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Jan. 1 (Sat) At home. Botanical Gardens. Pictures
Jan. 2 (Sun) Church. Days Bay to see Kellow with Perc & Norrie. Church.
Jan. 3 (Mon) Fine. S.S. Maheno returns from the war with wounded soldiers. Reception in Town Hall. Opera House.
Jan. 4 (Tues) Fine. Home by Napier mail. Brought Norrie back with me.
Jan. 8 (Sat) Fine. Helped Gimblett take in hay. Took Aunt & the children to the first train to Wellington where they are going for their holiday. They saw the parade of the 9th Reinforcenents. Alice, Percy & children & Miss Guy came up by evening train to stay here.
Jan. 9 (Sun) Drove to Levin in afternoon & Percy went on to Otaki with Mr MCKegg in his car in order to catch the train to Wellington. Drove to cemetary.
Jan. 11 (Tues) Fine. Willie Stewart, Gimblett, Becher & Carter came & we harvested my hay - finished by 3 o'clock.
Jan. 14 (Fri) Fine. Could not take in Cottle's hay so went to A & W's yards. Fair sale.
Jan. 21 (Fri) Percy arrived by midnight train. I drove down in pouring rain to meet him
Jan. 23 (Sun) Percy, Alice & children went to Adkins. Bess & I stayed home.
Jan. 24 (Mon) Fine. Three Morgans came & shore black faced lambs 204 which I dagged before breakfast, (up at 4.30am)
Jan. 26 (Wed) Fine & very hot. Levin Show. Very fair turn-out but too hot to be pleasant. Went to Porteous's for bridge but became very sick & had to come home.
Jan. 28 (Fri) Percy returned.
Jan. 29 (Sat) Fine. Odd jobs. Made bathing hole in afternoon. Rather small but deep (close on 6ft) Good diving. Close by woolshed. Town in evening with ladies. Heavy rain coming home - wet through.
Jan. 30 (Sun) Fine & Stayed home all day. E W J Smith & Miss Lancaster up in afternoon (bathing in pool)
Jan. 31 (Mon) Fine & Made paths round the house in preparation for asphalt Bathing. Will Ross returned to Wellington
Feb. 7 (Mon) Farewell to soldiers. Percy gave cornet solo - encored. I among the also started. Successful evening. Finished with dance
Feb. 8 (Tues) Fine & very hot. Afternoon all drove up river to swim in °Black Hole". Very enjoyable but Harry had narrow escape from drowning. Clare, Vivian and Agnes also there.
Feb. 9 (Wed) Fine & hot. Percy gave lecture on India in Century Ball. Fair audience - rotten lantern. Good lecture. Heavy rain in night
Feb. 12 (Sat) Fine. Afternoon Percy & I went to Wellington by New Plymouthmeil. Visited Fern Hill in evening. Stayed at Oriental Bay.
Feb. 13 (Sun) Fine. Had a swim with children in morning. Wesley Church. Evening - tea at "FernEdll.
Feb. 14 (Mon) Fine. Wool sale tremendous catalogue 39,000 bales. EXcellent prices. W GAdkin 17¼, Kay 17, for fleece, 16½ for lamb.
Feb. 15 (Tues) Fine. Took children down town visited Annie who has just undergone operation at private hospital. Improving. Wool Sale. my fleece 11 bales realised 18¼, beating all records. Home by 4pm train. John Davies of Koputaroa died suddenl yaged 77
Feb. 19 (Sat) Fine. Firing rushes & scrub in morning.
Feb. 21 (Mon) Fine. Helped Willie Stewart take in hay in afternoon. Firing in morning.
Feb. 22 (Tues) Vickers came at 8 o'clock & picked out 140 fat lambs which I put in on schedule. Ma & I went to "Swarry" in evening.
Feb. 23 (Wed) Fine & hot, acted as best man to Mr EW J Smith who married Miss Lancaster. Good turnout altogether. Big crcwd. Everything went well. Went for "joyride" to Otaki & saw bride and groom off there. Showers of rice. Home 9pm
Feb. 24 (Thurs) Fine. Drove to station to meet Row Pope who is up on holiday. Row & I torched fern in afternoon & had a swim. Cards.
Feb. 26 (Sat) Firing all day on Terrace & back hill. Fires went fairly well.
Mar. 1 (Wed) Mrs, Miss & Percy McLeavey up in evening.
Mar. 2 (Thurs). Fine. Row & Put in day repairing fences & pulling penny royal.
Mar. 3 (Fri) Ma Row & I went to farewell to troopers. Raw sang "The Gauntlet" I danced till midnight.
Mar. 5 (Sun) Fine. Stayed at home in morning. All drove up river in afternoon to "Black Hole" & had a dip.
Mar. 8 (Wed) Battle of Verdun still raging & been going about a week.
Mar. 15 (Wed) Went to Garden Party at Mrs Bowens. Ran Quoits competition & collected 31/6 Took 2nd prize hat trimming. Took about 13 pds.
Mar. 18 (Sat) Went to Levin to recruiting meeting.
Mar. 19 (Sun) Kirkcaldie & I motored to see Mr Wright to canvass the district for recruits. Drove to Lake in evening.
Mar. 25 (Sat) Heavy storm of rain in morning but weather cleared about 9 o'clock. Met Napier Mail & brought Miss Bowles & children home. All the children & Ro & I had a bathe. George & Enid had their first dive. I drove Alice, Bessie & children to catch Nea Plymouth Express for Wellington. End of holiday.
Mar. 27 (Mon)
Mr Vickers' boys brought up 48 sheep to be dipped.
Mar. 29 (Wed) Ro, George & I went to swimming baths. George swum about 80yds or more. Evening Ro & I went to gaslight Tournament an Bowling Green. I took 2nd prize hat trimming.
Apr. 2 (Sun) Beautiful day. We all drove up river except Ro who rode Dolly. Had a bathe. After dinner Ro & I rode up to the end of the road. Country pretty rough specially some of J R McDonald's. Left sheath knife on log.
Apr. 4 (Tues) Fine. Mastered & dipped 173 lambs & pet ewe & 2 pet Isdas. Finished job, by falling into the dip while doing last sheep. Very sore.
Apr. 6 (Thurs) Went to town by Napier Mail - On tour with Edith.
Apr. 7 (Friday) Showery. Called to see Robert at hospital in morning. Edith & I left on tour by Auckland Express at lpm. Stopped at Taihape for night. Pictures.
Apr. 8 (Saturday) Showery in morning. Edith & I walked round Teihape but not much to see. Rather pretty gorge on east of town. Left by 1 o'clock train (slow) for Taumaranui. Journey spoilt by rain & hail. Got a glimpse of Ngarahoe emitting steam, also several large viaducts. Arrived Taumaranui 7.45pm, but as place seemed pretty miserable, we decided to catch midnight express for Auckland. Meanwhile we went to pictures & supper (decent soup).
Apr. 9 (Sunday) Fine. Reached Auckland about 6.45am & secured rooms at "Stonehurst". Nice place & decent bedrooms. I slept till dinner time. Afternoon we took trip round harbour. Very enjoyable. St Heliers Bay, Rangitito Is where we landed for an hour. Tea & Church of England.
Apr. 10 (Mon) Fine. Round town in morning. Called at Mr Harold Burnby's office. Afternoon went by tram to Onehunga & called at One Tree Hill on way back & climbed to top. Beautiful view. Evening at Y.M.C.A. with Mr & Mrs Maurice Harding (also staying at Stonehurst).
Apr. 11 (Tues) Fine. Went for lovely motor drive with Mt & Its M Harding & Mrs Brown (Proprietress "Stonehurst") all round suburbs of Auckland. Beautiful drive & nice car. Saw some very nice land (volcanic). Went through Remuera, St Heliers, Otahuhu, Mangere, Onehunga & home. Farm land selling at prices up to One hundred pounds per ac. Afternoon, Ponsonby, Herne Bay & Point Erie (?) Park (this last very pretty indeed).
Apr. 12 (Wed) Fine. Caught train for Westfield Sale Yards but had to get out at Penrose. However I chummed up to man in car & he took me on to Westfield yards. Very agreeable fellow, offered to take me back to Auckland if I chose. Had short time in yards. Did not see sheep as sale not till later. Gentlemen took me for little jaunt & then back to Auckland in time for dinner. Solicitor by profession. I then called on Frank Pope in State Insurance. Afternoon Edith & I & Miss Isobel Smith went in charabanc to Titirangi up in hills. Rough roads but enjoyable drive. Beautiful view from summit. Saw some Kauri trees, very pretty trees. Went over to North Shore to Mrs Bunby's to tea & evening.
Apr. 13 (Thurs) Fine. I went by train to Helensville. Very poor country on the whole. Had a lovely hot bath at Helensville, my first from natural hot spring. Took Mr & Mrs Harding to see the Strollers - a rotten show.
Apr. 14 (Fri) Fine. Mr & Mrs Stewart took Edith Auckland then to Titirangi & Exhibition Afternoon I walked up Mt Eden nice view. Evening spent at Mre Perkins' (Maud James)
Apr. 15 (Sat) Fine. Left Auckland 10 o'clock for at Brents Hotel. Country to Rotorua very Duchess Swimming bath. Great fun.
Apr. 16 (Sun) Fine. Edith & I walked round Ohinemutu. Wonderful place. Hot springs everywhere. Watched Maoris cooking. Went to Maori Church. Rev. Bennett. Afternoon word was received "Pohutu" geyser at Whakarewarewa was likely to play so went out by coach. Engaged Guide 'Eileen' who took us over sights. "Camera fiends" much in evidence. "Pohutu" played for ½hr - geyser about 40ft high. Many interer­esting sights & geysers, boiling mud, frog pond, cat's eyes, lily pond etc. Dutchess bath in evening.
Apr. 17 (Mon)
Showery. Round Rotorua in morning. Engaged rooms at Empire for Thursday. Walked to Ohinemutu & round soldiers' camp, took shelter from rain in Maori house. Afternoon walked around bath grounds. Duchess bath.
Apr. 18 (Tues) Fine. Went to Hamarama spring by launch. Very pretty water quite trans­parent. Stream gushing out of ground at great force. After morning tea want on by launch across head of Lake Rotorua into Ohau river & from there into Lake Rotoiti. Very pretty, landed at Okere & saw Okere Falls & Rapids & Power House, Hinemoa Steps. Had photo taken. Guide Lizzie- regular hard old case. Back Rotorua 4.30. Bath.
Apr. 19 (Wed) Fine. Edith & Iwent on Waiwangu trip. First drove in coach 13 mi1es past afforestation farming, tea at Waimangu House, GUide McCormack took, us around. Very wonderful place. Saw "Frying Pan Flat" - blowhole Waimangu basin & cauldron. Took launch across Rotomahana past site of old pink & white Terraces, crossed over hill to Lake Tarawera at foot of Tarawera mountain. Saw lots of trout. Went to Wairoa where many people buried, Sophia's Whare, past Blue & Green Lakes, to Rotorua. Very enjoyable. Rob, Carrie & girls arrived.
Apr. 20 (Thurs) Fine. Denton clan went to Fairy Springs & toured Obinemutu. Afternoon in Sanatorium grounds. Moved to Empire Hotel.
Apr. 21 (Fri) Fine. Stayed about town. Maori concert in evening
Apr. 22 (Sat) Went to Whakarewarewa & had spout bath. Walked round grounds with Agnes & Amy. Met Jack Devine, late of Levin
Apr. 23 (Sun) Fine. Up at 5am. Left by motor at 5.45an. for Taupo. Reached Waiotapu for breakfast. Very interesting place - lots of thermal activity. Motored across plains to Aratiatia Rapids, beautiful sight - Waikato River falling down over huge rocks. Motored on to Taupo for lunch on shores of Lake. Stayed about an hour then back to Huka Falls, also excellent. Then made for Wairakei. Saw Devils cauldron, Whirakei Geyser, Dragon's mouth, Eagles nest, Twin geysers & Prince of Wales Feathers. Left for Rotorua about 4.45. Reached Waiotapu for tea & Rotorua at 9.30. Best day of all. Jack Devine went with us.
Apr. 24 (Mon) Fine in morning. Regatta at Ohinemutu, Good fun while it lasted. Maoris in great form. Canoe hurdle. Race best item - very laughable. Heavy rain about 3pm. Sheltered in houses. Maori concert in evening. Very good "part" singing
Apr. 25 (Tues) Fine Blue bath in early morning. Left by 9am. train for Waitomo Caves. Jack Devine travelled with me to Frankton. Hangitiki 3.40pm. Coach to Caves at dark. Met J.E. Dean & wife also Rev. Ward. Explored Waitomo Caves in evening. Very interesting & unique. Glow worms in underground river cave very pretty. Nice hotel.
Apr. 26 (Wed) Fine. Drove in Coach to Ruakuri & Aranui. Each of these was better than Waitomo, Aranui being the best. Beautiful stalactites up to 15ft long also some thin as a pencil & five feet long. Representations of poached eggs, candles & many peculiar things. Most beautiful were "Throne Room" "Bridal Chamber"' indescribable. Met Mr, Mrs & Miss Owen of Eltham. Left Whitomo 3.40pm for Taumaranui reaching there 7 o'clock. Tea & pictures, Grovenor Hotel.
Apr. 27 (Thurs) Up at 3.30, caught Express. Had good view of both mountains. Marton 10 o'clock & on to Wanganui. Dinner with Frank. Left Edith there & I went on, to New Plymouth arriving 7.45. Met Thorne of Levin on train & travelled together. Stayed with him at White Hart Hotel. Very comfortable. Pictures.
Apr. 28 (Fri) Fine. Walked round with Thorne before breakfast. Went to New Plymouth gardens. Thorne introduced me to Joe Kebbell - I went to Willis St School with him 25 yrs ago. Also met Frank Blundell. All motored in Blundell's car to oil works. Joe introduced us to Mr Millar (Manager) who showed us all round the Works, very interesting & instructive. Left mid-day for Wanganui accompanied by Thorne to Stratford. Wanganui at 8. Walked to Franks. Stayed at MbCarthys Hotel so as to catch early train
Apr. 29 (Sat) Edith & I left 7 o'clock - Palmerston 11 dinner, Hastings 6 o'clock. Billy Wilson on train. Stayed at Laurie's
Apr. 30 (Sun) Loafed about in morning. Drove out in phaeton in afternoon
May 1 (Mon) Wet. Walked up town in morning. Sat around in afternoon. '500' in evening
May 2 (Tues) Fine. Edith & I left for Wellington via Rimutaka. Ed James travelled with us as far as Trentham where he is going into camp with 16th Reinforcements. Good Sport. Home at 8pm. Reception.
May 3 (Wed) Left Wellington by Napier Mail. Ro met me & went to Dalgety's yards to sale. Home about 4pra. Walked round Terrace.
May 4 (Thurs) A visit from C D Morpeth to see Ro. Barber came with him
May 5 (Fri) Fine. Rode around. Went to A & W's sale. Did not buy. Mr & Mrs Ro Pope and family departed for Wellington after a holiday of a month & upwards.
May 6 (Sat) A few 4 & 6 tooth ewes with facial eczema. Town & cards with Mrs P Stewart & Willy
May 9 (Tues) Found 9 ewes badly affected with facial eczema. Gave than a dose of Sykes' Drench & bathed faces with Jeyes Fluid
May 13 (Sat) Fine. Miss Bowles announced at breakfast that Enid had developed a rash. I accordingly acquainted Dr Bryson with the fact. He paid us a visit & pronounced it a mild case of scarletina. Auntie had isolated Enid & we are all quarantined for six weeks. Enid does not appear much the worse for it - quite bright & jolly
May 16 (Tues) Health Inspector came; everything satisfactory. Enid bright & jolly
May 21 (Sun) Enid getting on nicely
May 25 (Thurs) Dug potatoes. George & Jack picked up. About 4 sacks.
May 31 (Wed) Fine. Intended to crutch but unfortunately I ricked my back in carrying in firewood so was not able to work. Put in all day in bed. Auntie doctored me with hot fomentations
June 1 (Thurs) Fine after wet night. Felt such better. George now able to milk - earned 5/- prize
June 3 (Sat) News came through of big naval battle in North Sea. Heavy losses on both sides. British lost 3 big boats, 3 smaller & 8 destroyers, Germans 2 battleships & b. cruiser, 1 light cruiser, 6 destroyers, 1 submarine & 13 disabled - also big loss of life
June 6 (Tues) Received result of lambs wool - sold at 15 & 3/4d which was ½d under reserve
June 7 (Wed) Bad news arrived that Lord Kitchener had been drowned through HMS Hampshire being mined & sunk off Orkney Is. No lives saved. Heavy sea running
June 11 (Sun) Mr Tress came to have a look round. Auntie & Enid went for a short ride
June 12 (Mon) Russians making a big drive in east - captured 105,000 prisoners mostly Austrian. Sent away 3 boxes apples to Hastings, Wanganui, Wellington.
June 13 (Tues) Helped Auntie take swarm of bees from "Section 15". Made elaborate preparations against risk of being stung but bees made no attempt whatever.
June 22 (Thurs) Jack's 5th birthday
July 2 (Sun) Children went to Sunday School at Adkins - first time - Church - Ehaenzies (Thurs) 5th Anniversary of Jen's death.
July 2 (Fri) Allied offensive in France continuing satisfactorily
July 9 (Sun) Fine. Miss Bowles & children went to Church in morning. Afternoon ue all drove to cemetery. Tea & evening at Adkins.
July 11 (Tues) Very wet. Could not work so went by train to Shannon sale. Very little sold, Had tea with Tom Edwards. Home by New Plymouth Mail
July 17 (Mon) Evening - bridge at Mrs W MClark's. Did fairly well, scored 720
July 21 (Fri) Went to farewell to soldiers. Good turnout. Acted as auctioneer for cakes & did fairly well. Went for drive in Miss Groves' car also Mrs Smith
July 23 (Sun) Fine in morning. Miss Bowles & children want to Church & brought Mt & Mks Porteous home with them. Miss Palmer also came up in afternoon. Heavy rain in evening. I drove visitors home
July 24 (Mon) Went to Bridge Party at Mrs Whitaker's. Played with Mks W M Clark again & won
July 27 (Thurs) Big meeting at farmers re having one joint sale in week instead of 2, carried unanimously
July 29 (Sat) Took Miss Groves to pictures
July 30 (Sun) Fine. I drove the children to Church using Mr Whitaker's chestnut mare on trial. She went very well - rather slow coming home. Mks Gardener, Mr & Mrs McIntyre up to see us in afternoon
Aug. 1(Tues) Wet, could not do much. Miss Bowles & I drove to Ohau to look at horse for sale by Mr Woods of Kuku factory at 6 pounds. Led it as far as McLeavey's then put it into phaeton & it came home well. Cheap horse I think
Aug. 2 (Wed) Very cold & dull, Murray the Maori came & we worked on the boundary fence. Knocked off about 3.30 on account of the rain. Very bad night, heavy easterly wind which increased to gale, also heavy rain. Worst night this winter
Aug. 3 (Thurs) Gale still raging. Kitchen chimney collapsed on top of kitchen roof early this morning, damaged iron & rafters. A lot of trees blown down in orchard & elsewhere. Lot of work repairing. Found first lamb
Aug. 4 (Fri) Fine but dull. Repairing fences in manaing. Afternoon I put new horse "Tom" in dray & took down a bale of crutchings. Horse want quietly & well. Brought home 24 gals of tar from gas works
Aug. 5 (Sat) Fine. Worked all day at Boundary fence (Becher' s). Evening went to soiree at Miss Duff's place.
Aug. 7 (Mon) Whitaker repairing kitchen roof etc. Bridge at Mrs Halls
Aug. 8 (Tues) Evening, Mr & Mks Lancaster, Mrs Smith & Miss Groves motored up. Had a blow out & could not repair. Music & Euchre. Jolly evening.
Aug. 11 (Fri) Evening. Went to Ohau by motor with Misses Remington (2) & Hughes. Concert & dance. Recited Uncle Podger. Good turnout. Had a few dances. Home 12.30 in rain
Aug. 12 (Sat) Bricklayer comenced to build chimney. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail to see Mother
Aug 13 (Sun) Wet. Church in morning with Claire. Marj laid up with measles. Wet in afternoon. Walk with Will. Home in evening.
Aug 14 (Mon) Showery. Sawed wood. Down town. Bought Mecanno set for George. Went to see Alice & family at Oriental Bay. Home by 4 train. Pictures in evening "Neptune's Daughter" - very good
Aug 16 (Wed) Auntie went to Palmerston Nth to see her brother. Bridge at Mrs Parks (Thurs) Farewell to soldiers in evening. Small audience
Aug 17 (Thurs) Farewell to soldiers in evening. Small audience
Aug 21 (Mon) Jennings called re Shares in Farmers Co-op Distributing Co. of which I took. up 25 - paid in full. Bridge at Mrs Clarks.
Aug 28 (Mon) Bridge at Mrs Whitakers in evening - beaten but scored grand slam
Aug 29 (Tues) Italy declared war on Germany, Roumania on Austria, Germany on Roumania.
Sept. 4 (Mon) Enid went with Mrs D.S. MacKenzie to Plimmerton for a week's holiday
Sept. 14 (Thurs) Tea at Adkins & then rook Annie & Clare to farewell concert to soldiers
Sept. 19 (Tues) Cyril Bowles cut with barbed wire on arm
Sept. 20 (Wed) Went to Levin to see Blenkhorn with regard to giving Willie Stewart Power of Attorney over my affairs if I go to the front. Cyril had a nasty fit after being attended to for his sore arm. Soon pulled round, all right by 5 o'clock.
Sept. 21 (Thurs) Willie & Mrs Stewart & I want to Palmorston Nth by New Plymouth Mail. They went to consult the doctor & I to enlist for the front. Colonel Pringle kindly assisted me in getting an interview with Colonel McDonald of Headquarters staff & I put my name for NCO mounted. Colonel McDonald was originally drill instructor for the Horoubenua Mbunted Rifles & I remembered him well
Sept. 22 (Fri) Went to be examined by Dr Bryson for enlistment & passed well, only defect being slight varicose vein on left leg. Fit as a fiddle elsewhere. Signed on at Keedwells for the 23rd Reinforcements.
Sept. 24 (Sun) Drove to Mathesons in afternoon. Went on motor ride to Manakau
Sept. 29 (Fri) Wet. Took 2 sacks potato seed to D Smart 's for sale. Levin Sale. Put in ½ hr at dentist's (MacKenzies) and had one (tooth) stopped preparatory for camp.
Oct. 1 (Sun) Fine. Drove to Church in morning & then to Mr Sorensen's for dinner. Had a walk round. Home about 7 o'clock
Oct. 4 (Wed) Went to Levin to be attested for Expeditionary Force by Major Ashworth Received first day's pay 5/- & granted leave till 13th Nov. 1916. Tea at Mac­Kenzies & sale at Century Hall
Oct. 8 (Sun) Church with children. Willie Stewart over in afternoon also Mr & Mrs Gardener
Oct. 10 (Tues) First sale of new arrangement & all auctioneers on one day
Oct. 14 (Sat) Went to Foxton to see Alb Kellow. Round township in afternoon
Oct. 15 (Sun) "Loafed" round all day. Church in evening. Census taken tonight
Oct. 16 (Mon) Home by motor 8am.
Oct. 21 (Sat) Very wet. Could not do anything. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail with Laurie. Very wet night. Stayed home & talked.
Oct. 22 (Sun) Fine. Went to Church with Mother. Afternoon Laurie, Will & I went up to the College to see J P Firth. Looked round grounds. Picked up Percy at Oriental Bay & hour to tea & evening.
Oct. 23 (Mon) Returned to Levin by Napier mail. Laurie also on his way home
Oct. 24 (Tues) Farewell to Billy Eccleton. Went to see Blenkhorn re legal affairs
Oct. 25 (Wed) Bridge Party given by Mrs Whitaker for my benefit
Oct. 28 (Sat) Alb. Kellow & family arrived
Oct. 29 (Sun) Alb, Violet & I rode up hill in morning. Sat round in afternoon & evening
Oct. 30 (Mon) Whitaker & Jones came & continued on hayshal. Final night of Bridge Club. Presented me with pocketbook
Oct. 31 (Tues) Worked at hayshed all day & got buik of 'work done. Finished cowbail & milked heifer in new bail
Nov. 1 (Wed) Whitaker & Jones came & finished hayshed. Good job.
Nov. 4 (Sat) Morgan arrived late for shearing. Murray & I made a start & we altogether shore 127 hoggets. Willie Stewart came over & had first lesson in rolling wool. Got on well.
Nov. 9 (Thurs) Hossack came & took away 8 bales of wool to be sent to N.Z. Farmers Co-op. Distributing Co Wellington. I went to Levin & paid a lot of accounts. Stayed to tea at Mathesons & went to send-off in Century Hall. Auntie & children came down. Entertainment consisted of its by "Mysterious Ministrels" of which I was one. Went off very well considering no rehearsals. Ladies Patriotic Committee presented me & two other fellows with cardigan jackets to take to camp with us. Good reception. Afterwards little send-off to Billy Eccleton at Miss McKegg. Home at 1.30am
Nov. 10 (Fri) Willie Stewart & I took walk all over the farm & I showed him my methods of working the place. Evening at Mrs D.S. MacNenzies - bridge.
Nov. 11 (Sat) Went to Levin to pay accounts etc. Doing up books in afternoon
Nov. 12 (Sun) I took the children to Church & we afterwards drove down to the cemetery. Will Denton & Gilbert paid me a visit in afternoon & we took a wak round & afterwards we drove to Adkins where we all stayed to tea. Home at 7pm.
Nov. 13 (Mon) Left by 1 o'clock train for Palmerston en route for camp, training for the Front.
Willie Stewart's entries in H Denton's diary:
Drove Bert & Miss Bowles & Jack to the station - number of friends there to say goodbye to Bert & gave him a hearty cheer
Nov. 15 (Wed) Miss Bowles went to Miss McLeavey's wedding
Nov. 16 (Thurs) Miss Bowles rang up to say Mt Denton gone to Featherston
Nov. 20 (Mon) Miss Clark came to stay with Miss Bowles. I had a letter from Bert. He thinks he has been away for months
Nov. 29 (Wed) Took petition round Gladstone Rd to see if we can get our mail delivered. They all signed it.
Dec. 10 (Sun) Miss Bowles & Jack gone out with Mathesons
Dec. 17 (Sun) Miss Bowles & Family over in afternoon, waited for tea. Children had a good time
Dec. 20 (Wed) Bert back for a fortnight
Dec. 21 (Thurs) Bert & Murray shearing. Finished at 5 o'clock thanks to Bert
Dec. 23 (Sat) Took Bert & all the family to the morning train. They all went to Wellington
Dec. 28 (Thurs) I took Bert & family from the mid-day train



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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938