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Jan. 1 Tues. All went to picnic up Ohau. Big party Vickers, Dentons. Irvines, Hamiltons, Jacks, Stewarts. Percy Ports machine went sour on him and I assisted to milk by hand 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Jan. 2 Wed.
Enid went to Hawera on holiday. We went to swimmingsports. Levin v. Stop-out Club. 22-20 pts. George swam for Levin and did well. He then rode out to beach to stay with Percy. John and I helped Percy Port milk in morning. Right hand very sore and swelled.
Jan. 4 Fri.
Beautiful day so decided to go to Hokio for the day. Very hot, 50, we were very burnt. Had bathe and gathered pipis.
Jan. 6 Sun. Brought Ray and Dorrie up for the day. George returned from the beach.
Jan. 8 Tues. Took George to train to P.N. to stay with Walter Carter's son. Charlie Collins arrived by 7.45 train.
Jan. 9 Wed.
Walked round with Charlie Collins in morning. Shirley took him to meet train to return to Auckland. Jack and I finished cutting thistles on terrace.
Jan. 12 Sat. Shirley and I went to town in afternoon. Bought chest of drawers at Channings and Webbers. Hottest day of the season.
Jan. 15 Tues. Wrote to Laurie re additional land tax.
Jan. 19 Sat. George and I dipped lambs in Coopers Fluid Dip. Later George and I made swimming hole.
Jan. 22 Tues. Fine and very hot - we spent most of our time in bathing pool. Lois made a good attempt to swim.
Jan. 23 Wed. Afternoon Jack and I took up floor in woolshed to reset engine.
Jan. 24 Thurs. Enid returned home from Feilding and Hawera.
Jan. 25 Fri. We all went by car to Paraparaumu beach. Good run down, had bathe and lunch. Lot of houses already built there. Left for home about 4 p.m. - had two punctures - home 7 p.m.
Jan. 28 Mon. Shirley, Polly, Lois, George and I drove to Mr A. Thorne's place to look at lambs.
Jan. 29 Tues. Shirley and Enid went with Adkins to pictures.
Jan. 30 Wed. Afternoon we all went to Levin Swimming Sports. George competed in 4 events. 1st in 100 yds breaststroke, 2nd plunge, 3rd diving and 50 yds.
Jan. 31 Thurs. All went to Levin show - heavy rain for 3 hrs from 12.30.
Feb. 3 Sun.
We all went to C. of E. at 4 p.m. to have Dorothy Anne christened. She behaved splendidly.
Feb. 5 Tue. Mr Adams and I visted school. Committee meeting in evening. Shirley, Polly and George went to pictures - The Christian.'
Feb. 6 Wed.
Polly left by Napier Mail on her way to Waimate and Dunedin.
Feb. 7 Thurs. Doris Wilson and Rita Farland spent day here. Billy Wilson and Les came up in evening. Willie Stewart and Peter also here for tea.
Feb. 8 Fri.
George and I went over to McLean's and brought back two of my bullocks that had got in there.
Feb. 9 Sat. Afternoon I went with Willie St. and Mr Adkin to funeral of Mrs Pyke wife of manager of Bank of N.Z. Been suffering for long time. Big funeral.
Feb. 10 Sun. Children want to church and brought back Mrs and Miss Hitchcock. Shirley and I took them home at 7.30 p.m.
Feb. 12 Tues. I put in a couple of hours at dentist - MacKenzie.
Feb. 13 Wed. We all went to school picnic at Plimmerton - great success and most enjoyable.
Feb. 15 Fri. George went to dentist. Farewell to Vickers at Helen and Leuden Tingey.
Feb. 17 Sun. Drove down to Becketts to say goodbye to Helen who is noing to be nurse at Wellinoton Hosp.
Feb. 18 Mon. Still raining heavily. About 4 inches of rain in 43 hours. Has done tremendous amount of good.
Feb. 20 Wed. Sledged down posts and put them in on boundary in front of house. Miss Sybil Wright married Mr J. Hunt. There was a dance in St. Mary's Hall in evening. Shirley, Enid, George went.
Feb.23 Sat. - 5 March Wed. Shirley, Lois, Anne and I spent this time at Plimmerton living in Mrs D.E. MacKenzie's cottage. Had fine weather all the time. Plenty of bathing. Lois became quite experienced in water and caused a lot of interest amongst seasiders.
March. 5 Wed.
We all returned home by Napier Mail.
March. 7 Fri. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail. Travelled with Laurie and W.G.D. - meeting of family in evening, discussing cutting up of Fern Hill - also yearly a/c and matters in general.
March. 8 Sat.
Will and I walked up to look at Prendergasts estate 2g sections on Bolton St. - some very rough sections, some good. Afternoon Will and I went to see test match (Cricket) N.S.W. V. N.Z. 293 - 69 and 79. Very poor display by N.Z. Family meeting in evening.
March. 10 Mon. Pictures and Allenville, and Fullers in evening with Percy, Laurie, Alice and Mrs White (2)
March. 11 Tues. Laurie and I returned home by Napier Mail.
March. 12 Wed. George and I felled totara on low hill. Sawed it twice and commenced to split it.
March. 14 Fri. I worked on fence. George swotted.
March. 16 Sun. Went to church. Afternoon went to see Mari and George Broomfield.
March. 19 Wed. Afternoon took Shirley down to D.S.MacKenzie to have teeth attended to. Also sent bo>: of apples each to F.J.D. and Fern Hill. Jack went to P.N. with school swimming team but were badly beaten by Central School 116-26.
March. 20 Thurs. Miss Bevan brought Maxwell, Mrs Neylon and Miss Reeve up to see us.
March. 23 Sun. Billy Wilson, Amy and Doris drove up to see us.
March. 25 Tues. Digging a garden for raspberries.
March. 26 Wed. School swimming sports in afternoon. Primary school 39 Secondary 28.
March. 30 Sun. Drove to Tully's in afternoon.
March. 31 Mon. Went with Ron Law in his Chevrolet to Pahiatua to cattle fair. Had good trip over 9 a.m. - 11.15 over the hill track. Good healthy country but steep. Road on other side steep and crooked. Ron and I and dealer from Palmerston Nth came back via the Gorge. Very enjoyable ride - arrived back just after dark. No lights. Distance 43 miles there. 54 miles back thro Gorge.
April. 4 Fri. George and I rode over to Ron Law's place at Shannon to pick up 29 steers I had bought at Pahiatua. Cattle rather footsore but in good condition. Home at dark.
April. 6 Sun.
At home. George and Marjorie Broomfield over for dinner.
April. 7 Mon.
George carted 4 loads of firewood. I dug garden and Shinl and I planted raspberries.
April. 9 Wed.
Shin, Enid and I went to Levin. Visit of inspection of school by members of school committee.
April. 12 Sat. Went to football. George played for Rovers II (Junior Cup) who beat Hui Mai 11-0.
April. 13 Sun. Jack, Helen and Lois went to Presbyterian church. Willie S. and Peter over to dinner,
April. 17 Thurs. Dipping. 246 old ewes, 266 young ewes, 176 Iambs, 3 culls 16 rams.
April. I8 Fri. Worked all day in garden. Cleared space east of dining room window. Good Friday.
April. 19 Sat. W.M.Beckett and Rex drove up in afternoon.
April. 20 Sun. Shirley, Enid and George went to 6 a.m. Communion.
April. 21 Mon. Easter Monday. All went to Kimberley Rd crossing for picnic. Mrs Vickers, Irvine, Davies, Kirkcaldie, Miss Kebbell. Very pleasant day.
April. 22 Tues. Railway strike commenced today.
April. 24 Thurs. Cut down macrocarpa hedge at front mete and burnt it up.
April. 25 Fri. Anzac Day. All went to service. Address by Rev. McArthur. Choir sang '0 Radiant Morn Evening Shirley and I t to service in Century Hall. Male choir sang 'Old Brigade' and 'Comrades at Arms'
April. 26 Sat. Annual meeting of Farmers Union. Small meeting. I was appointed delegate for Levin at Provincial Conference at Feilding. Strike still on, few trains running. George went to Paraparaumu to play football against locals. Para. 12 Rovers E.
April. 27 Sun. Percy Port over to dinner. Mr and Mrs Jack and Miss March drove up in afternoon.
April. 29 Tues. Car jibbed on us on way to sale. Sawtell sent Jack Barnett up to fix it. Sale over when I arrived. Sid Sievers brought me home in his car to look at fat bullocks. On our arrival home car again jibbed - failed to start.
April. 30 Wed. George and I spent morning oiling up car. Evening pictures - 'Covered Wagon' with Willie Stewart.
May. 2 Fri.
Shirley took Jack and I to corner Queen St. in car to catch coach for Levin 6.30 a. m. Car refused to start back home, and evetually Willie Stewart towed it to Sawtells. Jack and I went to Wellington with Levin School to visit H.M.S. Hood. Heavy showers. Had a look round warship but had not time to see her properly, too big a crowd. Left town at 3 p.m. home 6.20 p.m. after noisy trip. 3 Sat. Went to town to pick up car. Spent some time with boy oiling up. Battery charged.
May. 5 Mon.
Householders meeting Century Hall. Good crowd. Shirley, Willie S. and I drove down. Committee elected - Matheson 51, Kerslake 76, Gardiner 70, Adams 70, Proctor 64, Rimmer 60, Anderson 55, Shennans E.5, Connor 55. (F.G.Roe 54, Ramsay 53 rejected).
May. 6 Tues. Went with W.G.A. by Napier Mail to Wellington. Meeting of the clan.
May. 7 Wed.

Afternoon want with Will to Bethune's Auction Rooms where Fern Hill offered at auction. No bid for place as whole, or for house. All sections passed in. 1300 pounds offered for No. 5 and 1600 pounds for Sect. 6. No business done.

Afternoon tea at Fern Hill. Home by Field's train. Enid spent day in Wellington visiting H.M.S. Hood. Arrived Levin we went to school concert where family was. Big crowd Century Hall.

May. 8 Thurs. George and I spent day on boundary fence. Shirley, Enid and Jack at school concert.
May. 10 Sat. Harold Denton arrived from Wanganui. Also Boyer Beckett from Wellington.
May. 14 Wed. George carted 2 loads of rata blocks. ,en Biss and Beryl up for tea and evening.
May. 16 Fri. Jack, Harold, Boyer, Shirley and Lois went to evening at Miss Middlamiss'.
May. 17 Sat. Took Boyer down to slow train 1.30 and then went to football first to see George play with Rovers v. Weraroa II 0-4.
May. 18 Sun. All but Enid went to C. of E.
May. 19 Mon. Fine but dull and cold. We went with Stewarts to Hokio beach for day. Enjoyable time. Home at dark.
May. 20 Tues. Town in afternoon with Shirley. George, Enid, Harold and Jack went to dance given by Mesdames MacKenzie and Hobson.
May. 21 Wed. Will Beckett and Mary and Miss Kinvig came up in afternoon. Shirley and I went to picture 'Bella Donna - fair.
May. 22 Thurs. Y.N.C.A. social in evening. Enid and I went and sang for them.
May. 23 Fri. Afternoon we took Jack, Harold and Percy Port to C.D. Farm to hear lecture by Gramsdale Anderson and Merney on Farmers Union matters, very interesting. Also meeting in People's Theatre in evening. Shirley and I took Willie Stewart. Vincent annoyed.
May. 24 Sat. Shirley took Harold down to meet New Plymouth express for his return home.
May. 27 Tues. George took a vealer calf (with its mother and two cows for company) to Carter's paddock on Arapaepae Rd where Carter takes delivery. Two big macrocarpas were blown down by gale.
May. 28 Wed.
Shirley, Dorothy Anne and I went to Feilding by New Plymouth Mail to stay with fellows. Alb met us.
May. 29 Thurs. I attended Inter-Provincial Conference of Farmers Union as Levin Branch delegate. Found I had to speak to the 3rd remit on order paper. i.e. the improvements of Main Roads. Alf McLeavey seconded and the remit was carried. Spent whole day at Conference. Frank, Ethel and Miss Dingle with Charlie Houghton turned up in morning. Ladies had dinner at Kellows and we men had lunch in town. Frank and co. left for Wanganui in afternoon. Alb and I went to smoke concert in evening. Fair turn out, very cold.
May. 30 Fri. Spent whole day at conference with exception of visit Feilding Agricultural College- fine buildings and apparently capable staff. Home in evening.
May. 31 Sat. Afternoon - Alb and Vi took us to meet N.P. train. Everything alright.
June. 2 Mon. Shirley drove me to the C.D. Farm where I am attending Farmer's class for a week. About 60 students staying. Lectures start at 0 p.m. after official by Mayor and Ken Aitken etc.
June. 3 Tues. Fine. Lectures all day. Harry Booth of Carterton lecturing on Dairy Cow. Lecture by Mr W. Perry of Masterton on sheep breeding supplemented by lantern slides. Practical illustrations on quality of wool and important points of sheep breeding. Evening lecture on grasses by Mr Levy - excellent.
June. 5 Thurs. Practical demonstration of farm implements by Mr Shepherd and McCulloch. Practical demonstration of pasture grasses by Levy - very good. Draining by McCulloch. Tuberculosis in cattle (practical) by vet Collins. Evening pigs by Gorringe one of the best)
June. 6 Fri. Lectures - concreting, fruit pruning, poultry keeping. Afternoon outing by Levin residents to Bevan's at Manakau, Boys Training Farm and drive round Levin. Evening concert by Levin party and students (very successful) followed by supper, speeches. Home with Willie and George.
June. 9 Mon. George and I commenced to crutch ewes. Machine ran well, greatly improved since I reset it. Adkin and Viv over to tea and the evening re Fern Hill business.
June. 11 Wed. I went with Jack Young and G.D. Hamilton in G.D.H.'s car to P.N. to Annual reunion of the W.M.R. regiment. Good crowd, fair turnout.
June. 13 Fri. In attempting to start the engine (for crutching) George received a bad blow with the handle on his eye. Knocked him out temporarily.
June. 15 Sun. Mrs Vickers and Miss Marsh up to see us.
June. 18 Wed. George swotting.
June. 19 Thurs. Willie S. brought Mr Wildbore to look at shearing machine. The grinding of the combs and cutters seemed to be the trouble. Eventually got two of the machines running fairly well.
June. 20 Fri. Mr Kemp brought two sacks of potatoes and had a look round. On his advice we moved duck yard to far orchard .
June. 22 Sun. Drove down to see Ray and Dorrie. Johnny's birthday. Gracie Vickers up for the weekend.
June. 27 Fri. George and I dug holes for trees in plantation. Mrs Biss and Misses Glass-Ford up to see Shirley in afternoon.
June. 28 Sat. Annual meeting of A. & P. Assoc. I was elected to the COTi.
July. 1 Tues. R.S.A. annual reunion - dinner at Grand Hotel - social evening in garage opposite. I took Arthur Pryor with me.
July. 2 Wed.
I took Percy Port to Savage Club.
July. 3 Thurs. Shirley and I went to Fisk Jubilee singers in evening. Fair.
July. 6 Sun. Mr and Mrs Kernohan and Miss Trainer paid us a visit in afternoon. Mr K. and I had walk round. C. of E. in evening.
July. 9 Wed. Mr Richardson of Hodder and Tolley paid me a visit, took a walk round paddocks. Shirley and Enid went with Percy Port to the pictures.
July. 11 Fri. At dinner time Sid Tidswell late 2nd W.M.R. Palestine called to see me, staying till next morning. Shirley, he and I drove round in his car in afternoon Lake, C.D. Farm. Boys' Farm. Bridge in evening. Percy Port over. Billy Vickers bought fat bullocks at 8/101-.
July. 12 Sat. Sid Tidswell 'left about 10 a.m. for Wanganui taking George with him as far as Palmerston Nth. George is spending weekend with young Carter. Shirley and I went to town. Shirley went to see Beryl. I to committee meeting of A. & P.
July. 13 Sun. Shirley and the children and I went over to Stewarts in afternoon.
July. 14 Mon. George returning from Palmerston Nth.
July. 16 Wed. Mr Irving brought his wife and lady friends up to see Shirley. He and I walked up to the hoggets.
July. 19 Sat. George drove e fat bullocks to railway station for Mr Vickers. I went to Farmers Union meeting. Lois and Anne went to children's party at Adkins.
July. 20 Sun. Afternoon Gerald, Guy and Mary Beckett came up to see us. Stayed to dinner and evening. Percy Port over to dinner.
July. 23 Wed. Evening Shirley went to Levin with me and visited Mrs MacKenzie whose boy Peter took ill. I went to Savage Club till 10 p.m.
July. 25 Fri. George and I went to P.N. to see match All Blacks v. Manawatu Horowhenua. (27-12) 15,000 spectators - good game to watch but no superior play.
July. 28 Mon. Brought Cliff's cultivator over before breakfast - used it to grub out about 1 1/2 acres shells - did the work well.
Aug. 1 Fri. Evening took John to 'Father and Son' banquet Y.M.C.A. Good turnout. Addresses by Mr Caughley, Director of Education and Dr. Bryson. Afterwards Shirley, Enid and I went to Humphrey Bishop and co. Only. fair.
Aug. 2 Sat.
George and 1 splitting posts. George hurt his hand through log rolling down hill on it. Basic slag arrived. Andrews brought it up. 4 tons at 10/- and 2/6/3 freight. At dinner time Frank, Eth Elsie Beaven el Harold and arrived unexpectedly on way to Wellington.
Aug. 3 Sun.
Went to see Mr and Mrs Turton in afternoon.
Aug. 5 Tues. Enid and George went to town in afternoon. Bridge down on Queen St. had to pull them out with horse.
Aug. 9 Sat.
George and I put in day topdressing basic slag on hay paddock - sowed about 2 112 cwt. to acre. Beastly job. Alb KelIow and Vi and Gordon arrived from Feilding to stay till Sunday night. Also Mrs Baxter and son Quentin - friends of Shiriey's arrived to stay. Spent jolly evening.
Aug. 10 Sun. Alb and I walked round in morning. They returned to Feilding 4 p.m. Mr Staples calling for them.
Aug. 13 Wed. Ladies night at the Savage Club. I took Shirley and Dosh. Fair turn out. Dance to finish.
Aug. 14 Thurs. George swotted all day.
Aug. 15 Fri. George and I sowed about 13 bags of slag by hand on terrace and near pine trees on top.
Aug. 17 Sun. G.D.Hamilton and wife up to see us in afternoon.
Aug. 23 Sat. Had some trouble with lambs which took my time most of the day. Could not go to A.P. Assoc. meeting. Levin Savage Club paid a visit to P.N. Percy P and I went with Clifford Adkin.
Aug. 24 Sun. Fine. We all went to Hokio for the day. Very nice outing.
Aug. 25 Mon. Jack and I planted macrocarpas. About 100 plants over for next year. George commenced weeks military training.
Aug. 26 Tues. Shirley, Dash and I went to hear Enid sing at Presbyterian school in preparation for Competitions. She performed very well.
Aug. 28 Thurs. Shirley, Enid and I went to Golf Ball - very good turn out. Had a puncture on way home and had to leave car on Queen St. Jack Varnham kindly drove us home at 4 a.m.
Aug. 29 Fri. Mended puncture and brought car home. Percy Port and I erected cream stand on QueenSt. where we are to leave our cans to be picked up by lorry.
Sept. 1 Sun. Shirley and Bosh went with Clifford Adkin and Miss - Dyer to Mangahao and had an enjoyable day. Rest of us stayed at home all day.
Sept. 7 Sun.
Took Bosh for ride up low hill to show her the view, also up flat and round terrace. Afternoon Dosh, Shirl, the children and I motored to Buller Lake.
Sept. 9 Tues. Mrs Baxter and Quentin left For Wellington.
Sept. 20 Sat. Went to town in evening to pick up prize dinner and bad sweets- won by Shirley at Plunket shop day.
Sept. 21 Sun. George and I went with Port family Percy, Bert and Cecil to Mangaheo in Bert's Ford, Had a good run and saw everything.
Sept. 24 Wed. Took Shirley to MacKenzie to have tooth drawn - gas.
Sept. 25 Thurs. In afternoon Willie Stewart came and we handled the filly. Put on headstall and bit and gave her a run round. Afterwards we put saddle on and eventually George rode her round. Very quiet and satisfactory.
Sept. 28 Sun. At home all day. Prevented from going to church on a/c of poor lights. Mr Port and Percy over for dinner.
Sept. 30 Tues. Evening Shirley and I went to Marietana put on by local Choral Society assisted by Mrs Wildish, Len Barnes, C.A.Williams,Mrs Kilsby and H.Hunter. Very enjoyable evening. Enid staying with Ray and Dorrie.
Oct. 1 Wed.
Savage Club. Len Barnes a visitor. Read story and sang in quartet.
Oct. 2 Thurs. Evening Shirley and I took Enid and Mrs Vickers to Ohau to assist at concert. Enid sang and our Quartet sang three pieces.
Oct. 7 Tues. Shirley and I went to lecture by C.H.Hunter on care of teeth. Poor audience.
Oct. 8 Wed.
H. Jones and wife and Taylor and Mothershed up in evening.
Oct. 11 Sat. Met New Plymouth Mail and brought Will Denton home with me. Adkin and Clare over in evening. Decided to authorize W.H.D. to carry on with alterations to Fern Hill.
Oct. 12 Sun. W.H.D. and I rode round. Afternoon we went off to Cheslyn Rise and Broomfields. Stayed at Cheslyn Rise to tea and evening.
Oct. 15 Wed. Final Savage Club in evening. Took Willie Stewart, good programme. Quartette from Wellington including Len Barnes.
Oct. 17 Fri. Enid sick. Clare took her to Cheslyn Rise to nurse her - probably measles.
Oct. 18 Sat. Drove Shirley to town. Heavy rain. Enid feeling better.
Oct. 21 Tues. In evening Shirley and I visited Mr W.R. Jack re electricity for Fern Hill.
Oct. 24 Fri. Mrs K. Biss gave birth to baby boy.
Oct. 25 Sat. Took Shirley to town in afternoon. Met Percy and Alice who were passing through Wanganui for weekend.
Oct. 26 Sun. Afternoon Mr and Mrs Turton paid us a visit. Evening Shirley and I went to church.
Oct. 30 Thurs. Miss Middlemiss's concert in aid of school funds.
Nov. 1 Sat.
Town in afternoon. Met Mr and Mrs Barron.
Nov. 2 Sun. Took Shirley to Tully's to see Beryl and baby in afternoon.
Nov. 4 Tues. Went on with shearing but grinding still faulty. R.G.D. turned and I walked with him to Adkins to endeavour to have gear ground there, which Clifford kindly did. Rob to tea and evening on business re Fern Hill.
Nov. 5 Wed. Stewarts and Robert over for Guy Fawkes evening.
Nov. 6 Thurs. Had rotten time. Had good run with shearing machine until 10 a.m. Had stoppage which Eric, and later Sawtell could not fix, eventually took engine to shop to be overhauled and reset - not finished till 11.15 p.m.
Nov. 7 Fri. Sawtell had to come up first thing to readjust engine and after that it went well, had a good day.
Nov. 11 Tues. Finished young ewes and Iambs. Dry ewes - lust finishing when machine broke down. I was so disgusted that after Sawtell had been up I decided to pay off shearers. Prouse here with his hoggets to shear tomorrow.
Nov. 12 Wed. After endeavouring to get engine going without success decided to continue by blade. Bert Prouse and I shore most of hoggets before night. Hefty sheep, big fleeces
Nov. l6 Sun.

Percy Port, George and I finished shearing old ewes. Jolly glad to have the lob over. Dead beat.

Dec. 6 Sat. Enid went to Plunket Garden Party at Mrs Park's. Left car at SawtelIs as it was going badly.
Dec. 10 Wed. Drop in wool at Napier sale. My fleece valued at 25 1/2 to 26 pence.
Dec. 11 Thurs. George brought car home from Sawtells. Evening Shirley, Enid and I went to Oratorio "Messiah" by Levin Choral Society assisted by Mrs Woodward and Miss Calder and Messrs Walters and Butler. Also at party of men from Wellington and orchestra from Palmerston Nth.Excellent concert. George finished metric exam.
Dec. 12 Fri. Hanson and Barr's men turned up and started to put in wires for electric light. Decided to have light for the car shed. Extra light on the front verandah and point for sweeper. Got estimate for range , hat water and he is to give me details of shearing plant.
Dec. 13 Sat. Went to meeting of A & P Assoc. Afterwards Shirley, Lois and I went to Wellington by Napier Mail. Stayed at Fern Hill. After tea Shirley and I went to Town Hall to see wool sold. Sale rather dragging but we sold our wool. 10 bales fine X bred E at 24 1/4 pence - a very satisfactory price. Home late, Edith gave us supper.
Dec. 14 Sun. All went to Taranaki St church in morning and in afternoon Shirley, Lois, Helen and I went to zoo. Lois very interested. Percy and Alice over in evening to see us.
Dec. 15 Mon. Round town in the morning. Went to Murray Roberts Wool Store to see wool opened up. Compared well with others. Clifford Adkin got 22 1/2 pence; Leslie 22 1/4 pence; Gimblett 23 1/4 pence. Family meeting in the evening. Decided that Will should take over sections 2-3-4 at 2500 pounds and convert house into flats - a further payment of up to 1750 pounds when the speculation proved remunerative. In event of sale of Section 2 with house, the family be given the option of participating in any surplus that may accrue after paying W.H.D. for use of money and other expenses.
Dec. 16 Tues. Returned home by New Plymouth Mail. George met us - home for dinner.
Dec. 23 Tues. I killed 2 lambs for Christmas for Vickers, Stewarts, Ports and Dentons.
Dec. 24 Wed. Shirley,Lois and I went to town in morning for shopping and paying accounts. Met Napier Mail and brought Edith and Kate home to spend Christmas with us. Edith and Kate looked after the house while the rest of us went to Levin for Christmas Eve.
Dec. 25 Thurs. Christmas Day Shirley, George, and Enid went to 7 a.m. communion. Had lots of fun inspecting presents. Children got tremendous heaps of them. At home all day. Mr and Miss Port here in afternoon.
Dec. 26 Fri. Up late but decided to go to the beach. Left about midday and had a very enjoyable day. Used Shirley's new umbrella shelter.
Dec. 28 Sun. Jack, George, Edith and Kate went to Methodist Church in morning. Shirley, Enid and I to Church of England in evening. (Rev. Fielden Taylor).
Dec. 31 Wed. In evening Katie shouted Edith, Shirley and me to pictures 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' Very good. Enid and George to Gorringe's party.



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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912