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Jan. 7 (Thurs) Showery. Up at 4am & called for Gordon & went up Becher's Hill & mustered my two tooths which have been grazing there for 9 weeks. Good muster - got all my own sheep. 108 & 6 of Gordon's. Express Co. called for wool (11 bales) & I helped him Load. Only had 2 horses which could not get it out so he had to go to Levin for 2 more. Express Co. brought up 14 bags cement
Jan. 8 (Fri) Evening, Children - Cliff, Vivian, Dulcie, Marjy over to tea.
Jan. 9 (Sat) Levin in afternoon - A & P Association also Patriotic Committee Meeting.
Jan. 10 (Sun) Church in evening. Adkin's horse bolted with trap on account of winkers falling off. Smashing front board. Otherwise no damage.
Mrs Mottershead lost her daughter by drowning at Hokio.
Jan. 12 (Tues) Sad drowning accident at Te Horo when Mr H. Hodge & son were drowned while fishing. Taken by sharks.
Jan. 15 (Fri) Beautiful day. Gil, Willie Stewart & I turned hay in morning. Afternoon Gimblett & Gil carted hay. Andy & I pitched, Clifford & George raked & Willie Stewart built stack (a round one) & made a good job (stack 12ft across bottom). Gordon was to have built stack but failed to turn up until 4.30
Jan. 16 (Sat) "Auntie" & the children went to Wellington by early train to stay at Percy's place in Oriental Bay & Alice & family & Miss Guy arrived by Napier mail to stay here.
Jan. 17 (Sun) Adkin girls over to see us in afternoon
Jan. 22 (Fri) P. Norwood Denton arrived from Wellington
Jan. 23 (Sat) Mrs D. Hyde (Alice's sister) arrived by Napier mail. I killed a lamb & took half to Wellington by Napier Mail. Went to "Fern Hill". Found family there, also Frank. Stayed there all night.
Jan. 24 (Sunday) Church. Oriental Bay in afternoon. Fern Hill at night.
Jan. 25 (Mon) Fine. Went with Edith to see Frank & twins off. Went to Murray Robert's Wool Store to see wool - looked well. Took children out in afternoon.
Jan. 26 (Tues) Fine. Edith, Enid, George & Miss Bowles & I went to wool sale. Very keen. Excellent prices. My fleece wool brought 13½d & bellies 8 & 3/4 - a record for me. Adkin got 13½d for fleece & 9½d for pieces. Went to entertainment in evening with Edith.
Jan. 27 (Wed) Fine. Came home by 4pm train. George had his first swimming lesson with Mr Shields and he performed well. Cards in evening - midnight.
Jan. 28 (Thurs) PN. & Mrs Denton banquetted at Mrs Bechers. Played "Kick the Tin".
Jan. 29 (Fri) Fine. Percy & I drove 114 lambs to A & W's yards, sold 80 at 12/- (A. McLeavey) 14 at 10/-, 19 at 9/6 & 1 at 14/-. Fair sale. Robert arrived from Hastings where he had previously left his beard. He looked quite "swankie". Most successful eel-fishing expedition - 1 eel
Jan. 31 (Sun) Fine. Robert & children overlooked dinner hour. Search party out.
Feb. 2 (Tues) Fine. Perc & I mustered 2 tooths off back hill. Afternoon we drove to Levin to see Robert off by New Plymouth mail after having tea at Miss McKeggs. We afterwards drove to the Experimental Farm & had a look round. Heavy shower came on & we got wet.
Feb. 3 (Wed) Party in evening. Miss Bennett, Clare & Gil, Miss Lancaster, Miss Herd, Les & E.W.J. Smith
Feb. 6 (Sat) Fine. Perc & I finished off dip yards & made good job.
Feb. 7 (Sun) Stayed home all day. Pero went to Adkins to tea.
Feb. 8 (Mon) Fine. Alice & I drove down with Percy & Mrs Hyde to Station when they went to Wellington by first train.
Feb. 19 (Fri) Mr & Mrs T. Edwards up for tea & evening. Alice had bad turn.
Feb. 23 (Tues) Alice & I went to "bun-rush" in evening in connection with Harvest Festival. Fairly enjoyable.
Feb. 24 (Wed) Fine. Went to Hokio Beach & had a "ripping" time. Anniversary of wedding day, 11 yrs.
Feb. 25 (Thurs). Mr Pearn, agent for fire extinguishers & an old college boy called & stayed to tea & evening. Five hundred till midnight.
March 3 Had a bogus birthday which caused us a Lot of fun, particularly Alice.
March 7 (Sun) Beautiful day. Alice, Bess & Morrie went to Church & cooked dinner. All drove to McLeavey's in afternoon
March 9 (Tues). Fine. Worked at Dip yards. Emptied dip & measured in water, 350 gallons when full. Norrie, Harry & I had a bath in the clean water in dip.
March 12 (Fri) Gorringe has leased Tompsitt's farm adjoining me. Miss Amy Ross arrived by eight train to spend weekend.
March 14 (Sun) Fine. The ladies went to Church. Afternoon Alice, Miss Ross & children & I went for a drive. Gathered mushrooms. Church in evening.
March 17 (Wed) Beautiful day. After dinner, I went to Levin to see Lifesaving Display by Wellington swimmers. Very instructive & interesting. We formed a branch of the club here & about a dozen became members including myself. Afterwards I went to a garden party run by Ladies of Levin in aid of the Belgium Fund. Very big crowd & great success.
March 21 (Sun) Showery. Did not go out in morning. Alice & I drove to Adkins in afternoon
March 22 (Mon) Bess & I worked in garden in morning. Planted cauliflowers, leeks & silver beet.
March 23 (Tues) Percy came up by 8 train - I met him
March 24 (Wed) Wet in morning. Dug potatoes for Perc & gathered mushrooms. Man came to inspect farm. Drove to station to meet Napier train when Perc & Alice & family returned home. Garden party at J. Prouse's - fairly successful but rather wet. Auntie did not return from Wellington.
March 26 (Fri) Adkins to tea. Edith & Miss Smith staying there.
March 29 (Mon) Willie Stewart met the Napier train & brought home Miss Bowles & children who returned from Wellington after 10 weeks there.
April 1 (Thurs) Went to Hastings
Apr. 5 (Mon) Fine. Hired a buggy & drove to Awhanga to Mrs Hurley's place where I spent the day. Very enjoyable day.
Apr. 6 (Tues) Fine & hot. Biked round in morning. Afternoon I drove with Mr Herd to see his property in Hastings. Very fine country & carries a lot of stock. Mr Herd has grown stock at the rate of 10 to the acre. Very little grass but the sheep looked healthy. He claims to have fattened 4000 sheep in the 12 months & to have made 12 pounds per acre. Seems rather a fairy tale. He has 150 acres freehold & about 100 acres leasehold. Spent evening at Herd's. Nell & Laurie came over also.
Apr. 7 (Wed) Fine & very hot. Went to Stock sale at Stortford Lodge, Hastings. Big entry of sheep - about 6000. Stock, as a rule, poor & weedy & suffering from effects of drought.
Apr. 8 (Thurs) Fine. Came home.
Apr. 9 (Fri) Meeting in evening of entertainment committee for territorials
Apr. 11 (Sun) Fine. Miss Bowles & children to Church in morning. All drove to cemetery in afternoon. Jen's birthday. Church in evening.
Apr. 13 (Tues) Entertainment to visiting territorials in evening.
Apr. 14 (Wed) Wet morning. Mended bike. Evening Century Hall entertainment.
Apr. 15 (Thurs) Evening Century Hall
Apr. 16 (Fri) Evening Concert to territorials
Apr. 17 (Sat) Town in Evening
Apr. 18 (Sun) Fine. Up late. Rode to camp (on racecourse) in afternoon. Bed early.
Apr. 19 (Mon) Entertainment Century Hall - afterwards dance in Town Hall
Apr. 21 (Wed) Afternoon went to Military sports in connection with camp. Very successful. Took nearly 30 pounds at the gates.
Apr. 23 (Fri) Campfire concert in evening at Racecourse.
Apr. 25 (Sun) Went to Intercessory service for peace in afternoon. The Mayor, Salvation Army Capt. Rev's Healey & Randerson took part. Adkins to tea, Miss Milson staying there.
Apr. 26 (Mon) Fine. Odd jobs in morning picked eating apples & stored them in where. Afternoon finished digging potatoes. Evening meeting finance committee of Military Sports credit balance 37 pounds 10/- for Belgium Fund.
Apr. 27 (Tues) Whitaker made a start with the additions to the house. Put up new tank stand back at wash house & moved dairy round to East side of house - I assisted. Heavy wind from east.
Apr. 30 (Fri) NZ troops in action at Dardanelles - fought with great valour, first experience.
May 1 (Sat). Afternoon I rode the mare over to Foxton to see Alb. Kellow. Evening we all went to the pictures.
May 2 (Sun) Fine. Alb & I drove round Moutoa in morning & we all drove to beach in afternoon. Lett Foxton for home about 10.15 & reached home under 2½hrs.
May 4 (Tues). Wet morning. Took 5 sacks potatoes & 2 boxes of fruit to station & sent sack of potatoes & box of apples to each Frank & Mother. Also potatoes to Rob, Percy & Laurie. Also received box of pears from Mother.
May 5 (Wed) News of casualties among New Zealanders in action at Dardanelles just to hand. About 140 killed & wounded.
May 9 (Sun) Fine but dull. Children & I went to Church in morning & brought Mr & Mrs Porteous home to dinner. Dave & I took walk round in afternoon & I drove them home in the evening. German submarine torpedoed trans-Atlantic liner "Lusitaura" near coast of Ireland & about 1100 people drowned.
May 12 (Wed) Patriotic Concert in evening. Very successful & good crowd. I sang "Admir­al's Broom" also took part in quartette "The Two Roses' which went very well. Art Union drawn at conclusion. Although I held 51 tickets & "Aunt" 14, the children 4 each, we had no luck.
May 14 (Fri) Tea at D.S. Mackenzie's & Carnival Committee meeting in evening. Battleship "Goliath" torpedoed in Dardanelles - about 400-500 (1 of crew) drowned. Desperate fighting in France.
May 22 (Sat). Fine. Adkin & went canvassing Queen St. & Arapaepae Rd for funds for the wounded soldiers. Fairly successful. Afternoon we went to the funeral of Mr J.R. McDonald who died suddenly at Wanganui. Lots of people there. The body was taken to the Hokio private cemetery for burial, Large Maori gathering & ceremony. Stayed in town in evening.
May 24 (Mon). Afternoon Adkin & I finished canvassing Gladstone Rd. Totalled about 60 pounds
May 26 (Wed) Drove to Manakau in evening with Quartette Party, (Mottershead, Smith, Porteous, Denton) sang in four quartettes & recited. Went well.
May 28 (Fri) Evening concert. Performed in Simple Simon & Waxworks. Very stormy night, thunder & lightning. Fair audience & successful concert.
June 2 (Wed). Went to Clearing sale of Lodge's furniture & bought a duchess set for Enid 30/-. Jack & I went to Wellington to attend Carnival.
June 3 (Thurs). Showery in morning. We all went to the shop in Willis St. to witness the Carnival Procession. It was an excellent "turn-out" & took an hour to pass. Jack enjoyedit immensely & threw out the money to the collectors. Will & I walked to the Park in afternoon - Mother, Jack & the girls going in cab. Tremendous crowd there. Bought sundry Art Union tickets,
June 4 (Fri). Fine. Jack & I went to Alice's to dinner & then we all (Alice, Miss Lawless & Bessie & self & all the children went to Park - good sport. Evening Edith & I went to Opera House to concert by Commercial Travellers. Rather poor.
June 5 (Sat) Fine. Round town in morning. Edith, Kate & I went to Park in afternoon. Procession, Band Contest & Gymnastic Display by Fire Brigade. Good entertainment. Evening, Perc & I went to Savage Club. Good concert.
June 6 (Sun) Fine. Church & walk round hills in afternoon with Will & Bob Pope. Came home by Auckland Mail reaching here at 11.20pm, Left Jack in town staying with Rob & Carrie.
June 7 (Mon) Later drove to Levin for duchess. Concert in evening by Prof. Cardston. Fair crowd. Poor turnout.
June 11 (Fri) Fine. Went in Gorringe's car with Mrs Gardener, Chaplin, Goldsmith to Feilding to sell motor car tickets for carnival. Called at Foxton & saw Kellow. Arrived Feilding 11.30. Fairly successful. Sold about 24 or 25 pounds worth. Left for home 4.30pm. Arrived Shannon 6.30. Gorringe unwell so we transhipped into Tippler's car & came on to Levin. Gorringe went home alone. Arrived Levin 6.50, changed clothes at Smith's & went on to Otaki with party to perform concert. Poor house, concert fair. Home to bed 1am.
June 12 (Sat). Wet in afternoon. Odd jobs in morning. Went to Wellington by Napier Mail. Pictures in evening.
June 13 (Sun) Heavy showers. Dinner at Robs. Tea. home & Church.
June 14 (Mon) Fine. Home by Napier Mail & brought Jack with me. Porteous to tea. Meeting in evening.
June 16 (Wed). Beautiful day. Carnival Day in aid of Wounded Soldiers. Very tine proces­sion. All children took part. George & Jack as cowboys & Enid as milkmaid. I was attired as a "swell" - Frock coat, white waistcoat, large check pants & spats. High collar, high hat & red tie. Just the thing! Carnival very success­ful, 2000 people there & took over 300 pounds. I was doorkeeper at Mock Court. Vincent - Judge G. White - Counsel. Takings about 35 pounds. Tea at D.S. Macken­zies. Evening Fancy Dress Ball. Very successful. About 200 there. Home midnight very tired.
June 18 (Fri) Bad cold. T.E. Mills killed at Dardanelles
June 22 (Tues) Jack's 4th birthday, in good form.
June 23 (Wed) Crutched hoggets in afternoon. Concert by Otaki in aid of Carnival Queen. Very good.
June 28 (Mon). Carnival Queen elected. Miss Doughty (Commercial Travellers) 1st, Miss MacCormack (Trentham Boys) 2nd, Miss Senior (Hutt Valley) 3rd, Miss McKegg (Mane­watu) 4th. 7,639,047 votes cast altogether representing 63,653 pounds in money for wounded soldiers.
July 1
Showery. Proctor came to finish painting. Mrs W, MUdgway bought & paid for patriotic horse bought a fortnight ago. Price 5 pounds 5/-.
July 6 (Tues). Young Raper paid me a visit & wanted me to put my property on the market. The only inducement for me to sell would be so that I could enlist for the front. Mr J. Kebbell's son Jack died of wounds at Dardanelles. 4th Anniversary of Jennie's death.
July 17 (Sat) Went by Mail Car to Foxton to see Alb. Kellow. Went down to Levin & Co. office in afternoon. Pictures in evening.
July 18 (Sun) Alb & I drove to the camp of the Trentham Regiment at Rangiotu. Nice position & practically no sickness. Only saw one man I knew - Dixon of Levin. Country in neighbourhood very poor.
19th July. I came back from Foxton early morning.
July 23 (Fri) Went to see Crowning Ceremony of Carnival Queen (Miss Doughty) Very good turn out & excellently staged. Several honours. conferred which included one to myself, i.e. Lord High Observer of Tararuas & Commander in Chief of National Reserves, Great Sport.
July 24 (Sat) Spent day round the house - put down new linoleum in passage & hall & boys' bedroom. Washed phaeton. Moved old ewes. Pictures in evening with Billy Wilson.
July 25 (Sun) Beautiful day. Auntie & children went to Church in morning. I cooked. W.H. Wilson & family drove up in car in afternoon & stayed to tea. Had big job to turn car round.
Aug. 24
Savage Club. Russian fleet defeated Germans at Gulf of Riga. German warship Molke torpedoed by British submarine.
Aug. 29 (Sun)
Fine. Round sheep. Miss Bowles & children to Church. Afterwards to dinner at Mrs W.H. Wilson's. I stayed in to Church.
Sept. 8 (Wed) George's birthday. Concert in evening in aid of Band (Levin). I performed in Pierrots - "Flora-dora" & "Country Girl". Packed house & successful entertain­ment.
Sept. 11 (Sat). Auntie out. Engaged housekeeper for Frank as Ethel very poorly.
Sept. 12 (Sun) Fine. Auntie & children drove to Church in morning. All took a walk to back hill in afternoon. Cyril Bartholomew & Miss Browne rode up & stayed to tea. I went to Church & called at Mrs D.S. Mackenzie's.
Sept. 18 (Sat) Fine. Cyril Bartholomew came to help me dock. He took delivery of 45 lambs at 13/- & 3 culls at 10/-. Those offered in A.W's yards on 10th inst.
Sept. 25 (Sat) Fine with heavy easterly wind. The children & I gathered chips on stumping paddock in morning. Afternoon levelling.
Sept. 26 (Sun) Fine. Did nothing all day bit had good rest. Auntie & children rode up to bush after nikau & ferns. I went to Church in evening.
Sept. 28 (Tues) Fine with odd showers. Brought old "Darkey" from Willie Stewart's & put him with "Gyp" & "Bakke in single furrow plow & commenced on far terrace.
Oct. 7 (Thurs) Evening - farewell at Kings Theatre to boys for 9th Reinforcements (including Kennedy)
Oct. 8 (Fri) Left for Wellington by Napier Mail. Mbther & Edith out so Rob & I went to pictures
Oct. 9 (Sat) Fine. Departure of NZ Rifle Regiment also 7th Reinforcements. 5,000 in all. Magnificent sight. Big crowd of citizens. Watched all 5 transports depart. Several Levin boys went away W. Gordon (late of Dalgetys) H.E. Lodge, Fletcher, Whitehouse. Went with Percy to Savage Club. Enjoyable evening. Speech by Hon. J. Allen. S. Mackenzie there.
Oct. 10 (Sun) Fine. Church in morning. Sunday School Anniversary. Rev.Shirer. Caine home by Auckland Express. Big crowd. Bed 1 o'clock.
Oct. 23 (Sat) Aunt took 2cwt potatoes to station for Mr & Mrs P N Denton
Oct. 24 (Sun) Aunt & children went to Church. Went to Otaki in car with Mt W H & Mrs Wilson - very enjoyable. Church.
Nov. 1 (Mon) Miss Bowles received news of her father's death which occurred on Saturday
Nov. 9 (Tues) Fine. Sent George to get Nbrgan to come to shear. He arrived about 10.30. Shore about 75 practically no ticks.
Nov. 13 (Sat) Town in evening. Called on Dr Davies
Nov. 14 (Sun) Showery. Stayed at home. E W J Smith, Miss Lancaster & Miss Gardner & visitor came up in afternoon
Nov. 15 (Mon) Very wet. Finished sewing & branding wool bales. Washed phaeton & cleaned harness. Wettest day of the season
Nov. 20 (Sat) Very wet day. Did a few odd jobs in morning but as I felt a bit seedy I slept most of the day. Went to town in evening Gallipoli Day in aid of Christ­mas gifts for the soldiers
Nov. 21 (Sun) Fine but very cold. Children all rather off-colour so did not go out. Mr & Mrs Matheson & family up in afternoon & stayed to tea.
Nov. 22 (Mon) Fine & hot. Eeid & George both unwell so stayed in bed. Enid soon developed measles. Miss Bowles treating her successfully.
Nov. 24 (wed) Discovered that "Dolly" had got out of road paddock & disappeared. I rode round but could not find her so rode to Levin but could hear nothing of her. Several people on lookout for me. Children progressing. George rather seedy - nasty cough.
Nov. 25 (Thurs) George had a bad night - delirious. Measles out thick
Nov. 26 (Fri) I went to Levin Sale. Found Dolly on Arapaepae Rd & brought her home. Meeting of Swimming Club in evening
Dec. 1 (Wed) Opening of swimming season. Rather cold. Fair audience. I acted as starter & entered for diving & relay race 2nd diving 1st relay. Tea & Miss Duff's bridge.
Dec. 5 (Sun) Fine. About home all day. Jack properly laid up with measles - standing it pretty well. Church in evening & Adkins where Edith is staying for a few days.
Dec. 8 (Wed) Mr Adkin had a giddy fit in Levin - fell down on road. I assisted him into Mrs Cork's & then drove him home in Willie Stewart's trap & then went back for the horses. Tea at Adkins & then home to milk.
Dec. 10 (Fri) Cyril Bartholomee & Miss M Brown married today. I went to bridge party at Miss Duff's - won prize
Dec. 24 (Fri) Very heavy rain came on about 5pm & lasted about 1 hour. Creeks rose tremendously water over road 1st culvert. However we drove to town to do Christ­mas shopping & had a good time. Home 10.30pm
Dec. 25 (Sat) Christmas Day. Fine till midday then heavy rain for 1g hr. Creeks again very high. Went to Willie Stewart's about 3.30pm. Xmas tree. Self Father Xmas. Adkins to tea. Home at dark
Dec. 26 (Sun) Fine. "Aunt" & children went to Church. Afternoon we all drove down to Mrs MeLeavey's. Home at dark.
Dec. 29 (Wed). Fine Hossack took away 12 bales of wool. Drove in town in afternoon. George & I went to baths. I stayed to Mt P Stewart's to tea & played cards
Dec. 30 (Thurs) Fine turned hay & carted it in (2 small loads) in afternoon. Dug garden. Killed lamb for New Year Taking some to Wellington.
Dec. 31 (Fri) Went to Wellington by New Plymouth express. Went down with Alb. Kellow.



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Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938


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Bert Denton's Diary 1926
Diary of Herbert (Bert) Denton
Bert Denton's Diary 1923
Bert Denton's Diary 1906
Bert Denton's Diary 1929
Bert Denton's Diary 1930.
Bert Denton's Diary 1924
Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
Bert Denton's Diary 1909
Herbert Denton's Diary of Sydney Trip 1938