Bert Denton's Diary 1929
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Jan. 1 Tues. Heavy showers. Thought at one stage that weather would clear so started off to Waikanae but turned back at Manakau. Took children in afternoon over to Clare's place to see Edith. Evening Mr & Mrs C.G. Wilson came up to dinner (poultry) and played cards in evening. Jan. 2 Wed. Afternoon I went to town to bank and Post Office. Called on Dr Hunter, who had just returned from Australia. Examined for Life Insurance. Examination proved very satisfactory - everything A1. Called to see Hammond Murray who is in hospital. Jan. 4 Fri. In town in morning paying accounts. Called at Clares and brought Edith home. Took her for a drive up Ohau. Tui and Mary came over in afternoon. Took Edith home in evening and went to pictures - 'Speedy' fairly good. Jan. 6 Sun. Fine after showers. We went in new Chev to Waikanae Beach. Very pleasant day - good bathe. Ted with us for last jaunt. Jan. 7 Mon. Shirley mislaid keys to new car so had to send Ted to Eclipse garage for duplicate. Shirley meanwhile found her own. Took Ted and his belongings to Shannon where his new employer Mr Upton took delivery of him. Put in afternoon at Beechers haymaking. Swimming Club meeting in evening. Jan. 8 Tues. Took car to garage to have a few adjustments. Evening took Gran Hitchcock and Mrs Gibson to pictures and saw 'Chang' Good programme. Jan. 9 Wed. Billy Jack brought up two boys to stay as Mrs Jack had baby boy born. John returned from Wanganui. Jan. 12 Sat. John and I spent whole day at racecourse finishing off cattle yards. Good working bee. Jan. 13 Sun. At home Turtons up in afternoon. Also Billy Jack for tea. Jan. 15 Tues. Went to Levin Sale. Luncheon committee canvassed for provisions and funds for show and had great success. Shirley drove out to Mrs Newmans. Jan. 18 Fri. Fine and very hot. Decided to cart hay. The team consisted of: Trueman, Becher, boy Elliott, Hor i Cottle and D. Rockell (Vice C. Cottle) Pedersen, John and I. Started carting - two carts - soon after nine but afterwards put another cart (my light dray). This eventually came to grief at the crossing. We carted the bulk of the hay before knock off time. Alf Chorley late 27 NZMR called to see me in afternoon for about an hour. Jan. 20 Sun. Went to church in morning and brought Katie home from Clares to stay with us. Jan. 24 Thurs. Meeting of A & P luncheon committee in afternoon. I am representing the Assoc. in the catering. Evening Mr & Mrs Evans and Mrs Nurse over for evening. Jan. 26 Sat. Keith and Peter Jack returned home after being here for about 18 days while Mrs Jack in hospital. Katie returned to Clares. Jan. 28 Mon. Shirley and I went to Showgrounds to assist in preparing for show tomorrow. Jan. 29 Tues. Dull and light showers. Up early and drafted out 3 lambs that Vickers picked for Show and Hossack called for them about 9.30 am. and took them with Adkin to Showgrounds. Lambs looked quite respectable but did not score. I had to look after the wants of the ladies who are doing the catering so did not see anything of the Show. Steer riding proved very popular - unfortunately Norman Vickers had nasty fall and damaged his face and had to go to hospital. Very successful day and fair crowd. Home late and dead tired. Shirley and Mrs Crisp running ice creams. Jan. 30 Wed. Beautiful day. We arrived at Showgrounds at 9.30 am. and had strenuous day. Very big crowd and show went off splendidly. Gate taking increased 65 pounds on last year. Great rush an ice creams and drinks. Big job cleaning up after the affair. Home 7 pm. knocked out. Feb. 3 Sun. Dull, up late. Dr and Mrs Hunter called in morning. Bill and I took walk around rape lambs in afternoon. Feb. 6 Wed. Percy and Alice Denton arrived from Wgtn. to stay with us. Feb. 10 Sun. Beautiful day. We all went by car to Waikanae Beach nice bathing. Saw aeroplane which made forced landing on Friday. 11 Mon. Went to swimming sports in evening - started races and judged diving. Feb. 12 Tues. Tea in evening at Cliffs. Feb. 13 Wed. John and I split gum tree in orchard. Evening at Dora and Ron Laws. Feb. 14 Thurs. Percy and I went in Becher's dray to Levin taking 1 bale of lamb's wool to station and bringing home 80 ft. of one and a quarter inch piping - also new pole for mower from McIntosh. Afternoon Percy and I started fixing pipes in creek to get more fall for ram. Feb. 15 Fri. Fine. Percy, John and I finished laying pipes for ram and when allowed the water to run through, the extra pressure made all the difference in the flow of the water to the tank which was soon running over and has been ever since. Shirley and I then took Percy, Alice, Bill and Dick to Palmerston Nth. Had successful run and came home via Foxton. Feb. 16 Sat. Afternoon meeting of the Levin Branch of Farmer's Union but lapsed for want of quorum. Family went over to see Clare Gardner. Feb. 17 Sun. Afternoon we took Percy and Alice to Otaki to catch train for Wgtn. Feb. 22 Fri. Shirley and I left about 9.30 am. for Feilding taking Maxwell and Graham with us. About 30,000 ewes in the fair and some very good stuff. Excellent sale. Had dinner at Rangitikei Club with Mr Hector Booth and Wattie. Shirley had lunch with Vi Mellow and called on Misses Roe. Good run both ways. Feb. 24 Sun. Shirley and I took the 4 children to Church. I had to retire early with Dick and Bill. At home in afternoon. Feb. 25 Mon. Polly Beckett arrived to stay with us. Feb. 27 Wed. Shirley went to golf meeting and I took Polly to pictures. March. 2 Sat. Shirley, Polly and I went to Palmerston Nth per car. Had a puncture at Queen Street but had it repaired in Palmerston Nth. I went to meeting Manawatu executive. Home via Fox ton. March.3 Sun. Shirley, Polly, John and two girls went to church. Afternoon Mr & Mrs Tully visited us. March. 4 Mon. Wet. Could only do odd jobs. Met the Napier Mail and brought back Roly Denton of ChCh and late of 27th NZMR to stay for a few days. Bridge in evening. March. 5 Tues. Roly and I went to sale. Small entry on account of the weather. Afterwards Roly and I went to C.D. farm to have a look round. Jack Stevenson came with us and showed us everything. Evening we all went to Maxwells for bridge. March. 6 Wed. Roly returned to Wgtn. by Napier Mail. March. 9 Sat. Bridge at Mrs 'Power Board' Smiths. March. 11 Mon. Evening I started races for swimming sports and judged diving. Afterwards to Choral Soc. and Mrs Percys where the ladies were playing bridge. March. 12 Tues. Evening Shirley had bridge party - 5 tables went off well. March.14 Thurs. Evening meeting of local bodies to consider disposal of C.D. farm. Decided to ask for it to be cut up with 100 acres reserved for educational purposes. March. 16 Sat. Afternoon went to town and tea at Hitchcocks. March. 17 Sun. Beautiful day. Decided to take Polly for a run to Waikanae Beach. Had a very nice bathe and enjoyable day. March. 18 Mon. I took Shirley and Polly to station to catch Napier Mail for Wgtn. Choral Soc. March. 20 Wed. F.R. Wright and I spent some time canvassing for subscriptions for Farmer's Union. John mowing and I relieved him at milking time. March. 21 Thurs. I took boys with me to station to meet Shirley who was returning from Wgtn. but she eventually returned with Ron and Dora Law per car. I picked her up at Cheslyn Rise. saw Rev. and Mrs Abbey at station. They are moving to Australia. March. 22 Fri. Dead rat made its presence felt in kitchen - eventually found it in hot water cupboard. March. 23 Sat. Annual meeting Farmers' Union. Small attendance. Re-elected President and F.R. Wright secretary. March. 24 Sun. At home till 4 pm. when Shirley and I took children for a drive to Ohau River end of Kimberley Rd. Had tea there. Called at Cheslyn Rise to see Amy Ward and John. March. 25 Mon. John mowing on west Terrace, broke small part on knife blade so knocked off 3 pm. Intended to bring home load of firewood from knoll paddock but when driving horses up there, Jess suddenly reeled and fell over. I galloped up but she was dead before we reached there. I could not see any reason for her death. Trueman came over with his three horses and we dragged carcase to an adjacent hole for burial. Worst bit of luck I have had as she was worth 40 pounds at least. March. 28 Thurs. Wet day. Felt rather seedy so stayed in bed till dinner time. In house rest of day. March. 29 Fri. Good Friday. Showery all day so did not go out. March. 31 Sun. Easter Sunday. Fine Shirley, John and I went to 8 am. communion. Afternoon we stayed home. Anne not well. April. 1 Mon. Easter Monday. In the morning I brought Mamie Hitchcock and Miss Webb up to dinner. Walked up low hill and afterwards drove to Levin. John and I went to football, Hutt 6 Wanderers 3. Bridge at Mrs Marshs. April. 2 Tues. Fine. John and I went on building frame work of addition to motor shed. Hossack brought up iron from K. Shaws and took away 5 small lambs at 10/-. April. 4 Thurs. Mrs Tully, Beryl Biss and children up for day. April. 6 Sat. Whole day in Levin. Deputation to Hon. A.E. Ransom, new minister for Public Works. Meeting of Manawatu Executive of F.U. Long meeting - did not finish till 3 pm. I was again asked to stand for Presidency. Dr Hunter up to see Dick who is running a bit of a temperature but pronounced all right. Anne, Bill, Lois, Dick all off-colour in turn this week. Shirley went to Levin Private Hospital tonight - to have her tonsils removed in morning by Dr MacDonald. April. 7 Sun. Shirley was successfully operated upon this morning but when I visited her in the evening she was rather off-colour so I did not stay long. April. 8 Mon. Visited Shirley who is much better. Afterwards Choral Society. April. 11 Thurs. Took the children down to see Shirley. April. 13 Sat. Afternoon John went to football. I went to town and brought Shirley home. Looking very well. April. 14 Sun. Wet. At home all day. Helen Stewart here. April. 17 Wed. Took Shirley and 2 boys to station. Auckland Express to Palmerston Nth where they are to stay with Mrs McManus. Lois and Anne staying with Mrs Marsh. April. 21 Sun. Took two girls, Mamie Hitchcock and Miss Park to Palmerston Nth to bring Shirley home. The two ladies stayed at gardens and waited for our return. April. 24 Wed. John went to Feilding to stay with friends to attend 'Young Farmers' Show' at Agricultural High School. Shirley and I paid a visit to Harold McLeavey who has been ill with pleurisy. April. 25 Thurs. Anzac Day. All went to service in afternoon. Big crowd. April. 27 Sat. Cleaned up car-shed and car. Shirley went to golf and I to football. John returned home. April. 28 Sun. Misses Hitchcock & Park, Mr & Mrs O'Connor of Post Office up to see us. April. 30 Tues. Called on Mr Blenkhorn re J. Avery's mortgage. He is requiring further 225 pounds to finance 90 acres at Sanson for which he is exchanging for his house in Wgtn. over which I hold mortgage. Decided to go to Sansan to look at property. Shirley took prize at flower show. May. 1 Wed. Election Day. Shirley, Tui, Mr Adkin and I went to Sanson by car to look at property on account of J. Avery. Found place very neglected - house in ruins, land of fair quality, badly grassed and watered but capable of much improvement. Situation good. Returned home via Palmerston Nth where we had afternoon tea, then to Levin to polling booth. Result of election Blenkhorn beat Hobson for Mayor. Old Councillors re-elected plus Hannan, Walker, & O'Connor. May. 4 Sat. I went to Palmerston Nth re Annual General Meeting of Provincial Executive F.U. Went up with Harold McLeavey. O.P. Lynch elected President and B.G. Gower and self V.P.'s. I was also selected together with Bond to go to Dominion Conference. May. 5 Sun. At home all day. Lois not well. Helen Stewart over. May. 6 Mon. Evening ratepayers meeting addressed by candidates (Gately, Kilsby, Gimblett & Colquhoun) for county election on Wednesday. About 50 present and good meeting over which I presided together with Harold McLeavey. May. 8 Wed. County election. Cately and Colquhoun and Gimblett elected. Kilsby put out. Shirley went to Military Ball and I looked after house. May. 11 Sat. Went to Levin in afternoon Football Wanderers 11 Otaki 6. 14 Sun. Very wet. Up late. Could not do much. Went to town in afternoon. R.S.A. in evening. Also at Mrs Jacks. Shirley had bridge at Dr. Thompsons. May. 16 Thurs. Heavy floods in Hawkes Bay, Manawatu and Gisborne. May. 18 Sat.
Took Guy Evans and father-in-law Mr RolIett also Percy Prouse and boy to Palmerston Nth to Massey College. Trip being arranged by Farmer's Union. About 30 farmers present. Short lecture by Professor Peren, Riddel (dairy), Mr Skillington and Mr Clinton (vet). All very interesting. Farm looking well and lots of money being spent there. May. 19 Sun. Fine. Visit at Guy and Mrs Evans, Mr & Mrs Rollett and Mr & Mrs Jack. May. 20 Mon. Alice & Norrie arrived from Wgtn. for holiday. May. 25 Sat. Afternoon Norrie and I went to see football match Weraroa III v. Shannon III Good game which Weraroa won by 30 points John played quite good forward game. May. 26 Sun. Miserable day. John went to Wgtn. Alice, Norrie Shirley and I went to see Cliff and Tui in evening. May. 27 Mon. Cold & showery. Went by car to Masterton to Provincial Conference of F.U. Took Shirley also Harold McLeavey. Dinner at Woodville arrived Masterton 4.30 pm. Stayed at Mathon Lodge with Daniell family. May. 28 Tues. Cold and drizzly. Conference opened by Mr T. Jordan, Mayor. Speeches by Messers Sykes and McDonald Ms. P, Dalrymple in chair. Address by Mr Georgetti on 'Deteriorated Lands' Evening smoke-oh Very enjoyable, good programme. President Poison present. May. 29 Wed. Cold and drizzling. Address by Mr Polson. Conference finished at 4.30 pm. Tea in evening at Arch Daniells. Cards and music. May. 30 Thurs. Fine. Came home over Rimutakas and Akatarawa track. Shirley drove over both hills and I took over at Waikanae. Picked up Harold McLeavey and Mr Amyes at Carterton. Home at 4.30 after good run. Found Alice and children well. May. 31 Fri. Alice Denton returned to Wgtn. by New Plymouth Mail. June. 1 Sat. Went to town in afternoon. Doris Beckett came up from Wgtn. to spend weekend. Pictures in evening. June. 2 Sun. Fine. At home most of day. Took children for a drive to Ohau to see Mrs Marriott who is staying with Harold McLeavey. June. 3 Mon. King's birthday. June. 5 Wed. Annual meeting RSA. Again elected on executive. June. 8 Sat. Saw John play Weraroa v. Tokomaru. Weraroa won 9-6 after good game. Wanderers 11 beat Foxton 8. Bridge in evening at Mrs C.S. Wilsons. June. 9 Sun. Afternoon visit from Mr & Mrs J.A. Smith and Mr & Mrs Stephenson. Church in evening. June. 11 Tues. Very wet. John took 92 two tooth wethers to yards and I sold them far 33/6. Sheep looked very well and I had many complimentary remarks about them. June. 14 Fri. Evening flag bridge at Ohau. Shirley and I took Mrs Smith, Maxwell and Cyril. June. 15 Sat. Afternoon went to see football when Weraroa III beat Foxton III 30 to 3. John scored a try. June. 18 Tues. Severe earthquake yesterday at 10 am. Lot of damage to Westport, Greymouth, Nelson. 5 people killed. June. 21 Fri. Went with Clarry Wilson to P.B. Smiths to hear wireless. Shirley went to Bevans for bridge. June. 22 Sat. Took Shirley to golf links and afterwards went to train to meet Enid who is coming home for annual holiday. Train delayed by slips on line. June. 28 Fri. Shirley in Palmerston Nth with Mrs Sievers and 6 degrees all day. Farmers Union in evening and poor attendance. Richards spoke on recent conference. Mrs BimbIett and ladies provided supper. June. 29 Sat. Afternoon Shirley took Lois and Anne to Mrs Newmans. I stayed in town NZ footballers drew with NSW at Sydney no score. Game played in mud. June. 30 Sun. Evening Norman Vickers called to see Enid and asked our sanction to an engagement with her to which we consented. July. 2 Tues. Ladies decorated St. Marys for dance tomorrow. July. 3 Wed. Fine, spent most of day helping prepare hall for dance in honour of Enid. George arrived by Napier Mail. Dance proved a great success. About 100 guests present and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Formal engagement of Enid and Norman announced and received with musical honours. July. 4 Thurs. Up late and went to town to clean up hall And return gear. Very tired so did no work. July. 6 Sat. Fine, up late. Went to meeting of Manawatu Executive. Afternoon to football Wanderers 15 Hui Mai 6. Weraroa III 12 Tokomaru 6. John scored. Australia 9 beat NZ 6 at Sydney. July. 7 Sun. Shirley, Enid, George, Jon, Norma and I went to church in evening. Called into Vickers on way home. July. 8 Mon. Afternoon George and I took a ride round farm. Endeavoured to take photos of the whole family but light bad. July. 9 Tues. After Levin sale helped with staging at De Luxe Theatre. Evening Choral Society held first concert for year. Put on 'The Rebel Maid' with good deal of success. Fair audience social afterwards. Soloists:- Miss Rapley, Mr Short, Miss Chalk, Mrs Devine, Mottershead and T.G. Vincent. July. 10 Wed. Took the whole family (except Lois and Anne) and Norman to Paraparaumu for the day. Visited Stewarts and walked round new roads being formed by McLeans for extension of township. Evening at Mrs McAlleys for bridge and dancing. July. 11 Thurs. Enid and Norman left by Napier Express for Christchurch and George by Auckland Express for Waikato. July. 13/14/15/16. Sat - Tues. Inside all the time with dose of the flu. Up on Tuesday at dinner time. July. 19 Fri. I found 1st lamb. July. 21 Sun. Jack family up in afternoon. July. 22 Mon. Evening Shirley and I went to see 'Charley's Aunt' put on by Local Amateurs. Quite a good performance. John in chorus. July. 23 Tues. Went to Wgtn. by train. Shirley had to drive me to Manakau to overtake train which we missed at Levin. The Chev. was doing over 50 mph. Travelled down with P.B. Smith and Major Tatum. Attended Dominion Conference of F.U. as Manawatu delegate. July. 24 Wed. All day at conference. O.P. Lynch and H. Bond also delegates. Lunch at Gamble and Creeds with Edith, Kate and Percy. Afternoon tea at Kirkcaldies at invitation of Mr & Mrs Polson. Met Charlie and Effie Houghton. Lecture by Prof. Murphy in evening. Very good. July. 25 Thurs. At conference all day. Went with Robert G. Denton and Percy N. Denton to complimentary luncheon to His Honour Mr Justice Myers who has just been appointed Chief Justice given by Wgtn. College Old Boys Assn. Met several old friends. Fine speech by Hon. Atmore, Minister for Education. July. 26 Fri. Finished conference about 5 pm. Moved from Fern Hill to Percys. Percy, Alice and I went to Majestic pictures. Splendid building poor show 'Supper at Ritz' Met Sid Jackson, old Te Aro school boy. July. 27 Sat. Fine. Perc and I went to Athletic Park to see university beat Poneke 24-9. Good fast game. Perc took me to Savage Club at night. Met Edgar Wylie and Arthur Seed. July. 28 Sun. Fine. Rotten cold on me. Afternoon Rob, Percy and I took walk to hilltop to look around as it is suggested that we put the property on the market. Mr Ward surveyor came with us and showed us method of cutting up. Feeling very seedy. July. 29 Mon. Came home by Napier Mail. As I was feeling very much off colour I went to straight to bed. July. 30 Tues. In bed all day. John went to Feilding to attend Old Boys function at Ag. High School. July. 31 Wed. In bed all morning. Up for a bit in afternoon. Val Pedersen came over and milked the cows - 2 - and looked around the ewes. Aug. 1 Thurs. Val milked in morning. Up about 10 am. John came home New Plymouth train and brought a friend Trevor Allen to stay over weekend. Aug. 3 Sat. I went with Harold and Mrs McLeavey to Palmerston Nth to executive F.U. Full meeting. Report on conference. Back in Levin 3 pm. and went to see final III class championship when Weraroa III beat Tokomaru III 11-9 after good game. Aug. 7 Wed. Visit from Mr Hutchinson of Murray Roberts & Co. and Mr F. Ashbolt whom I knew as a schoolboy at Mt Cook School. Went to see III class rep. match Horowhenua v. Bush. John playing hooker for Horowhenua who won by 16-5. Good game. John went with Dramatic Society to Otaki to put on 'Charley's Aunt' Aug. 8 Thurs. Shirley had bridge party (ladies) in evening. Aug. 9 Fri. John off colour so we sent him to bed. Maxwells for bridge in the evening when I won the prize. Aug. 10 Sat. Showery. John still in bed but improving so I had to do all odd jobs. Aug. 11 Sun. Fine, John up today and milked cows in evening. Aug. 12 Mon. I went with Doug and Norman Vickers to look at property across the lake. Good sandhill country under offer to Norman by W.S. Park. Rather taken with place - dry and warm. Ewes and lambs on place looking well. Rent will turn out at about 12/- and should be a fair proposition. Choral in evening, afterwards called for Shirley at Mrs Wilsons where there was a bridge party. Aug. 13 Tues. Evening Shirley and I went to bridge at Mrs W. Donnellys. Good time. I won prize. Good music. Aug. 16 Fri. I went to town with Shirley to meet Edith who is to stay with us over the weekend on her way back to Wgtn. I called at Blenkhorn and Todds and received cheque from James Avery 722 pounds 15 shillings (722/15/-) being amount of mortgage 700 pounds plus interest to terminate mortgage. Aug. 18 Sun. We took Edith and 4 children to church in morning. Shirley and Edith went to see Claire. Aug. 28 Wed. Lois not very well. Dr Hunter up to see her in evening. She and Anne have been in bed for a couple of days. Aug. 30 Fri. Golf Club Ball in evening. Successful affair. Home late - very tired. Aug. 31 Sat. Afternoon John and I went to see football Wgtn. Juniors 14 Manawhenua Juniors 9. Fair game. Sept. 2 Mon. Choral and afterwards called for Shirley at Mrs Halls. Sept. 3 Tues. After sale went to MacKenzies and had two teeth drawn. Early to bed feeling rather mouldy. Sept. 6 Fri. Bridge at Mis Bowens. Sept. 7 Sat. I went to Provinicial Executive F.U. in Levin and afterwards to football Manawhenua 35 Wanganui 19. Very interesting game. Shirley, Marjorie, John and I went to dance given by Mrs D.S. Mackenzie. Very pleasant evening. Sept. 8 Sun. Shirley and children went to C of E. Confirmation. Sept. 9 Mon. Choral afterwards Mrs Smaill. Sept. 10 Tues. I went to Levin sale, afterwards dentist Evening I spent at Bill Jacks while Shirley went to bridge at Dr Thompsons. Sept. 15 Sun. Beautiful day. Shirley, John and I went to communion at 8 am. Full church. Brought Hodder back with us and he walked round sheep with me. After dinner Shirley Hodder and I took Mrs Sievers and Mrs Wilson to golf links and they did a round with me in attendance. Shirley put up her best score. Hodder stayed for evening. Sept. 16 Mon. Tea at Maxwells and choral. Met Misses Duthie and Lindsay and Mrs Barron at Maxwells. Very heavy snow on Taranzas. Sept. 19 Thurs. Evening we had a small card party. Maxwell and Cyril Bartholomew, Misses Duthie (2) Mr & Mrs Smaill and Mr Hodder. Sept. 20 Fri. Evening pictures "The Cohens and the Kellys" Sept. 22 Sun. Beautiful day. I drove down for Mrs Jack and Children. Afternoon Mr & Mrs Smaill, the Misses Duthie and Miss Cornish drove up to see us. 25 Wed. Midge at Mrs O'Connors. Sept. 28 Sat. Cold but fine. Went to Wgtn. by morning train to see football North Is. v. South Is. Big crowd and splendid game, North won 29-20. Evening Edith and I went to the 'talkies' at Kings. Sept. 29 Sun. Church in morning. Edith & I to zoo in afternoon. Allenville in evening. Sept. 30 Mon. Came home by Napier train. Oct. 2 Wed. Billy Jack up to see me in evening. Oct. 3 Thurs. Afternoon went to town on business. Evening I attended Lodge Horowhenua as a candidate for membership and was duly initiated. Stood the strain fairly well Wor. Bro. L.J. Hunter W.M. in the chair and I had a very cordial welcome. My health proposed at supper by Billy Jack. Oct. 5 Sat. Went with Harold McLeavey to Palmerston Nth. to attend meeting Manawatu Executive F.U. Not much business - back early. Oct. 6 Sun. Showery. Afternoon brought Geange and his wife round to see us. Could not walk round as too wet. Oct. 9 Wed. Wet. Up at 5.30 am. and went to Levin saleyards to lift cattle I bought yesterday. Heavy showers during day so could not do much. Evening Shirley and I went to Social Evening given by Mrs Vickers in aid of Choral Society. Very successful - big crowd there. Oct. 11 Fri. Fine. Shirley went to Wellington for the day with Mr & Mrs Sid Sievers. I went to Feilding with Guy Evans to see Feilding Cattle Fair. Also in car with us - Gimblett, Mort Ryder, Mr Blake and one other. Evening - bridge at Mrs J.A. Smiths. Shirley arrived late. Oct. 12 Sat. Afternoon went to funeral of E.W.J. Smith who has been paralysed for last 2 years. Big funeral Masonic burial service. Shirley not feeling well so stayed in bed all day. Oct. 18 Fri. F.R. Wright and I went canvassing on behalf of F.U. Took Falloon with us and visited C.D. Farm settlers and enrolled three of them. Remainder postponed in meantime. Settlers all seemed pleased with their farms. Oct. 19 Sat. Fine. Made my first appearance as a bowler in Levin Club. Only fair. Oct. 23 Wed. Evening Shirley and I went to Choral Evening at Mrs T. Devines. Very good. Oct. 26 Sat. Afternoon went to bowls and did fairly well. Oct. 27 Sun. Afternoon Shirley and I took children for a drive - first to see property that Norman is buying and afterwards to the beach. Heavy wind in evening. Oct. 28 Mon. Labour Day. I took Shirley and children also Helen Beckett and Ray Jones' children to Paraparaumu. Slight shower on arrival. We picnicked on Stewart's verandah as they were away for the day. Shirley and I went to the opening of the Golf Links. Quite a crowd there. McLeans, Howell, Sweetman, K. Kirkcaldie, Dr Cameron. Shirley entered for competition and did a few holes. Home 7.30 pm. enjoyable day. Oct. 31 Thurs. Holdaway and Mr Mears called to see me about taking shares in new bank. Nov. 2 Sat. Went to meeting Manawatu Executive F. U. Afterwards went to bowls. Am feeling more at home now. Nov. 3 Sun. Fine. Visit from Mrs & Miss Hitchcock and Mr & Mrs Jack afternoon. Nov. 7 Thurs. Evening I went to Freemasons Lodge and was put through my second degree. Managed fairly well and got through without mishap. Shirley at bridge at Mrs Smaills and I brought her home. Nov. 8 Fri. Drove to town to look for shearers and decided to begin tomorrow morning. Shirley and I took all the children to Fancy Dress Ball in aid of School Funds. Huge success. Big crowd. Bill and Dick went as cowboys in suits formerly worn by George and Jack, and Lois and Anne were Dutch boy and girl and looked very well. Nov. 9 Sat. Furrie and George Wilson commenced shearing at 8 am. Helen Beckett up to stay with us. Nov. 11 Mon. Furrie failed to turn up so after breakfast I drove down to Weraroa and found him but not inclined to come to work. However, I brought him back after doing a few sheep he turned in the job and I took him back to town and we procured Charlie to take his place for the day. Charlie worked till 4 pm. when he and George cut out the hoggetts. Charlie did 57 but he put his tally on to Furries. Shirley took him down to catch the 4.50 train. Helen Beckett also returned to Wellington by same train. Final rehearsal for 'Tom Jones'. Did not go to R.S.A. "Smoke Oh" as I was too late. Nov. 12 Tues. Fume and George turned up at 6 am. and continued shearing. Had a successful day. Evening Choral Society put on 'Tom Jones' with fair amount of success. Good crowd and not many errors. Social afterwards. Nov. 13 Wed. Vickers came and drafted lambs. Gordon took delivery about 11 am. Shirley helped him to Queen Street with them. Nov. 15 Fri. Evening went to Bazaar of Church of England. Nov. 17 Sun. We called to see Mr & Mrs Bill Donnelly and to look at their new house. It is extremely fine building with every conceivable convenience. Nov. 18 Mon. First practice of the 'Messiah' which is being staged in a month's time. Nov. 21 Thurs. Mrs Vickers, Norman and Mrs Ballinger up in evening. Nov. 23 Sat. Shirley went to Levin Races and I went to bowls. Nov. 24 Sun. Fine and very hot. Mr & Mrs Smaill and Mrs Crisp came up in afternoon and Mr & Mrs P.B. Smith in evening. Nov. 25 Mon. Finished baling up wool and Hossack came and delivered it to Railway. Nov. 26 Tues. Went to tea with Mr & Mrs H. Hossack. Slight collision to car. H.J. Richards ran into us near sale yards. Nov. 27 Wed. Flag bridge in evening. Nov. 28 Thurs. Will and Mary Beckett arrived from Wellington to stay with us. Nov. 30 Sat. Went to Fair held by school Was to have run side-show but help not required. Dec. 1 Sun. Took Will Beckett to catch morning train to Wellington. Afternoon Mary, Shirley and I went to Mrs Hitchcocks to tea. Afterwards to Church - Archdeacon Johnson. Dec. 4 Wed. Afternoon I went to bowling green to see Triangular Shield match. Had a game with Fletcher, P. Meyers and another. A. & P. meeting in evening. Dec. 5 Thurs. Insurance agent (Hogan) up to see John. Farmer's Union meeting in evening to consider notice of motion by J.T. Kent for abolition of military training. Motion not supported. Good meeting. Dec. 6 Fri. Mary Beckett and Helen who came here last night left for Paekakariki. Dec. 7 Sat. Went to Palmerston Nth. to Provincial Exec. F. U. with Harold McLeavey. Notice of motion re military training postponed on account of non-appearance of mover J.T. Kent Arrangements for British tour of farmers. Returned to Levin 3 pm. and went to bowling green. Dec. 8 Sun. Brown, Mr O'Connor postmaster came to dinner and stayed till about 9 pm. Dec. 10 Tues. Went to Levin Sale also to MacKenzie about teeth. Went to Westminster singers in evening - an excellent programme. Dec. 12 Thurs. John and I dug up bamboo in front of house and carted it away. Tough job. Commenced to dig up patch. Dec. 13 Fri. Wet day. Feeling rather seedy. Gladys in bed feeling unwell. Helped in house most of day. John did odd jobs and got wet through. Cut rata. Evening Shirley and I went to visit Mr & Mrs Geange. Played bridge. Dec. 14 Sat. I took Lois to MacKenzie about 8 am. and he drew 4 teeth after giving her gas. She soon recovered after she was put into bed. I went to Levin to do some shopping. Gladys up in afternoon.
Dec. 15 Sun. Met train bringing visiting members of Wgtn. Royal Choral Union to help with "Messiah". Afternoon rehearsal in Municipal Theatre. Dec. 16 Mon. I met Napier train and brought Mr & Mrs Harland up to stay with us. Went for a short run in afternoon. Gladys not well, so I brought her mother up to stay with her all night Evening local performance of the "Messiah". Fair house. A good performance by chorus, soloists very good. Miss Caldow, contralto; Miss Rapley soprano; Ernest Short bass; Mottershead tenor. Good social afterwards. I proposed health of visitors. Dec. 17 Tues. Took dog 'Don' to Levin yards and sold him for 27/6. I took Harland to bowling green for little while. Mr & Mrs Hawke and sister up in evening to see Harlands. Dec. 18 Wed. Afternoon took Harlands to train. Went to 'breaking up' party at infant school Evening Christmas party given by Masons. Good turn out I assisted with entertainment. All children received presents. Dec. 21 Sat. I went to MacKenzie re teeth afterwards to bowling green. Dec. 24 Tues. Shirley and I went to town in the afternoon. Mr, Mrs & Miss (P.B.) Smith up in evening and helped with presents. Dec. 25 Wed. Fine. Christmas Day. After children had opened presents Shirley John and I went to 8 am. service. Afternoon Mr & Mrs O'Connor and Marie, Mr & Mrs G.G. Wilson came up. Evening Shirley and I went to party at Vickers. About 50 people there and had a very jolly evening. Dec. 26 Thurs. Boxing Day. Cold wind. I brought Gran and Mamie Hitchcock and Mr Ennis up in afternoon and they stayed till 9 pm. Lois not very well and went to bed. Dec. 28 Sat. Dull but fine. Shirley and I went to town to meet Nella Appleby and son John who are staying with us for a few days. Went to bowls in afternoon. Dec. 29 Sun. Raining in morning. Mrs Vickers and Norman brought Mrs Stanswell up to see us. Billy Jack up for tea and evening. Dec. 31 Tues. I went to town with the lathes and went for short drive. John went to Palm. Nth with Val.
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- 1929
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