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10 Jan. Jen so much improved that we decided to make the trip to Masterton, although we had practically given up the idea last night. Leslie & Clare travelled with us & we had a splendid trip, the weather being perfect. The country on the Wairarapa side looked very dried up. After we passed Woodville. Farms on the whole looked' old fashioned — stock looked well. Arrived Masterton. Laurie & Miss Daniells met us & invited us to afternoon tea. Laurie, Les & I walked while the ladies drove. Afterwards Mother Jen C I were driven by Jerry Daniells in the phaeton to see Mrs Cave who is an invalid. Went to Hotel (Prince of Wales) to tea & bed early very tired. Frank & Ethel Morley arrived late train from Wanganui
11 Jan. Beautiful day. Round town in the morning. Edith Kate & Rob arrived from Wellington & had dinner with us. Laurie's wedding took place 1.30pm & was very successful in every way. Nellie looked well. Laurie acquitted himself with credit. Bridal party left for Carterton by motor car accompanied by 2 other cars & travelled to Wellington. On the car's return Edith, Clare Jen & I were taken in Mr Daniell's motor car for a drive round the country & we had a most enjoyable time. The Daniells were most kind & hospitable. After tea we returned to Daniel's' for a couple of hours.
12 Jan. Fine. Went for drive in Daniel's' phaeton in morning & saw Mother & Frank away to Wanganui by midday train. Afternoon we left for Wellington after having afternoon tea at Daniells. Enjoyed train journey over Rimutakas although it was very windy. This was my first trip through the Wairarapa for about 24 years. Stayed at "Fern Hill" all night
14 Jan. Returned home by first train. Found that the children had been very sick while they were staying at Adkins during our absence. George also suffering from diarrhoea. However Mr Adkin got some medicine from Remington & they improved considerably & seemed fairly well when we arrived home. Mrs Peter Stewart died on Friday aged about 75.
17 Jan. Took dray to Levin & left it at Weraroa. Mr Adkin & R.R. Harris & we all drove down to Manakau to Mr Robert Bevan's to pick out the Shropshire rams we bought from him at 3gns. Rams proved to be a very fair lot. Mr Adkin took 6, I took 4, & Harris 2. Mr Bevan very kindly took us round his farm & showed us all his improvements which are all first class. In fact he has about the nicest laid out place in the district. We all stayed to dinner & left about 2pa. On the way home I got the dray & brought home new duchess that we recently purchased in Wellington. Mr A. kindly helped me unload at home. Discovered a large crack in side of duchess - evidently had bad knock on one of legs
28 Jan.
(Saturday) Enid's birthday. She had small party of girls in afternoon
1 Feb.
Fine & hot. We all drove down to the Horowhenua A & P Show held on Race Course. Very successful turnout.
2 Feb.
I drove with Mr Adkin to Show Ground to local Ram Fair about 200 rams offered & nearly all sold. I bought 1 four tooth ( reswell) at 1¼ gns, 1 two tooth (Bryant) at 25/- 1 four tooth (Bryant) 30/-, 1 six tooth (Bryant) 22/6 Nothing very startling but should improve
6 Feb.
George trod on rusty nail - very sore
9 Feb. Agnes Denton paid us a visit. Had news that Norrie Denton seriously ill - operation for appendicitis. Received word from Murray Roberts that my wool was sold at 9¼d - very good prices as market rather depressed. Brokers valuation 8d My reserve 9d.
13 Feb. Hudson sent Jack Oak up with prospective buyer (Mr Field) to look at placeat £20 per acre. I walked up as far as Terrace with them & left them to prowl round by themselves. Mr Field however did not do any business. Mr Hudson however called in evening & asked if he might bring Mr Field up again tomorrow & consented to show them around.
14 Feb. Messrs Hudson & Field came up about 9am & we all walked round the whole place. They left about dinner time & eventually Mr Hudson drove back about 5.30pm & submitted an offer by Mr Field of £18 an acre with £1,000 down. I did not accept but lowered my figure to £8100 in order to get £8000 nett
17 Feb.
Rob arrived from Napier & walked up.
28 Feb.
Afternoon children & I drove to Levin. Posted application for renewal of mortgage to Govt Life Insurance Co.
4 March
Tremendous lot of mushrooms about. I gathered about l bucketsful & we took them to Levin to Mrs Gardener & Mrs Keedwell.
8 March Hudson up with gentleman named Cottle looking at farm. Offered at £20 terms or £8000 cash
14 March
T.A.B. Hudson called again making an offer for the property of £18/17/6 for Mr Field which I declined as £19 is my bed-rock.
17 March
Hudson sent letter from Field saying that he could not increase his offer to £19. Decided not to sell.
20 March Afternoon J. Oak arrived with note from T.A.B. Hudson s aying that if I would accept Field's offer of £18/17/6 he would halve the loss £52/10/- with se, his share being £26/5/-. His commission would then be 53/15/-. The amount that I would receive for the property would be £7873.15.0 nett instead of £7900 nett. I decided to accept if suitable arrangements can be made re deposit etc. £1000 down, £1000 or more in Sept. next. Mr Hudson decided to go to Johnsonville to interview Mr Field Tuesday morning & let me know the result on Wednesday morning.
22 March Mr Hudson sent 4.00 up to say that Mr Field would not decide re my property as he was to inspect a place at Manakau. 1 decided not to deal with him at the price £18/17/6 as he does not seem to be able to make up his mind.
31 March Signed renewal of mortgage £3,000 at 4¼% for 5 years, cost 13/6
10 April Mrs Field & daughter accompanied by young Bramley drove along to look at house but as Jen was not well I declined, informing them that I had raised the price to £20
13 April (Thursday) Went to Adkins to enquire after Gil who met with a very serious accident on Monday being thrown from his horse up the Ohau River. Dr Trail attended him — he was unconscious for 9 hours.
21 April Vincent called re property so I took a walk round with him — offered at £20, one third cash
26 April Drove to Levin to vote for Harbour Bd. Borough Election on. 6 old councillors elected, also Rich Prouse, Blenkhorn & Matheson
12 May Harris kindly drove the girl (to help in the house) up
29 May Flare up with domestic. Jen upset. Stayed about house
31 May About 7.45pm Jen felt very unwell so I walked to Becher's and his boy Arthur kindly offered to ride to Levin for Mrs Edwards who eventually arrived here at 10.30pm. being driven up by W.H. Wilson no other conveyance being available
1 June Drove to Levin & took Hilda Driver, the domestic, home again. Mrs Edwards decided to stay with us so we are not getting more help at present.
5 June Children "so—so" Dosed with castor oil
22 June (Thursday) Wet night & early morning. Had to get up at 2am. & ride for Dr Kennedy as Jen was feeling bad. Dr arrived about 4am. Jen had a very hard time & baby boy was born at 5.50 after having to be assisted. Nurse weighed the baby & he proved to be 11lbs which is an extraordinary weight. Jen was very much exhausted. Stayed at home all day as I was very tired. Today is the date of the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary. Big demonstrations taking place everywhere. Mrs Edwards stayed all night.
23 June Jan feeling better today, but suffering a lot from after pains. Baby lusty lunged
24 June Had to make a hurried visit to Levin to fetch Dr. as Jen had very bad night & had very high temperature. Jen seemed better in afternoon
26 June
When I came home from moving ewes, found Jen had a bad turn so went to Levin to Doctors who came up about 7pm & treated her. Had bad night.
27 June Doctor paid us a visit. I had to go to Levin for medicine to steady Jen's nerves which are very much upset & causing us soLe anxiety. Jen & nurse had another bad night. Children over at Adkins.
28 June Dull, showery, very cold. Did not go away from the house all day. Sat with Jen all afternoon & she is feeling such better tonight. Children returned from Adkins.
29 June Fine & cold. Jen very much the same & very despondent. Afternoon Mrs McLeavey & Mrs Adkin & Dora drove over & Saw Jennie for a few minutes. Drove to town for bottle for baby.
30 June Jennie much brighter & baby had good night. New bottle suited him well. About house all day.
1 July Jen very much the same. Rode to Levin in evening for medicine. Dr Kennedy's last visit for the present
2 July
Jen got up for a little while. Children over to see her both looking bonny. Baby getting on very well.
3 July
Jen not quite so bright, very listless
4 July
Sat with Jennie for a little while but found her hardly as well so I rode to Prouse's to ring up Dr Kennedy who arrived up about 11 o'clock. Jen seemed a little better so after consulting doctor, we decided to move her to Mrs Edward's private house in order to give her a change. Doctor considered there would be no danger in doing so. We fixed up the phaeton so that Jennie could lie down. Poor old girl had rather a rough trip down but stood it very bravely & on arrival there, walked down the passage to the bedroom. She went straight to bed and although very weary, seemed none the worse for it. The doctor called in afternoon & was very pleased with her. Jen had a fairly easy night but did not sleep much.
5 July Fine nice sunny day. I left Mrs Edwards about 10.30 & drove home. Back to Levin at dark. Jen had passed a good day. Doctor did not want her disturbed so I did not go to see her very much - just for a little while at intervals. Had a fairly good night.
6 July Jen seemed much brighter in the morning. She read letters from Mother & Edith & enjoyed them also read a little from a book. I left at 9.30 intending to stay at home overnight. Doctor called just after 10 o'clock & after examining Jennie found that, while she was much more cheerful, her pulse was weakening. He therefore decided to call Dr Huthwaite in consultation & sent word to me by Clifford, to come down. I arrived about 1.15 & found both doctors there. I was not allowed to go in immediately but while I waited, I heard my dear girl talking to the nurse quite plainly. After about 10 minutes the doctors called me in & told me Jennie's condition was very serious & I was too stunned to realize what they really meant. Alas, before we had finished speaking there was a call from the nurse & I rushed to the bedside to find that my dearest girl was dying. I tried to rouse her but it was too late for she passed quietly away without knowing me. Oh the agony I suffered. I shall never forget it. The sad news soon spread around the town & very soon I had many friends who so kindly sympathised with me. I sent up for my dear children & Mr Adkin brought them down in the evening. The poor little ones, how they sobbed for their dear Mother. We all slept together, trying to comfort each other.
7 July Dull & cold. Stayed in house all day. Edith & Percy arrived from Wellington by first class train and stayed with me all day. Will Wilson drove us home in afternoon to get a few things & the children returned to "Cheslyn Rise". Frank arrived by 4 train and Rob. 7.45. We stayed at the Arcadia until 9 o'clock & then all walked round for an hour. Frank stayed with me all night.
8 July (Saturday) Fine but dull. Laurie came up by 10 train. Alb. Kellow drove over from Foxton & stayed with me. Many kind friends sent wreaths. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock, the bearers being Alb. Kellow, R.G. Denton, P.N. Denton, W.G. Adkin, L.A. Denton, & Leslie Adkin. There were a great many friends who followed to the cemetery where the burial service was conducted by Revs. T.J. Jones & Rev. Compton of the Church of England (Jennie's Church). Rob, Percy & Laurie returned to Wellington & Frank Edith & I went to "Cheslyn Rise" for the night.
9 July Called to see baby, Jack, at Mrs Edwards. He had a slight cold but is otherwise very well. Frank & Edith came round to my place at dinner time and I followed in the evening with the children.
10 July Very wet day. Frank returned to Wanganui Creeks very high - biggest flood for years.
15 July Drove to Levin & took some flowers down to my dear girl's grave. Very glad to find that the wreaths had scarcely faded. Drove to Mrs Edwards' & Edith made arrangements re short clothes for baby. Another big batch of letters of sympathy.
17 July
Went to Mrs Edwards'. Baby has been very restless and does not take his bottle very well.
22 July
Afternoon drove to cemetery with some flowers. Mrs Edwards came back with us bringing Jack with her to spend a few days.
25 July Took Mrs Edwards & Jack home again. Registered baby. Paid Mrs Edwards
31 July
Mother arrived from Wanganui 4.45 train. Mr Adkin drove her home.
1 Aug.
Drove Mother, Edith & children to Levin to see Jack
7 Aug. Drove to Levin. Engaged Miss Bowles as housekeeper
14 Aug. Will came up in morning after dinner, we drove to Adkins to see Annie. Dora in bed with measles. Mother and Will returned to Wellington 4.40 train.
18 Aug. Drove to cemetery with flowers. Miss Bowles came up today to commence housekeeping
20 Aug. Afternoon Alb. Kellow & his bride-to-be paid us a visit. Rode up and stayed for an hour or so.
21 Aug.
Edith returned to Wellington
25 Aug. Mr Smart brought up a prospective buyer for my property. They took a good walk round & he seemed well pleased with the place. I am offering the place at £20 - Mr Smart agreed to commission of 1¼%
29 Aug.
Albert Kellow married Miss Violet Nye at St Mary's Church. Miss Bowles & children went to Church.
4 Sept. Kingston of Dalgety's brought Mr Buchanan to look at property. They seemed well-pleased with what they saw. Offered at £20 as before. They will communicate with me shortly. Went to Levin on bike to bank & to cemetery.
8 Sept.
George's birthday. Had party of children - Adkins & Wilsons
10 Sept. Miss Bowles drove to Mrs Edwards after dinner to stay all night to get a few ideas regarding Jack who is to come home tomorrow for good.
11 Sept.
Jack's first night home. Behaved well on the whole. Bed early, dead tired.
22 Sept.
Went to Levin Sale, the first of the weekly series started by Abraham & Williams. Good entry & successful sale.
29 Sept.
Letters from Mowbray & Violet
9 Oct.
Went to hear Mr Massey's political speech in Levin. Big crowd & successful evening
10 Oct.
Evening, went to hear No-Licence lecture by Mrs Barton a Glasgow lady. Big house & good lecture.
17 Oct. Took the phaeton to Levin for Mrs Matheson to drive back in to stay with Miss Bowles while I an in Wellington. Missed both express trains so had to down by slow train arriving in Wellington at 10.45. All in bed when I reached "Fern Hill"
18 Oct. Walked to cemetery in morning. Frank & Ethel arrived from Sydney on their way home from their wedding tour. Will, Frank & I went to Newtown Zoo in afternoon. Family party in the evening. Rob & Carrie, Will, Frank & Ethel, W.G. & Annie, Percy & Alice, Edith, Kate & myself & of course, Mother. Laurie away in Wanganui & Mowbray in Sheffield England. Spent a pleasant evening, talking mostly.
19 Oct.
Afternoon went with Kate & Edith to visit Alice & youngsters. Evening meeting of the elder male members of the family with Mother re business.
20 Oct.
Mother & I went for a train ride as far as Wadestown. Afternoon Hardie Shaw took photo of family. Adkin & I came home by 4 train.
2 Nov. Mr Adkin, Les & 1 went to Palmerston Show. Enjoyable day. Looked at shearing machines. Adkin thinking of buying one.
7 Nov. Met 7.45pm train & brought Edith and Norrie Denton home to stay for a while.
8 Nov.
Viv & Cliff over with fireworks.
11 Nov.
Edith & Norrie returned to Wellington
15 Nov. Tea in Levin, 1st Parade territorials. Capt. Guy Powles in charge. He suggested that I go into the volunteering again as an officer.
27 Nov. Took Enid & George with me to Palmerston where I went to see Harris re headstone. Decided to have the scroll pattern, concrete wall with 1 iron railing
29 Nov. Public Library opened.
7 Dec. Election Day. Field headed poll, Robertson (Labour) Monkton & Byron Brown in that order. Stayed in town past midnight watching returns. Opposition winning seats. Big vote for "Dominion" Prohibition but not 3/5 majority. Local option unchanged.
14 Dec. Election day of second ballots. Went to town to hear results. Robertson beat Field by 21 votes. Reform Party apparently has a majority against Ward.
22 Dec. Enid, George & I went to Wellington by 4 train. Miss Bowles & Jack stayed in Levin
23 Dec. to Jan 2, 1912 Spent holiday in Wellington



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Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938