Ziman Dinner at Kellows. Athletic Park with Alb. Poneke 14 0.Boys 5; Athletic 6 Oriental 5. West's pictures in evening "Drink"
4th July Church. Took Enid for a walk to Queen's Wharf to see boats. Rained very heavily
5th July Came home by mid-day train.
9th July Jen & Children returned from town. Bradley drove them home.
12 July Ingram came to see me & contracted to cut 4ft rata at 10/- per cord. George very unwell. Could not keep his food down. Very. limp & fretful. Seemed to improve towards evening. We think that his back teeth are coming through.
17 July Afternoon we drove to Levin to see football Awarua (Taihape) 12 Horowhenua 11. I speculated in some fruit trees from Baker's Koputaroa, sold by T.A.B. Hudson. Well grown but require pruning
26 July
Evening we all went to Adkin's to tea to celebrate Leslie's 21st Birthday. Enjoyable evening. Home 10.30-11pm.
28 July In afternoon I drove in dray to Swainson e Bevan's sale of nursery stock. Bought 3 apples, 3 pears, 2 peaches, 2 nectarines & a few specimens for shrubbery
31 July Afternoon went to Hudson & Marriott's sale of fruit trees implements etc. Bought about a dozen apples & 1 plum (Burbank). Also bought aged horse belonged to Baker £3-15-0 including cover very cheap I should say. Also hayfork & slasher. George & Enid both have colds.
1 August Enid & George both had a bad day & we had an anxious time with them. At night a storm from S.E. arose - very heavy wind with rain. Had a very bad night. Enid very bad, delirious at times consequently we got little rest
2 August Up late. Children still bad - in bed till dinner time & then by fire in front room. Enid a little better in evening, but George's cold was very bad - Hard dry & whistling. Mother had bad night
8 Aug.(Sun) Beautiful day. Drove to Arcadia to dinner. Went for a drive with Will as far as Ohau River. He has a very fast trotter. Home 4.30. Jen very much out of sorts. Hysterical in evening. Nerves very much strained. Had fair night.
9 August Jen & children walked to Stewarts & drove to meet her but as she was still feeling nervous, I drove her to Levin for medicine about 5.30. However Amy invited her to stay down for a few days to regain her strength & we gladly accepted. I returned home alone in rain & after tea took down some clothes for Jen & children. I stayed with them at Arcadia all night
10 August Batching - Jen at Arcadia feeling better
11 August Rode to Levin to see Jen who is still not very well. Will & Amy went to Boating Club Ball. I rode home midnight
12 August Jen & I went to dance in evening. Jen not very well so did not stay long. After taking her to Arcadia I returned to hall & saw programme through - about 3am. dead tired. Stayed at Arcadia
17 August Drove to Levin to receive tenders for stumping. The lowest tender was £20 by W.A. O'Donnell, Arlidge £22-10-0 Johnson £30. Ingram & Pink £32 Salmons £47. I accepted lowest. Evening Jen Amy & I went to dance "Scarlet Pimpernel" Very fair turnout. Jen & I went home at 12 o'clock then I went back for Amy. Jen did not feel at all well but had a fair night
18 August Dull. Did a little business in Levin in morning. After dinner we drove to Doctor Kennedy's & Jen went to get advice. He prescribed for her and we procured medicine and came home in heavy rain.
19 August Jen feeling rather better 21st Aug. Jen not at all well so could not go away from house 22nd Aug Jen did not get up till late but felt a little better
23 August
Afternoon I commenced to put in posts for fence in shrubbery. Jen had visitors Miss Sutherland, Mrs Marriot Miss Mrs & Miss Prouse 24th August Jen much better 25th Aug. Jen drove for first time alone as far as Adkins. I went over at 5 o'clock and came home with her.
26 Aug. Beautiful day. Jen drove Annie out to Levin in morning. Evening we drove to Levin to "Ladies Evening" YMCA. Enjoyable entertainment. Clare in tableau. Left George at Arcadia & Enid at Adkins. Home about 11pm.
1 Sept.
Wettest day of season. Never remember the grass being so low. Sheep alright. Creeks very high - paddocks very wet.
2 Sept. We all drove to Levin before tea to the Arcadia and afterwards went to Misses Stuckey & McDonald's dance which proved most enjoyable. Les & Clare were there also. Jen & youngsters stayed at Arcadia & I rode home to bed at 4am.
8 Sept. Afternoon Jimmy (McIntyre?) Enid, Clifford & Vivian helped me cart away macracapas. George's birthday. Evening party of ourselves, Adkins, Miss Sedcole & W. Prouse.
11 Sept. Opening of Tennis season
14 Sept.
Agent for Booth McDonald up to see me re "plow". Will Stewart agrees to buy harrows etc. & I am to buy the plow & we will exchange
24 Sept. Beautiful day. Gil came over to breakfast afterwards we yarded 2 tooth ewes & lambs which was tough work. Jen & children rendered great assistance George enjoying the fun. I docked 136 lambs out of 220 ewes yarded. We left about 6 undocked & some ewes with young lambs in the paddock.
25 Sept. (Saturday). Afternoon went to Levin C played in football match Levin v. Wanderers (old timers). First game for me for about 6 yrs. Got on fairly well. Game very fast & interesting to watch. Wanderers won by 14 to 11 an even go. Had a good hot bath at Arcadia. Felt a bit sore.
26 Sept.
Enid and 1 went to Church of England. Rev. Compton. Mr & Mrs D.S. McKenzie came up on a visit in afternoon & stayed to tea.
5 Oct.
Gapper forced to close shop - big loss
7 Oct. Afternoon odd jobs round house while Jen drove to Levin. Evening had a party of friends, Mr & Mrs McLeavey, Eva & Molly McDonalds 4 Bartholomews 3 Stuckeys 4 Craigs 2 Adkins 3 Jamieson Kiss Devonshire. Very enjoyable evening games & competitions. Broke up at 12.30
14 Oct. Spent some of the day cutting up pukatea posts. Beautiful log - will cut about 45 first class posts.
20 Oct. I went to see J.R. McDonald's land sale. Century Hall crowded with people. The front sections (5 acres) sold well £53 to £40 to £30. Adkin bought 140 acres adjacent to the terrace at £22-10-0
26 Oct.
Jen drove to Ohau & farewell to Mrs Feist at McLeaveys. Annie Adkin in Wellington had operation progressing favourably
29 Oct. Went to Levin sale bought 15 2yr steers. Les helped me bring them home. Afternoon tea with Vickers. Annie underwent very serious operation at Wellington - still very ill - but improving. 31st Annie better
22 Nov. Evening Clare & Miss Mayne drove over & stayed with Jen while I went with Les, Wil & Reg to see Prof. Driver the conjurer & exposer of Bailey the medium. First class entertainment. Very clever.
23 Nov. Evening went to tea meeting connection with Provincial Conference (Methodist) Good crowd & enjoyable. George had huge meal.
24 Nov.
Afternoon went to Garden Party at J. Prouse's beautiful afternoon & successful function. Had put in good morning's plowing.
1 Dec.
Horticultural Show opened by Lady Plunket. Jen drove down & left phaeton at Holdaways to be varnished. Using Holdaway's trap meanwhile
11-13 Dec. Murray Moses & Dick dagqing & shearing. Billy also
14 Dec. Jen had afternoon "At Home" for Miss McIntyre & it passed off very successfully about 30 ladies present
16 Dec.
Finished shearing about 3.30pa. Murray shore 320 Moses 46 Billy 250 H.D. 1 Total 604 (13 bales)
21 Dec. Fine & very hot. Up early & mustered all ewes with lambs. Mr Vickers of Meat Export came at lam and drafted out 50 fat lambs at 9/- and 3 fat ewes at 9/6. Lowest price I ever sold fat lambs.
22 Dec.
My birthday. Adkins family came over after tea & we spent enjoyable evening. Presented me with present of a book.
27 Dec. Beautiful day. Drove to Horowhenua Lake. Had lunch & then went over the other side in motor launch - very enjoyable. Burns' joined us on return trip & we had afternoon tea & then to Arcadia for tea. Alb Kellow returned to Foxton by 8 o'clock coach & we drove home immediately afterwards
30 Dec. Fine. Packed up & drove to station in Bradley's Coach to catch 11.50 train to Wanganui. Big crowd of passengers. Fairly enjoyable journey. Frank C family met us & we all went to his house where he kindly invited us to stay during our holiday
31 Dec. Dull. Jen & I & George went down town & stayed down for lunch etc. Rode round in trams. Heavy rain commenced but eased off about 5 o'clock when we got home dry



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