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Jan. 2 Mon. Gerald Beckett up in afternoon. Children returned from beach.
Jan. 4 Wed. Mrs and Miss Hitchcock and family up for afternoon. We drove them home in evening.
Jan. 6 Fri. Mr and Mrs C. Collins and family (3) arrived from Wellington to spend weekend with us. Old friend of Shirley's from Geraldine. Swimming (banked up swimming hole day before) and musical evening.
Jan. 7 Sat. Took visitors for motor drive in afternoon to Experimental Farm.
Jan. 8 Sun. In afternoon took visitors in phaeton up Gladstone Rd. far as tanks.
Jan. 9 Mon. Shirley took visitors to Hokio beach. Musical evening.
Jan. 10 Tues. Shirley took visitors to train for Wellington.
Jan. 13 Fri. Put in culvert in front drive.
Jan. 14 Sat. Helen B. up for weekend.
Jan. 15 Sun. Will, Edith and Kate staying at Cheslyn Rise. Will walked over in evening.
Jan. 16 Mon. Helped with the hay for Poad. George did raking.
Jan. 18 Wed. Helping Poad again with oats, etc, heavy stuff. Fairly knocked out at 6 pm. Went to bed as soon as I came home. Will walked over to see me and sat in bedroom to talk to me. George went to Horowhenua Show. (First Day)
Jan. 19 Thurs All went to Show. Good crowd of people. Lunch with Mrs Vickers.
Jan. 21 Sat. Finished mowing my hay. Went to town in afternoon. Steering gear of car not working too well - I had an accident in endeavouring to turn in town. Damaged front wheel. Young Franklin drove up with us to Willie Stewarts and took car back.
Jan. 22 Sun. Commenced carting hay early alter dinner. Percy and Bert Port, Poad, Clifford Adkin came to help. Took in ten good loads.
Jan. 26 Thurs Took oak table to station to send to Wellington to Collie's to be repaired.
Jan. 28 Sat. Showery and windy. Filled up floor of carshed. Mixed some asphalt.
Jan. 29 Sun. Children drove phaeton to church. Had a good spell.
Jan. 30 Mon. Spent most of the day helping Percy Prouse stack oats. After coming home George and I put top to haystack.
Feb. 1 Wed. Shirley and Enid drove to Levin for the day. Boys and I took out stump on lawn.
Feb. 2 Thurs We all spent the day up the Ohau with the Stewart family. George drove Tommy in the dray taking the children with him. Willie called for us in car. Had lunch at pipe bridge. Afterwards came back to Caske's and collected about 8 sacks of fine sand for asphalting. Wheels on cart very shakey and tires loose.
Feb. 3 Fri. Cleaned kitchen chimney. Family spring cleaning. Afternoon we commenced to put coat of tar on asphalt. Did back yard and front path.
Feb. 4 Sat. Finished asphalting in morning. Shirley finished painting furniture in spare room. Went to town in afternoon and brought home car after being repaired.
Feb. 5 Sun. W.M. Beckett walked up in morning and stayed all day. We drove to town in evening. Enid, George and I went to church. Shirley and Jack waited at Mary's.
Feb. 7 Tues. Took George to station on his return to Wellington College. Polly Beckett who arrived in Levin on Monday came back with us to stay.
Feb. 8 Wed. Methodist garden party at Adkins in afternoon. Went down with Willie Stewart to vote for members of Power Bd.
Feb. 12 Sun. Went to town in evening - left Shirley at Becketts, Enid Polly and I went to C. of E. Polly stayed in town.
Feb. 15 Wed. Started to thatch stack with raupo. Yarded lambs for Vickers - took 71 lambs at 1 pound including Shirley's pet "Billy".
Feb. 16 Thurs Took Percy Port's dray to Levin and brought home table which was returned from Collie's. Afternoon Mr and Mrs Hobson and family came to see us.
Feb. 17 Fri. Picture benefit for school picnic - big crowd but rotten pictures. Shirley stayed with Mrs MacKenzie while Enid, Polly, Jack, and I went.
Feb. 19 Sun. Went to church in evening. Shirley stayed at Stewart's.
Feb. 21 Tues. Reunion of Male Choir in evening at Century Hall.
Feb. 22 Wed. All in town for school swimming sports - most successful. Took 12 pound at gate and 4 pound at afternoon tea. Big crowd of spectators. I acted as starter - races went off fairly well.
Feb. 23 Thurs Craddack sent up 200 lambs for dipping. I prepared everything for them and left them to do the Job.
Feb. 24 Fri. Shirley not very well so did not go far from home. In evening drove Shirley to town, it was decided she should stay in hospital
Feb. 25 Sat. Did not go far from home, expecting news of Shirley. We all went down in evening, found Shirley still walking around, not very comfortable. Weather very sultry, heavy showers later.
Feb. 26 Sun. After dinner we all went to town – called at hospital and found that Shirley had given birth to a little daughter about 1 pm. – had a very hard time for about 3 and a half hours and was looking very weary when I saw her at 2.30. Fine baby girl weighing 8 and a half pounds. Went down again in evening. I stayed Shirley, others went to C. of E. Harvest Festival.
Feb. 27 Mon. Hospital in evening. Found Shirley looking much brighter, more cheerful. Baby doing well.
Feb. 29 Tues. Had a bad accident with my “Vaga” separator. When the machine was running down the spindle suddenly jammed causing the whole affair to explode and fly to pieces – examined the machine and found it badly damaged. Rang Booth MacDonald P.N. and advised them I was sending it to them for repairs. Went into town in evening to see Shirley. We carried her into front room.
March. 1 Wed. Enid,Holly, Jack and I went to Plimmerton with school picnic. Picked up Willie Stewart and family. Big crowd on train, 1050 all told. I put in a lot of time on the ginger pop. Had most enjoyable bathe and afternoon. W.S. Matheson, S. MacKenzie, Hobson and self. Reached Levin just after 7. Heavy rain, did not milk.
March. 4 Sat. All went to town. Girls visited Shirley, and I went to Farmers Union. Afterwards took W.S. to see Dick Harris who is sick. Went to see Shirley – looking better but rather pale. Baby doing well.
March. 5 Sun. After seeing Shirley we went on to see Dr. and Mrs Gow. Spent an enjoyable hour looking around his shrubbery. Spent evening with Shirley. Enid, Polly and Jack went to C. of E.
March. 7 Tues. After sale had tea with W.M. Becketts, then school committee in evening. Discussion on Bible in schools. Referendum. Motion by Dr Gow to submit issue of referendum to parents –carried 5-2. Ayes Grove, Vickers, Gow, Boud, Denton. Noes Roe, Hobson.
March. 8 Wed. Adkin over to see me regarding yearly statement of estate.
March. 11 Sat. Polly and I went down in car to bring Shirley and baby home. Both of them looking very well but glad to be away from hospital. Everyone much interested in Lois and very complimentary. Cut John’s hair.
March. 14 Tues. Went to MacKenzies and had a tooth stopped. Bible in schools causing some talk in town.
March. 15 Wed. Intended to go to top of Waiopehu with party but weather not suitable.
March. 17 Fri. Took 21 lambs (marked by Billy Vickers day before at 17/6) to Arapaepae Corner where I handed them over to Walter Ryder. Turton arrived with big mob of sheep for dipping tomorrow.
March. 18 Sat. Turton and man arrived to dip sheep. I prepared everything for them and everything worked well. Later I drove family to town. Shirley went to see Mrs Dr Bryson re her sore breast – carelessness of hospital nurses.
March. 19 Sun. Polly, Jack and I went to church in the morning. Afternoon Willie Stewart and family drove over to see us.
March. 23 Thurs Filling up hole in crossing with boulders from creek. Hossack arrived, took away 17 bales of wool. Had to make two trips to the gate.
March. 25 Sat. Mrs W.M. Beckett and Miss Hitchcock up for afternoon. Lights on car refused to act so could not take them home. Engaged Bradley.
March. 26 Sun. John went to church with Willie Stewart. Had visit from Mr Adkin, Clare, Viv, and Mrs Gilbert and baby.
April. 2 Sun. Polly stayed at home while the rest of us went to church. Drove to see Mr and Mrs Stewart in evening.
April. 3 Mon. Gorringe, Geange and Dyer brought 528 sheep and dipped them. I dug strip of garden on back drive for Shirley. Also fixed up plots on lawn.
April. 4 Tues. Went to funeral of Mr T.M. Clark – military funeral by returned soldiers.
April. 5 Wed. Ladies went to Mrs Vickers.
April. 7 Fri. Leslie Adkin over to tea and evening. Showed us good photos of Mangahao.
April. 8 Sat.
In afternoon we all went to Levin to have children christened. Both Lois and Jack christened by Rev. W.F. Grove. Mr and Mrs Stewart and family, Miss Bowles, Mrs Vickers were also there. Godparents were – for Lois – Polly and Winnie Backett, and Noel Beckett. For Jack – Miss Bowles, R.S. Denton W.H. Wilson.
April. 9 Sun. We all drove down to Papatonga Ohau in car – very pleasant. Mr and Mrs Hammond Murray came down to see us in afternoon.
April. 10 Mon. Jack Horn arrived to dip his 367 sheep. Will Beckett and Gerald walked up to see us, stayed for afternoon. I took Polly down to Maori Entertainment for lake Queen. Crummy show.
April. 11 Tues. In evening all went to Anglican church – confirmation service held by Bishop of Wellington – Enid was one of the candidates. Very nice service. Afterwards Mr Grove invited us, the Vickers, Kebbells and Miss Bowles to supper at Vicarage. Met the Bishop.
April. 16 Sun. All went to C. of E. Easter Sunday. Enid, Shirley and Polly attended communion, Enid for first time.
April. 17 Mon. Easter Monday. Final of Mardi Gras – very good procession. Later we went to the beach. Stewarts with us. Stayed at Vickers cottage. Adkins and Sawtells also there.
April. 22 Sat. Shirley, Polly and Enid went to opening of golf.
April. 23 Sun. All went to C. of E. Johnny looked after Lois in car. Afternoon Mrs Vickers, Mrs Stansell and Norman V. were up.
April. 24 Mon. Householders meeting in evening. Took Shirley and Willie Stewart down. Poor meeting. No election, only 9 candidates nominated. Seven old members elected, Gardiner and Wilson added, Mr Grove and Short did not stand.
April. 25 Tues. Anzac Day – went to service in Domain – good crowd.
April. 26 Wed. Heard yesterday of death by drowning of Charlie Allen late teller of B.N.Z. Levin. Played football with him 20 years ago.
April. 27 Thurs Went to clearing sale of T.P. James and Son at Dalgety yards. Sheep in excellent condition and bought good prices.
April. 28 Fri. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail. Met Laurie and travelled with him. Went to Fern Hill, nobody there, so went to Rob’s and had tea. Afterwards Will and W.G. turned up, had an informal chat about estate affairs. Percy not there. Adkin staying at Arcadia, Laurie at Rob’s, I at Percy’s. Aica and Perc and I talked till 2.40 am.
April. 29 Sat. In morning George and I did some shopping for Shirley. After dinner we all congregated at Fern Hill. Percy and I first called to see Mr Heinmanze re offering Fern Hill to the Jewish Community – meeting resolved to give them first chance at the property. Meeting did not break till 11 pm.
April. 30 Sun. Beautiful day. Percy and children and I walked round bay in sunshine. Will and Laurie round to dinner. Will, Percy and I walked up to hill top in afternoon. Taranaki Street Church in evening. All boys there. Rest of evening all of us at Allenville.
May. 1 Mon. Returned home by Napier Mail – Shirley met us.
May. 2 Tues. Enid drove to Levin to assist at Horticultural Show – put in several entries but did score. Took Polly to Flower Show.
May. 5 Fri. Just after milking heard two dogs among the old ewes on the low hill, sheep being driven down to woolshed. Quickly got the gun and went after them. Had a shot at one dog, only wounded on leg. Followed them home and found they belonged to Ron Hodge who was milking. He had sent them after the cows but must have come into my place after sheep. I warned him against the recurrence of the affair and came back. A lot of wool about and other evidence of worrying stock.
May. 6 Sat. Shirley went to golf.
May. 7 Sun. Went to Church of E. in evening, leaving Lois with Mrs Stewart.
May. 9 Tues. Went to sale. Afternoon tea at Hitchcocks. Male choir concert in evening – fair audience. Choir performed well – we all went, leaving Lois with Mrs Stewart.
May. 10 Wed. Mrs and Beryl Tully visited Shirley.
May. 12 Fri. Took Polly down to catch Napier Mail on way to Rotorua.
May. 13 Sat. George, jack and I went down to Lake to help at working bee. Carting metal to fill up round boat shed – successful day.
May. 14 Sun. Drove to Levin to bring Miss Bowles home to dinner and tea.
May. 15 Mon. Cut and carted three loads of firewood. Played bridge with children in evening.
May. 14 Tues. Went to station to pick up pup, about 3 months old, sent from Wanganui by Frank.
May. 20 Sat. Shopping in Levin, then met Wanganui Express for Edith.
May. 24 Wed. Working bee at school, putting up seats for children to sit on during lunchtime. Dinner at Becketts. Drove W.H. and Mary and Mrs Watson down to Lake where I shoveled metal for rest of day.
May. 25 Thurs George tried his hand at crutching, did fairly well. Shirley and Edith for train to Wellington.
May. 26 Fri. Mrs Cyril Bartholomew and Miss Brown up here for rest of day. George and Enid went to tea and the evening at Mrs Percy’s and took visitors home.
May. 27 Sat. Farmers Union meeting in afternoon, afterwards went to football.
May. 28 Sun. Drove down to Fletcher’s to see Mrs Fletcher Snr. Re Enid’s music.
May. 29 Mon. Cut macrocarpa hedge on eastern side.
May. 30 Tues. Went to funeral of Mrs Eyes. Mr C. Bell killed by being thrown from a horse also buried today.
May. 31 Wed. Enid commenced music with Mrs Fletcher.
June. 1 Thurs Eric Percy up for day with George.
June. 2 Fri. P.N.Denton came up by night train from Wellington. Enid and I went down to meet him.
June. 5 Mon. All went to town and took Percy and George to station to catch train to Wellington. George returned to school.
June. 10 Sat. W.G. Vickers and I spent morning canvassing for R.S.A. carnival. Fair success. Dinner at Vickers. Football in afternoon.
June. 11 Sun. In afternoon drove to Becketts where we stayed to tea. Went to C. of E. Car went wrong. Looked up Sawtell who drove us home in Kilsby's car. Sacred concert for civilian blind.
June. 14 Wed. Anticipated going to Palmerston Nth to N.Z.M.R. annual reunion but trip could not be arranged.
June. 17 Sat. Went to football. Later went to see Dr Gow re insurance. He examined me, said I was alright. Am taking out a policy for 500 pounds. Had talk about carnival so did not get home till 8 pm.
June. 20 Tues. Went to Levin sale - most of my time spent selling art union tickets in connection with R.S.A. carnival. Sold over 4 pounds worth. Tea at R.R. Harris's and male choir. Palmerston Nth Winter Show.
June. 21 Wed. Took Shirley and baby over to Stewart's. L.G.Adkin in evening.
June. 23 Fri. Meeting of R.S.A. in evening. First community sing.
June. 24 Sat. We all drove to Levin in phaeton. I went to football match when Horowhenua reps defeated P.N. by 11-9. Very good fast open game.
June. 25 Sun. Billy Wilson and children drove up in afternoon and stayed to tea.
June. 27 Tues. Trimming hedges. Saw McIntyre re P. and J. show. Male choir, farewell supper to F.T.Clare.
June. 28 Wed. Evening Levin old pupils reunion and farewell to Mr & Mrs J. McIntyre - we all went down with Clare Adkin who called for us in car. Took Lois to Mrs MacKenzie's. Big crowd, excellent turn out. Presentation to Mac of illuminated address and purse of souvenirs also a suitcase to Mrs Mac. Very enjoyable evening.
July. 2 Sun. Enid and Jack went to church. Will Beckett and Maurice walked up in morning and stayed all day. Shirley and I drove them home in evening.
July. 3 Mon. In afternoon collected sheep from various neighbours on Gladstone Rd. for R.S.A. sale tomorrow. R.S.A. carnival opened at Cosmos Theatre tonight.
July. 4 Tues. Took 10 miscellaneous sheep and 1 cow to yards to sell on behalf of Levin School Committee's contribution to R.S.A. carnival. Successful sale, sold a lot of art union tickets. Tea at W.H.Wilson's. School Committee in evening R.S.A. carnival afterwards, Gladstone Rd. team beat Koputuroa in tug-o-war.
July. 6 Thurs Loaned Poad's dray and drove round collecting gifts from Gladstone and Arapaepae Roads on behalf of R.S.A. Levin East did very well there being a lot of produce. Sold over three books of art union tickets. Shirley and Enid drove car to meet Rob on train from Wellington. They all went to the carnival, taking Willie S. and Percy Port with them.
July. 7 Fri. Rob and I went to town and fixed up Punch and Judy show at St. Mary's school room. Had nearly 100 women and children at 6d and 3d each. Youngsters delighted. Drove home, then returned to Father and Son banquet (YMCA) in Century Hall. Very big turn out. Took Johnny and Rob. Speeches by General Russell and Hughes. All went to carnival afterwards.
July. 8 Sat. Rob and I went to town and held Punch and Judy show. Gross takings 3/2/6 expenses 2/6 for hire of room. Enid and I went to carnival in evening - big crowd, lots of business. Very late finishing.
July. 9 Sun. Enid, Rob and Jack went to church. First time Enid in sole charge of car. Rob and Jack stayed in town till evening. In afternoon Ken Biss and Miss B. Tully visited us.
July. 11 Tues. Paid into F.Plaster 13/-/- for art union tickets on nugget also 15/- donations.
July. 13 Thurs. Shirley and Enid drove to Tully's in car. Evening Robert, Clare, W.G. and I went to lecture by F. W. Vossller on Mountaineering. Poor audience but interesting lecture.
July. 14 Fri. Took 4 spring heifers over to Thompson's Farm Gladstone Rd where clearing sale being held. Satisfactory sale 8/15/-, 8/-/-, 6/15/-.
July. 16 Sun. Shirley, Jack and I went to church. Enid is rather seedy.
July. 18 Tues. Wrote to Commissioner of Taxes re land returns and exemptions. Late sending returns.
July. 20 Thurs. Meeting R.S.A. in evening. Results of school competition for R.S.A. - Koputuroa 113 pounds, first, Ohau 91 pounds second, Manakau 81 pounds third and Levin 192 pounds - divided by 3 - 64 pounds. Levin East took 90 pounds odd, Levin West BO pounds and Wereroa 10 pounds.
July. 22 Sat. Shirley drove with Maxwell to Ohau to farewell party for Mrs MacIntyre.
July. 25 Tues. Distrib. Co. closing branch so bought a lot of groceries for cash.
July. 26 Wed. Shirley and I went to dance at St. Mary's Hall, last of Nikau Assemblies. Enid and Doris Wilson looked after our house.
July. 28 Fri. Evening farewell to Mr. Mrs. MacIntyre. We all went down taking Willie Stewart with us. Big crowd there. Enid and I sang a duet "Tell her I love her so" and did well. Everyone congratulated Enid in the success of her first appearance. I also sang a male quartet
July. 29 Sat. Shirley and Enid went to train to see Mari and Dulcie Denton.
July. 30 Sun. Afternoon visitors, Mrs and Miss Hitchcock, Mr and Mrs Kibblewhite and Mr and Mrs Marsh.
July.3 1 Mon. Mr Percy up to fix up electoral roll for us. Through error we were put on Manawatu, whereas we are still in Otaki district.
Aug. 1 Tues. Went to sale. Stayed to tea at Mary's. Went to school committee and afterwards to male choir.
Aug. 2 Wed. Shirley and Enid went to wedding at Mrs Clark's where Edna C was married to Hugh Campbell. Big turnout.
Aug. 5 Sat. Johnny and I drafted out a few of the ewes and lambs from low hill to low terrace.
Aug. 6 Sun. Enid and John went to church and brought Willie and Mary and Maurice home to dinner. W.H.Wilson and Amy came home in afternoon.
August. 11 Fri. Harris came to spray fruit trees for scale.
Aug. 12 Sat. Harris up finishing pruning. Sold him a rata log at 5/10? Cord royalty, to be removed inside two months.
Aug. 13 Sun. Went to W.M.Beckett's in afternoon and met Shirley's cousin Mr and Mrs Ray Jones Just arrived from Home.
Aug. 18 Fri. Evening concert by Anglican Juvenile performers - great success. Left Lois at Beckett's. We took Mary and Mrs Jones with us. Enid sang several solos and performed well. All youngsters performed to packed house. Great credit to Mr and Mrs W.F. Grove.
August. 23 Wed. Evening at Adkins. Farewell to Mr and Mrs Gilbert. Won Limerick.
August. 24 Thurs. Went to clearing sale of M.J.Prendiville,Gladstone Rd.
August. 25 Fri. Male choir concert. Good audience. Farewell to S.J.Gilbert. I was worked into an item "Abe Abe" in costume, together with Howard Andrew and Hunter. Encored. Family could not pick me up. George arrived from Wellington by 7.45 pm. train.
Aug. 26 Sat. Went to Levin to see Enid off to Wellington by Napier Mail, also to meet Owen Denton from Hastings.
Aug. 27 Sun. Shirley and I went with Mr and Mrs Stewart to Paekakariki in their car. Most enjoyable run. Dinner with Miss Stewart who has Willie's children staying with her. George, Jack and Owen stayed at home.
Aug. 28 Mon. Mustered old ewes from terrace and docked lambs. Good lambs. 79 lambs from 77 ewes. George held lambs. Jack and Owen caught.
August. 29 Tues. Went to Jack Bartholemews to have tooth stopped (gold).
Sept. 5 Tues. Enid returned from Wellington.
Sept. 6 Wed. Mr and Mrs Grove and family came for tea and the evening. Had some difficulty with separator when cotter pin in handle spindle broke - Rev. Grove eventually removed the broken piece. Too late to separate that night so left it till morning.
Sept. 7 Thurs. Used part of 4" nail as a rivet to fix separator. Decided to take family to beach in car. Spent day with Mr and Mrs Vickers at the cottage. Had a most enjoyable day.
Sept. 9 Sat.
Made crossing O'Donnell paddock. Dug drain. Boys carted out pipes. Owen returned to Hastings.
Sept. 10 Sun. All of us went to church, both morning and evening. Mr Grove's last Sunday before leaving for England. Crowded congregations. Miss Bowles spent day with us.
Sept. 11 Mon. George and I mustered hoggets from back hill.
Sept. 13 Wed. Eric Percy up for the day. He and George rode round ewes. Played crib in evening.
Sept. 17 Sun. Drove over to Adkins in afternoon. Saw Cliff's new shed and milking machine in action.
Sept. 18 Mon. Brought home load of firewood. George helped me with the new saw which went alright. News came that there is some trouble with Turkey and the Dardanelles. Dominion troops are being offered to defend Straits. George returned to College after his holiday.
Sept. 19 Tues. After going to sale, I went to meeting of Farmers' Union addressed by Mr Buxton - good speaker.
Sept. 21 Thurs. At sundown there was a partial eclipse of the sun. All went up on the low hill to view it. Willie Stewart and family and Clare also came. Evening - Shirley and I went to Golf Ball. Very good turnout. Splendid jazz band from Palmerston Nth.
September. 26 Tues. Mr and Mrs Ray Jones (Shirley's cousin) came up to stay.
Sept. 27 Wed. Evening meeting of R.S.A. re disposal of carnival funds110 - 575 pounds. Motion of no confidence in committee easily defeated. Shirley drove down with me and stayed with Mrs 0.9. McKenzie.
Sept. 28 Thurs. Ray and I spent some time on new fence putting in posts.
Oct. 1 Sun. In morning we all walked up to top of hill, Miss Hitchcock, Ray and Dorrie, Shirley and I. Beautiful morning and fine view. Took Miss H. home in evening.

Oct. 2 Mon.

Evening I went to complimentary banquet to W.H.Field M.P. Big turnout. W.F.Massey and 14 M.P.'s up from Wgtn, about 150 there. I sang "The Skipper".
Oct. 3 Tues. Went down in morning to Levin D.H.S. where Mr Massey unfurled a N.Z. flag to commemorate the Great War.
Oct. 8 Sun. After dinner we drove in phaeton up Gladstone Rd as far as the pipe bridge, taking Ray and Dorrie.
Oct. 13 Fri. Doris Beckett from Linton came to stay weekend. Enid and Jack went to town with Mr Stewart to school benefit pictures.
Oct. 14 Sat. Shirley and Doris drove to town.
Oct. 15 Sun. Percy Port to dinner. Billy Wilson drove up in afternoon. 17 Tues. Doris went home by 7.45 train. Drove down in phaeton.
Oct. 19 Thurs. Shirley and Enid drove down in car to Levin. Sawtell put on two new tyres and recharged battery. S & E had lunch at Mrs Cyril Bartholomew's. Sam Harris cutting rata.
Oct. 20 Fri. Evening we all went to see The Kid" Peoples Pictures. Left Lois at Stewarts. Took Mrs S. with us. Picture good.
Oct. 21 Sat. Shirley and Enid went down to train to meet Polly and Noel.
Oct. 22 Sun. At home all day. Afternoon - Mrs and Misses Bevan, Mrs "Barty" Mr and Mrs Stewart all over to see Polly and Noel.
Oct. 23 Mon. Labour Day - athletic sports at Levin.
Oct. 24 Tues. Mrs W.M. Beckett up for a few days.
Oct. 26 Thurs. Evening Shirley, Enid and I went to Mrs Sawtell's for evening. Mary looked after house.
Oct. 30 Mon. After dinner I sprained my ankle badly jumping over fence. Hobbled up paddock but ankle swelled up so quickly came home on sledge. Shirley and Enid doctored me up and I went to bed. Willie helped with milking, etc.
Oct. 31 Tues. I stayed in bed all day. Foot much easier and swelling going down. Willie helped with milking.
Nov. 1 Wed. In afternoon Dr Gow came to look at my foot. Found no bones broken but foot badly sprained. Have to lie up for a week or more. Violent thunderstorm in evening. Big rimu caught fire on the low hill.
Nov. 2 Thurs. Heavy showers. Shirley rode round sheep and got wet through.
Nov. 3 Fri.
Enid went to Palmerston Nth show with Adkin girls.
Nov. 4 Sat. Willie and Shirley mustered ewes with black-faced lambs to yards and Vickers went through them - picked out 56 lambs at 25/- and 6 ewes at 24/-. Stewart family over to tea and evening when we had bonfire and crackers. Dr Gow and wife up in afternoon. Dr. strapped my ankle.
Nov. 5 Sun. Guy Beckett up for dinner and evening.
Nov. 6 Mon. Murray came up to work.
Nov. 7 Tues. Willie and Shirley mustered old ewes and lambs for drafting fats out tomorrow.
Nov. 8 Wed.
Willie over 4.30 yarded and drafted out fat lambs. Enid and Jack assisting. Walter Ryder came at 5.30 am and took delivery.
Nov. 9 Thurs. Shirley and Enid went to call on Mrs Turton and I went in car with them. Enid went to social W. Coll.
Nov. 13 Mon. Willie and Murray mustered hoggets. We drove to town in afternoon. I went to Dr Sow - he took off bandage - we are now to massage it. I am not to use my foot for another two weeks.
Nov. 19 Sun. Stayed in bed all day. Billy Wilson came up in afternoon. Shirley and Enid went to communion at B am.
Nov. 21 Tues. Finished shearing - shearers Whiley and Rolston. Guy Beckett came up for day and help in shed.
Nov. 23 Thurs. Shirley commenced yesterday to supervise examinations at Levin D.H.S.
Nov. 26 Sun. Enid and Jack went to Methodist church with Mr Stewart and stayed to dinner with Mrs S. I stayed in bed all day. Foot is improving.
Nov. 28 Tues. Hossack came up and took away 17 bales of wool. Made two trips as weather so wet.
Nov. 29 Wed. In evening Shirley and I took Mr and Mrs Aikman and W.S. to prohibition meeting when Mr Pussyfoot Johnson of America and Mr Kemp spoke. Big crowd.
Dec. 1 Fri. Shirley's last day supervising exams.
Dec. 2 Sat.
In afternoon Shirley, Enid and I went to town. S. and I went to see Dr Sow pronounced ankle getting satisfactorily - am now putting foot on ground.
Dec. 3 Sun. Johnny went to Presbyterian Church with Stewarts.
Dec. 7 Thurs. Election day. We all went to vote at Mrs J. Prouses's house, Otaki electorate. Took Mr and Mrs Aikman and Percy Port. Enid and I drove to town in afternoon. I went down to polling booth. Evening we all went to town to see results of polling. Took Mr and Mrs Aikman. Massey party - having a bad time. Several seats lost. Field just in. Harkness bottom. Linklater easily in. Labour gained about B seats. Prohibition defeated by 16,000 votes.
Dec. 8 Fri.
Shirley, Enid, Lois and I drove to Palmerston Nth to shop. Took Mrs Tully and Beryl with us. Shirley drove both ways. Successful day. Wool sold Wellington. Ewes 134=', lambs.
Dec. 9 Sat. Afternoon Shirley and I went to Levin A & P meeting. Also shopping.
December. 11 Mon. Shirley spring cleaning kitchen.
Dec. 13 Wed. Mowed lawns. Polly arrived from Auckland.
Dec. 14 Thurs. George arrived home from College. He gained first prize for Maths and Science.
Dec. 15 Fri. Cleaning up round house. George finished mowing lawn.
Dec. 16 Sat. School shop day in aid of picnic fund. Collected sundry donations and took them to town. Successful day.
Dec. 18 Mon. W.S. over and went on with harrowing. Had a mishap with the horses - Willie's young horse Prince bolted and grey mare and Tommy badly mixed up in the harrows. Tommy got his foot jammed and was thrown over and broke his leg. Had to kill him as he was in great pain. Shirley, Lois and Polly left for Wellington by B.45 train. Enid and I went to station with them. They spent day at Fern Hill, caught ferry Wahine for Lyttleton 7.45 pm.
Dec. 19 Tues. Bad accident on Railway crossing. Mrs Narby killed and two daughters injured - Auckland Express.
Dec. 22 Fri. Wool cheque arrived 238/19/8 nett.
Dec. 23 Sat. Willie and I made an early start and finished sowing turnips. In evening all went to town to see shops. Very tired.
Dec. 24 Sun. All went to bed after breakfast, but we turned out to carol service in evening.
Dec. 25 Mon. Church in morning. Took Mary and Gerald with us. Christmas dinner at Cheslyn Rise. All family there.
Dec. 27 Wed. George rode to the beach.
Dec. 29 Fri. Jack and I went to town in morning.
Dec. 30 Sat. W.G.Vickers came and drafted out 62 fat lambs at 24/-. Lambs have done well. This leaves me with only 41 for rape. Afternoon we dammed up bathing hole, made a good job.
Dec. 31 Sun. Went to church in evening. Called to see Auntie Bowles.



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Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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