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20 Feb. In afternoon packed up our things for holiday at Plimmerton & left for Wellington by mail train leaving "swags" at Plimmerton en route. Stayed at Fern Hill also Jen & children (who were already in Wellington) Louie much the same but v. weak.
21 Feb. Fine did not do much. I was about to take a tram ride to Seatoun with Jen, Edie & the children in afternoon when I received a wire from Adkin telling me to return home as fires were spreading. We all therefore jumped into tram for Manawatu Station. I left for home by 4.15pm train. called at Adkins for particulars & tea. Found that fires had gone down a lot & the danger apparently over. Home 10pm.
22 Feb. Fine, took a walk round. Fire had spread over a considerable portion of Sect. 14b. on to low hill not much damagedone other than a few posts C battens burnt. Couple of wires had broken. The fire had cleaned up a good deal of scrub & rubbish C had burnt up a few ratas. I concluded that the fire could not do me much damage so I returned to town by mail train.
24 Feb. - March 2 Fine today. Jen & I & children went to Plimmerton & stayed until the following Monday in Mr W.B. Bennett's house at a rental of 25/-. Had fine weather C enjoyed the rest very much. Mrs Bert Giesen staying there at the same time. Mother & Kate paid us visits. Came home 2nd by 2.15 train and then by cab. Found everything alright.
8 March George is 6 months today - has 2 teeth and has sat alone without support and is in really good form. Jen commenced to wean him today.
30 April Measured Totara tree recently burnt it being over 18ft round & 16ft to nearest bough.
10 April (Description of sheep belonging to J.R. McDonald having facial exzema).
1 May Found one ewe affected by this "new disease" so I isolated it in pig yard.
21 May
Went to Claude Palmers sale (clearing) bought wool press (Murrays patent) at £5-5-0
22 May Joe & I took dray to Palmers to get wool press. Found it heavy job to get it on to cart. If it had not been for help kindly given by Mr F. Burnell, 2 other men we would not have got it on. Home at 3.30 but dark when we got it unshipped
24-29 June In Wellington 27 Entry: Down town in the evening with Edie & Miss Daniell of Masterton (Laurie's young lady) staying at "Fern Hill"
11 July
When I got home found Enid was not well, covered with red spots (irritable). Sent Joe for Dr Kennedy who pronounced it to be nothing serious for which we were very thankful as we had fears of scarlet fever or at least measles
14 Enid seems in good spirits & behaves well under circumstances. Jen's throat still bad.
12 July(Sun) Enid had fairly good night but still very swollen about the face & red over parts of her body. Did not go out all day. George performed in the evening by pulling grimaces which we took to be slight convulsions. Jen's throat no better
13 July
Children very much better tho' Jen seems no better at all & has partially no voice, tried compresses, syringe & medicine without much success
15 July Jen's cold no better so stayed in bed all day. I looked after house in morning. Jen was to have appeared in YMCA concert tonight but of course could not go.
16 July Jen got up & cooked dinner but did not feel v. fit. Also did a bit of washing for Jen.
17 July
Fine but very cold. Jen decided to stay in bed again so I did housework. Snow on hills.
18 July Showery with snow v. low on hills. Jen rather better so got up about 10 o'clock. 19th Jen slightly better 21st Jen fairly well.
22 Jen no better so did not get up till late
23 July Beautiful day afternoon drove family to Levin Home 4pm.
24 July Jen felt v. much worse so did not get up. I worked in house all day. In evening Jen felt worse so sent Joe for Dr Kennedy who came up & gave her some medicine. Jen had a fairly good night.
25 July Jen better in morning but stayed in bed all day
26 July(Sun) Did not go out, wet in morning. Jen got up just before dinner a good deal better. Annie & Marjy came over to see her after dinner
9 Aug.(Sun) We all went to Church but I had to go out with the children as George took charge.
12 Aug.
Afternoon Jen & 1 & kiddies drove to Ohau to wedding of Miss Arcus, very successful
21 Sept. Put in piles for Joe's whare. Woollett brought up about 1100ft of timber for me & took back a load of piles for Prouse Bros Ltd. Did not do a deal in posts. Singleton came to look at job C will come up to work on Wednesday.
22 Sept. Siggleton failed to turn up. 24th Siggleton came & we commenced to build where for Joe. Got the shape up.
25 Sept.
Siggleton came & we practically finished outside work on Joe's where, 26th Put up some of the lining in Joe's whare
28 Sept Siggleton commenced on woolshed (addition)
30 "
Siggleton finished
1 Oct.
George walked 4 steps alone tonight & is in great form.
19 Oct.
Joe left today to return to Andrews
11 Nov.
Drove to Levin to vote County Election McLeavey 212 Prouse 145 Richards 210
12 Nov.
Harris sent young man H.B. Wright (just out from Yorkshire) up to ask for work. I engaged him to help me through with shearing. Very decent boy.
17 Nov.
Jen & I went to vote a Parliamentary Election. Rode to see results in evening. Field defeated Brown by 88 votes Fisher beat Hislop
25 Nov.(Wed) Fine cleaned trap. Called for Mother (staying with Annie) and we all drove to Otaki Show, awful hole Long day home at 7.30
15 Dec. Fine. Jen not very well. In afternoon drove to formal opening of new factory of Levin Dairy Co. Very nice building and plant. Afternoon tea commenced to rain about 3.30. I drove to Levin & then called for family at factory.
16 Dec.(Wed) Jen unwell so I did housework. Round stock in pm. Cold wind. Were to have gone to garden party but it was postponed on a/c of weather. Drove as far as Prouses & Stewarts. Bought drake for Christmas.
17 Dec. Strong wind but fine. Lit a lot of fires which burnt very well; 2 or 3 stumps burnt right off. Put in most of the day stoking
19 Dec.(Sat) Drove to Levin in the evening picking up Mrs W. Stewart on the way. When opposite the factory we met Miss Saxon whose horse shied as she had allowed very little room. In passing her trap collided with the phaeton, striking our back wheel throwing the hind wheels out of place, breaking a coupling & splashboard also straining a spring. Mr Dempster kindly bound up broken parts with wire and we went on to Levin but Mrs Stewart returned home with Mrs Or McKenzie who was passing. Went to see McIntosh re repairs. Met Con Saxon who was sorry for accident & offered to pay expenses. Did not get home till late.
22 Dec. Party (on at ) of Adkins to celebrate my birthday
23 Dec. Rode to Levin in afternoon & drove phaeton back repaired by McIntosh
24 Dec. Worked round house in morning in afternoon drove to Levin to see shops & buy Christmas presents. Evening I drove to meet 7.45 train & Alb Kellow who came up to spend Christmas
Christmas Day 25 Dec. Up late, Fine weather. After dinner drove to Adkins where we spent afternoon & evening played games etc. till 9pm
26 Dec. Boxing Day. Fine. Hung about in morning. Afternoon drove to Lake & went out in
sailing boat with Alb.
27 December All missed train to town
29 Dec.
Afternoon drove to beach in dray.
30 December Dull. All at beach Margy Vivian & Denton family
31 December Rode home



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Bert Denton's Diary 1918
Bert Denton's Diary 1928.
Bert Denton's Diary 1910
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