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Jan. 2 Sat. Fine. Took Edith to early train. Mrs Dr. Bryson came up to look at Enid's foot which she dressed. George and Jack went to sports (electric light).
Jan. 3 Sun. Enid went to Hitchcocks to stay.
Jan. 6 Wed. Fine - Becher and Trueman came over with mower to cut hay but after a round or two broke both blades. Becher and I went in car to town and bought 1 blade back which they also broke in the afternoon. I spent afterwards at Stewarts harvesting hay. George there all day.
Jan. 7 Thurs. Fine. Becher and Trueman again turned up to mow but without success as they had several breakages. Eventually I sent word to Willie Stewart and he came over with his machine and finished the job - taking just over two hours.
Jan. 8 Fri. Jim Rolston and George shearing lambs. Things went well but could not finish - had to turn out 45 unshorn. A. & P. meeting in evening.
Jan. 9 Sat. Took Willie Stewart and George to racecourse to working bee for A. & P. Assn. Took up water pipe and dry drench. Enid returned from staying at Hitchcocks - her legs much improved.
Jan. 12 Tues. Fixed up claim for Accident Insurance and saw Mrs Dr Bryson re certificate.
Jan. 13 Wed. At 12 o'clock (midday) I roused the gang and we commenced to take in hay. Messrs. Stewart, Fulton, Trueman, Healy, Murray, Becher, Peter, Jack, George and I on the job.
Jan. 14 Thurs. Shirley and I went to Paraparaumu with a load of gear for beach cottage. Had lunch at 'Waimarie' and returned about 3 o'clock. Charlie and Eric collins of Whangarei spent night with us.
Jan. 15 - 29. Spent this fortnight at Paraparaumu renting house from Mr L.C. Adams of 24 Fitzherbert St. Petone. Very comfortable and handy to beach and store. 3/10/- per week. Spent most of our time on the beach but took trips to Paekakariki, Waikanae and Levin on 23rd Stewart family came down on 20th and stayed at Dalrymple's house. Willie and I did a good deal of trawling and had fair amount of SUCCESS, particularly once when we intercepted a shoal of kawhai and landed about 250 in one haul. Some excitement was caused by the appearance of a shark which was swimming close in. Watkins attacked it with an adze and it eventually disappeared, a rumour going around that it was stranded on the beach above Waikanae River. Willie and I went to Waikanae Sale while the families picnicked at the river. Met Dr and Mrs Phillips of Feilding and had visits from Greba Wallace, Ken and Beryl Biss.
Feb.3 Wed. Adkin received word from W.H.Denton that 58 Willis St. had been sold for 24,250 pounds. Is commission 600 pounds odd. Shirl, Enid, George and I went to Peoples Pictures - Charlie Chaplin.
Feb. 6 Sat.
Fine. Shirley and I went by car to Palmerston Nth. Had good run, took one and a half hours. I went to monthly meeting Provincial Farmers' Union. Good attendance but not much business. Details of business of Dominion F.U. by Mr Lynch. Did a little shopping. Good run home. Omitted to leave cream at stand this morning- took it with us to Palmerston Nth. Afternoon I left it at the factory. Went to Levin and home 5.30 pm.
Feb. 7 Sun. Shirley, Lois, Anne and I went to church in the morning.
Feb. 10 Wed. Dull with showers. Shirley, Enid, Lois, Anne and I went to Plimmerton to school picnic. Left 'Buster' (Paul) with Mrs Fulton. Had a very enjoyable day - picnicked at Mrs MacKenzies house. MacKenzies, Hobsons, Pykes, Parks, Gows, Dentons. Had swim and walk around hill road. Inspected horse owned by Mr MoArty and for sale but too light for my work.
Feb. 14 Sun. Fine. Enid stayed weekend at Wallace's. We took firs & Miss Hitchcockfor drive and home to tea and picked up Enid in evening.
Feb. 17 Wed. Up at 4 am. and brought sheep at Cottle's yards. Afternoon I 1.49.nt to school swimming sports at which I acted as starter. Very good sports well up to time. Evening went to Charlie Chaplin in 'The Gold Rush'.
Feb. 18 Thurs. Fine. George and I spent some time putting fresh oil in gear box of car and oiling up generally. Evening Willie Stewart and I went to meeting dealing with proposed position of Agricultural School at Rangitikei. Mayor in chair. Feild, Linklater and about 20 others present.
Feb. 19 Fri. Killed lamb to take to Wellington. Went to Wellington by Napier Express. travelling with L.A.Denton. Stayed at Fern Hill. F.J.Denton also being there. Evening we all met at R.G.Denten's for entire family meeting. I was voted to the chair and all members present except for J.M.D. and K.E.D. Good meeting reporting sale of Willis 58 Street. Everything went satisfactorily - broke up at 11 pm.
Feb. 20 Sat. Meeting continued 5.30 am. and lasted till 1.70. Eventually offered sections 1, 2, 3, 4 of 324. The Terrace including house to W.H.D. for 6000 pounds, 2500 cash and the remainder 3500 bearing interest of 6% as from 1 January 1927 option being open till May 1st. We all, except R.J.D. who is just recovering from operation, went to Gamble and Creeds -for lunch and afterwards L.A.D. and I went to Basin Reserve to see Wellington v. Auckland cricket match for Plunket Shield. Wellington 447 Auckland 191. Evening P.N.D. L.A.D. and I went to Kings Theatre to see The Iron Horse' very fair. Percy and Laurie walked tack with me.
Feb. 21 Sun. Afternoon W.H.D. L.A.D. and I walked up to hilltop and fount gorse encroaching over cleared land and house in tad condition. Will to interview Weisby. Tea and evening at R.G.D's. All family present. Presented Edith with small pair of field glasses. Stayed at Carries all night.
Feb. 22 Mon. Called at Murray Roberts re wool and caught Napier Mail for home. Travelled with E.M.Denton who is now on her way to England - staying at Levin to see Clare married tomorrow. Shirley and 2 children met us.
Feb. 24 Wed. Fine but dull. Afternoon Shirley, Enid, Lois, Anne and I went to Cheslvn Rise to attend marriage of Clare Adkin to J.C. CJimmy) Gardner. Function went off very well. E.C. Sawtell bestman. Rev. McArthur officiated. Edith M. Denton master of ceremonies.
Feb. 27 Sat. Shirley and I went to town in morning on business. Home late. Feeling 'seedy'. Went to bed early.
Feb. 28 Sun. Showers in morning. In be all day. Shirley drove to Otaki Beadh taking some members of the pantomime company. Church and sacred concert in evening. Benefit for Band and Plunket Society. Took 36 pounds.
March.4 Thurs. Fine, had early lunch after Shirley had packed the trunks for our trip. Met Helen and Gerald (Bedkett) in Levin. Left about 2.30 and had enjoyable run to Feilding arriving at about 4.30 and put up at the Denbigh Hotel. Saw Alb Kellow and afterwards Shirley and I drove down and spent the evening there. Met Mr Pierard who used to work for Dad in the early days at Willis St.
March. 5 Fri.
Fine. Shirley took Vi Kellow for a drive and had picnic dinner. I went to Feilding stock sale. Big entry and lot of buyers. Met Wattie Booth and had lunch with him and his wife. Left Feilding about 2.30 pm. -for Wanganui taking Rev. Adams with us. Had a good run and arrived about 4.30. Stayed with Frank and Ethel. Had our first puncture at Feilding - picked up tack.
March. 6 Sat. Fine Shirley took Ethel and Miss Cruickshank and Miss Phillips for a run in the morning. I knocked round town and met several friends. Archie Whiteford, Frank Bristol, Bill Cummings, Jack O'Reilly, Billy Burr. Afternoon we went with Frank and Ethel to Kai lwi Beach taking Chas. Ralph and wife and daughter. Good run home late.
March. 7 Sun.
Fine. I went with Frank and Harold to church. Met Wood late of 27th NIZMR. Afternoon Shirley and I took Mr & Mrs H.N.Cork to see Mr & Mrs Lyndsay Barron. Enjoyable afternoon home to tea. Failed to find Doc Hedditch at home so went to see Mrs & Miss Elsie Beaven.
March. 8 Mon. Fine. About town in morning. Afternoon about 2.30 left for Hawera. Good run on good roads. Saw McGorry at Waverley and Sid Tidswell at Mokoia. Reached Hawera 5 pm. and put up at Egmont Hotel. Very comfortable. Sent cards home and while in P.O. met Enid's friend Miss Wood. Went to pictures Charlie Chaplin in 'Girl Shy'. Very good. Had tad turn during the night and had very little sleep.
March. 9 Tues. Fine. Wandered around Hawera. Went to the top of the watertower from which we had an excellent view. We then motored about a mile back down the main road and locked up Geo. Towser. Had a look at his photos which are good. Left Hawera about midday and struck Eltham for lunch. Then to Mountain House via Kaponga. Arrived Dawson Falls 2.30 and had wander round. Everything very clear and Egmont looked well. Cards in evening with Miss BesIey and Mrs Williamson.
March. 10 Wed. Very rough and windy day. Walked down to Dawson Falls and round some of the tracks. Not a good day for sightseeing but enjoyed it. Stayed inside the rest of the day. Large fire - played cards. Wrote to Edith - Mr Morland.
March. 11 Thurs. Beautiful morning - splendid view of surrounding country. Shirley, Miss Besley, Williamson and I walked up mountain track a fair distance and then went on alone - up among tussocks. Had a lovely view - a really enjoyable morning. Packed and left the accommodation house after lunch. Fairly steep grade going town. Had puncture at foot of hill. Picked up large tack. Passed through Stratford, Inglewoot and reached New Plymouth at 4.30. Put up at Faber's Terminus Hotel on seafront. Very comfortable. Pictures in evening 'My sister from Paris'. Fret Faber away so did not see him.
March. 12 Fri. Beautiful morning. Shirley and I walked along waterfront as far as breakwater - a very nice walk. Took several photos of Sugar Loaves, etc. Shirley's friend Mrs Nicholson called to see her at the Hotel and afterwards took us for a drive around town in her Austin car. Visited New Plymouth gardens and afterwards went to Freethey's Gardens where we had afternoon tea. Heavy rain came on and we had to go back to the hotel. Pictures in evening.
March. 13 Sat. Fine. Left New Plymouth about 9.30 am. and travelled round south side of the mountain through Opunake. Fred Faber had been taken ill in the night at Opunake and his wife motored from New Plymouth to take him home. I saw Fred for a few minutes just as he left his hotel. We went on to Hawera for lunch and had excellent run. After lunch we went to see Eddie Dixon for a few moments and locked round gardens. Called at Geo. Towser's (Tozer) but he was away but saw Sid Tidswell for a few minutes. Went on to Wanganui. Turned off main road to see Stone for a few minutes. He has a farm on the road to Kai iwi Beach and milks. Saw his wife and 3 children. Reached Frank's at dark and spent quiet evening.
March. 14 Sun. Fine. Shirley and I went to Church of England in morning. Took car home and drove down to see Doc Hedditch in afternoon but he was out. Went down again after tea and spent a couple of hours with him and his wife who seemed a fine woman.
March. 15 Mon. At Shirley's request Frank made several attempts at my photo. After lunch Shirley and left Wanganui for Feilding calling at Miss Stewarts for some parcels. Had a good run down, travelled from Turakina to Marton and out to Feilding. Spent quiet evening with Alb and Vi Kellow with whom we stayed.
March. 16 Tues. Fine - Alb having holiday - round house in morning - afternoon we all drove to Palmerston Nth where the ladies went shopping. Quiet evening at cards.
March. 17 Wed. Fine. We all went for a drive through Colyton, Ashhurst, Pohangina and out to Coal Creek where we had lunch. Found the country very much altered and the old spots hard to recognise. Motored on up road which went up Richards Hill and travelled along top of ridge. Very narrow road and very huisty. Shirley drove all the way till we reached the Pahangina River. Had afternoon tea and then drove back to Feilding down Pohangina Valley. Had an excellent day and travelled about 9'0 miles. Cards in evening.
March. 18 Thurs. Fine. We all took a trip to Tiritea where Palmerston Nth gets its water supply. A most enjoyable trtp up narrow valley to see reservoir. Baok atout Li pm. and changed and went to see Wattie Booth at his farm. Wattle and I prowled round in the dark while Shirley and Mrs B. discussed babies. Left just after 10 pm.
March. 19 Fri. Fine. Round about Feilding in morning. Afternoon we left for Levin after calling on Mrs Hassell about 3.15 pm. Called at Miss Hitchcock's to pick up Lois and reached home about 6 pm. Found everything alright.
March. 20 Sat. Went to Levin in morning to bank. Called at Prouse's to see sick lambs which were being inspected by three vets. Mr Barry, Mr Mead and Mr Rankin. Lambs found to be badly infested with pin worms.
March. 21 Sun. Wet morning. Round about house all day. Enid spending weekend with Mrs Vickers. Shirley and I cleaned up.
March. 23 Tues. Went to Levin Sale but didn't see much of it as I was canvassing -for A. & P. Assn carnival.
March. 24 Wed. J.H.Richards and I toured Gladstone Road and Queen St. for funds for Assn. and did very well.
March. 26 Sun. Fine. At home in morning. Afternoon I took Shirley and Enid and children to see Clare and Jim (Mrs J.C.Gardner) in their new house. Very nicely situated. All went to church in evening. Called in at Vickers on way home.
March. 30 Tues. Fine and very hot. Enid left for Auckland by the first train, picking up the Auckland Express at Palmerston Nth and travelling as far as Taihape. She sent a few hours with the Norman Vickers and caught the next express for Auckland. I took Shirley and the children down to the station to see her of +. Miss Hitchcock also came down. Paid Sawtell 50 pounds on Chevrolet.
April. 1 Thurs. Afternoon Shirley and I drove to Levin shopping. Left children at Hitchcock's. Doris Beckett came for Easter.
April. 2 Fri.
Good Friday. At home in morning. Shirley took Doris to see Maxwell (Bartholomew) and Auntie May in afternoon.
April. 3 Sat.
Fine but cold. Washed in morning. Shirley took Doris to see Beryl in afternoon.
April. 4 Sun. Easter Sunday. Fine. Shirley, Doris and George went to 8 am. Communion. Afternoon I took ladies and children to the beach.
April. 5 Mon. Easter Monday. Put in whole day at carnival. Collecting for A. & P. Assn. Fairly successful day.
April. 6 Tues. Fine. Went to station in dray and borught back new bedstead, 3 Austrian chairs and set of Junior queen disc harrows.
April. 9 Fri. Took W.G.Adkin to Levin to be on deputation to meet Hon. McLeod and Hon. Hawken who are inspecting possible sites for Agricultural College. Deputation met Ministers at Borough offices and afterwards we all went on to the C.D. +arm to view the proposed site which seems an excellent position.
April. 11 Sun. Drizzly rain showers, up late. Afterwards took Shirley and children to Kopoturoa to see Mr & Mrs Kernoban. Left Miss Rose at her mother's place. I took a walk round with Mr K. and liked his farm. Picked up Miss Rose on way back and met A.J.Cox (Cocky) of Wellington Mounted Rifles 2nd Sod.who is stationed at Kopoturoa in Railway and is a friend of Rose's. He is coming along to see me later.
April. 14 Wed. George put in most of day discing. F.R.Wright and I toured district on Farmer's Union business - hunting up subs. Evening Shirley and I went to see Grace McDonald crowned Queen of Carnival. Mixed items first half. Good crowd and turn out.
April. 18 Sun. Fine. Mowed lawns in morning. A+ternoon had a visit from Dr. & Mrs Hunter! Mrs. Miss and Mamie Hitchcock. Walked round paddocks. Hitchcock's stayed to tea.
April. 20 Tues. Spent most of afternoon with F.R.Wright collecting subs. for Farmer's Union. Rotten fob. Paid accounts.
April. 24 Sat. Went to Annual Meeting of Farmer's Union. About 18 present. I was again elected President -For next 12 months and F.R.Wright - Secretary. Mr McAlpine organiser was also present and gave us an interesting 3/4 hour talk. Is to lecture on Agricultural Banks Friday 30th April.
April. 25 Sun. Anzac Day. Shirley, Miss Rose children and I went to service in Town Hall. Big audience and good service. No parade Church of England in evening.
April. 27 Tues. Paid Sawtell balance owing on car. Lois and Anne went to party at Varnhams.
April. 28 Wed. Helen Backett, her mother came home with Shirley for tea. We drove them down about 8.15 pm. and afterwards went to Parishioners meeting.
April. 30 Fri. Evening I presided at meeting organised by Farmer's Union when Mr McAlpine gave very interesting address on Agricultural banking and Farmers Union matters. About 50 present, however, an appeal for members to join up under the order system failed to attract more than about 10 members. Willie Stewart had previously spent day with Mr McAlpine canvassing district with some success.
May. 1 Sat. Sawtell sent Bob Bradley up to take me to station as my car undergoing overhaul. Went to Palmerston Nth to attend Annual Meeting Manawatu Provincial Executive. Attendance of 13. Mr McAlpine present. Executive officers re-elected for most part. Home 5 o'clock. Shirley and Anne met me.
May. 2 Sun.
Dull with showers. Drove up to Turtons in afternoon.
May. 3 Mon.
School committee election. Old committee re-elected – if only B nominations - no ballot.
May. 4 Tues. About 3 pm. drove Shirley and children to town for shopping. Evening Shirley and I drove down to Sawtells to hear 'wireless'.
May. 12 Wed. Very wet and rough. George went to Wellington with Jack Varnham and a local car agent. Could not work in afternoon so went to Levin to vote on County elections and Power Board. Took Mrs Stewart with me.
May. 13 Thurs. Shirley and I went to Ohau to dance given by Ohau Farmers Union. Good crowd, enjoyable evening.
May. 15 Sat. George worked in orchard cutting trees in afternoon. Shirley and I went to town. I went to football County 18 Foxton 11 poor game. Coal miners and railway strike settled today.
May. 16 Sun. Fine. Afternoon had visit from Will Beckett who brought up Mr & Mrs Horace Jones to see us.
May. 17 Mon. Fine. Went up to Wanganui with Mr & Mrs Harold McLeavev to attend Annual Provincial Conference at Farmers Union. Beautiful day and good view in brand new Essex coach - went via Palmerston Nth, Feilding, Marton. Called to see A.J. Kel/ow at Feilding. Arrived Wanganui at 4.30 pm. and went to stay with Ethel and Frank, Charlie Houghton, Mr Grice, Feilding also to tea.
May. 18 Tues. Fine but cold. Meeting in Druids Hall. C.C. Jackson President Waiarapa in chair. About 50 present. Hon. 0. Hawken attended in afternoon and evening when 'smoke-oh'. Had photo taken.
May. 19 Wed. At conference all day and finished about 4.30. Next year's function to be held in the Manawatu probably Levin. Quiet evening at house.
May. 20 Thurs. Frank took my photo again in morning. He then took me to call on the lake - Fletcher's mother also met his brother. Left Wanganui with Mr & Mrs Harold McLeavey in their car about 11.30 am. Dinner at Bulls and then to Levin via Feilding and Palmerston Nth arriving there about 4 pm. in heavy wind. Went into Levin with Shirley.
May. 21 Fri. Very rough day. Went to meeting called by Mr W.J. McCullock to make arrangements for travelling farm school. 'H.D.' in chair Tully, Gower (Foxton) H. Lancaster, Richards, H.McLeavey. School to be held July 12th.
May. 23 Sun. Shirley and I took children and Gwen to Church. Heavy rain in afternoon and evening. Mr & Mrs Stewart over to stay till 9 pm.
May. 26 Wed. Afternoon I went to clearing sale at Mr G. Tully's, Ihakara. Big crowd of people but prices only fair. Bought a few odds and ends - wire strainer, swingle trees. Mr & Mrs Kibblewhite spent evening with us - bridge.
May. 28 Fri. Gwen Kellow returned home by Napier Mail. John returned from Wanganui. Meeting of R.S.A. in evening. Jack and George went to dance at MacKenzies.
May. 29 Sat. Went to town with Shirley. County 6 beat Shannon 3.
May. 30 Sun. Drove down to see Maxwell in afternoon.
June.3 Thurs. King's Birthday. Afternoon we all went to Levin. Shirley, Anne and Buster stayed at Becketts while George. Lois and I went to football Levin D.H.S. v. Selwyn 6th grade who were very much heavier than the Levin boys and who won by 22-3. Jack played for L.D.H.S.
June. 6 Sun. Shirley, George, Jack, children and I went to Church of England. Afternoon I took family for drive to lake and round Kawiu Rd.
June. 7 Mon. George feeling rather seedy so Shirley took his temperature and found him 102 so we put him to bed. Had a very bad cough so called in Dr. Hunter who prescribed for him.
June. 8 Tues. Miss Rose and Lois also off colour so Shirley sent them to bed. When Dr. arrived 10 am. he also sent Shirley to bed. Mr Stewart came over and took Anne away to stay with them. John did all the odd jobs instead of George and went to school at 11 am. Willie bought Mrs Fulton over who kindly offered to keep house for us. I also had a dose of lumbago but I managed to crawl around. Had a bad night.
June. 9 Wed.
Mr Stewart came over and milked and chopped wood, etc. Dr. came and looked at patients who were better all round. However, Jack off-colour so kept him in bed. Temperature 102F. Round about house all day. Wellington Mounted
Rifles Reunion. Could not go.
June. 10 Thurs. Fine. Feeling better myself so cut wood and milked cow. Put lambs on turnips. Family better. George and Miss Rose got up but stayed in dining room. Willie Stewart over at dark and took Mrs Fulton home.
June. 11 Fri. Showery. Miss Rose took charge again. George and Jack assisting George milked - miserable day so could not do much and feeling seedy so went to bed at dinner time after having a bath. Invalids rather limp.
June. 12 Sat. Fine but cold. Lois not so well. Heavy cold and nasty cough so kept her in bed. Temp. 103 and 102 later. Shirley up but nasty cough.
June. 13 Sun. Fine. Anne not well. In house all day. Dr. took flying visit in afternoon. Shirley bad cold.
June. 15 Tues. Annual Meeting of R.S.A. Re-elected on Executive Committee.
June. 17 Thurs. Fine. George and Miss Rose went to Palmerston Nth to Winter Show. I stayed round house with Shirley and children. Savage Club meeting in evening.
June. 19 Sat. Afternoon we went to town. Football Horowhenua 30 Manawatu 9.
June. 20 Sun. Beautiful. Took all family except George to Hoiko to get some sea air. Everyone felt benefitted. Shirley still has bad cough.
June. 21 Mon. Went to see Dr. Hunter re Shirley in evening before going to Choral Society.
June. 26 Sat. Decided to have Dr. Hunter up to see Shirley. He gave her medicine and kept her in bed. George went to football. Beaten by Foxton 6-3.
June. 27 Sun. Wet. Brought Mr & Mrs Hitchcock up to see Shirley and took them home at dark.
June. 30 Wed. Fine. Had to go to Levin to dentist. MacKenzie stopped 2 teeth and afterwards to station to meet Nurse Hanna. Took Enid and Anne. Stuart Mac asked me to go to Palmerston Nth with them to see hockey match Indian Army v. Manawatu and I accepted. Very good match 4 goals each. Tea at Mrs Mac's and went to Annual General meeting A & P Assn. Re-elected on general committee.
July. 1 Thurs. Saw large fire towards Levin and proved to be Raskin's house which was burnt to ground.
July. 3 Sat.
Afternoon presided at Farmers Union meeting. Gave some details of remits considered at Wanganui conference.
July. 5 Mon. I spent the day with Mr McAlpine, Dominion organiser of Farmers Union. We travelled along Heatherlea Rd and down to Koputaroa. Enrolled 21 members who all sighed orders. Rehearsal of 'Bohemian Girl'
July. 6 Tues. Evening Choral Society gave 'Bohemian Girl' before large audience in Town Hall. Very successful. Chorus performed well for the most part.
July. 10 Sat. Watty Booth and wife and child arrived Just before dinner and stayed 4 o'clock. Watty and I took walk round. Evening Shirley Miss H and I went to visit Maxwell.
July. 12 Mon. Took George and Jack to Levin to attend Travelling Farm School. George darkened windows in Druid Hall (hire one pound) School opened 9.45 am. by Mayor T. Hobson and J. Linklater M.P. I acted as Chairman and took charge of timetable as follows: 10 - 11 Dairy cow demonstration - Mr B. Roberts. 11 - 12 sheep Mr Wm Perry, 12 - 1 wool Mr Cook, 2 - 3.15 manures W.J. McCullock, 3.15 - 5 veterinary lecture Mr Meade, 6.45 - 8.15 pastures E.B.Levy, 8.15 - 10 pigs K. Gorringe. Attendance at different lectures varied from 100 to 40, manures and pastures being perhaps most popular. Very tired.
July. 13 Tues. I took Shirley to town, fixed up rent for Druids Hall with W.B. McIntosh - one pound. General opinion Farm School very successful.
July. 17 Sat. I took Lois and Anne to Mrs Hitchcock to stay and Jack went over to stay at Mrs Stewarts. George went to football and was kicked badly on the leg and was brought home by Mr F.R. Wright and went to bed.
July. 18 Sun. Fine. Up at 5 am. and lit fire. Shirley uneasy. Took a walk around in morning. Nurse Hanna :telephoned Dr Hunter about 1 pm. and he came up immediately. However, he waited until 4 pm. before he attended to Shirley who gave birth to a fine boy weighing 8 lbs. Shirley had a very severe time but bore up well. Nurse sat up till 3 am. when I relieved her.
July. 19 Mon. Went to town in afternoon to do some shopping. George Broomfield very ill with pneumonia.
July. 23 Fri. Took George to meet Napier Mail for Wellington where he is going to stay -for a short holiday staying with Perc and Alice.
July. 24 Sat. On enquiry at Cheslyn Rise I heard that George Broomfield had died on Friday night. W.G. Adkin asked me to undertake some arrangements for for funeral etc. so I went to Levin in morning.
July. 26 Sun. Steady rain all day. Took Jack and Jean and Peter Stewart to Church of England. Confirmation Service conducted by Bishop of Wellington. Jack was one of about 40 candidates. Good service. Afternoon in heavy rain I went with Willie Stewart and Fulton to funeral of George Broomfield. Good number there (including members of the R.S.A.) Awful weather. Streams running bank high.
July. 28 Tues. Went to Levin and paid a lot of accounts. Took Miss Rose and 'Buster' (Paul), Shirley getting on nicely. Heavy floods in Manawatu.
July. 29 Thurs. Afternoon I brought Mrs & Miss Hitchcock, Lois and Anne up to see Shirley and afterwards took them back.
July. 30 Fri. Miss S. Varnham came to see Shirley bringing young Knight with her.
July. 31 Sat. Football County 16 Hui Mai 11. George returning from Wellington.
Aug. 7 Sat. Went to town in afternoon and also saw children at Mrs Hitchcocks. Jack went to Palmerston Nth to play football - drawn game - also to see match Manawatu/Horowhenua v. Hawkes Bay. A draw 14 points each.
Aug. 13 Fri. Took Shirley and nurse out for a drive to Levin, Lois unwell. Mrs Hitchcock thinks it might be mumps.
Aug. 14 Sat. Went by first train to Palmerston Nth to Farmers Union meeting. Small attendance. Remit from Levin from local butchers selling frozen meat in winter instead of fresh killed was discussed and postponed until next meeting. Returned by car with Harold McLeavey and wife and Mrs Marriott. Stopped at Shannon to see football County 3 Shannon 0. At Napier Hawkes Bay defeated Wellington +or Ranfurly Shield. Lois a lot better today.
Aug. 15 Sun.

Fine, up early. Shirley, John and I went to 8 am. communion. John's first appearance and also mine as far as C of E is concerned. About 10.45 am. Shirley, Dick, Nurse and I set off for Feilding, Watty Booth's place where Shirley is staying for a holiday. Had a good run, did not stop or change gear until we arrived there at 1 pm. After dinner Watty and I walked around a bit, then Nurse and I started for home about 3.30 pm. Staying at Feilding while Nurse called on Kellows. Left at 4.30 pm. and arrived home 6.40 pm. No casualties.

Aug. 16 Mon. I took Nurse to first train to Wellington.
Aug. 20 Fri. Evening I had tea with children at Mrs Hitchcocks and afterwards went to practice of male voices at Mr C.E. Shaws. Good practice.
Aug. 28 Sat. George, John and I went to cemetery and cleaned up plot there. Stone very much discoloured. Afterwards we went to see our cup match. Wanderers beat County 6-3 after well matched game in the mud.
Aug. 29 Sun. Up early and round ewes. George and I left for Feilding by car about 9 am. Travelled via Foxton, Rongatea and arrived Booths Feilding at 10.55 just under 2 1/2 hours. Cold and raining so after dinner left for home 3.40 pm. arriving Levin Post Office in two hours. Called at Hitchcocks before coming home. Shirley much improved health - drove practically all the way home. George drove all the way there.
Aug. 30 Mon. Afternoon Shirley and I drove to Hitchcocks and brought children home. They have been staying there for about 6 weeks.
Sept. 1 Wed.
Evening, Shirley, George and I spent at Mrs S. Varnham's.
Sept. 4 Sat. I went to town with Shirley in afternoon. Saw Carmichael re sale of hardware from Denton Estate.
Sept. 5 Sun. At 3.30 pm. we took baby down to be christened. We named him Richard Beckett Denton. Miss Mamie Hitchcock is his god-mother and was present, also Mrs Hitchcock.
Sept. 7 Tues. Miss Rose not well so she called on Dr Thompson who ordered her to bed and afterwards a complete change. I left her in town and paid her to date.
Sept. 10 Fri. Afternoon I drove to Levin to pick up Miss Greig who came up to see Shirley in answer to an advertisement for domestic help. Coming next Monday. Afternoon took Lois to dentist MacKenzie. Lois stood it well.
Sept. 12 Sun. M rs & Miss (2) Hitchcock were up in afternoon and evening I took them home about 9 pm.
Sept. 13 Mon. George went to Levin to bring home Miss Jessie Greig who commenced to act as domestic help to Shirley. Quiet and unassuming. (25/-).
Sept. 15 Wed. Official visit by Governor-General Sir Charles and Lady Fergusson. I was introduced to them as representative of Farmers Union and attend civic reception at De Luxe Theatre. Fair attendance of the public considering weather. After I attended 'Father and Sons' Banquet in Concert Chamber. Packed house. Splendid speeches by their Excellencies and highly successful gathering.
Sept. 17 Fri. Very cold morning after slight fall of snow last night. Snow fell in most parts of N. Z. and a frost -Followed causing a lot of damage.
Sept. 21 Tues. Went to funeral of Mrs Verity who died suddenly on Saturday night. Very sad case - 6 little girls left motherless. Went to sale of tools by L. Carmichael and Co. on account Denton Estate. Practically everything sold without reserve. I bought a few useful tools - cheap enough 13/- the lot.
Sept. 22 Wed. George had to go over to Adkins to help milk Cliffe's cows as he is laid up with mumps.
Oct. 2 Sat. Went to monthly meeting of Farmers Union in Palmerston Nth Harold and Mrs McLeavy.kindly offered me a ride in their car and I gratefully accepted it. Small meeting. Left by car 1 pm. Had puncture other side of Foxton arrived Levin 3.10 pm. Went to football matches Horowhenua v. Hawkes Bay. Our men won 8-3 after a poor game. Jessie Greig entered Beauty Contest.
Oct. 3 Sun. Took family for motor drive after dinner - picked up Mrs Hitchcock and Mamie on the way. Down as far as Kuku and back.
Oct. 6 Wed. Evening Mr & Mrs Harold McLeavey, Mrs Marriott, the Misses Ensor and Jack Varnham came to see us.
Oct. 7 Thurs. Jessie Greig had her photo taken for 'Dominion' Beauty Contest.
Oct. 8 Fri. I took Shirley to town to D.S. MacKenzie to have tooth drawn. She had 'Novacain' instead of gas and stood operation well.
Oct. 14 Thurs. Ladies night at Savage Club. I took Shirley and we had enjoyable evening. I sang in Quartette also in 'Tickling Trio'.
Oct. 16 Sat. Afternoon I presided at meeting of Farmers Union re formation of Womens Branch. Decided to endeavour to get Womens meeting.
Oct. 19 Tues. Shirley took baby to Dr Hunter re irregularity since circumcision..
Oct. 21 Thurs. George went to Wellington by Feild's train to see Consul for Argentina and to get some information from him about his country.
Oct. 24 Sun. Took family to beach. Children enjoyed outing.
Oct. 26 Tues. Evening farewell to Messrs Scott and Sullivan in Century Hall. Fair crowd. Male Quartette sang.
Nov.6 Sat. Went to Palmerston Nth to meeting of Farmers Union. Went up with Harold McLeavey and Mrs McLeavey, Mrs Marriott. Fair meeting. Usual argument re dairy control discussion on slaughterman's strike.
Nov.7 Sun. Mrs Vickers and Mrs Stansell up in afternoon.
Nov. 11 Thurs. Reunion of R.S.A. in Levin but had to send an apology as Shirley very bad with lumbago.
Nov. 14 Sun. Dr & Mrs Hunter called to see Shirley and stayed to morning tea.
Nov. 17 Wed. Bought a large table for kitchen at Carmichaels for 35/-.
Nov. 21 Sun. Mr & Mrs Hinde bought Maxwell & Mrs Brown up to see us in afternoon.
Nov. 27 Sat. Afternoon Shirley and I drove to town to meet people from Wellington Choral Society who are coming up to help us with the 'Messiah'. About 40 arrived and we drove them to Levin where there was a public reception at the town hall Concert Chamber. Met Miss Chisholm and Miss Tonks both of old Wellington families.
Nov. 28 Sun. After dinner I went to final rehearsal of 'Messiah' at Town Hall. Good rehearsal and everyone confident.
Nov. 29 Mon. Shirley and I took a load of Wellington visitors to Buller Lake and then to Walopehu Reserve. Evening was our performance of 'Messiah' assisted by 50 from Wellington Choral Society and an orchestra from Palmerston Nth. -A very good performance before a crowded audience which was well pleased. Soloists Winnie Frazer (Timaru) Miss Mina Caldow (Auck) Len Barnes (Wellington) and Edwin Dennis, our conductor took the tenor part with great success. Afterwards we had a social for the visitors - songs and refreshments.
Dec. 5 Tues. I took Shirley and three children over to McLean's and brought home woolly ewe and 3 lambs. Evening Shirley and went to town to Plunket society concert run by Mr E. Dennis and pupils. Fair turnout.
Dec. 6 Wed.
Shirley and I spent evening at Mrs Hinde's (Bridge).
Dec. 17 Fri. Beautiful day. Shirley and 1 took Lois and Anne and Mrs Dr Hunter to Palmerston Nth to see the shops and visit Father Christmas. Had an enjoyable day and the children behaved well. Had a good run both ways - no stoppages.
Dec. 24 Fri.
I took Shirley and children to town to see shops. first to Jones' where there was a Christmas tree. Rough night.
Dec. 25 Sat. Christmas Day. Heavy wind from east and showers of rain. Up at 5 am. when we watched children opening parcels, etc. After milking Shin l and boys went to church while looked after children. Jessie away +or Christmas holidays. After dinner Frank and Ethel turned up unexpectedly - stayed tea and evening. Went down to the 'Grand' for the night. Still very rough and cold.
Dec. 26 Sun. Windy and wet. At home all day. Frank and Ethel came up about 12 o'clock and stayed with us. Ethel and Shirley drove to see Clare Gardner in afternoon. Frank and 'yarned' and looked after kids.
Dec. 27 Mon. Frank and Ethel left about 10 am. for Wanganui. I took Shirley, George, Jack and Duncan Rochel and kids to Otaki. Boys went to motor sports while we went to beach. Children had a great time in water. Home 6 pm. without mishap.
Dec. 29 Wed. Shirley and I and two girls went to town in morning. Sent insurance policy down to collect divvy.



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Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912


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Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938
Bert Denton's Diary 1912