Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
- Description
Jan. 1 Sun.
Fine and very hot. At home all day. Shirley and I went to Tullys in afternoon. Jan. 2 Mon. Beautiful day. We all went to Hokio for the day. Took the car on to the beach and drove a good way past the wreck. Had good swim. Jan. 3 Tues. Took family to Otaki Beach. Disagreeable wind so did not bathe. Evening Shirley and I took Mrs Redman Norman V. and Miss Stansell to Ohau to farewell Mr & Mrs Guy Marriott who are leaving for Carterton. Good turnout. Jan. 8 Sun. Fine. All went to church including three children. Afternoon Turton visited us. Jan. 10 Tues. Afternoon at Stewarts. Mrs Cameron and daughter there. They took Mrs Stewart to Porirua yesterday to see Willie. Jan. 11 Wed. Evening called to see Dr Hunter on Mrs Stewart's business. Afterwards A & P Assn meeting. Supper at Maxwells. Shirley Mrs Tully, Mr T, H.J. Richards and R.A. MacDonald. Jan. 19 Thurs. We left about 11 am. for Paraparaumu Beach arriving there about 2 pm. and putting up at Miss Dalrymple's house at 5 pounds a week. Spent a very pleasant fortnight there in excellent weather - fine except for a light shower one morning. Shirley and I came up to Levin for a couple of days during Levin Show as I had to assist. I had to officiate at the blackboard. We stayed the night at Mrs Tullys and we took a run home in the evening and I had a look around and found things alright but very parched. Returned home on Friday 3 February. Ron and Dora and family also staying Paraparaumu at the same time.
Feb. 5 Sun. Very hot. At home all day. Mr & Mrs Kernohan paid us a visit in the afternoon. Showed Mr K. where I proposed to put in ram and he thinks it quite workable. Bathed at swimming hole.
Feb. 6 Mon. Fine and very hot. Lois made her first appearance at school. Shirley took her down in morning and registered her as a scholar. John returned to Feilding to school by Auckland Express.
Feb. 8 Wed. Ray Jones and family came up in afternoon and we took levels at the creek in view of pumping water to the house. There seems to be plenty of fall to work the ram.
Feb. 9 Thurs. Fine. Up early and after milking we set out by car for Marton taking Mr & Mrs Tully with us. Took Anne and Bill and Dick - Lois at school. Good run up - two hours. Lunch with Mrs Ken Biss. Mr Tully and I went to ram fair. Bought 4 one shear romney rams bred by S. Williamson, Waituna at 3 gns. Left for home about 5 pm. Had puncture this side of Foxton. Arrived Levin 7.15 pm.
Feb. 12 Sun. Drove to see Kernohans at Koputaroa taking Ray Jones with us. Had a look around the farm and inspected the ram and water supply which seemed very satisfactory.
Feb. 15 Wed. Afternoon I met Napier Mail and brought home new English school boy Ted Saunders. Likely looking boy. Called at doctors and Mrs Stewarts.
Feb. 18 Sat. Afternoon I went to town with Shirley who came home with bad throat and went to bed feeling very seedy.
Feb. 19 Sun. Nice showers. Took children to town in morning - called at Dr Hunters for medicine. He and Mrs Hunter called in afternoon and he examined Shirley. I had to go to town in evening for more medicine.
Feb. 20 Mon. Fine Ted and I started putting piping together and fixed up for ram.
Feb. 25 Sat. Afternoon took Shirley and children to town to Hitchcocks and brought Lois home after staying there since Tuesday.
Feb. 26 Sun. Fine. Mr & Mrs Tully came over and spent the day with us. Mrs Tully helped Shirley while Elsie went home. Shirley took children to see doctor. Had puncture.
Feb. 27 Mon. Afternoon I went to town - had car tuned up. Channings gave me some advice re septic tank. Met 5 pm. train and brought home Doris Beckett and Miss Ames who are staying with us for a couple of days. Choral. Had letter from Mr Mace of Brougham St. Wgtn. enquiring for land about 100 acres. Sent letter on to Mr Monrad.
Feb. 29 Wed. Fine. Ray came 9 am. and we laid three quarter inch pipe to wash house and soldered tank. Doris and Miss Ames left by Napier Mail.
March. 2 Fri. Went to Wgtn. by first train to be present at opening of Memorial Hall created by Old Boys who fell in War. About Old Boys who served, on parade. Met Guy Fowles, Len and Jerry Daniel on parade. Hall crowded with past and present pupils and next of kin. Sir Charles Ferguson unveilled Memorial. Short speech from J. F. Firth read by Mrs J.P.F. He is looking very frail and could not speak. Very successful function. Evening took Edith and Miss Margaret Morrison to De Luxe to see Harold Lloyd.
March. 3 Sat. Returned home by first train.Met Mick Galvin and travelled with him from Paekakariki. Also Mr D.P. Lynch. Meeting of Manawatu Provincial. Not much business. Bert Prouse dipping.
March. 4 Sun. Afternoon took Mrs Stewart and Helen for drive to Kimberley Road Crossing. Official opening of Waiopehu track and hut. About 100 people went up.
March. 7 Wed. Shirley took Dick to Dr Hunter for slight operation. Came through well.
March. 8 Thurs. Evening Ted, Shirley and Helen Stewart went to carnival in aid of Women's Rest Room. Had letter from Matron Feilding Ag. High School saying John laid up with bad attack of influenza. Temp 102. Doctor in attendance. Rang up for particulars and she said Johns's temperature was 103o so she was to ring Doctor for instructions. Promised to keep me posted as to his condition.
March. 9 Fri. Had a ring from Dr. at Feilding Ag. High saying Jack's condition still serious with some suspicious symptoms indicating infantile paralysis so he deemed it advisable to send John to Palmerston Nth hospital. Mrs Smale, the Matron at the school accompanied John in ambulance and saw him safely housed at hospital.
March. 10 Sat. George Thompson came and fixed place for septic tank and had a look round job.
March. 11 Sun. About house all day. Jack's condition still serious.
March. 13 Tues. Rang Hospital. John greatly improved - able to get up.
March. 14 Wed. Fine. Heavy wind from east. Shirley and I went to Palmerston Nth to see John at the hospital. Arrived there just after 2 pm. and found John looking washed out and thin but on improve. Interviewed Superintendent Dr Ward who said that John has no sign of infantile paralysis as was suspected and he would be discharged in few days. He will notify us and we will collect him. Shirley knew Dr Ward's wife and called on her while I talked to John. Left 4.30 pm. Levin 5.45 pm. Mrs Vickers, Mrs Stansella, Norman up in evening. Big fire on Read's property on hill, whole hillside alight and some fires apparently on my place.
March. 17 Sat. Geo. Thompson, Tom Johnson came up and made a start on septic tank. Afternoon I went to town with Shirley. Tennis afternoon for Rest Room. I went to cricket.
March. 18 Sun. Elsie did not turn up last night so we were short-handed. Went to Palmerston Nth in afternoon 1.45 pm. to bring John home. Afternoon tea with Dr & Mrs Ward. The doctor turned out to be the son of Mr W.F. Ward who taught me at Wgtn. College. Picked up John at 4 pm. and home about 6 pm.
March. 23 Fri. Shirley and I went to Wgtn. by first train. Lunch at Becketts, Island Bay. Shirley had her teeth x-rayed. I went to Fern Hill while Shirley and Helen went shopping. Intended to see W. H. Denton prior to his departure to England but failed to locate him. Home by 8.30 Choir and pictures.
March. 24 Sat. Annual Meeting Farmers' Union. About 20 present. I was re-elected President, Mr McNaught Secretary. Discussion on abbatoir. Shirley made a start at golf.
March.25 Sun. Afternoon Mr & Mrs W.R. Jack, Mr & Mrs Cripps up to see us. Church in evening. Met Harold and Mrs McLeavey.
March. 27 Tues. Went to Harold McLeaveys for dinner. Fatted fowls killed and cooked for occasion.
March.30 Fri. Took Shirley and Mrs Tully to town and they went to picture 'Faust' I went to Church of England practice.
March. 31 Sat. Went to town on Farmers' Union business. Deputation to stock firms re hurry on sales.
April. 4 Wed. Evening I helped in Cantata 'Ohbert(?) to Calvary' by Church of England Choir. Very fair rendering. April. 5 Thurs. Mr & Mrs Walker of Eastbourne came by morning train to stay with us over Easter. Ted cleaned up round house. In afternoon Mr Walker and I walked up to fires and burned pungas etc. April. 6 Fri. Good Friday. Afternoon we took Mr & Mrs Walker and children for drive up Ohau past Trass' old house. Weather overcast but no rain. April. 7 Sat. Dull. Afternoon drove visitors to C.D. Farm and afterwards down Arawhata Road to Papaitonga Lake. Rain came on while we were walking in bush and we got wet. April. 8 Sun. Mr & Mrs Walker, Shirley and I, and Ted went to 8 o'clock communion. Afternoon I acted as pallbearer at funeral of Mrs Bowen who died on Good Friday (79) Other pallbearers A. Prouse, T. Brown, C. Adkin, C. Bartholomew, and W. Whitaker. April. 9 Mon. Afternoon Shirley, children and I went to train (Napier) to see Mr & Mrs Walker off to Wgtn. Called at Hunters and Stewarts on way home. April. 10 Tues. Pictures in evening 'Les Miserables'. K.E.D. (Kate) came over to stay with us for a few days. Plenty of mushrooms after the rain. April. 13 Fri. Went with Mrs Stewart and Ken Shaw to Porirua in Shaw's car to bring Willie Stewart home. Willie looking well and in good fettle. Arrived Levin 2.30 pm. Called at Dr. Hunters who had short talk with Willie. Afternoon tea at Stewarts and walked round with Willie. April. 14 Sat. Harold McLeavey took Mr Tully and me to Otaki to attend funeral of Mrs O.P. Lynch wife of our Provincial President F.U. Service in church and graveside R.C. Met Jim Prendeville. Lunch at Tullys. Home 3.30 pm. Odd jobs. April. 15 Sun. Afternoon took Katie and family to see Mr & Mrs Jack at Weraroa. Saw through Power House. Feeling rather seedy. April. 16 Mon. Rough and showery. Feeling father off colour so went back to bed for the day. Could not go to the Choral Farewell to Mr Magee. April. 20 Fri. F. R. Wright and I put in day canvassing for Farmers' Union. Poor results - only two new members. April. 22 Sun. Shirley stayed in bed all day trying to get rid of her cold. April. 25 Wed. Wet morning. Anzac Day. Took Shirley to Private Hospital Levin where Mr MacKenzie extracted 13 teeth. Came through operation well but face very sore. I spent an hour talking to Willie S. and afterwards rode around terrace. Paraded with R.S.A. at Anzac Service. Over 60 on parade. April. 27 Fri. Afternoon took Anne and Bill down to see Shirley - also did some shopping. Shirley's face still very swollen. Evening at Stewarts. Ted Peter, Willie and I played cards. April. 28 Sat. Town in afternoon. Shirley still in bed but improving. Football Hui Mai 3 Weraroa 0. April. 29 Sun. At home in morning. Afternoon rehearsal for sacred concert. Evening sat with Shirley for an hour then went to sacred concert by Choral society De Luxe theatre. Fair attendance and good performance. April. 30 Mon. Heavy wind from east with rain. Brought Shirley home from hospital in afternoon. Very boisterous night. Electric light failed so had to make use of candles. Shirley's gums began to bleed about 10 pm. and continued for nearly 2 hours. When on Mr Mackenzie's advice we stopped bleeding with pad of cloth. Swelling greatly reduced. May. 1 Tues. Feeling rather seedy so did not go out - slept most of morning. Town in afternoon to do shopping. May. 4 Fri. Took Ted, Truman and Tully to political speech by Hon. D. A. McLeod. Fair ttendance. May. 5 Sat. Manawatu Provincial F.U. meeting at Levin. Dominion Sec. Colonel Pow up from Wgtn. re collection of subs. through order system. Big discussion up till 3.30 pm. but satisfactory conclusion. Annual Meeting 0.P. Lynch re-elected President. I was put on as one of the four vice-presidents. Col. Pow went with me to see football Wanderers 19 Weraroa 6. Interesting game. I took Col. Pow to station. May. 6 Sun. Showery. At home. Mrs Hitchcock and Mamie came with Mrs Kibblewhite to see us. May. 8 Tues. Ted and I went to town in evening to practice of Operatic Soc. 'Country Girl' Denis in charge. Lois went into hospital this morning to have tonsils removed. Operation successful - brought her home about 4 pm. May. 12 Sat. Went to Levin in afternoon to do shopping. Shirley went to golf. I went to football. Weraraa II 14 Hui Mai II 9. May. 13 Sun. Went to church taking Lois, Anne and Bill who all behaved well. Afternoon we went to Tullys. May. 17 Thurs. Evening Fancy dress ball for children in aid of 'Farmers Baby' Lois as 'Rose', Anne as 'Daffodil' and I as 'Pierrott'. Mother and Ted also ran. Big crowd and great success. I secured prize for best boy over 15. May. 22 Tues. Evening I went to Dramatic society - am to take part in dialogue. May. 28 Mon. Choral Society put on 'Mauritania' in evening. Fair crowd and successful rendering. Principals Hubert Carter and Naomi Whalley both of whom were excellent. May. 29 Tues. Went to town with Shirley assisted to prepared for 'Baby Carnival' in aid of Women's Rest Room. Went to Carnival in evening. Mannequin parade by Henriette, very good. worked marionettes. Took 21/-. May. 30 Wed. Left Levin 7.45 am. with H. McLeavey and W. Falloon in latter's car for Feilding to attend Inter-Provincial Conference. Arrived 9 am. Mr 0.P. Lynch presided. I was selected on Committee to draft remits. Pretty full day. Address by W.J. Polson. Evening 'Smoke-Oh' but I did not go as I stayed home with Kellows. Talked till after midnight. May. 31 Thurs. All day at Conference. Left Feilding 4.35 pm. for home. Stoppage at Himitangi. Ran out of benzine. Levin 7 pm. Tea at Carnival. Results - sports baby 115 pounds, farmers 98 pounds, Miss Scott came to take Elsie's place. Manakau 67 pounds, plunkett 63 pounds. Nearly 700 pounds in hand. June. 3 Sun. Took Miss Scott to town and brought Mr & Miss Hitchcock back for dinner. Walked round in afternoon. June. 5 Tues. Dramatic Society in evening. June. 6 Wed. Afternoon Mr K.W. Dalrymple called to see me and we afterwards went over to Stewarts and had a look round. R.S.A. annual meeting in evening - re-elected on executive. June. 7 Thurs. Dramatic Society in evening also Charlie Chaplin. June. 8 Fri. I went to Levin on business at bank. Sawtell had to put fresh tyre on front wheel and changed position of tail light. Trueman returned mare. Lecture by Mr Fairdon - 'Intermediate credits to Farmer's Union.' Fair attendance. Good meeting. June. 9 Sat. Town in afternoon. Reserved seats for train for Monday. June. 11 Mon. to 30 Sat. On holiday. Train to Auckland. Stayed with Cecil Beckett and Ella at Takapuna. Went to Westfield Sale with Cecil and Mr Metcalfe. Bridge party at Mrs Metcalf es in evening. I won gent's prize. Stayed night with Mrs Bagnall. Saturday went by train to Whangarei. Heavy rain, stayed Collins.
Sunday afternoon taxi to Wairua Falls very fine.
Monday about town. Returned Auckland.
Tuesday zoo etc. Train to Rotorua.
Friday Stayed Kia Ora, very comfortable. Met Bob Lilburne (late Rata) and wife. Also Mr & Mrs Reid and Mrs Rough. Went Waimanga trip - 6 lakes trip, Whaka and Chinemutu. Tuesday Wairakei, lovely baths. Met American Mr Anderson also 3 Englandies. Misses Houghton (one instructress in eurythmics) Gave demonstration in sitting room. Wednesday Motor to Napier via Taupo. Rough country and very poor. Rail to Hastings, stayed with Laurie and Nell. Arch and wife and Ethel Daniell also staying there. Home Saturday. Found children and everyone well under Mr & Mrs Tully's careful management.
July. 1 Sun. Drove to Ohau in afternoon to see Mrs H. McLeavey. July. 5 Thurs. George arrived home from Waikato for a short holiday. Looks well. 13 stone 4 lbs. Evening Shirley took Mr & Mrs Tully and George to picture 'Beau Deste.' July. 6 Fri. Archie and Mrs Daniell arrived for afternoon tea on their way to Wgtn. from Waikato. Left shortly after 4 pm. July. 7 Sat. Monthly meeting of Provincial Exec. F.U. In town most of day. July. 13 Sun. Fine. At home. Cliff and Tui came over for tea and evening. July. 10 Tues. Shirley and I went to Levin re electric stove. July. 11 Wed. Meeting in evening here of Rural Intermediate Credits Committee. Vincent, Kilsby, Gimblett, Wright, Denton and G.W. Wilson (Public Trust) Apologies from Broadbent and Adkin. Decided to call further meeting to test feeling of farmers regarding need for scheme. July. 13 Fri. I went to meeting of building committee of Plunket and Rest Room. July. 14 Sat. Shirley went to Shannon to golf match and won her round. July. 15 Sun. Cold. Mr C. Pyke up to lunch. July. 20 Fri. Steve Bevan brought up Moffatt 4 plate electric stove and commenced to install it Could not complete today. July. 23 Sun. Stewart family over to dinner and afternoon. July. 24 Tues Shirley went to Feilding to play golf match. I took her to town. Left Bill and Dick at Biss'. Back to town to meet Enid at Auck. Express. Enid home on 3 weeks holiday. Looking well. Miss S. returned after being a couple of days in Dannevirke. July. 25 Wed. Went to Annual Meeting Dairy Co. Big crowd. I talked Rural Intermediate Credit. Afterwards went to football when Horowhenua beat Bush by 13-8 after a good game. Went to dance at Oxford Tea Rooms. July. 27 Fri. I killed hoggett for mutton in afternoon. Afterwards paid visit to dentist MacKenzie. Tunney beat Heeney for heavyweight championship of world. July. 29 Sun. Fine. Drove to Levin after dinner. Ran out of benzine so had to ask Ernest Vickers to bring us up a tin which he did. Visited May Jones who is nursing her husband Horace who is seriously ill - not expected to recover. Afterwards went to Hitchcocks and brought Mamie and her brother Ted and friend home. Walked up low hill and then to top. Mr H. walked back to Levin. I drove the others back. Horace died at midnight. July. 31 Tues. Afternoon I went to funeral of Horace Jones (Overton) acted as bearer. Dramatic Soc. in evening. Aug. 1 Wed. Evening went to Shannon to Mrs Crouquests with Harold and Mrs McLeavey, Nan and Sophie to rehearse. Aug. 4 Sat. Went to Palmerston Nth to Farmers' Union Meeting - by train with Harold McLeavey, Kent Jensen. Afternoon Jensen and I went to football North v. South Minor Unions. Fast game and interesting. North 39 South 6. Saw Dave Porteous. Evening took Shirley to pictures. Aug. 5 Sun. Spent afternoon and evening at De Luxe rehearsing. Aug. 7 Tues. In town most of the day. Afternoon meeting of farmers to discuss advisability of forming an association under Intermediate Rural Credits Act. Not much enthusiasm. Mr Faire and Mr G.W. Wilson present. Eventually about 10 signed up as nucleus of association. Aug. 8 Wed. Evening Shirley, Enid and I went to Ohau for farewell to Alf McLeavey who is going to Te Horo. Enid and I sang duet successful turnout. Aug. 9 Thurs. Fine. Worked in stumping paddock but took things easily. Evening the Levin Amateurs put on the 'Country Girl' at the De Luxe. Show went very well. I took part of Sir Joseph Verity and got on fairly well. Mr Crouquest of Shannon took part of Barry and was excellent. Took 65 pounds. After the show the Society had supper at Dr Thompsons. Very fine supper too. Aug. 10 Fri. Feeling pretty tired so did not do much heavy work. Round ewes. Lambs coming well. Second performance of 'Country Girl' and more successful than last night. Small dance afterwards. Aug. 11 Sat. Fine. All day in town preparing for dance which Shirley and I are giving for Enid. Had a successful function. About 100 people there and all had a very good time. Stopped at midnight and cleaned place up. Aug. 12 Sun. Up late. Took car to Otaki to catch Sunday train to Wgtn. Shirley, Mamie, Enid & Norman & I. Enid on her way back to Christchurch. Tea at Mamies and church afterwards. Aug. 17 Fri. Bishop and Proctor came up to take out old range and re-construct fireplace. Also re-built dining room fireplace. George Thompson and man came up after dinner to couple up piping on new heater. Had job to remove stove. Aug. 18 Sat. Jack returned home for holidays. Aug. 21 Tues. Levin in afternoon. Meeting of Rest Room Committee - accepted tender of A.E. Standen. 96 pounds for building. Children's fancy dress ball in evening. Took Lois and Anne. Aug. 22 Wed. Evening Shirley and I went with Or Hunter to Palmerston Nth to see Grand Opera 'Rigoletto' Nurses from Private Hospital also went. Enjoyed opera very much. Home after midnight. Aug. 23 Thurs. Fine. Shirley and I decided to go to Wanganui to attend wedding of Mary Denton to Bill Powell. Left Levin 10 to 10. Arrived Wanganui 12.10 pm. after good run. Edith and Kate, Laurie and Nell there, also Ernest and Mrs Close. Afternoon tea at hall. Big crowd - everyone in good form. Had to make short speech. Laurie and Nell, Shirley and I stayed at 'Braeburn' (15/- per day) Very nice. Aug. 24 Fri. Heavy showers. Left Wanganui 11 o'clock bringing Edith and Kate with us. Marton for lunch. Called to see Beryl Biss. Called at Kellows in Feilding. Home via Shannon. Left Edith at Ron Laws and Kate at Cheslyn Rise. After tea back into town to golf picture. Aug. 25 Sat. Meeting Farmer's Union in afternoon. Small meeting. Football Wgtn. 28 Horowhenua 26 after interesting game. Aug. 26 Sun. Mr Tully up to dinner. Miss Hitchcock, Miss Will and Greba Wallace up in afternoon. Aug. 28 Tues. Evening Miss Scott and I went to the pictures. Shirley to Mrs Crisps. Aug. 31 Fri. Evening Shirley and I took Una Davis to Golf Ball. De Luxe Theatre. Very good function - about 250 there. Had good evening. Home 2 am. Sept. 1 Sat. Had bad night - tooth giving me trouble. Face rather swollen. Up late. Went to Levin to meeting Provincial Executive. Received vote of thanks for efforts re forming association under Rural Intermediate Credits Act. Felt rather 'frowsy'. Went to S. MacKenzie about tooth but he could do nothing on account of swelling. Walked home and went to bed. Shirley playing golf Otaki and won her game. Sept. 2 Sun. Not up till dinner time. Watty Booth wife and family and Mrs Knight (aunt) paid us a visit in afternoon. Watty just had teeth out so not looking A1. Feeling seedy myself. Sept. 3 Mon. Did not get up all day. Face very swollen and painful. Had to take plenty of asprins. John went round sheep and found everything alright. Sept. 4 Tues. In bed till 11 am. Face down a bit. John round ewes. Ted odd jobs. In stayed in all day. Sept. 8 Sat. Went to town in afternoon and in evening Shirley and I went with Mr & Mrs Smaill to Palmerston Nth to Grand Opera 'Carmen' Good performance. 10 of us in party. Very rough night. Thunderstorm and heavy rain. Back to Levin 1 am. George's 21st birthday today. Sent 'wire' of congratulations. Sept. 9 Sun. Fine but cold. John round sheep. I did not get up till late. Afternoon brought Mamie and Miss D. Hitchcock up to see us. Mr & Mrs C. Wilson also here. Sept. 10 Mon. Afternoon Kellow family turned up to see us unexpectedly. Took John back to Feilding with them. John stupidly delayed them. Mr & Mrs Hawke, Mrs McAlley up to see Shirley. Evening Choral Society put on 'Cavellaria Rusticana' to a poor house. Tenor soloist Mr Herbert Carter unfortunately laid up so Mr Denis had to take the part which he did successfully. Fair performance - quite as good as we could expect. Kingsford Smith and party left Sydney for Christchurch by aeroplane about 7.30 pm. Sept. 11 Tues. Kingsford Smith and party arrived Christchurch 9.30 am. after passing over Wgtn. 7.30 am. Only 14 hour trip. Went to Levin sale and to dentist and Shirley to golf. Sept. 14 Fri. Majorie Denton over from Foxton for weekend. Sept. 16 Sun. Took Majorie back to Foxton in afternoon. Sept. 21 Fri. 4.30 pm. I went to D.S. MacKenzie to have 2 teeth drawn. He used novacaine which was very effective as I felt nothing. Bed early. Sept. 22 Sat. Wet. Went to Wgtn. by early train. Lunch with Perc. Afterwards to Athletic Park to see N.S.W. v. Maoris. Stood in grandstand. Heavy rain spoilt game which was worth seeing. Maoris won 9-8. G. Nepia kicked 3 penalty goals. N.S.W. 2 tries, one converted and should have won on the play. Evening Savage Club with Percy. Auckland hapu in charge. Both football teams present. Good turnout. Sept. 23 Sun. Fine. Church with Edith in morning. Afternoon Robs Auntie Ralphs and P.N.D. to tea and evening. Sept. 24 Mon. Edith and I gathered up sundry ironmongery and two ladders for me to bring home. Came by Auckland 4 pm. Stayed at Gran Hitchcocks until Shirley arrived and we stayed to tea. I went to Choral Soc. Not feeling up to much. Good practice (first) of 'Creation'. Sept. 25 Tues. Intended to go to sale but feeling mouldy so lay down all afternoon. Shirley and I went to dinner with Mr & Mrs C.G. Wilson - cards in evening. Sept. 28 Fri. Took Shirley to hospital to have rest of teeth drawn. Sept. 29 Sat. Tom and Amy Ward staying weekend at Grand. Sept. 30 Sun. Ward came up to have a walk round place.
Oct. 3 Wed. Ted and I went to C.D. Farm to sale of Freisans and Red Polls. Good sale. Red Poll bull up to 65 gns. Expected to see John there with Ag. High School Boys from Feilding but he was kept at school as he was rather seedy. Oct. 4 Thurs. Took Miss Scott down to train in afternoon - County by-election owing to withdraw' of A. McLeavey. Gimblett elected 233, W. Falloon 143, Colghoun 90 or thereabouts. Oct. 5 Fri. Evening we went to Shannon to evening given by Mrs C. Crouquest. Very enjoyable. Took Vickers children with us. Home 2 am. Oct. 6 Sat. Afternoon I went to town. Shirley to golf. I went to Shop Day for Choral Society. Afterwards to opening of Bowling Club. Many invitations to join. Went to MacKenzie and had tooth drawn (one with gold crown and put on 20 years ago) Big fire in Levin - Ince's shop burnt out, also Hamilton & Henderson, and Miss ............................................. Oct.7 Sun. Mr & Mrs Jack, Miss Murray and Una came up to see us in afternoon. Billie (Jack) and I walked round low hill. Nurse Norris came up to tea. Oct. 8 Mon. After dinner peculiar haziness appeared and it was so dark that we had to use lights in the house. Heavy rain came on about 2.30 pm. Oct. 10 Wed. Gordon Vickers who has just returned from Australia and Dave Read came up and took away gelding to break in for me. Drove him to saleyards to handle him. Oct. 13 Sat. Kingsford Smith and party started on return Journey to Sydney in 'Southern Cross' 4.55 am. Oct. 14 Sun. Shirley and I took 3 children to church after which we drove to Tararua Rd. to look at my young gelding which was injured on Wednesday in course of handling by Gordon Vickers and Dave Read. Found him looking pretty bad. Dragging hind leg. Oct. 17 Wed. Bridge at night at Mrs Puranis Oct. 19 Fri. Miss Scott went to Dannevirke for short holiday. Oct. 20 Sat. Went to Levin in morning. Big crowd in town on account of bargain sale of drapery by Ince whose shop was burnt out lately. Went to see lame horse - slightly improved I thought but still very bad. Afternoon had a loan of Trueman's team and plowed (ploughed). Oct. 21 Sun. Billy Jack and brother-in-law up hill for walk. Went to Turton's in afternoon. Ted over at Trueman's fixing up bike. Oct. 22 Mon. Labour Day. Took Mr W.H. Pink down to see young lame horse and he said it's stifle had slipped. Suggested trying to put it back. Oct. 23 Tues. Fine and very hot. Plowing. Choral in evening. Mr and Mrs Guy Evans over to see Shirley. Ordered 6ft. set of Whakatane harrows from A. & W. Oct. 28 Sun. Beautiful day. Went to see Maxwell (Bartholomew) in afternoon and then on to Ohau where we got a dozen ducks (Indian Runner) from Mr Benning and brought them home. Oct. 31 Wed. Miss Hitchcock and Miss Armstrong up to tea. Nov. 6 Tues. I went to Levin Sale, also looked at young horse - not doing much good. Church of England Bazaar in evening. Ran shooting gallery. Nov. 7 Wed. Went to meeting of Provincial Executive F.U. in Levin. Not much business. Home 1.30 pm. Political meeting in evening. Address by Rt. Hon. J.G. Coates De Luxe Theatre packed - good reception. Nov. 8 Thurs. Anne's birthday (5 years) Verity girls and Joyce Trueman over to tea. Nov. 10 Sat. Town in afternoon and reunion of R.S.A. in evening. General Sec. (Harrison) also Col. Hall and Major Watson up from Wgtn. Also concert party. Very good programme. Home just after midnight. Nov. 11 Sun. Went down to see lame horse and brought Miss Scott home. Nov. 12 Mon. Helen Beckett arrived. Nov. 13 Tues. First meeting of Levin Rural Intermediate Credit Assoc. R.G. Wall, R.V. Brown, S.A. Broadbent, R.J. Law elected directors. Evening speech by Masters on behalf of United Party. Nov. 14 Wed. Election Day. Government (Coates) defeated. Lost big lot of seats. United Party scored heavily and Labour gained seats. Spent evening in town, very orderly - wireless programme. Linklater and Feild elected. Nov. 16 Fri. Mrs Overton Jones came to stay with us for a few days. Nov. 20 Tues. Evening Mrs McAlley and Cyril, Mr & Mrs Smaill up to play cards. Nov. 23 Fri. Evening with Lois and Anne to Miss William's pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk' Packed house and good show. Nov. 24 Sat. Dorothy Jones and Margaret up for weekend. Nov. 25 Sun. Fine and v. hot. Mr & Mrs W. Jack and family also Mr & Mrs Tully up in afternoon. Nov. 26 Mon. Choral Soc. in evening, farewell to C. Shaw. Thunderstorm in evening with very heavy rain which continued until 10 pm. Dec. 1 Sat. Shirley and I went to Palmerston Nth. I went to Provincial Farmers Union meeting and Shirley roamed round town. Went up with Eric McLeavey and came back by 4.50 pm. train as Harold went on to FeiIding. Heavy rain came on about 5 pm. and continued most of the night. Shirley and I went to tea and evening at Mrs Marsh's. Mamie and Gran Hitchcock also there. Played cards. Dec. 2 Sun. Fine. Shirley and I went to church in morning talking two girls and Bill. Round farm in afternoon. Dec. 4 Tues. Evening concert by inmates of Blind Institute, Auckland. Shirley and I went and afterwards to supper given by Mr & Mrs D.S. MacKenzie. Dec. 6 Thurs. I helped Shirley paint and paper in spare room with Muresco -very successful. Dec.7 Fri. Fine and hot. Went to Wgtn. by first train to go to wool sale. Called at Murray Roberts wool store and saw wool opened up. Looked well - ewes fleece showing little old seed. Murray Roberts catalogue came on first. Bidding not particularly animated. My hogget wool (4 bales) sold at 17 and a quarter pence (reserve 17) and ewe's wool at 16 and a half pence (reserve 16) Not as good a price as I had hoped. Afternoon tea at Fern Hill. Alice, Dora, Trix and Molly and Mrs...?. Edith and Kate there. Home by 5.40 pm. train. Dec. 8 Sat. Ted worked all day with Shirley helping her to spring clean the house. Painted walls in spare room with 'muresco' which made quite a good job. Ted did odd jobs round house. Dec. 9 Sun. Wet most of the day. Helped Shirley in the house all day cleaning up. Dec. 10 Mon. I borrowed Trueman's hack to take Mr D. Hair's cattle (25 steers) to his place up Ohau to dehorn them. Mr Hair is lending them to the A. & P. Assoc. for steer riding contest at next show. Mr FalIoon took Mr Shepherd up in his car. Skilton did the dehorning and made fairly good job. Had lunch with Mr & Mrs Skilton and Skilton rode down together. Heavy thunderstorm came on and I got wet through. Dec. 11 Tues. Evening heavy rain came on. Choral Soc. gave "The Creation" in the Town Hall. About 28 visitors from Wgtn. Choral Soc. assisted. Very poor audience on account of bad weather. Went off fairly well. Dec. 12 Wed. Wet in morning. Shirley and I went to Feilding to see John at school. Big fete on to raise funds for swimming baths. Wet afternoon but big crowd there. Called at Kellows. Saw George Gower in Levin. Dec. 13 Thurs. Showery. Ted and I put in whole day at showgrounds helping to erect cattle yards for steer riding competition. About 10 of us there and we made very good progress. Dec. 14 Fri. Fine. I helped Shirley all day spring clean back bedroom. 'Muresco' ceiling. Ceiling cream walls blue stained floor, etc. Dec. 15 Sat. I went to station to meet John who returned home from Feilding Aar. High School. He gained highest aggregate marks for agriculture and won silver cup presented by Feilding A & P Assoc. was first in english, economics and first equal in wool classing and animal husbandry. Dec. 16 Sun. Fine. At home all day. Mr & Mrs Jack, and Mamie came up to see us in evening. Called at Maxwells. Dec. 17 Mon. Ted spent all day at Pedersons making hay and John went to Rochels helping ensilage. General meeting of Choral Soc. Lost 10 pounds on concert. Debit balance now about 24 pounds. Dec. 18 Tues. Fine, John spent half a day at rochels and came home with 30/-, one pound for labour and 10/- for horse and dray. Went to the Levin Sale. Afterwards to break up ceremony of infant school. Very good entertainment by children. Lois sang with 3 others - first attempt very fair. Dec.19 Wed. Fine, Ted in garden. John and I varnished hood and curtains of car and cleaned it up. Mr Raine of Eclipse Garage came up with new cheverolet sedan which he eventually offered to me for 200 pounds with my own Chev. in. The new Chev. to be fitted with rear and front bumpers and rear carrier. Made no decisions. Dec. 20 Thurs. Afternoon Shirley and I went to town to the opening of the Rest Rooms and to do shopping. Mrs Hobson officially opened rooms in presence of crowd of sympathisers. Dec. 21 Fri. Afternoon Shirley and I and John took children to town, also Joyce Trueman to see Father Xmas. Had a pretty strenuous time. I went to funeral of Bob McAllister. Afterwards went to see Von Hartitch re Chev. Further promise of kick plates and mats. Dec. 22 Sat. Fine. Cut hedges round house - cleaned up generally. Boys cut lawns. Shirley and I went to town for further shopping. Sawtell's agent took us for a run in an Essex sedan but we practically decided on Chev. My birthday. Dec. 23 Sun. Afternoon Shirley and I and children went with Mr Raine for a run to Otaki Beach in the Chev. sedan. Shirley drove down and I drove back and we both liked the car very much. Dec. 24 Mon. Afternoon, Shirley and I went to town and completed buying the Cheverolet Sedan. I paid 190 pounds and put in the old Chev. at a value of 100 pounds. The new sedan is fitted with back and front bumpers, carrier, kick plates. Brought new car home, leaving old car in town. Paid cheque in full 201 pounds - 190 pounds, plus insurance, registration and number plate. Dec. 25 Tues. Christmas Day. Beautiful day. Early festivities 5.30 am. Afterwards all grown ups went to Church of England and communion. After dinner Mr & Mrs Tully and Beryl also Stuart MacKenzie and family came. Dec. 27 Thurs. Shirley in town and brought Nora home to assist in house. Dec. 28 Fri. Decided to go to Paraparaumu for the day. Good run down. Went to Stewarts's house for lunch. Willie at work but came home in afternoon. We all had swim in afternoon. Left about 6.30 pm. Home about 8 pm. Boys milked in dark. Dec. 29 Sat. Shirley took John to train to go to Wanganui to stay with Harold. Dec. 30 Sun. Up late. Went to see Mr & Mrs Jack in afternoon. Brought Mrs Hitchcock and Mrs Gibson up to tea.
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- 1928
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