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17 Jan.
Opening Baths in afternoon
22 Jan.
Fine but cold. George & I went to baths. George's first dip and "shaped" very well. Afternoon all drove to Lake. Adkins in evening
30 Jan.
Wirth's Circus in evening - first class performance
31 Jan.
Beautiful day. Horowhenua Show. We all went. Big crowd. Successful turnout.
3 Feb.
Enid's party. Hugh, Doris, Cliff & Viv & Kate to tea.
6 Feb.
Drove in dray to Levin with children. Brought home pony on trial for
Enid. Pony not very satisfactory. Hard in mouth and stubborn
17 Feb. Evening rode to Levin. Express Co. horse collided with phaeton & broke
shaft. Chamberlain agreed to repair damage.
18 Feb. Miss Bowles C children went to Church. I went in evening. (Rev. Dawson). Afternoon we drove to cemetery very disappointed with the way that the headstone had been reset. Went to Gray Phillips & complained & he inspected same & promised to get me some satisfaction
25 Feb. (Sunday). After dinner, Enid, George & I drove in motor with Billy Wilson, Hughie & Doris, to Foxton to see Kellows. Most enjoyable. Took about 30 to 40 minutes to get over. Jack very much out of sorts - cutting teeth
28 Feb.
Massey lost "no confidence" motion by casting vote of speaker. Robertson
broke pledge & voted for Ward.
5 March Miss Bowles & I drove to Levin with George & Jack to private hospital where they underwent operation of circumcision, Jack undergoing operation in full & George only partially. Both boys behaved splendidly & are getting on nicely tonight.
17 March Drove to Levin. George & I went to the Arcadia, Miss Bowles & Jack went to Mathesons. Afternoon we went for a motor ride to Buller's Lake. Called at cemetery & found work still untouched. Church in evening.
27 March (Wednesday). Afternoon went to "Swimming Carnival". Good sport but rather cold. I competed in neatest "header" but was unplaced. Rode to Harris's in evening. Received a letter from Mother saying that Rob's boy Ken, died on Monday. Poor little fellow, it is a mercy he is at rest.
31 March
Beautiful day - Miss Bowles & children went to Church of England - Jack's
First appearance at Church
4 April
I went to Wellington by 4.45 train. Miss Bowles & Enid stayed at home for a few days & then went to Mrs Edwards to stay. George stayed at Adkins.
5 April
Good Friday to Thursday 11th. Spent in Wellington on holiday. Good
weather, a quiet enjoyable time.
My dear Jen's birthday today - 11th
19 April Harris of Palmerston North completed work at cemetery so I went down &
passed it. Well finished except rail.
21 April
(Sunday) Memorial Service in connection with the loss of the Atlantic Liner, Titanic wrecked in mid-ocean 1500 lives lost. Collided with iceberg.
9 May Miss Bowles had nasty accident. Fell on back steps & hurt her back. She "turned in" after tea.
11 May Miss Bowles staying at Mathesons, Enid at McKenzies & George at Adkins.
12 May (Sunday) Will, Amy, Mr & Mrs Arthur James & self motored to Wanganui. Started 9.30, arrived there 12.30. Will, Amy & I stayed at Frank's. Motored out in afternoon after seeing Studio. Church
13 May Left next morning, good run, 3 hours. Miss Bowles no better. Doctor ordered rest so had to arrange with Mrs Hooper to look after Jack in the meanwhile.
21 May Mother came down from Hastings stayed at "Cheslyn Rise". I met her & drove her home
25 May Drove Mother round here in the morning C she looked at children's clothes. Afternoon we drove to see Miss Bowles who is still very unwell & unable to work. Decided that she should take another week off. Drove to cemetery and home at dark.
27 May Beautiful day. Mother arranged a trip to Foxton by motor to see Gilbert in Mounted Territorial Camp. Party consisted of Mother, Annie, Clare, George, self and W.H. Wilson in charge. Dinner at Hotel (Whytes) drove to camp and then to parade ground where we watched them drill and shoot — saw Gilbert. Mother called on Mrs James Barber & I went to Kellows to afternoon tea. Home at dark. Suffering for the last day or two from bad back — a good deal worse tonight.
3 June Took Mother & Annie to station to catch first train to Wellington. Brought Miss Bowles & Enid home on return journey. Miss Bowies a good deal better.
4 June
Brought George home from Adkin's.
8 June Jack walked a few steps alone for the first time. All very excited.
22 June
Jack's 1st birthday. Willie Stewart came over to get a lesson in crutching so I brought in a cut of young ewes & he had a try at it.
28 June Mr Adkin & I went to Palmerston Winter Show. Rather interesting & enjoyable day.
July 14 Sunday. Jack not well. Bad cold. Stayed at home in morning. Enid, George and I went over to Adkins. Miss Bowles stayed at home with Jack. We got home about 8 o'clock. Jack had fair night.
July 15 Adkin over in evening to talk about Gil leaving.
July 17 Went to Annual Meeting Levin Dairy Co. to support 6% dividend which was carried. Govt Accident Insurance paid out £5/8/7 on account of accident to Miss Bowles.
July 22 (Monday) Adkins to tea and to meeting of Reform Party. Crutchings fetched 6 and 3/4d. per lb. at Wellington
Aug. 06 Went to Levin to see expert Mr Stratford prune fruit trees. Useful knowledge.
Aug. 13 Willie Stewart over in evening. Baby boy born to Mrs Stewart at hospital.
Aug. 16 (Friday) After sale stayed in town to tea & went to YMCA Ladies night. Lambs coming very quickly 6 pairs of twins. Getting milk from Bechers 2 quarts a day.
Aug. 17 Afternoon went to football, Horowhenua Juniors v Wellington Juniors, won by Horowhenua 6-3. Good game & fast. Stewarts to tea.
Aug. 19 Met Edith by mail train from Wanganui
Aug. 22 Edith returned to town by "Napier mail". Gen. Booth died.
Aug. 26 (Monday) Enid made her first start at school today. Miss Bowles took her down to private school run by Miss Clark. Vivian is to stay with us for a week so that she can ride down with Enid until she gets used to the horse.
Aug. 28 Afternoon went to Levin to see Horowhenua v Wairarapa (football) Horo. 8 Wair. 11. Biked to McLeaveys to tea & evening.
Sept.02 (Monday) Enid rode to school alone today. I drove in trap intending to bring home plaeton, but shaft was not mended. Miss Bowles drove down in afternoon but was not able to bring it back either. Chamberlain paid 5/- towards repairs.
George's 5th birthday.
Murray Roberts agent called in motor car
Sept.26 Beautiful day decided to dock. Gil came over early & assisted with yards. Total of black face lambs to date 291 from 255 ewes or 114% over whole mob. Still some ewes to lamb. George went to school with Enid today for the first time on the occasion of the breaking up for term holidays.
Sept.29 (Sunday) Very cold day. Snow on hills. Enid, George & I went to Adkins to dinner the occasion being Annie & WG's silver wedding. Home to tea.
Sept.30 Afternoon drove Miss Bowles and children to station. Miss Bowles, George & Jack are going to Wellington for short holiday. Enid staying at Mrs F. Jones.
Oct. 03 Inspector Fleming of Stock Department came to look at 2 cows. Condemned the big white store cow & Becher shot her & we took the hide off. He placed a value of £2 on the cow for compensation. I burnt the carcase.
Oct. 04 Afternoon drove to Levin - took cowhide to Hitchings Hankins for auction. Weighed 601bs. gross. Went to see Enid at Mrs F.W. Jones' & stayed to tea. Evening attended meeting swimming club - elected vice-captain. Supper at Jones.
Oct. 08 Went up river with Atkins to help them dock. Ewes poor, lambs fair good % (112%).
Oct. 16 Fine. Cleaned up house. Met Miss Bowles & children at 1pm. train. Dinner at Mrs F.W. Jones. Home about 5pm. Miss Bowles & children better for change.
Oct. 26 Afternoon it commenced to rain & blow from the south. After about an hour there was a heavy fall of snow, the whole place being white. Must have been fully an inch. Cold night.
Oct. 29 Miss Bowles away last night & part of today doctoring Mrs Stewart's baby.
Oct. 31 Afternoon sprayed peach, trees. Took out rimu. Evening Church of England concert & supper at Stuart Mackenzies.
Nov. 12 Evening I went to Adkins to meeting of ratepayers to discuss rating umimproved value.
Nov. 17 (Sunday) Drove to Levin & brought back Mr & Mrs F.W. Jones & child to stay for a day or two. Walked over toAdkins in afternoon.
Nov. 20 Evening Mr E Mrs A. Simpson & Mr & Mrs F.W. Jones here; played Euchre.
Nov. 24 (Sunday) Miss Bowles roused me up at 8.30 to say there was a dog among the sheep. Followed the dog home. Found he belonged to Walker of McDonald Rd. We destroyed the dog in Koputaroa. 2 lambs dead. Sheep must have been run around for about 2 or 3 hours & looked dirty and tired.
Nov. 29
Evening Adkin, Les & I went to farewell Smoke Concert to Harold Abraham. Big crowd there & affair went off well.
Dec. 08 (Sunday) Miss Bowles took all the children to the Wesleyan Church & children's anniversary. I biked to Arcadia & in the afternoon Billy & his children, Enid, George & I motored to Foxton to see Kellows & new infant. Back at 6pm to Arcadia - tea and Church.
Dec. 11 Fine. Adkin & I drove to Manakau to Ransfield's sale. Very hot drive There was a big fire at the Arcadia last night - a lot of damage done.
Dec. 18
Jack very unwell - apparently mumps.
Dec. 19 Express Co. took away 13 bales wool to Murray Roberts, Wellington.
Dec. 21 Miss Bowles not well. Jack a little better.
Dec. 23
Made arrangements with neighbours with regards to animals during my trip to Wellington. Marjorie Adkin drove us to the station. Enid George & I went to Wellington. Miss Bowles & Jack stayed in Levin with W.H. Wilson.

Dec. 24 to January 4, we spent on Holiday in Wellington. Had a good time.



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